
Xianxia Eroge

Liam was an ordinary gamer who became the first player to complete the final goal of an online erotic RPG (Xianxia Eroge) by conquering and dominating two of the most difficult Female NPC. But then an anonymous gamer's comment transformed his life, sending him to the games world as a minor villain, a minor enemy of Righteousness to be hunt down. Will he survive or will he control the realm of XIANXIA EROGE!? ---------------- [Warning: Mature content. Please know that this novel contains +18 content so be careful if you decides to read.] Thanks as you continue and support me in this journey◉‿◉ Don't also forgot to drop reviews and comments, I'll appreciate that a lot

Gc_sage · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Qiao Lian

At the entrance stood an enchanting lady dressed in a vibrant red robe adorned with delicate white ribbons. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back, and her captivating eyes, a blend of black, sparkled with a combination of amusement and irritation.

As he laid eyes upon her, a fragment of memory played in his mind, and he finally recognized her true identity—she was none other than his mistress.

'What the heck does she want with me now out of all time?' He bitterly complained in his heart without daring to voice it out. 

In this particular universe, Mo Shen was a feeble cultivator driven by a twisted ambition to amass a formidable harem and ascend to the status of a Harem God, wanting to be the Almighty King Of Women in the whole universe that no one can reach. 

He was one who loved power, women and wanted to be feared by everyone.

Unfortunately, he was afflicted with frailty, burdened by a damaged meridian that rejected the infusion of energy from the world. Consequently, he found himself trapped in the realm of humans for an extended period.

The lady before him, Qiao Lian, happened to be the only daughter of the Qiao Family patriarch. Rather than letting Mo Shen perish, she had saved him from certain death by taking him under her care. 

Out of gratitude, Mo Shen accepted her offer and agreed to become her companion. Little did he know, however, that Qiao Lian's intentions were far from genuine, as she sought to exploit his Yang Qi to bolster her own cultivation.

Within that fragment of memory, Liam also discovered the name—Mo Shen. He was the sole survivor of the Mo family following a catastrophic conflict that had wrought devastation upon his kin, making him the only remaining one of the Mo's family and now, the last survivor Mo Shen was dead.

Qiao Lian smiled at Liam, her fingers playfully grazing her lips, as she discarded any trace of the explicit gesture previously described.

Qiao Lian, keenly observant, noticed Liam's altered state and leisurely advanced toward him, a seductive smile playing upon her lips. Coming to a halt right in front of him, she raised her gaze to meet his, her dark eyes captivating his attention.

"Do you find me attractive, Mo Shen? I intentionally dressed this way to captivate your charming gaze," she teased, extending her hand as if to touch him but refraining from doing so. Why she called him 'Mo Shen' was because she doesn't know the person before her wasn't longer Mo Shen but another.

"I know you cannot resist me. Isn't that true?"

Liam attempted to withdraw, but Qiao Lian held him firmly, her strength surpassing his own and rendering his efforts futile.

With a mischievous grin adorning her face, she lightly caressed his crotch.

Liam experienced a surge of desire coursing through his body as she touched him through his clothing, feeling the urge kicking inside him to get to the main deal.

'Hmmmm, I see, keep trying then....' he realised, this was what the original Mo Shen was passing through in her hands. 'She doesn't know this isn't longer the same person. I'll play along with her.'

He halted his thoughts abruptly when he felt her hands sliding inside his pants, encompassing his partially erect member.

"Why are you lost in thought? Come now, you know you cannot escape my allure, no matter how hard you try," she cooed.

Liam emitted a pleasurable grunt as she firmly grasped his fully engorged little man, rhythmically stroking it from the tip to the base.

"My darling, I have discovered a solution for your afflicted dantian," she murmured, simultaneously manipulating his member to her heart's content.

Qiao Lian had a smirk on her face, she played with his little man beneath his clothing, stroking it roughly. While within Liam's body, a tingling sensation was circulating around his entire body.

"Truly?!" He joyously asked with a happy expression on his face, his body shivering at the sound of that. 

"Qiao Lian, please provide me with the cure. I cannot continue living in this feeble state forever. Don't you want your companion to be perceived as a strong individual by others?" 

Liam seized the opportunity to converse with Qiao Lian, through the memories of the former Mo Shen, he saw that he tried different ways to cultivate but none worked for him.

'Taking control of the body, I first need to solve the problem of cultivating.' He was well aware that unless he found a means to cultivate, he would remain enslaved to her indefinitely.

"Of course, I desire my companion to be weak, possibly the weakest, so I can assert my dominance and compel obedience," she replied, drawing her lips tantalisingly close to Liam's before planting a kiss upon them and then withdrawing.

There was something special about Mo Shen but she couldn't get her hand on what it is, which she was trying to find out about, making different research about him but they were fruitless. This also added to the reason, she was keeping him with her and refusing to make him become strong.

Although she maintained her grip on his member, she handled it more cautiously this time.

"However, there is a price to pay. The treatment is rare and expensive, and I'm certain you do not expect it to come without cost."

"Which price? Just give it to me, I will pay in the future if I lack the means at present."

A dark light flashed in his eyes, his voice containing a pleading tone.

She grinned, tightening her grip on his fully aroused organ, veins pulsating along its surface. 

Liam could feel his organ trying to burst out from the hand of Qiao Lian which made her chuckle a little. However, Liam still stayed calm, controlling his body from bending to her will.

"I demand one week of incessant lovemaking whenever I desire it. Each day, you must comply with the position I have in mind. Do we have a deal?"

Liam did not hesitate in his response, as long it's was going to solve the problem of cultivation.

He was already transmigrated into this world, thinking about it wasn't going to change anything or turn back time, so what he should be concerned was about his survival here in this dangerous world.

"Deal!" he exclaimed almost immediately, evoking a smirk from Qiao Lian.

Using the heel of her shoe, she closed the door and then knelt down, her face level with his engorged manhood.

"Hmm~ Even if you resist me with all your might, this part of your body won't. So why don't you just give in to your body feelings and experience the sweet sensation" she uttered.

Liam smiled, shook his head pitifully. She thought he was still controllable as before, not knowing the situation had just changed.

Liam in his original self, was intelligent, a top level player of any kind of games. He was famous and popular, known by thousands or even millions of people, that even game companies pay him to test out their games due to how good he is, which made him become damn rich as a top gamer.

As a top ranked player with wide knowledge, he knows a lot of game stuff, loopholes, secrets, quests, techniques, tricks and how to go about difficult situations..

He had faced and successfully gone through difficult missions in games, so, the problem of Qiao Lian before him, it was quite complicated but he trusts himself that he can pass this, though it was going to take a long time, but surely he can.

Arriving in this world, he saw it as a mission and challenge to pass through just in games, and wasn't going to fail.

'Since the system made me a villain, then I can't continue to be a pushover like trash. Let's try and solve this.'

Liam fought to stifle a moan as Qiao Lian's warm breath tickled his member. He understood the precariousness of his situation, yet he didn't allow his lust and desire overwhelmed his sound judgement.

'Apologies, V-Card, but I'm prepared to bid you farewell today,' Liam mused to himself, a grin spreading across his face at the thought of throwing away his virginity.

Qiao Lian's tongue began tracing circles around the head of his rod, eliciting a groan from Mo Shen's lips.

Liam's eyes shone as he saw her voluptuous body, and how she handled the full situation was making his body tremble in excitement. Her big, ravishing breasts seemed so soft and firm, and he could say that they were at least a G cup. He feeds his eyes with the beautiful body in front of him.

She then engulfed him with her mouth, employing skilled techniques to pleasure him.

Liam watched the beauty before him in awe. Finally, after an extensive period of abstinence, he was engaging in sexual activity with such a stunning woman.

Qiao Lian continued to stimulate him with her mouth, alternating her pace and technique to keep Liam teetering on the brink of pleasure.

Right now, his head was filled with thoughts of how to go about everything, at the same time, he felt the pleasurable sensation filling his body with excitement. At this moment, his body was on cloud-9, experiencing an heavenly sweet feeling that he can't explain.

"This fellatio feels exquisite," he marvelled, the intense pleasure coursing through his body, leaving him yearning for the main course of their intimate encounter.

Qiao Lian cast a teasing glance in his direction as she intensified her movements.

Still Liam's mind wasn't fully consumed by the overwhelming pleasure, maintaining his composure.

His member throbbed within her mouth as he reached climax, releasing his essence.

Qiao Lian swallowed his release and then stood up, using the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. "That was merely a glimpse of what lies ahead," she declared with a smirk. "Prepare yourself for a week of uninterrupted pleasure, my darling."

Liam smiles her words off without thinking much about it. His safety and survival was what was troubling his mind, how to go about this.

Editing isn't easy..... Somehow more tiring than writing

I got to re-edit this chapter over and over again till it's okay to read and understand

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