
Xianxia Eroge

Liam was an ordinary gamer who became the first player to complete the final goal of an online erotic RPG (Xianxia Eroge) by conquering and dominating two of the most difficult Female NPC. But then an anonymous gamer's comment transformed his life, sending him to the games world as a minor villain, a minor enemy of Righteousness to be hunt down. Will he survive or will he control the realm of XIANXIA EROGE!? ---------------- [Warning: Mature content. Please know that this novel contains +18 content so be careful if you decides to read.] Thanks as you continue and support me in this journey◉‿◉ Don't also forgot to drop reviews and comments, I'll appreciate that a lot

Gc_sage · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Qiao Lian's cousin

There are two major types of cultivation in this world namely martial arts cultivation and essence cultivation.

The cultivation of martial arts is concerned with the improvement of the body in order to break past the restriction put on how much strength the human body can comprehend.

Essence cultivation is concerned with the collection of energy from heaven and earth in order to wield diverse powers such as elements and spirits.

Liam is well-versed in the cultivation of this universe because he has been playing the game since its initial release, which was over two years ago. So the cultivation procedures aren't strange to him.

He was the top ranked player when it came to the 'Xianxia Eroge'

And in that time, he was able to reach the Quasi supreme realm, which is still relatively low in comparison to the pinnacles, which have yet to be released in the gaming world.

The first three realms of essence cultivation are Qi Attainment, Dantian Forming, and Vessel purifying. These three realms are further divided into three stages namely: low, mid, and peak.

Martial art cultivation is ranked in stars, with one star being the lowest. Each star is also divided into three stages, which are the same as the essence cultivation realm.

Not everyone can cultivate in these two types of cultivation. Must people can only cultivate in one while few talented ones with high potential can cultivate in both but won't be easy.

Liam sat on the bed, thinking, trying to recall everything he remembered about this family and their town.

No matter how hard he tried, all he could come up with was another severe headache.

He was on another server when he played, and he spawned in a different cultivator beginning village.

'During my previous life, I was able to raise my body cultivation to 4-star status and my essence cultivation to the Quasi Supreme level. However, I doubt that things would go as well in real life as they did in the game.'

[Erotic system online]

[You have earned 500 Erotic Points]

Mo Shen raised his head after hearing the feminine voice of the system. His face quickly wore a frowning expression.

However, his expression changed as he noticed his stats displayed in front of him, along with a picture of him frowning in the top left of the tab.

-Host name: Liam

-Age: 18

-Erotic Points: 500

-Cultivation: Essence: N/A | Martial arts: N/A

-Techniques: None

-Harem members: 0

-Shop: Open shop {Yes/No}

Liam stared at the status window for more than a minute before shifting his gaze away from it.

The system was like a game, but slightly different.

The figures weren't what he expected, they weren't the same stats used in the game world, but as he considered this, a new question arose in his heart that he needed answering.

'Hey, system, if I'm in the game world, what time is it, and will players appear in this world?'

Observing the system, he already had the knowledge that he can communicate with it through his mind, talking to it aloud can arose suspiciousness from people and might expose him.

[You are seven years in-game time before the release of the game in your world. Players wouldn't be able to appear in this world, even though when they are playing the game, they still wouldn't]

Liam rested his hands on his chin and thought for a moment.

'Well, why am I even worried? even though players appear in this world, I would certainly become one of the evil NPC they all would fight to kill. This is interesting, giving me the chance to act to my heart content.'

"Open shop"

[Command Received.. Shop opening »»]


[Items] [Upgrades]

He opened the upgrade shop and saw there was nothing there except a message that was displayed in red [There's nothing here to upgrade]

Liam facepalmed himself before going back to the shop's main menu and then navigated to the Item shop.

-10 Years old ginseng - 1,000 Erotic Points

-Dantian Nourishing pill - 2,000 Erotic Points

-Rank 1 Dark blade - 3,000 Erotic points

-Rank 1 Whistling Spear - 3,000 Erotic Points

-Rank 1 refined thread - 3,000 Erotic Points

-Eye of culture skill - 5,000 Erotic

-Mysterious egg - 10,000 Erotic points

-Random Tier 1 magic spell - 10,000 Erotic points.

[Item reloads every 48 hours]

Liam sighed. All the features of the system are currently just useless to him, there was nothing he could use right now and nothing in the shop he could buy with the measly amount of erotic points he got now.

And to crown it all, he was in the court of Qiao Lian, a fairly large one at that, and mounted with securities all over. Making it extremely difficult to escape.

In other words, he is trapped in her little world, this miserable bitch won't let him out of her sight no matter what.

Liam had no choice, he lay on the bed with his eyes facing the ceiling.

'This can't stop me from my goal, every reincarnators always have a bad start but a splendid ending. Mine won't be different!' He kept reading that to himself in his mind to prevent him from thinking too much.

His goal is already set, first was get out of here and then become powerful as he hates to be held captive, then he would enjoy as much jade beauties as he can and become an absolute Immortal to have an unlimited amount of time exploring this world and getting to experience the game world and tasks, now physically.

He wanted to rest but no rest came, he stood up several times and walked around the room with a crazed smile on his face.

The boredom disease tore into his soul and it wasn't a good thing no matter how one looked at it.

'I'll take a look around and plan my movement.' He observed everywhere in the large room, unfortunately there weren't any loopholes.

While he was pacing about, the door suddenly opened and a 5ft'7 girl walked in with a tray in her hands. She has a slight resemblance with Qiao Lian only that she was shorter and her hair was black instead of Blonde.

She had an extremely beautiful face with beautiful pair of eyes and small nose along with plump full lips that were tempting others to kiss them. Her eyes were like pieces of obsidion, mirroring the shade of her hair, which was meticulously styled into ponytails that flowed down her back, just above her ass.

She was wearing a red colored traditional high slit cheongsam, showing off her milky white skin, raising the curiosity of others. She was bursting with an air of both innocence and maturity, with a charming countenance that made her seductively irresistible. Especially with that attractive pair of E cup breasts, complemented by a slender waist and wide hips, resulting in eye-catching and curvy figure.

At the age of 18 or 19, she exuded an easygoing and energetic aura that gave her a feeling of compassion.

Qiao Lian is 21 and more beautiful than the girl in front of him but Qiao Mei was grace in her own way.

Liam stopped pacing and turned his attention to the lady. "Who are you?" he asked curiously.

There was no memory fragment playing in his head which means he hasn't met her before.

The girl looked at him with big round eyes and smiled sweetly. "I'm Qiao Mei, Qiao Lian's cousin," she replied softly.

Liam nodded in understanding. "So, you're Qiao Lian's cousin. What brings you here?" he asked.

"I brought you some food. You would need them," Qiao Mei said as she placed the tray on the table.

Liam's eyes lit up at the sight of the food. He realized that he hadn't eaten anything since he arrived in this world. "Thank you, Qiao Mei. I appreciate it," he said gratefully.

Qiao Mei smiled at him before turning to leave. "If you need anything, just let me know. I'll be happy to help," she said before leaving.

Liam watched her figure as she left, why was she acting that way?

The employed slave of Qiao always acted harshly then why was it that Qiao's Cousin acted friendly, even bringing him food.

He also felt the refreshing and strong aura emitting from her body, meaning she was a strong one.

'Could she be a heroine or villainess that saves the minor villain from trouble? I can really use her help.'

Thinking about this, it brought a smile to his face.

'Maybe through her help, I can leave this damned place sooner. But there I'll always has backup plans in case, I can't afford to rely on anybody for survival, only myself.