

Daily life of Arek. The only human on earth which DOESN'T have an ability. What a goofy ahh boiii! ...and will go through worst pains...

Vitz_The_Snake_Bun · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

Narrator: *excitedly looks at camera* My people! I FOUND SOMETHIIING!!!

LOOK! *he takes a fish out of his pocket and shows it to YOU yes YOU, the fish takes all of your attention and makes you unable to see Narrator*


A fish!

*puts his fish a bit to the side and tilts his head so you can see his face again* And yes that was a Nicocado Avocado referrence.

Anyway. *throws the fish behind making it flip several times and sits comfortably in his armchair* The meme has been sheared.

*takes the pose people do when they start saying "ommm" and calm down* Nooow... III... am at peace...


*back to his casual self and stops doing the calming thing* Anyway. *takes a VHS tape* Let's get back to the story. *puts it in the tv, the room fills with slowly fading but blinding light*


Time and Space


*you hear „in my way" and screams of many people in the background, ??? is slicing through hundreds of soldiers*

???: KILL THEM! *with a scream blood streams across its face* KILL THEM ALL! *spins it's blade beheading several soldiers*

EVERY LAST! *a soldier still in his armor runs at him with his spear* ONE OF,-*??? cuts him up along with his spear breaking his armor and then*-THEM! *cuts back down breaking him in half*

NONE WILL BE AT PEACE!!! *breathes heavily as it bends down*


Someone: (delicate voice) How deep, have you fallen...

???: *raises itself a bit and turns, it says calmly* Oh... Leael... it's been a long time... how have you been?...

Leael: *sighs with a slow facepalm* It hurts me to see you in that state.

*he glances at ??? with his hand still on his face* You used to be a hero. But here you are. *takes off his hand showing the anger on his face* Killing all those people you swore to protect!...

???: *puts weight on its rear leg* I never swore to protect them... the only ones I swore to protect, *points at him with an open hand* were the four of you... and that I'm going to do...

Leael: *he desperately leans forward with confusion* K*interrupded*

???: (angry) Don't you dare to use my name! *throws it's hand away furious* I've abandoned it a long time ago!...


*calms down* I'm sorry for that...

Leael: *closes his eyes a bit* Then how am I supposed to address you?

???: *looks away thinking* I have no name... But, if you want my attention... *looks at him* Then call for the worst nightmares you know...


*no response*

*turns* Well, if that's all you've got to say, then I will be on my way...

Leael: (whispering) I won't let you.

???: *turns* Hm?... I didn't get you...

Leael: *spiteful but calm stares daggers at ???* I said. I won't let you.


???: (confused) Is that a joke?...

Leael: *stands strong* It's not.

???: *disappointed and saddened looks down with a sigh* I hoped, you'd say, otherwise...

Leael: *looks away shaking his head* I've seen the terror, the sorrow, the disgust, *and looks at ???* all the things that you've done. *summons a clean blade to his left hand* And I won't let that happen to the rest of the world.

???: *opens its arms to the sky looking at Leael* Can't you see that all of this is for you?... *looks and shows right* All of that terror, *looks and shows left* sorrow, *and looks back at Leael with open arms* and disgust. I do it all to create a perfect world for the four of us... A world, with nothing but happiness and peace...

Doesn't it sound beautiful?...

Leael: *looks away furious* It does, *and stares at it again* but this isn't the right way you idiot!

*leans forward, opens his arm and shows to his right looking at it* You think, that if you slay all! *and back at the thing* There will be no more problems!

*closes his eyes a bit* But there will be!

*raises himself, calms down and slows* No matter how hard you try.

A perfect world doesn't exist.

Except for haven...

*points with finger at ???* And you know that well...

???: *tilts his head* Doesn't mean I can't try...

Leael: *facepalms and looks down* And now you're just speaking nonsense... *huff*


*looks somewhere else into the sky disappointed* If you won't think with your mind.

Then there's nothing I can say to help you...


*faces ???*I will stand in your way... *and takes on a fighting stance*


???: *opens his arms* Do you honestly believe, that you have chances against me*interrupted

Leael: (furious) I DON'T CARE!!!

*??? surprised steps back*


???: My voice, filled with despair, might say otherwise... But you truly amuse me... Tell me. *tilts its head the other way* Why do you think you can defeat me?...

Leael: You swore to protect us, haven't you? *smiles smugly* In other words, you won't kill me, unless you want to break your promise.

???: *nods* That's true, I wouldn't dare to kill you in hundreds of thousands of years... *raises its head* But it doesn't mean that I won't hurt you for the better tomorrow...

Leael: (mockingly) Well then?

What are you waiting for?

BRING IT ON YOU MONSTER! *??? slices his stomach with a blink of an eye*

???: (surprised) Didn't even have to try... It was, suspiciously easy...

*raises himself* If it wasn't you, I'd say that you gave up from the beginning...

Leael: (painfully) And who said that I didn't?

*??? turns around to see that Leael with an open stomach, his armor didn't turn on, he falls*

???: LEAEL! *drops his sword runs towards him and kneels* WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, PUT ON YOUR ARMOR!

Leael: Nah, I don't feel like it...

???: UNGH! *he starts to heal him, Leael breaks something in his hand that emits an aura*

(The truest distress) What the!?

wHY I cAN'T HEaL YOu!??!?!

Leael: *he's getting weaker* You see, I don't want to live in a world created with. whatever you are doing right now...


I won't...

T̸̴̸̶̵̨̬̳͉̪̬̘̮̥̈̑̈́̑̏͛̉͐̈́͜Ḩ̶̴̴̸̵̵̮͍͙̣̺̞̗͔̯̺̟̈́̍͛͂̑͂̈͋̉͒͘͜͝Ẹ̵̴̶̵̴̸̡͖̦͕̺̜̭̜̖̩̎́͑͒͊͂͌̿̑̚͜͜ ̷̷̴̸̸̵̨̫̪̫̥̯̮͚͇̲̥̍̐̀̈́͒̋͌͋̿̅̕͘Ṕ̸̸̴̷̵̷̨̫̠̞̤̦̯̭́́̾̅̈́̅̂͛͆͛͠Ą̴̷̶̷̴̢̛̤̬͓͕͍̻̝̺̞̇́͋̄̍̐̑̆̏͑ͅĪ̷̵̶̴̷̷̸̡̝̮̰̘̤̘̗̗̲̲̦̊̏̓̉̽̇͗̏̏́̂͐͌̕̕̚N̵̸̷̷̶̴̡̨̧̪͉͚̲̗̟̭͚̬̍̔̔̆̈́̂̋̄̑͝!̵̵̵̸̸̸̴̛̮͕̫̠͇͎̻͔̽͊̑́̑͑̆̈̅̇́̄̚!̸̷̵̶̸̶̸̢̨̧̩͎̫̭̥͇͙̪̤̞͊̎̀́́̉̀̂̉̀̏́̕!̴̸̷̴̶̷̧̛̦̻̼̜̯͍͍̲̱̘͙͕͌͐̔̿̀̋͌͗̃̿̕͜͝ you will feel for killing me.

For breaking the promise... Maybe that will teach you, to stop...

I bet the other two are willing to do the same...

I bet that Isabel would do so too...

???: *terryfied he holds his friend tighter* No no no. Please, stop JOKING about it!

Leael: I'm not, joking... To make sure, that my armor wouldn't, suddenly turn on. *looks at the sky, painted with smoke, dark and fire* I used it just a few minutes ago...


Leael: (smiling) That world... That beautiful world... Go... make it... *tears go down his cheeks as he closes his eyes* So you can live in peace...

???: (crying) I won't, live in peace, without, you-u!


Leael: *coughs out blood* You know, *and looks at his...* you were, my best, friend...


???: (broken) No.

*shakes him* Leael.

W... *again* W-wake up Leael.

*clutches Leael's arm in his hand* Please... stop teasing me...

it's not funny Leael...


*Arek wakes up, in cold sweat, he's so scared, gritting his teeth, and trying not to cry*




Arek: *opens his mouth wide and tries to say something*


*closes it gritting his teeth again*


*he gets out of his bed, puts on some clothes takes his backpack and leaves his room, the corridor is empty, he closes the door and leans against them with tearful eyes*

(thinking)... God... what was that?... *he slides down and hugs his legs*


*he puts his head on his knees closing his eyes so powerfully making streams go down his cheeks* I'm sorry...


And here I thought I'm an unyelding demigod of this universe...


*after a while, he tries standing back up trembling but...*

Amy: *sighs, sits beside him hugging him with one arm forcing him to sit back down, Arek's surprised*

(harsh love) If you still were a little kid I'd say something funny like *looks at Arek, smiles and says jockingly* "how about you cease that bitch crying", *and looks away again* or something of that sort.

I swear, it always made you laugh. *but he didn't now*

*glances at him again saddened* But I think you need a bit more than that now...



Come on.

What's going on?

Arek: *sighs painfuly and tells her everything that had happened in the last 6 hours*

... and... that's what. More or less, happened...


Amy: I can. partially relate to that... *opens her hands and eyes wide questioning herself* I maybe don't know what would happen if two of the most important people in my life were to die. *tilts her head and glances at her smol bro* You and mum if it isn't obvious already. *he smiles a bit*

*she compleately turns to Arek* But I'd definitely be in a lot of pain...

Arek: M-hm...

Amy: *she goes in front of him, delicately takes him by his cheeks and raises his head so she can look at him good, she then says genuenily* Pipsquek, you are very kind. *Arek tries looking away at moments* You empathize so much with someone from your dreams. Not only that, he is *she smiles and tries to not laugh* on an f-ing genocide, (belly laughing) and yet you want to help him.

*headpats him* I'm proud of you Arek.

Arek: *he's looking at her still resisting his tears, he takes a breath blinking and looking away, he closes his eyes letting the tears go down his cheeks and sighs slowly* ...

*opens them and looks at his sis* Thank you. For listening.

Amy: *she slowly stands up* Eh. It's fin*Arek all of a sudden hugs her hard*-E!


*sighs and hugs him back*



Amy: Alright that's enough acting like idiots! *stands back up pulling Arek along with her and lets him go*

Hm. *pats Arek on his shoulder* Come on. Let's go smol one. *she walks to kitchen*

Arek: *sigh* Whatever you say Amy.*follows her*


(outside Arek's house)

*Arek opens the door walking out and confused raises his eyebrow, and stares*

Arek: AdC? *Aiden&Cynthia are waiting at his door*

Why are you here? *he closes his door and waltz up to them*

Aiden&Cynthia: The school is closed today.

Arek: *stops* Oh... *smiles and shrugs* Alright then.

*all smug and comfy closes his eyes and basks in the sun that isn't sparkling on them* Not complaining you know.

*looks at them again curiously putting weight on his rear leg* But why are you here?

*raises his open palm* Wouldn't it be easier to just write to me?

Aiden&Cynthia: It's closed because of an attack that would happen.

Arek: *realises and opens his eyes wide in shock* M!... *sighs and looks away serious and concerned*


Hm. *nods*


Well. *looks at them* Come on in. *moves his head inviting and opens the door for them, they all walk in*

*tilts his head turning it as they walk to his room* My mom and sis already went to their jobs so feel free to be free.

*Arek throws his backpack away the cool way and squats down with a spin on the floor, AdC follow his steps*

*siiighs putting both hands on his face and leaning forward he rubs his face exhausted, AdC follow his steps without the siiigh*


*Arek looks up at them confused, they follow him smiling a bit*


*Arek cracks up and belly laughs*

Fair enough.

Good one.

So. *tilts his head and uses his hand as a support* What can you tell me?

AdC: During the exam there was an explosion exactly there. *they unsync and Cynthia looks at Aiden*

Aiden: I used checkpoint the moment I heard it.

Aiden&Cynthia: *they sync again and look at Arek* We now contacted proper authorities and make sure the school is closed.

Arek: *nods and looks on ground* Hm-m. Good.

I wonder who they were after...


Well. *he starts standing up* We should go to May's pla*interrupted*

Aiden&Cynthia: (a bit unsynced, Aiden says faster and stressed) We could play some A Z.


Arek: *shrugs and smiles* Sounds nice.


*he looks elsewhere with happiness and confusion*


Aiden&Cynthia: (full sync) U okay?

Arek: Mmm...


It's just that...

*sighs closing his eyes and letting his head down*

It just makes me really happy...

That you'd remember THAT game...

You have no idea.

How much of my childhood that game is.


Hm. *nod*


(excited) Lezduit!

*they hav sum fun, playing games on Arek's laptop and watching goofy ahh videos, time passes by so quickly when you enjoy the moment*

*Arek laughs like a maniac takes a deep breath and belly laughs again*


That was a high quality meme.

Anyway. What time*realization, he opens his eyes wide in shock*



*breathe in* Ye let's go to May. *stands up*

Aiden: Arek wait! *Arek looks at him concerned*

Arek: What's up?

... *Aiden stressed looks away thinking and frowning, Cynthia looks at him concerned*

M... *also concerned frowns* Aiden... *sigh*

I had that gut feeling that something was off. You wouldn't come to without saying a thing just to have a bit of fun.

Tho, I might be wrong.

But I don't think that A Zet would be enough to make you unsynchronise.


*Aiden looks at Cynthia stressed, she smiles and kisses him on cheek*

Cynthia: It's okay.

*she stands up leaving Aiden's side and up to the door, snd looks back smiling so kindly* I'll be right behind the door.

Aiden: *smiles at her, but still so distressed* Thank you.

*she walks out closing the door, as she does, the smile washes off of Aiden's face*


Arek: (has that calm and kind smile on his face) Well, I'm listening.


Aiden: *sigh*

I'm so scared... so. so. scared... of what happened there.


All I want to do right now Is to call for my half...

Arek: I don't mi*interrupted*

Aiden: *distressed stares into Arek's eyes* BUT I DO!...

Arek: I see, I'm sorry.

... *Aiden looks down sad*

Aiden: I should be apologizing...



After I heard the gym collapse. I did use checkpoint but after that. I tried taking it to my own hands.

*looks higher and says to himeslf* Why? Why did I do this? I hate myself for that... so many people could've died...

Including you...


Arek: *gulp* And... what did you see?

Aiden: *shakes his head delicately* I don't want to... but I won't back up now...

When me, my half, May and Hubert got there I saw many people filled with gunshots, crushed, impaled... and one... torn in two, pieces... *tears appear in his eyes*

Arek: *reaches out to* Aiden, if you have such a hard time saying it then*interrupted*

Aiden: The one *Arek backs off* torn in half... was you... *Arek opens his eyes wide with shock and fear*

You were trying to dig through the pile of metal and concrete saying "no, I refuse, they can't, not again". *Arek grasps his fist as Aiden is trembling while saying it all* May ran to you as fast as she could trying to put the two pieces of you back together. *cries* She screamed at me, that she might not be able to save everyone, she begged me to use checkpoint while you're still alive. And I did... I'm sorry... I don't know why I did that...



Arek: *calms down a bit and sighs releasing his fist* Our brain sometimes does that really weird and stupid stuff.

*smiles concerned and tilts his head* It happened often to me too. So don't worry.

Aiden: *loos at Arek* But why... *shakes his head looking away* why did I do that...

Arek: *opens his hand and tries to explain* Listen Aiden, now that you've done this mistake you probably*interrupted*

Aiden: *looks in Arek's eyes* What if you died?!... What then!?...

*no response, Arek's speachless*

*he makes his hands into claws and looks into them* This timeline.

It's so different from the one before... but how... so many things weren't supposed to happen... and yet!... *his breath speeds up even more*

Arek: Aiden calm down, you're gonna have a panic attack!

Aiden: *with cold sweat he grabs himself by head with desperation written on his face* So many deaths... we undid it all... terrorists, shadow, VoiD, The UNDeRwORLD, THE WAR!... *his heartbeat and breath increase even more, before almost compleatly stops, trembling in fear, he looks Arek in the eyes, seeing*

THE SOUL STAR!... *his voice cracks as he says it*

Arek: *looks at the door* CYNTHIA! *she bursts into the room wrapping herself around Aiden*

Cynthia: There there, it's all good, it's all good. *Aiden crying so hard slowly calms down* Thank you Arek.

Arek: Hm. *nods*

Cynthia: *back to Aiden* Don't worry, we're gonna make it. No matter how much it takes. shss shss shss. It's okay it's okay.

It's aaall gooood nooow...




Arek: *sigh*


*he kneels before* Aiden.

You know me.

*looks elsewhere and back at Aiden* I forgive.

*shakes his head* No one else has to.

But you have to realise that it's not your fault.

None of it is.

You always try your best. *smile* And you always ARE at your best...

I'm proud of you.

*rolls his eyes through his room* Moore. *and looks back at him* Than anyone else on this world.


Hm? *tilts his head with that damned kind smile*


*Aiden nods, he calmed down and tears stopped flowing down his cheeks*


*Arek sighs and raises himself*

*he looks around and grabs a pack of whipes, he takes one out and cleans Aiden's face*

You want me to help you blow your nose? *Aiden shakes his head delicately*

Okay. *he hands the pack over to Cynthia and makes eye contact with her, she nods*



*he changes the mood to happiness* Anyway. You two wanna eat something?

*makes a graceful pose looking up with closed eyes and putting his hand on chest with such style* I like to think of myself a professional believer of stresseating.

*gets on his rear leg and looks at our lovely pair* You two want something in particular?


AdC: *Aiden still in tears looking down and Cynthia constantly squeezing him, she helps him blow his nose before they say* Applepie.

Arek: *confused and distressed steps back and scratches head with a raised eyebrow* Applepie?!


*makes an even more distressed and confused face while tilting it* EyEH?!!?

I mean. *scratches his head making his face a bit less expressing*

Yea. Sure.

I can do it.

*looks at AdC less distressed* But I meant something quick. Like.

*makes the \/|\/ pose* For the apple pie I'd need a whole day so it can lay down and get all good.

AdC: Cookies.

Arek: E... *sighs bending forward and letting his arms down disappointed*

*he looks up at them* You won't give me a break.

Will you? *they look at him with a delicate smile*



*nods to himself* Hm-m.

Alright then. *he turns and walks away gracefuly raising one hand* Give me an hour.

*raises his eyebrows and looks up-right* You could've asked me for pancaces tho. *Aiden&Cynthia's eyes light up with a spark*

They'd take me just a moment or two.


*realisation, he's walking in mid-air, he stops and looks down confused* Hm?

*a sinister smile is drawn across his face* Oooh. *as he looks back to see AdC almost compleately forgetting about what just happened, Cynthia makes him flow ip to them and face them* I see what just happened here.

Well. *he leans forward to the two most beautiful abd perfect creatures of all existance* What KIIND of pancakes would the two of you beautiful little beans like?

AdC: Do them the your way.

*raises his eyebrows and makes a big long nod* Mmm-hMmm! So you want polskie naleśniki z serem.

*closes his eyes happily and stands straight* Alrighty then.

*points up and proudly waltz away still mid-air* One batch! Coming, RIGHT up.

*he gets everything done sets the fire and gets to making the dough, 2 yolks, a bit of milk, some flour, 4 spiky teaspoons of sugar, and cinnamon, he's about to leave the cinnamon, he stops and looks at it with a curious frown*


*nod* Hm. *he raises the cinnamon pack again and ads more cinamon...*


*shrug* Eh. *MORE CINNAMON!* It's gonna loose it's taste anyway. *and he starts to stir it clockwise*

Now remember Arek. When you're making a cake remember to stir it only ONE way.


Waait a minute. *smiles and says angeryrirly with a frown* Wait a minute! *it immedieatly washes off of his face leaving only the smile, he takes his phone*


I should call May! *he calls her leaves his phone on table and puts her on speaker and gets back to stirring*



*she picks it up*

Hi. *he stops and grabs milk*

May: Hi. What's up. *pours a lot of it into the pot*

Arek: *tilts his head to talk to May* Not much. *he leaves milk and takes the flour next* What bout' u doc?

May: *cracks up* A lot. But I asked first!

Arek: *nod* Fair enough. *he stops for a moment looks to his side to see AdC staring at him curiously from behind the door* I'm just making pancakes for Aiden and Cynthia.

May: *Arek gets back to work* No fair! I want one too!

Arek: *gigles* Too bad. *he's pouring the flour and stirring at the same time*

This batch is only for them.

*raises his eyebrows and tilts his head* And maybe ME.

*slow shrug* I dunno.

We'll see.

Well. What are YOUU yes, YOUU doing?

May: Not much. Just talking, breathing, existing. O, I just blinked. *Arek cracks up and laughs with his nose*

But in all seriousness, I'm just reading some books about brains and then checking my own. *Arek stops and checks if the consistence is right by raising the hand held mixer and letting the mixture flow down, he nods, it's just right*

After what happened last time I got really scared. I need to be at my best when dealing with this specific organ. *Arek takes the pot closer to stove and pours some of it down*

Arek: *raises his eyebrow in fear and confusion* Geez... How can you even learn this much?

May: Well. *Arek gets jumpscared and looks to his right to see the phone right at his ear* I enjoy knowledge. *he sighs with relief gracefully holding himself by his heart and squatting down a bit* As much as they say that knowledge hurts. *he looks at AdC and sends them thumbs up with a smile and a bit closed up eyes, they send thubs up back at him with a wink, Arek then pours down the mixture, it makes that funny frying sound*

I see that you're about to eat.

Arek: y-Yup. Just a bit more.

May: Well. Wish you best tastes.

Arek: *snaps his fingers and winks with a bigger smile* Ayy! Thanks. *he sits down on a chair and leans back just like they do it on all those films grabbing the phone from mid-air*

*ma bois n' gals, he's bout' to do it* Anyway. You were saying something about brains.

*curiously turns his head to his phone raising his eyebrow* Are you a zombie?

May: What?! Nooł. *gigles, Arek goes along*

But as I said before. I enjoy every second of pursuing knowledge. *he then goes back to sitting so beautiful and cute crossing his legs*

It's... uhh... How should I explain this to you...

For me it's the same as for you playing video games. I just, enjoy it. *he raises his legs and with a swing he stands back up as if going off of a swing leaving the phone somewhere in the air*

Arek: Envy. *he checks the pancake*

May: I'd also envy myself.

Arek: Mmm-HM. *and flips it*


Then again. *looks at phone suspiciously again* Are you suuure you're not a zombie? *cracks up and laughs with his nose taking the pancake and pouring another one down*

May: If I was one I could always eat your brains anytime I wanted to. *Arek then takes the pancake and takes out Nutella out of the cabinet*

Arek: But you have an ability to re heal your own brain. *he takes a knife and spreads Nuttella all over it, he then rolls it down* So basically you could heal your brain back and eat a part of it and over and over until you're satisfied. *he walks up to AdC*

May: I guess so. *and whispers something to them, they nod and the pancake disappears along with plate*


Arek: (smug) Noticed something nice?

May: (surprised) Oh wow. Thank yo-Wait NUTELLA!?

Arek: *he walks up to the stove and flips the pancake* Yup. I know you're not the biggest fan of white chese.

May: Thank you so much.

Arek: *leans back to the floating phone that constantly follows him through god and bad and says all smug with that smile* I also added some extra brains to it. *belly laughs and leans to his pancakes*

May: (dead serious) Ha. Ha.

Very funny.

Arek: *excited opens his eyes wide* Yea I know! I said it ma-self! *laughs for real*


*May cracks up and laughs with her nose*

Aaanyway. I'm not gonna wreck the rest of your study session. *Takes the pancake off and pours another one*

May: I don't mind. I really enjoy talking with you.

Arek: *takes the phone gets it right up his face and villanously points at it smiling so devilishly* Well too bad! You made me study when I was in hospital! Now's your turn!

*makes a cone with his hand and whispers while side-eyeing AdC* And I kinda have guests anyway...

May: *sigh* Bummer.

Arek: Yeah. Anyway.

(happily excited) C-ya tomorrow.

May: Bye. *he disconnect*

Arek: *nods once smiling at his phone* Hm.

Aiden&Cynthia: (singing with a glee on their faces) Arek and May are sitting under tree. *Arek is just staring at them with the Frisk's face*

K I S S I N G.


Arek: *gets back to work and says all serious shaking his head delicately* I'm gonna shove those pancaces in your mouths.

Aiden&Cynthia: (smug as hell) Denny it all you want. We know the truth.

Arek: *rolls his eyes* Yea yea.

*looks back at them pancakes* Whatever u say Time and Space.

Time and Space: Then why won't you call Hubert?

Arek: (Stolas) Becauuuse Wolfy is still on his way from a trip to the sea.

*raises his eyebrows tilting his head* He's probably mega exhausted. *turns to AdC for a second* Not a big fan of wrecking someone's slumber.

Aiden&Cynthia: (so truthfuly genuine) Of course you are.

Arek: *throws away his spatula* Okay! *and raises his arms angrily* Yeah!

I f-ing love May! More than myself!

*turns to them* U happy no*petrifies in fear as he looks at them, they're holding a phone, recording it all*


*Arek turns without moving his limbs an inch making that grinding the stone through ground sound, Aiden&Cynthia belly laugh as Arek takes his spatula again and gets back to his stuff*




*happily tillts and turns his head back with a newly found distressed smile on his face and says as if nothing happened* Hey guys! What do you say I finish this batch and we gone watching some Helluva Boss.

Aiden&Cynthia: Okay okay. *they let him off the hook*



