

The sound of the trumpet that afternoon sounded beautiful to the ears. The sound of a trumpet with a joyful and loving song rang out from a room on the right side of the Xanders' castle.

"What is it?" asked Orfe who was still practicing his trumpet in his room when the door opened.

"Wow Orfe... Your music is getting amazing," Dion who forgot his main purpose came to the room clapping his hands with a proud smile.

"No need for small talk. What's your main purpose here?" Orfe asked in his signature deep voice.

"Ah yes, that's right, Basta asked us to gather at Althea immediately. I will go there first with Ega," said Dion.

"Ah yes I will follow soon," said Orfe.

Orfe or Addi Taehyung Orfeo is a Xander with the power of playing trumpet music. His face is very handsome with a stern and cold facial line but actually when he smiles he looks so warm with his square smile. His shoulder-length curly hair is always tied up in a ponytail at the end of his head because it covers almost part of his face. Basta had asked him to cut his hair too many times but Orfe wouldn't just listen to orders.

"Orfe will join us soon right?" ask Ega who is Dion's brother.

"Yes, he was still practicing but I already told him. Let's just wait upstairs okay?" the footsteps of the two of them could be heard.

"I'm afraid Basta will scold him again," said Ega who is also Orfe's best friend because they are the same age.

"Don't worry. There is someone who can provoke Basta's anger more than Orfe. You know who I mean right?" Dion said nosy. Dion embraced Ega's shoulder affectionately. That's what they always do.

Dion and Ega are indeed siblings of one god father and one human mother. Dion or whose full name is Hoseok Dion Farando is a sweet Xander with four dimples on his face. Sharp straight nose with silver hair neatly styled back. Ega or Jimin Ega Ivander who is only one year younger is Xander who is also sweet. Has a super sincere smile as well as beautiful eyes when smiling. Black hair is neatly styled back. Maybe because they are siblings, they are very close to each other and always do things together. Their strength apart from their genuine smiles was the drink they specially made from a fuschia colored spring water that tasted like intoxicating wine.

Dion and Ega enter Althea, a super large room meaning a healing room followed by Orfe behind them. Just sit down according to the chair that was made especially for them. Althea itself is a giant library containing hundreds of millions of books about all human stories on earth. All books are brightly colored like a rainbow but when there is a sadness they have to get rid of, the book will shine its light. The luminous book is a clear instruction from the gods to overcome the sorrow of the owner of the book.

In Althea, Basta was already sitting, accompanied by Vaz and Alvo.

Basta or Jin Sebasta Abercio is the highest leader as well as the oldest among the Xanders. His face was very handsome and perfect with full pink lips. He has a younger brother, Juno, who has one god father and one human mother, while one father and another mother with Alvo who is also his right hand man. Basta is in charge and decision maker among the Xanders. Such as determining what method they will use or who should go to the rescue. Of course after the results of the whole discussion with the other Xanders. Her power is to make others happy with the food he creates.

Vaz is Orfe's older brother even though they have different mothers. Almost like Orfe, his strength is playing piano music. Vaz is very fair skinned because to be honest he is most reluctant to get the task of making other people happy like the rest of Xander. Quite handsome and almost the same as Orfe, he is very cold but certainly not to the other Xander. Vaz has blue eyes and straight white hair of the right length. There's a real secret that Vaz Yoongi Macario always keeps hidden about the reason why he's starting to rarely help out down there. Luckily he was indeed a tactician who didn't force him to come down often.

Meanwhile, Alvo or Xan Namjoon Adavino is the person Basta can trust the most. His stout body is also a sweet face when he smiles because his dimples make it easy for people to place high hopes on him. His words have always been a powerful force not only for humans on earth but also for other Xanders. Alvo is indeed the smartest and probably the hardest working Xander among them. Always and always he will be the arbiter in every debate within Xanders. Like what he started hearing this time.

"Hey you guys," said Dion friendly.

"Hi Dion, have you seen Juno?" Asked Alvo who was always in charge of taking attendance.

"Not yet. I haven't seen him at all. Has anyone tried to contact him?" Ask Dion back.

"I think he's painting but I don't know where. Maybe on earth?" Ask Vaz also not sure

"Where has he been? Doesn't he know I've tried calling him so many times?" Basta asked getting emotional.

"Ahm, let me contact him again. You just wait a minute Basta," Alvo tried to lighten the mood and called Juno from his cellphone.

Almost fifteen minutes they started their conversation because Juno had not yet returned their calls or messages and Althea's door opened. Someone came down the stairs to where they were gathered now. His beautiful hands nestled in his trouser pockets staring blankly ahead.

"Juno!" call Basta a little screaming.

"Where have you been? We've been around long enough and you just showed up?" Basta asked getting emotional.

Juno just sneered and didn't answer until he sat down in his own chair. Crossing his legs and arms in front of his chest when sitting. "I need some time to get here, right?"

"Don't make excuses! You know how easy it is to get here and you spend 20 minutes?" Basta asked scornfully.

"Come on. You know my presence is not really needed here," said Juno still reluctant.

"And you know it's not true Juno. We need you and everyone in this room now all need each other," said Alvo trying to calm the atmosphere.

That's Juno or Teon Jungkook Elenio. Handsome with long purple hair that he always puts in a ponytail above his head. Meaningful tattoos cover his entire hands and arms. He looks like a thug but actually he is the youngest among the others and all Xander loves him. The only reason he had a bad temper was because until now he didn't know what his true strength was and felt like he wasn't an important part of Xanders let alone his older brother was the leader.