
Xanders The Demigods : The Source Of Happiness

Malghavan, a land above the clouds where all happiness is created. The seven demigods who control the place are Basta, Alvo, Vaz, Dion, Ega, Orfe, and Juno. These seven demigods who control Malghavan are called Xanders. Each Xanders has their own way of creating happiness. But who would have thought that they themselves were not happy because of the secrets and problems they were facing each. A confused Basta must choose between the woman he loves or Malghavan's rule forbidding the Xanders to fall in love. Alvo is too hardworking and one day accidentally made humans enter Malghavan. Vaz who has not been able to forget his past mistakes that accidentally killed the people closest to him. Dion and Ega, brothers who end up fighting over one woman, Emma. Orfe who had a feud with his own mother. And Juno who has not been able to find his strength. How will the journey of the seven Xanders find their happiness? Can Malghavan continue to create happiness for all mankind?

Priminies · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Playing Music

Orfe and Alvo have arrived at a large field, precisely in the Dutch Museum Square. To be honest, Alvo's eyes focused on the buildings around him. While Orfe confirmed where the young man was. Sure enough, James seemed to be sitting languidly on the grass in one corner of the garden. Actually Orfe still doesn't have the courage to play music. Therefore, he urged Alvo to approach and just talk to him to make him feel better. Even though he didn't really want to, Alvo just obeyed.

"Hey you," greet Alvo sitting next to James. A guitar appears in front of him.

"Hi. Who are you guys?" James asked.

"Ah. I'm Alvo and this is Orfe. We have a magic shop around here," Alvo said again.

"Yes then what do you want?" James asked not so excitedly.

"Ah, we're just wondering why you only stare at this guitar. This guitar is yours, right?" ask Alvo.

"This? Yes, it's mine," James said looking at him sadly.

"How about playing together?" Orfe asked showing his trumpet.

"You're a musician too?" James asked.

"Yeah that's how it is. Not very good but not bad," Orfe said with his trademark smile.

Before James decided to play, a distant keyboard sound teased their eardrums. Orfe and Alvo agreed to turn their heads and suddenly startled. Gazing at each other with gazes that only each other understood. That's Vaz.

Slowly one by one the people who were in the garden moved closer. Want to see the appearance of the keyboard player who looks mysterious and calm. Even James, who initially looked sluggish, became more excited. Alvo gestured for Orfe to come into play. Seeing his brother of course his confidence peaked and Orfe ran a little and started playing his trumpet along with Vaz's keyboard playing. The local residents are getting more and more excited and now there is another handsome man who is good at playing music joining in.

Not only the people there were amazed by the musical playing of the two, but also James of course. He didn't expect the person who approached him to be that good at playing music and that stirred his ego a little. So familiar with the music the two were playing, the look in Orfe's eyes convinced James to join in. Alvo helped a little with a sweet smile and clapping his hand on James' shoulder. Embarrassedly James came forward and joined in, completing the musical playing that was playing so beautifully. Everyone looked happy and clapped. Until a total of two songs they performed and everyone left with money.

Alvo honestly almost laughed seeing the expressions on Orfe and Vaz who got a lot of money from their music playing. Even more so James seemed so happy.

"So how was it? Pretty good right?" Orfe asked James.

"Yeah sure. It's a happy feeling to see other people happy when listening to music from me. You guys are great too. It's really great. I really got my spirits back," said James so happy.

"Your dream is in your control. If you want to keep holding on to it then do it. If you want to stop and throw it away, do it too. But don't give up because of circumstances. Everything has a way out," Alvo spoke.

"You play good music and you're obviously very talented," praise Vaz who again doesn't talk much.

"Ah and this, my brother and I are not actually street musicians, so take this money," Orfe said handing over the wad of money they got earlier.

"B-but we play music together so shouldn't we-" James stopped.

"No no. This is for you. This music is purely just a hobby for us because we actually have jobs too. But you obviously need this more than we do," Orfe said again.

"Ah and that's there. You can see the museum there, right? It says they're in need of a tour guide. Hopefully someone needs a job reading it," Vaz said as if he didn't understand.

James immediately looked at the poster that Vaz was pointing at.

"A coincidence because I really need work. But I don't think I saw it earlier?" said James.

"That's because you are too busy lamenting yourself to forget the conditions around you," says Vaz again.

"Yes, you are right. I thank you again. You have come at the right time," said James again with teary eyes.

"All right then. We have to get back to work," goodbye Alvo. Vaz and Orfe just smiled.

They chose to move away a little and returned to sitting on the grass that was blocked by a fairly large tree. James seems to be focusing on the job vacancies posted on the other side of the park. Orfe looks happy looking at Vaz who looks tired stretching his legs there.

"I'm glad you came," Orfe said.

"Yeah it's no big deal," Vaz said casually.

"Does this mean you're going to start descending again to Earth?" ask Alvo.

"Yes, maybe not. We'll see how it goes," Vaz replied coldly.

Alvo knew the man had a very high prestige, but he knew deep down he felt that feeling again. The feeling of happiness when humans hear the music he plays. A sense of satisfaction when humans left them with a wide smile on his face. Alvo couldn't help but smile to himself.

"After so long Vaz finally wants to come down and play some music again. How about we celebrate?" Orfe asked so excitedly.

"Yeah sure. Shall we buy some food and enjoy it here? I like the atmosphere," Alvo said.

"Yeah okay. There's a waffle seller over there. I'll buy some. And Alvo can you get me some drinks?" asked Orfe who obviously wasn't going to ask Vaz because he would be reluctant to have to be heroes like that.

"Okay. I'll buy a beer and-" Alvo's words trailed off.

"Orange juice for me please," Orfe said.

"Yes I know," Alvo smiled.

They enjoyed the afternoon together. Did not expect James's problem to be solved faster than imagined. So they have a little time to relax for a moment.

"I haven't played music in a long time and I didn't think I could make money so easily here," said Orfe took a sip of his orange juice.

"Hahaha. That's right. You can retire early as Xander and do that. Your life will be guaranteed here," Alvo tease.

"As long as it's not a hot day I think this is quite promising," finally said Vaz who did not like the hot sun.

"Hahaha. You're Xander, not a vampire. But why do you hate the sun so much? It's good for your skin so it's not as pale as boiled dumplings," Alvo's teasing was again greeted by Orfe's laughter.

"Keep going! Just keep teasing me," Vaz said looking cool.