

It has been two long and painful weeks, yes? Pardon, she sometimes slips into old habits when under stress. Excuse me, I just feel so tired. I am worried. Two full weeks of non-stop fighting. And every day I worry. I worry that, the world will end. I worry that we as a race will end, but worst of all I worry that he will end. I have the ability to see the future, but I have only ever seen horrible things. the others have been afraid of me and have avoided me or years. For so long I was alone. I hated my powers. Despised them. But six months ago, that changed, when Thomas first spoke up for me. He defended me when others were afraid and showed me kindness. He is the first to want to hear my future predictions, and he smiles even when they seem bad or when they don't come true. He cares about me.

" Hello, Ruth." I was pulled from my thoughts by my teacher, Kitty Pryde.

" Excuse me, hello Ms. Pryde."

" What are you doing here, alone?" Ms. Pryde asked.

I hadn't thought about it, but when I looked around, I was sitting in class all by myself. I was still tired. I hadn't even noticed that class had ended, and that Ms. Pryde had returned from her restroom break. " Sorry, Ms. Pryde. I am a little tired." I replied.

" Tired?" Ms. Pryde asked. She seemed to be eyeing me closely and I could tell what she was thinking without needing to read her mind. " You're worried, aren't you?"

" Yes, I am."

Ms. Pryde walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. Her hands were only a little bigger than mine and yet their weight felt heavier than anything I could imagine.

" There's nothing wrong with being afraid for your friends, Ruth. But you don't need to be sitting alone. If you need to talk, I will always be there for you." Ms. Pryde spoke softly.

" But I can't see it."

" You can't see what?" Ms. Pryde asked.

" I can't see his future. For so long I could only see horrible things. But I could see what happens and try to prevent it. With him, I see nothing. I don't know what to do. I've never been so blind." I felt my chest starting to tense and breathing became harder. I grabbed onto the necklace that hung from neck and clung to it as if it would disappear if I let go.

" I'm not sure what to tell you, Ruth. I've never been able to see the future. But maybe not being able to see it, just means that nothing bad happens and that this mess all works out." Ms. Pryde spoke. She spoke confidently, but I could feel her fear. Ms. Pryde sighed heavily, and she looked sad. " I'll be honest. I'm worried too, Ruth. About all of them. And It's not gonna get any easier. Things are only going to get even more difficult. The best thing we can do is try and believe in our friends. And do our best to keep things going while they fight."

" I just, wish I knew if he was okay. All the news show are the fights, but I never see what happens after they are finished."

" He?" Ms. Pryde asked. I felt my cheeks heat slightly as I realized my mistake. Ms. Pryde smiled, and I could tell she had come to an embarrassing conclusion. " Oh, you're not just worried about everyone, are you? Well, don't worry Ruth, it'll be our little secret. Just keep hope alive and things will turn out alright. Just know that I'll be cheering for you." Ms. Pryde rubbed my shoulder softly and then got up. " Don't sit in here thinking about depressing things alone. Come on, let's go out and see what the others are doing."

I nodded and followed Ms. Pryde out of the classroom and down the hall. As we walked, I began thinking about memories of the past.


" Dude, what are you talking about? I totally kicked his ass. It was no contest- Ugh!" I had heard Shiva speaking, but I was distracted, and we accidentally bumped into each other. I felt my feet slip out from under me, but before I hit the ground Shiva had caught me and pulled my up into his arms. His hands were soft, yet firm. And his embrace was surprisingly soothing. I felt at ease.

" Sorry about that, Ruth. Didn't see ya there." Shiva spoke.

" It's okay."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back as he placed me back on the ground. He then reached down and started gathering my books that had fallen out of my hands.

" Hm? What's this?" He asked.

I looked closer at the book in his hand and recognized it as my personal notebook, where I had scribbled down all of my visions. Ones that came true and ones that didn't.

" Whoa! Ruth these are amazing." He exclaimed.

' What?' I wondered. He wasn't weirded out or afraid?

" Dude, what are you reading?" Santo asked.

" Yeah, man." Julian joined in.

" This is Ruth's book. I think it's all the visions she sees. Am I right, Ruth?" He asked.

" Yes, you are." I answered honestly.

" This is awesome! Ruth, if you really wanted you could sell these and make hella money off of them." Shiva spoke.

I felt a sudden smile grace my lips. ' That was the first time anyone has ever praised my visions. It feels nice.'

" What? Dude, are you serious? Those things are creepy. You should burn that book." Julian stated.

' What? No, don't.' I wanted to take my book back, but I was nervous about how Shiva would react.

" Dude, Julian ya need to shut ya mouth, before I kick ya teeth in. You should read these. I mean yeah sure you might need to hire some people to help clean it up and make certain things more understandable. And change a few names here and there. But hey I'm serious, Ruth. These are amazing. If you ever needed money or just wanted to do something other than the crazy mess, they teach us to prepare for. You could publish your visions. Hell, I'll gladly buy every single one of your books for me and my family." Shiva said to me. He grinned at me with a great big smile, and I felt a pulse rush through my heart. I knew that if I had eyes, I'd probably be crying right now. ' I've never met such a genuinely kind and amazing guy. in all my life. But I am so happy I did.'

Flashback ends.

Ms. Pryde and I arrived in the cafeteria and as we walked, I clutched my necklace again and smiled. I could feel it now, every time I looked at it. I felt happier and happier. I felt alive. I felt admiration. I felt something I haven't felt for anyone else. I knew in my mind; I had fallen in love.

" Hey, Ruth! Hey Ms. Pryde!" I looked up to see Evan, one of Shiva's best friends waving at me, with Broo and Santo, and Victor, and the others even Julian was waving for us to come over.

I felt Ms. Pryde gently place her hand on my back and usher me forward. I smiled at the woman and walked over to the table and joined the others for lunch. ' Shiva, I love you.'


P.O.V Change.

I sat on the roof of the highest building on Utopia, nursing my wounds. I had received many injuries in my fights against the avengers. Over the past two weeks, I have had the chance to fight some of the greatest heroes this planet has ever produced, and I have suffered for it. I have bandages around half of my torso and bandages covering nearly all of my arms. But this feeling right now, sitting here staring out at this beautiful ocean, no feeling in the world can compare to it. However, as I sat there, I suddenly felt a warm sensation in my chest, my heart skipped a beat, and a face appeared in my mind. " Ruth." I simply spoke. I smiled and thought about the girl who made all this fighting worth it.

" Shiva! Come inside. Cyclops and the others are returning!" Rogue shouted to me from down below.

I sighed and got to my feet. However, I stood there taking one last look out over the seas and smiled. " I can't wait to see you again, Ruth. I miss you." I closed my eyes and took the leap of faith off of the tower.