
Good Friends

" Wow, this place is much bigger in person. I figured the cafeteria would be smaller." Shiva stated. He and a few others who had come from Kitty's class had decided to go and eat lunch in the cafeteria during their free period.

Shiva was accompanied by Cessily, Santo, Julian, Ruth, Kubark and his Shi'ar bodyguard Ava'dara Naganandini, aka Warbird.

" Yeah, hopefully things will work out and we'll have more join us." Cessily responded.

The group all took their seats at the lunch table and began gossiping.

" So, man, you got any hobbies or anything?" Santo asked.

" Yeah actually, I was telling Cess this in Class. But I'm really good at dancing, and Musical instruments." Shiva told the boy.

" Really? Like what, Flute clarinet, Triangle?" Julian asked sarcastically.

" Actually, jackass yeah. Among other things include Drums, Bass, Guitars, piano's, Harp's, Cello's, Trumpets, Etc." Shiva told the boy. " I just have a natural gift for music."

" Really? Taking a lot of inspiration from Hinduism, aren't you?" Shiva and the others heard a man's voice to speak to Shiva. He turned to see that the boy who spoke had purple skin just like him, with red marking on his face. " Hey, my name is Indra. Nice to meet you." Indra introduced himself to Shiva.

" Indra? Isn't that funny. Well, Indra my name's Shiva nice to meet ya." Shiva told the boy.

" Shiva, huh? That is funny. So, what encouraged you to pick that name?" Indra asked. He grabbed a chair and pulled up next to the boy.

" Well, a couple of things. Of course, the arms. But other than that, I like the idea of being the strongest. Shiva has been a god of many things but one thing that is a constant is destruction. The strongest, that is what I want to be, and I think there's no one stronger than he. So, I will be him. And I'll continue to crush any challenge that comes my way with these fists of mine." Shiva declared proudly.

The others looked at Shiva and had varying emotions. Some of them like Julian and santo laughed, others like Cessily, Victor, and Indra grinned, but Ruth, despite being blindfolded, gazed upon the boy, awestruck by his declaration.

Ruth's abilities give her low level psychic abilities, but where her true strength lies is in her precognitive abilities to see the future. She had foreseen many of the awful events to befall her school, but due to her broken mind no one has ever been able to decipher what her warnings meant until it was too late. However, for the first time since she gained her abilities, she was unable to see a person's future.

However, not everyone was quite impressed by Shiva.

Kid Gladiator slammed his hands on the table and jumped to his feet causing the others to turn towards him. " You haven't crushed me yet, four arms." Kid gladiator exclaimed.

" Lord Kubark." Warbird tried to get the boy to calm himself.

" You're right, let's fix that." Shiva replied.

Kid Gladiator flew into Shiva and tackled him across the cafeteria and into a wall. Shiva grunted as his back hit the wall hard, but the momentum allowed him to switch their positions until Kubark was against the wall. Shiva then punched the boy in his face hard enough to drop him. Shiva then grabbed Kubark's cape and spun him around repeatedly and then threw him through out of the cafeteria and into the back lawn and ran after him.

" MY LORD!" Warbird shouted. The woman grabbed her sword and followed the sound of shockwaves outside. When she stepped outside, she noticed that the two boy's, despite trading blows, were both grinning from ear to ear.

Having noticed the woman, Kid Gladiator quickly stopped her. " Warbird, you are not to interfere. By royal decree." Kubark told the woman. " I'm having too much fun."

" Same here. Honestly I've never been hit so hard in my life. You're really strong." Shiva told the boy.

Kid Gladiator chuckled and nodded. " Only my father's been able to hurt me so badly. You're human but you fight like a Shi'ar."

Kubark and Shiva both reeled back and slammed their heads together.

Inside the others listened as the sound of the boy's blows traveled through the school, each sounding like a gunshot.

" Jesus, do you hear that?" Victor asked the group.

" Yeah. I feel bad for the new kid, getting on Kid Gladiator's bad side on his first day. The poor guy's gonna be his punching bag for the whole year." Julain stated.

" I don't know man those blows sound pretty heavy." Santo told the boy.

" That's probably, Kid Gladiator kicking his ass. I'm sure he'll be dragging his body back in any second now." Julian replied.

" Why do you have to be such an ass, Julian? I thought you'd learn by now." Cessily asked the boy.

" What?" Julian asked the girl, confused about what it was he had done to offend her.

Cessily huffed and then turned to Ruth. " What do you think? Who's gonna win?" Cessily asked the girl.

" No. yes. I'm sorry, but I don't know." Ruth replied.

Suddenly however, the sound of fighting stopped. The students all practically glared at the hole in the walls, waiting for one of the boy's to walk back through. But what they saw no one expected.

" Hahahaha! You're alright man. What's your name?" Shiva asked as he and Kid Gladiator walked back into the cafeteria, their foreheads bloody from the hard collision and dirt covered their clothes. Two of Shiva's arms were wrapped around Kid Gladiators shoulder and Kubark did the same.

" I am Kid Gladiator and You're all right for an earther as well. I believe your name was Shiva, yes? Well, consider this the first day of our royal friendship, Shiva." Kubark told the boy.

" Uh-Oh, they bonded." A collective chill went up the spines of every single student in the hall at the time as one of the most destructive students at the school suddenly found himself a rival and a friend.

However, this good time between new friends wouldn't last long as one of the more intimidating teachers walked into the cafeteria. Rachel Summers.

" Kubark! You and your new friend both have detention for wrecking the lawn and the cafeteria!!!" Rachel shouted loudly.

The two boy's trembled under the wrath of the red-headed telepath.