
X-Men: Onslaught

The want to be something more, to be something bigger than yourself. Every child dream of being a hero. But for young Ian Sinclair things just don't work out that way... Or do they?

TrapcardD · Cómic
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150 Chs


Okay, so as many of you know I'm working on creating my own original novel. my own story. And I wanted some ideas for the main character. in my last update you saw the first draft design, which isn't going to be the official one, it's just the running idea for now. The main character will be a devil, not a demon, born from hell. He'll be a hand to hand fighter for the most part but he will have some form of weapon. Which would you like to see in the story the most?

War Hammer!


Also if you have an questions now would be the time to ask, as I'm spending this day off.