

The Hellions summer vacation begins!

( Side note) Aside from the issue number. I'm also gonna be giving it a subtitle from now on.

The Hellions got up early in the morning and were driven to the airport by Miss Frost to board their plane and head to La, so they could spend the summer at Julian's house, but instead of the perfect and normal vacation they were hoping for they were now being held at gun point.

" Stop right there! We don't want any trouble!" One of the Tsa guards yelled. " You need to stand down. There's no way a boy made of rock and a girl made of metal are getting on this plane!"

" They got tickets and ID. They have a right to get on this plane, same as anyone else." Juliane exclaimed.

" And you can bet your butt, I'm gonna get on." Santo exclaimed, joining Julian's side.

" Guy's maybe this isn't such a good idea." Cessily spoke.

" Yeah, maybe we should just go back to the school and have them take us." Ian told Julian. Ian tried to find a way to end this without fighting security guards with guns, because while he and Santo could walk through bullets, the others couldn't.

" Here we go again. Don't you guys get it? Mutants like us have no rights." Kevin stated.

" Still... Perhaps we should cooperate." Sooraya stated, also trying to cool things down.

" What's you call, Julian? I'll play it either way." Brian told the boy.

" We've got a summer vacation waiting. Let's get on the plane. Do it, Santo." Julian ordered.

Santo responded by firing off his fist at one of the guards and knocking his gun out of his hand.

The guards responded by opening fire on the teens.

" Bullets won't penetrate my telekinetic shield, Julian told the guards. He put his hand in the air and created a shield that stopped the bullets from hitting them. " Cess! Disarm them!" Julian yelled.

" Got it." Cessily replied. She turned into liquid mercury and started taking all the guns off of the guards one by one. " I'll take those."

" Julian, I won't use my powers to kill anyone." Kevin told the boy.

" I wouldn't ask you to, Kevin. Brian, Ian keep him safe." Julian spoke.

" On it." Brian replied. " Hold still, Kevin. Tag, you're it." Brian tagged Kevin and forced the guards to run away from him.

" You know, Brian. I get enough of people running away from me because of my death touch. Can you not do that again?" Kevin asked the boy. " Just tag yourself, they would have run away."

" Hey, where'd Sooraya go?" Julian asked.

" She ran after the guards." Ian told the by.

" And you didn't stop her?" Julian asked.

" She's a big girl, Julian. She can handle herself. Besides they don't have their weapons anymore and Sooraya can turn into sand. She'll be fine." Ian exclaimed. " See? Here she comes now."

Sooraya returned after momentarily having vanished and stood in front of a less than pleased Julian.

" Dust, I'm in charge of this squad and i didn't send you out to chase them down. You could have gotten yourself hurt." Julian told the girl.

" I did not chase after them to fight. They are now willing to talk. Perhaps we should be as well." Sooraya told the boy.

" Fine, let's talk." Julian replied.

Sooraya lead the group to the security guard's office, getting a wink of approval from Ian along the way.

Once they were there they were set down by the head of security, who was less than pleased by the events that had just taken place.

" You kids are in a lot of trouble. Do you know how much damage you could have done? How many passengers you could have hurt?" The man asked.

" How much damage did we do? None, and how many passengers did we hurt? Non." Julian exclaimed. " Now if you'll excuse me... I need to make a call." Julian got up and pulled out his phone to make a call.

" Look, how am I supposed to put you guys on that plane?" The man asked. " Miss, is there a metal detector in the world you can get through?"

" I just want to go to California. I'll go as luggage." Cessily told the man.

" No way in hell are you going as luggage, Cess. We're people too. We have a right to get on a plane, that we paid for." Ian told the man. " What makes you think, you have a right to deny of us that? Did you know that you can't refuse us the right to fly on this planet?" Ian asked the man.

" Actually, I can." The man replied.

" Actually, you're only allowed to do that as long as it is not DISCRIMINATORY!" Ian exclaimed. " And right now, you are being discriminatory towards mutants. We have brought with us no weapons, no illegal contraband, or anything else listed under your flyer's contracts that are banned. We are perfectly legal under your own terms. The only thing preventing us from going forward is the fact that we're mutants, which is discrimination, sir. So, how's about you let us on that plane or would you prefer to have a lawsuit on your hands?" Ian asked the man.

" Don't worry about it, Ian, I just got off the phone with my parent's lawyer." Julian stated.

" Talking to a lawyer isn't going to change my mind, kid." The man told Julian.

" I never said it was their lawyer who would be calling." Julian said to the man with a grin on his face.

The man glared at Julian and shortly after his phone began ringing.

" Sir, it's for you." One of the other guards spoke. " It's... it's the department of Homeland Security." He told the man.

The head guard looked at Julian in surprise and sure enough the Hellions soon found themselves on that plane to California.

" I can't believe you can't get a meal on a plane anymore. Can I at least get a bag of pretzels?" Julian asked the stewardess.

" Oh, be quiet, Julian. Missing a few meals isn't going to hurt you." Ian told the boy, " I'm sorry, miss. My friend is an idiot." Ian told the woman.

She rolled her eyes and kept on pushing forward with her cart.

" I only wanted pretzels." Julian complained as he slouched down in his seat.

" Hey, Sooraya, have you ever been to California?" Cessily asked the girl.

" No." Sooraya replied.

" I went once. We went to Disney land and everything. Back when I was a kid, before my body transformed into metal. My parents... They never quite know how to deal with me like this. When I go home, I stay inside a lot. So, they won't have to answer any questions. I think they're relieved I'm not coming home for a few weeks." Cessily explained. " Besides this gives me a chance to spend some time with Kevin, you know?"

" You really like him, don't you?" Sooraya asked.

" Yeah, I do... But lately... I've been feeling weird. I know I like Kevin, But Ian just... Well, it's stupid." Cessily told the girl.

" It most certainly is not. Nothing pertaining to your heart can be stupid, Cessily." Sooraya told the girl.

" Thank you, Sooraya." Cessily replied. " So, what about you? Are your parents okay with you coming to California with us?" Cessily asked.

" I do not know. I was kidnapped from my home in Afghanistan several years ago. I was then sold into slavery. I have tried to track my mother down, but since the war, it has been difficult." Sooraya explained to Cess.

Ian overheard Sooraya and leaned forward and placed his hand on her shoulder.

" I'm sorry, Sooraya. I never knew that. But if it makes you feel any better, I promise I'll never let that happen to you again, and I promise we'll find your mother." Ian told the girl.

" I thank you, Ian. But you do not need to do such things for me." Sooraya told the man.

" You're right, I don't have to. But I want to Sooraya." Ian told the girl. " We're friends. And friends look out for each other. Even when they're being idiots like Julian." Ian told the girl. He smiled at Sooraya and sat back in his seat.

After a long flight to Los Angeles, the Hellions finally landed and were escorted to their ride by a security guard.

" You don't need to follow us, we're leaving." Julian told the man.

" Just following orders, kid." The man replied.

" Fine, look I'm sure there's a car waiting for us. We'll be on our way soon." Julian told the man. But when they got outside there were only cab's waiting.

" I don't understand... They always arrange a car to pick me up... Even when they're out of town." Julian stated.

" Right, cab then?" Brian asked.

" Yeah, I guess so." Julian stated.

" Hold on, I got one." Ian held out his hand and pulled over two cabs. One for Julian, Brian and Kevin. And one for Santo, Himself, Sooraya, and Cessily.

After a short cab ride, the group all arrived outside of the Keller mansion.

" Welcome to paradise, boys and girls!" Julian exclaimed.

" Whoa! This place is awesome!" santo spoke.

" Thomas! I'm home!" Julian exclaimed as he and the others walked into the house.

" Who's Thomas?" Kevin asked.

" Our butler. I hope mom and dad didn't give him the month off." Julian stated.

" No big deal. I think we can manage without a butler." Cessily stated.

" Dad?" Julian spoke. He looked up and saw the man coming down the stairs " I thought you were on vacation?" Julian asked the man.

" Clearly. I see you've invited some friends." Mr. Keller stated. He did not seem pleased to see Julian or his friends there at the moment. " Julian, you called our lawyer? Invoked our connections?" Mr. Keller asked.

" But dad." Julian spoke.

" To get you and your friends off the hook for fighting airport security? what were you thinking?" Mr. Keller asked. " Come with me, Julian. Your mother and I need to talk to you."

" But I want to get my friends set up." Julian replied.

" Now." Mr. Keller said with no room for Julian to argue.

Julian sighed and followed his dad down the hall to the kitchen.

" Perhaps we aren't as welcome as Julian thought." Ian stated.

" Maybe we should leave." Sooraya added on.

" Are you kiddin?" Santo asked. " I'm gonna check out the pool!" Santo exclaimed. He quickly ran outside, and the others followed after him. Santo saw the pool and immediately took his shirt off and ran towards it. " Cannonball!" Santo shouted. He jumped into the pool causing water to splash all over Kevin and Brian.

" Um, excuse me." Sooraya spoke but was ignored.

" Good one, Santo. We're all wet!" Brian exclaimed.

" Yeah, like they don't have towels in this place." Santo replied sarcastically.

" Yeah, thanks to you, we need to find them." Ian told the boy. " Anyway, what's up Sooraya?" Ian asked.

" I just saw, Julian's parents leaving." Sooraya stated.


The Hellions all heard a loud noise coming from inside the mansion.

" What was that?" Kevina sked.

" Maybe we should go check on Julian." Cessily spoke up.

" Yeah." Ian replied.

All the Hellions ran into the mansion and found Julian standing in the middle of a room that had been trashed completely.

" Julian! You alright, man?!" Ian asked as he and the others came running into the room.

" Fine... Why do you ask?" Julian responded.

" Well, we heard a loud crash and it looks like a hurricane hit this place." Ian stated. " What happened?"

" I need to find a lawyer. My parents disinherited me." Julian explained.

' Aw jeez man, is this because of us?" Kevin asked.

" It's because of nothing. They think they can just cut me off? Watch me fight this. You guys have to help me. We'll find something to use." Julian exclaimed.

" Like what?" Brian asked. " Something Illegal? You said your parents earned their money." Brian told the boy.

" Yeah, right. No one gets that rich, that quick. We're gonna go through everything." Julian exclaimed. " Why are you guys so wet?" Julian turned around and asked after having seen the others.

" Because Santo couldn't help but jump into the pool while we were next to it." Ian told the boy.

" Well, I'll grab some towels and then we'll start. Jesus guys." Julian replied.

After brief moment, Julian returned with towels, and everyone dried themselves off. Once they were done, they got to work on searching through the Keller's bank statements to find anything they could to help Julian fight his parents.

" Your parents spent ten thousand dollars on your twelfth birthday?" Brian asked.

" Jesus!" Ian exclaimed.

" What? You guys don't know parties in La. It's hard to compete." Julian replied. " I know it's here somewhere." Julian stated as he searched the wall for his family's vault.

" Eighteen months earlier, your parents tax forms say they made thirty thousand dollars for the year. How do they go from that to ten-thousand-dollar parties?" Cessily asked.

" Looks like your parent's company went international a few months later. That is a quick turnaround." Kevin stated.

" There it is. The release switch must be inside." Julian stated He placed his hands on a certain spot on the wall and a clicking noise, like a lock being unlocked was heard.

" Here we go! My parents safe!" Julian explained.

" Whoa!" Brian exclaimed.

" And what have we here?" Julian asked as he pulled out a piece of paper from the safe. " The Kingmaker...? You gotta be kidding me. What were my parents mixed up with?" Julian asked. " Only one way to find out."

Julian asked everyone to gather the list of items on the sheet of paper to contact the Kingmaker and began setting them in place.

" I am not sure this is a wise idea, Julian." Sooraya stated.

" Yeah, I agree with Sooraya, Julian. This seems drastically stupid. Even for you." Ian told the boy.

" I don't know if this scroll is some joke or if my parents have serious secrets. But I'm gonna find out." Julian exclaimed.

" You could be disturbing dangerous forces." Sooraya told the boy.

" Dangerous forces? Please. If this Kingmaker was dangerous, my parents wouldn't have the stones to deal with him." Julian explained.

" Still seems like a bad idea, man. I came here to relax with C... I mean just to relax. Not fight demons." Ian told the boy.

" Relax, Ian, just trust me on this. Please." Julian replied.

" Hey, we got the thyme and sage." Cessily stated as she and Kevin approached the group.

" And the matches." Kevin spoke.

" Where are Brian and Santo?" Julian asked.

" Julian, please." Sooraya begged.

" We brought snacks!" Brian shouted as he and Santo returned from the kitchen with chips and sodas.

" Cessily... Perhaps you could explain to Julian that--" Sooraya was speaking.

" Relax, Sooraya. That's what vacation is for. At least Julian doesn't seem upset anymore. If doing some silly spell take his mind off his parents, where's the harm?" Cessily asked the girl.

" Cessily's right. Besides have you ever heard of a spell that involves candles, spices, and a phone?" Kevin asked the girl. " How real could this be?"

" Don't worry, Sooraya. I understand what you're saying. I don't like this either." Ian told the girl. " I got a bad feeling about this. Just stay close to me, in case some damn devil shows up." Ian told the girl.

Sooraya sighed and nodded. She made sure to stay close to Ian as Julian prepared his spell.

" Okay, guys... We're ready." Julian stated. " Don't worry it'll be fine. Okay everyone, light a candle. Then place the sage in a circle around the candle and sprinkle the thyme into the flame." Julian explained,

" I am still unsure..." Sooraya told Julian as she completed his ritual.

" Now, I dial the number that was listed on the scroll." Julian dialed the number and someone on the other end answered.

" You have attempted to contact the Kingmaker. Please speak your name."

" Julian Keller."

" Brain Cruz."

" Santo Vaccarro."

" Cessily Kincaid."

" Kevin Ford."

" Sooraya.... Qadir..."

" Ian Sinclair."

The teens all spoke their names for the phone and then a silence filled the room.

" Now what?" Brian asked.

The teens waited for something to happen but after waiting a whole hour and with nothing happening, they all went to sleep thinking that the whole ritual was a waste of time.

The next morning.

" Man, that was lame." Santo exclaimed.

" Yeah, it was. I should have known my parents weren't cool enough to be mixed up with magic." Julian stated.

" Hey, you can complain all you want. I'm glad nothing happened." Ian stated. He looked over to the doorway to see Cessily and Sooraya walking into the kitchen. " Hey, ladies. You sleep, okay?" Ian asked the girls.

" Thank you, Ian. I slept well." Sooraya replied.

" Me too." Cessily spoke as well. " And what about you, Julian? Feeling better today?" Cessily asked the boy.

" Yeah, my parents will come around. They always do. Today, I'm going to show you guys' LA. My parents left some cash. We're going to do everything." Julian stated. But then a knock came at his door and the bell rang. " I wonder who that is?" Julian asked.

The group all left the kitchen to see who it was at the door and when they opened it, they saw it was a man.

" Mr. Keller? Julian Keller?" The man asked.

" Yeah, can I help you?" Julian asked.

" You called. I am the Kingmaker." The man exclaimed. " You are each granted one wish. Whatever your heart's desire. So, choose now. The clock is ticking." The king maker stated as he stared down the group.

" Oh, what the FU"