
X-men: Lone wolf

reincarnated into X-men evolution as coyote starrk

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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16 Chs


Oh man what the hell did I get myself into with kitty man. She hasn't given me a moment to myself since we got here. Every time I turn around, she comes Running through my door literally. Stark thought to himself. " Oh well, At least I get to see logan eat it trying to get through the houses defenses." Stark said as he laughed

Once he arrived in the danger room. He greeted everyone and began to watch along as wolverine made his way through the defenses.

" Man, he is really tearing the room, Isn't he?" Stark asked as he watched wolverine literally tear through the danger rooms defenses.

" Stop! It is, at the moment, as much as we can afford, Wolverine." the professor said

" Hey, when I give a demo, I give a demo." Wolverine said

" Is that demo as in " Demolish" or " demonstration"? What was the point?" Scott said

" The point, young cyclops, was to teach you something about finding the weak points in sophisticated security systems." Storm said

" That's right, bub. And I'd say ours needs a little work." Logan said arriving at the top floor with the others.

" That was tight I give it two thumbs up." Kurt said as he hung upside down giving it two thumbs down.

" The vents were pretty easily breached. We'll need to fix that. Maybe electrify them or install poison gas sprayers. Logan said

" Oh! Oh! I can put some spiritual pressure landmines in there. One wrong step and Boom!" Stark said getting a nod of approval from logan.

" Yeah, that would work!" Logan said

" Wolverine. Stark." Storm said giving the two a discouraging look

" All right. All right. Knock out gas then," Logan said getting a nod of approval

" I'm sorry my chocolate goddess!" stark said getting a shock from the woman. " Ouch!" Jeez take a compliment."

" Is it just me, or is anyone else, like, seriously freaked out by all this?" kitty asked as everyone just stared at her.

" Yeah! Pretty much." Stark said causing the girl to pout at him. " Relax kitty, you'll be fine." Stark said before disappearing and reappearing in front of her startling the girl.

" Stark, don't do that!" Kitty yelled.

" What, you do that all the time to me. Every single time you just run into my room." Stark laughed back at the girl

" X-men, we have an emergency. scott, get the blackbird prepped for launch. And since it's a weekend assemble the full team." The professor said

" Yes, sir. What's the mission?" Scott asked

" Cerebro has detected a new mutant in Caldecott County, Mississippi." The professor said shocking stark

" What!" Stark yelled before realizing he yelled that in front of everyone

" Anyway. My mental impressions from the scene indicate a highly disturbed individual. Our mutant is a danger t herself and possibly others as well. X-men, we have a rogue.

" Alright, guess it's time to suit up. Kick about Los Lobos!" Stark said as his appearance changed into his released state, without his guns.

After everyone got changed, they all boarded the X-jet and headed out to find this Rogue. But stark knew. This was what he wanted more than anything else in His life. This one moment.

Everything went black as stark snapped back to reality only to realize.

" Who the hell let kurt fly?" Stark yelled as he held onto his seat tightly.

After a bit more time and almost crashing the X-men arrived at their destination. Stark took off saying he was going to scout the area for her. Since he was the fastest on foot. The truth being that stark knew exactly what was about to happen.

" Damn it They are already here!" Stark said as he was closing in on the house, he heard a young girl scream. " Ok I guess subtlety just went out the window." Stark said as he crashed through the window. " Hey Girl Run!" Stark said as he blasted the fake wolverine

The girl wasted no chance and started running for her life.

" I don't care about what you do to me, but I won't let you drag our name through the dirt now drop the disguise raven."

" What! How do you know who I am?" Mystique asked.

" Simply, I got a radar for sexy woman." Stark said getting a raise from the woman

" Oh, is that right. I'm sexy?" Mystique asked in a sultry voice

" Damn right! Crazy too." Stark said " oops gotta go!" He said as just as he jumped back out the window. " Ok where'd she go?" Stark asked trying to find here energy. " There!" he yelled as he used sonido to flash away.

As rogue was running, she found herself in an alley way, where stark found her. After appearing out of nowhere the girl became frightened of stark.

" Whoa! Whoa! calm down I'm not going to hurt you." Stark said holding out his hand for the girl to take. " I'm here to help you I promise."

" Ah'm scared, please don't hurt me." the girl cried as she pulled her hand away from the man.

" No matter what happens, no matter what you do, or who you've hurt. I Will never hurt you!" Stark said as he put his hand on the girl's cheek.

" But how, Ah hurt everyone Ah touch." The girl questioned.

" Come with me and I promise I'll explain everything you need to know. please trust me." Stark said as he pulled his hand off the girl's cheek and extended it again for her to take.

" Promise you won't hurt me."

" I promised once and I'll promise as many times as you need. No matter what happens I promise I will never hurt you." Stark said as the girl took his hand. " Hold on tight!" stark said as he wrapped an arm around the girl and used sonido to escape knowing that mystique was still looking for them.

" Whoa what was that? What happened? What did you do?" The girl asked frantically

" I call it sonido! I kick the ground underneath my feet rapidly and use my spiritual pressure to move great distances."

" That sounds like it's really hard!"

" It is really hard miss. Oh, I completely forgot I don't know your name. I guess you don't know mine either, ok let me introduce myself. My name is coyote stark" stark said introducing himself. " And may I ask your name?"

" It's...." the woman hesitated briefly. " It's Anna Marie, but my friends call me rogue." The young woman said

" Anna Marie, That's a beautiful name. A Beautiful name for an even more beautiful woman." Stark said as he approached the young woman.

" You think Ah'm beautiful?" Rogue asked with a blush

" Yes, I do! we can discuss that later, for now though I'm sure you want some answers, am I right?" stark asked

" Yes, and please be honest."

" Of course, What would you like to know?'

" Who was that man that attacked me earlier?"

" That wasn't a man. It was a woman in disguise. Her name is mystique, and she has the ability to shapeshift into anyone, even you or me." stark answered

" Then how do Ah know it's really you Ah'm talking to?" Rogue asked

" Because mystique can't copy my abilities. For example!" stark says as he forms a cero in his hand. " This is called a cero. It's a ball of compressed energy that I can manipulate. I can fire it as a beam or if I keep condensing it like this, I can use it as a mele weapon and send whoever I hit with this flying. Either way the results are the same. To do this i use a type of energy called spiritual pressure. Everyone has it, but You have to reach a certain level before you can even think about trying to use this technique." Stark explained alleviating the tension from rogue.

" Ok, my second question is how did you know Ah'd be in trouble?"

" I could hear you in trouble. And I couldn't let you suffer alone. Not when I could help you. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain you must have been suffering from. Hurting any and every one you touch, but I promise you if you come with me. Me and my friends can find a way to help you control it."

" Ah don't know." Rogue said hesitantly

" It's ok, You don't have to come tonight. If it will make you uncomfortable, but here at least take my number that way if you ever need help, I can come for you." Stark said inputting his number and name into the girl's phone. " Here, I know you've got a lot to think about, but I promise you I'll be there every step of the way whenever you need me.' Stark said with a smile as he caressed the girl's face causing her to blush. What she didn't know was that stark was imprinting on her his spiritual pressure so that if she was ever in any real trouble, he could find her right away.

" Thank you stark ah'm really grateful you came to help me tonight." Rogue said leaning into the man's hand and holding it in place. " Ah'm ready to go home now."

" Of course, beautiful now hold on tight and give me directions.' Stark said before using his sonido to flash away towards rogue's house. After arriving stark let go of rogue.

" Thank you stark." She said as she gave the man a quick kiss on the cheek and ran inside to find her adopted Mother Irene there waiting for her.

Stark watched as the two had a tearful reunion after a long night and made his way over to where he had felt mystique.

" You should come out! It's not easy to hide from me." stark said as he approached the spot mystique was hiding from

" Oh, aren't you a strong one. Why did you go through all that trouble and not take rogue away with you?"

" For one simple reason. It has and always be her choice. I will never force this on her, unlike you I actually care about her feelings. I won't fight you tonight there's been enough grief and pain especially for that girl, but if you let HIM hurt her, I swear I will tear that helmet from his head and beat you both to death with it." stark said flaring his spiritual pressure causing mystique to collapse down to her knees.

Unbelievable this boy, he's so powerful I can't stand, I can't speak, I'm afraid of him Mystique thought to herself. He's far more powerful than magneto is. I can't beat him with the team I have now. Mystique thought to herself before seeing starks eyes piercing right through her.

" I mean it Mystique, don't let him anywhere near her. if she chooses to go to him willingly that's fine, I won't hold you accountable. Heed my warnings." Stark said as he flashed away leaving the collapsed mutant to herself.

Once he was far enough away stark radioed the others.

" Hey guys I need to report. I found rogue." Stark said

" Where are ya bub? we'll come pick both of ya up." wolverine said

" it's not that simple Logan. She wasn't sure about coming. So, I told her we'd give her some time. She's been through a terrible and traumatic experience today. I've got a lot to more to tell you guys, but for now we should return to base."

" Agreed!" The professor said as everyone else began making their ways to the x-jet.

Once there kurt asked.

" Well, what was she like?"

" An angel!" stark said absent mindedly while looking out the windows towards rogues home


Rogue sat in her room staring out the window as she thought about the young man she met tonight, the very first person she could touch without hurting, the very first man to call her beautiful. " Stark." Rogue said as she began falling asleep.