reincarnated into X-men evolution as coyote starrk
" AHHHHH!" The young woman yells as she dreams about falling through the sky before hitting the ground. The terror wakes the lady up and she finds herself in the basement. Crying on the floor
" What happened? Were you sleep walking?" The young womans dad asked while his wife hugged her crying daughter.
" No! I just fell. I. I fell through the ceiling." The young woman cried holding onto her mother.
[Alert! Discovery! Mutant signature!]
" Hmm Prep the X-jet!" Xavier said
" Now, now, dear. I'm sure you were just having a nightmare." The mother said
However, the father looked up at the ceiling seeing the young girls pillow and blanket sticking out of it. " i don't think so. The father said as they all looked at the scene above.
" What am I? What's happening to me?" The young girl asked.
The next day
" Why just the two of us? Why not all of us?" Jean asked the professor as stark slept in the back
" Because you're the one who can connect with this girl and because stark said he'd follow the jet if he had too." The professor said waking stark
" Huh! huh what was that sorry I dozed off there!" Stark said jumping awake.
" Well i hope so. How are handling the other kid Cerebro spied out? The one in the foster home." Jean asked
" Yes, Lance Alvers. You guys let me worry about that one, I want you two to focus on kitty's parents. Remember, you're models of what we're offering them. No pressure." The professor said jokingly
" Hahaha! And to think I passed up a nice, relaxing midterm for this." Jean said
" Haha! Straight A's will always be an excuse, Jean!" stark said
later at the Pryde residence.
" What are you talking about? How do you know kitty?" The mom asked
" Please, may we come in for a moment? We'll answer all your questions and anything you need to know." Jean asked
" Excuse me, miss. You can talk to us out here." The father said with malice.
" Very well. I think you know kitty is going through a very unique transition. We simply want to help her through it. Why don't you tell us about last night?" the Professor asked. This question shocks the Pryde parents.
" Last night is none of your business! Please, just leave us alone." The father said
" Mr. Pryde please just give me a moment of your time." stark says raising a finger and pointing it at a nearby tree.
" Listen kid I don't have time for this!" The father said
" Just humor me for a minute Sir!" stark said before firing a small cero into the three piercing through it Shocking the prydes.
" Are you going to hurt us?" The mom asked
" Mrs. Pryde, I have not, nor will I ever lay a hand on someone who is only trying to protect their daughter. I wanted to show you that kitty isn't alone. I know exactly what she is going through. And I'll be honest with you, there are people in this world who will come for kitty. Either to Hurt her or to make her do somethings She'd never be able to forget. We can help her. I can help her. I will protect her if you let us." Stark said hoping to change the father's mind.
" Please Just leave us alone!" the father said before closing the door in their faces.
" Next time let's just call. Less of a hassle." Jean said
" You'll need to make contact with kitty directly, at her school! Stark i want you!" The professor said before both he and jean realize he was already gone.
" I guess he beat you to it professor!" Jean said
" Yes, He did indeed!" The professor retorted
" Damn it they just had to go and make things difficult. Hopefully I can convince her to come with me, before she runs into that jerk Alvers. Huh! Me and my big fucking mouth!" stark said as he facepalmed. Seeing the school building shaking, knowing that Is lance using his powers. " Damn guess I gotta wait until schools over now.
Kitty Pryde finds herself in the drama clubs' auditorium. Still freaking out over the abilities she's gained.
" Kitty! Kitty! are you all right?" Stark asks as he walks down the aisle towards the girl.
" That rah-rah Riley a friend of yours? Because you know, I had nothing to do with what happened at the sandpit." Kitty said
" I know. And trust me I'm not that loser riley's friend." Stark said as he stopped walking
" Oh no let me guess you're Alver's friend."
" Absolutely not!" stark said
" Well, you look like you'd be one of their friends." Kitty said holding up a mask to her face
" Come now kitty." Stark says as he walks over to her. " There's no need for masks. Why would you hide such beauty?" Stark asks seeing the girl blush under the mask. " Listen kitty I know what's going on."
" You don't know anything!" kitty yelled back lowering the mask " And neither does that creepy guy out there!"
" Who, Lance? Forget about him this is about you. You and your wonderful new gift."
" I don't have any gifts. Just a curse." kitty said solemnly
" A curse only if you let it be. I'd like to help you understand it. together we..." Stark says as kitty cuts him off.
" Look, I don't want any of this! It's, like, hard enough just being normal, you know?"
" Kitty, look. I want you to watch me for a second. Please?" Stark asked. Once kitty nodded stark sonido'd away to flower shop grabbed a bouquet and sonido'd back in front of kitty with the flowers in hand.
" Whoa! How'd you do that?" Kitty asked holding onto the roses
" The same way you can pass through walls. And just like you, one morning I woke up and I had this power and a few others. And trust me, I hated it too." Stark said putting a hand on kitty's shoulder
" I don't believe you! This is a trick!"
" No! it's not please believe me!" Stark said
" She believes you! Hi kitty. My name is jean. I'm a telepath and I can read your thoughts.' Jean said with a smile on her face while walking towards the two mutans.
" No! Stay out of my head! No!" Kitty yells as she bolts away from the two
" kitty, Wait! Damn it jean!" stark said before someone put a hand on his shoulder. " Get your hands off me!" stark yelled as he turned around and saw who it was who had grabbed him.
" Piece of advice losers. I'm the only friend that girl's gonna need. And I'll be teaching her what's what. So, you two just back yourselves off." lance said angering Stark
" You Mouthy little punk! I'll flatten you!" Stark says before being stopped by Jean
" Stark, stop it! this is no place for a fight." Jean pleads
" Fine, I'll let this go for now, but if you so much as touch a hair on that girls' head. I Will Crush you, Alvers." Stark said before he and jean left the auditorium.
" Are you alright?"
" Why would I be alright after that? Damn it, Jean!"
Damn It I can't let her fall under lance's trap. Stark thought to himself
As stark made his way after kitty he could hear the girl having a conversation with another man. The very same he told to leave her alone
" That we are outsiders. That there is something wrong with us." Lance said making kitty cry.
" Alvers! You piece of shit!" Stark yelled as he appeared in front of them. " Kitty don't listen to this guy. There's nothing wrong with us, we aren't outsiders, and we aren't monsters. We are who we chose to be kitty. Not who lance decides you are. Think to yourself kitty. Have you ever done something to hurt anyone intentionally?"
" No"
" Have you changed kitty? Do you want to hurt someone? Do you want to use these gifts to destroy those around you?"
" No"
" Do your parents Love you any less than they ever have?"
" No" Kitty said as tears fell down her face.
" Then, the way I see it you aren't an outsider, you aren't a monster, You are Kitty Pryde! And whether you believe it or not, You will never be anything but Kitty pryde!" Stark said as the girl ran into his arms crying.
" Who do you think you are punk?" Lance yelled
" Lance stop it!" Kitty said as she approached lance.
" Or what? You think he can stop me? You really are worthless!" Lance said as he raised his fist to strike kitty, however before he could Stark caught his fist.
" You really fucked up now lance. Kitty get behind me" Stark said asking the girl to get to safety.
" You think because you got lucky and stopped my punch you can stop me?" Lance said before getting kicked in his gut by stark launching him into the school.
Stark followed lance into the school Hoping to finish the fight quickly, however what he didn't expect was for jean to have gotten kitty's family involved.
" Lance, I told you if you laid a hand on kitty, I would crush you. It's time for you to learn a lesson you'll never forget."
" Stark!" Jean yelled while being followed by kitty's parents
" Jean what are you doing here? Run and get kitty's parents out of here hurry!" Stark yelled
" Mom! Dad!" Kitty yelled as she ran to her parents " I'm sorry!" Kitty cried hugging her family.
While they were distracted Lance composed himself, Wiping the blood from his mouth He began to use his powers.
" No one, Crashes avalanche!" Lance yelled as the building began to shake and crumble apart
" Lance Stop! If you don't the others will get dragged into this!" Stark yelled as the building continued to shake.
" I'll crush you all!" Lance yelled back.
Jean tried to gold up the building and give the prydes time to escape, but before they could the building collapsed right over them.
Shit! I gotta hurry! Stark thought to himself as he used his sonido to get close to them. He didn't have time to grab them and leave, so he used his body as a shield to cover the family.
" Mom! Dad!" Kitty cried
" Kitty! We're ok!" Both the mom and dad said
The three huddled together as they looked up to see what, or more who it was that saved them
" Stark!" Kitty yelled in fear.
" Don't worry, no one hurts my kitty!" Stark grunted out as he lifted the rubble on top of him." You three get together and hold on tight!" Stark said getting a nod from the pryde family. " Jean, can you hear me?" Stark yelled
" Yes! Stark are you all alright?"
" We're fine Jean, I need you to get out of the building fast!"
" But, stark!"
" Now Jean!" Stark yelled
Jean simply nodded her head and got outside with Professor Xavier. Once they were clear jean sent a mental message to stark letting him know they were out safe.
" Alright Everyone ready to get out of this mess?
" Yes!" They all said in unison
" Alright!" Stark said taking in a deep breath before releasing it. " Kick about, Los lobos!" Stark said releasing his spiritual pressure His appearance changing back into his espada form.
" Whoa! That's so awesome!" Kitty said as she stared at starks new form with a slight blush.
After transforming stark use his pistols to start blasting his way out of the building, destroying the rubble around them. The prydes watched in amazement as stark effortlessly destroyed the rubble that surrounded them.
This kid is truly amazing. I shouldn't have been so rude earlier. If he was such a bad person, I have no doubt in my mind he could have taken kitty by force. I should apologize when this over. hm? Mr. Pryde thought to himself as he noticed kitty's expression. I see, well If that's what she wants then i approve.
Once the last piece of rubble was destroyed stark escorted the three prydes out of the collapsing building, towards Jean and the professor. Once they were outside the three prydes collapsed from the exhaustion and stress of the situation they had just experienced.
" Well, done stark." The professor said
" I didn't do much professor."
" Nonsense, my dear boy. Today you saved three lives! That deserves praise in my book." The professor said praising the boy
" Thanks professor!"
" Mom, I'm sorry and daddy, these people, they like, want to help me. I trust them." Kitty said as she hugged her father
" I know, sweetie. And so do I. Mr. Xavier, I want to apologize for my actions earlier. I was unprofessional and I was rude. And for that I am sorry." Mr. Pryde said as he apologized to Xavier. " And you stark, I trust you to take good care of my daughter and to make her happy." Mr. Pryde said embarrassing his daughter causing her to blush.
" Of course, Mr. Pryde. I promise I'll make kitty as happy as possible!" Stark said as he beat on his chest. Not knowing even, himself what it is he just agreed to.
This declaration getting stares of amusement from both jean and the professor and causes kitty's face to burn red.
" What did I say something wrong?" Stark asked as Jean and the professor laughed, while kitty just stared at him with a smile. " Wait! Seriously what did I say?" Stark yelled again.