
x Love Will Lead You Back x

He looked at Ji An and she can sense something was wrong with him 'What is wrong with people today? Everyone seems off.' "Where have you been?" He asked coldly. Ji An was taken aback by his question and by the tone of it. "Do I have to report to you what I'm doing and where I Am?" She replied sarcastically. He moved closer to her and he put his left arm on her side resting on top of the bonnet of his car and his right arm on the other side. She can't go anywhere, he basically trapped her in between his arms. He moved his face close to hers and his lips hovered on hers, it was dangerously close. "Yes, you should. Since I'm your husband, I should know where you are and what you are doing and who you are with." He inhaled her sweet scent and he let out his cool breath on her lips "I'm the jealous type of husband, I don't want that Eric near you." He still didn't move. Ji An's heartbeat beaten erratically, she's struggled to think for a comeback for what he said. But she can't think of any, all she knew was his cool breath was so inviting, his lips were so close that a simple movement from her will seal a kiss. 'Why am I like this?' Her body temperature rose rapidly her behaviour was uncontrollable. She tried to pull herself away from her shameless thoughts of him. Cheng Ze can feel the heat coming from her body. 'Is she unwell?' He moved away from her and saw her flushed cheeks. Her breathing was different from normal. He touched her face and her forehead "Are you unwell? Do you have a fever?" He asked in a very concerned voice. His touch felt cool against her warm skin. But instead of cooling her down, her body temperature rose even more. He became more worried than earlier. She was incredibly warm. It's not normal. Ji An has no control over her body now, her desire and her lust for him has taken over her. She knew she shouldn't but her body knows different. He asked Ji An for her key but she didn't respond. He looked on her bag and he found it. He carried her up to the door and he opened it. Before he can carry her again, to take her inside, she grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him to her. She kissed his lips like she really wanted it as if it belongs to her. He doesn't know what's going on with her, but her kiss was making him lose all senses. He pinned her against the door and he held her waist, he responded to her kiss very passionately, full of love and admiration. His lips then travelled to her neck and he gently gropes her breast with his left hand while his right hand was still on her waist holding her in place. He wanted her, all of her 'She's giving herself to me voluntarily.' With that thought, it made him want her more. "Baby" he whispered in her ear, while he kisses and nibbles her earlobe. "Not here... we have to get inside first." His whisper somehow turned her on even more. https://chaptail.com/Novel/tp3rHlJYRvSJGo2rIjx8 https://discord.gg/A33fHxA

MiszYumi · Real
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Lost His Mind

"Babe?" Her face was furious, "Is that what you call each other?" she hit him hard on his arm, "You better get up or I'll get more water!" Her jealousy was evident in her voice and actions.

There was no response from Cheng Ze so she got another jug of water. Once again, she splashed it on his face and it woke him up. He sat up and with his fiery eyes he gazed at her, took her hand, pulled her down and pinned her down the couch. As she was underneath him, his eyes constricted and glared at her intensely, "What is your problem? Why did you do that for?"

Ji An got surprised by his action. She didn't expect that from him at all but her jealousy got the best of her, "Who was that woman?" Her voice sounded like a jealous wife interrogating her husband about his mistress.

"What woman?" his voice was confused but deep, "You know you are my only woman!" still pinning her down with his hand holding her hands tight.

"Really!" she shouted at him as she stared at him angrily, "Get off me. I'm going to bed!" kicking her legs and wriggling her arms and hands to free herself from him.

He held her tightly with a lot of force so she can't go anywhere, "Why do you sound like a jealous wife? You haven't even accepted me as a boyfriend? Does this mean you love me too?" his eyes widened with a glimpse of hope. Chances of forgetting everything when he wakes up are big, how he can converse with her right now and the amount of strength he had was unbelievable.

Her gaze didn't falter, she didn't even flinch when she said no to him, "No! Get over yourself. I don't lo—"

Cheng Ze shut her mouth with his, he doesn't want to hear what she was about to say. Ji An fought back and tried to push him, but in his drunken state, it was hard to free herself from him as he was much stronger in this state.

He kissed her violently and roughly biting her lips as he gripped her skin very tight making her moan in pain. Cheng Ze ripped her shirt and pulled her pyjamas down along with her underwear. He was aggressive and rough towards her. Ji An cried, pleaded and begged him to stop, but it was no use, his actions were very determined. She fought him hard until she got exhausted. He entered her aggressively and thrust in her back and forth until he was done. Ji An's eyes were in tears, "How could you do this to me." She sobbed, her eyes and cheeks were flooded with tears.

After the evil deed he did, Cheng Ze moved from the top of her and lie down on the sofa immediately falling asleep. Ji An ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom and run a bath. When she came out she was already washed and have a new set of clean clothes. Her eyes were puffed from constant crying. She was thinking of leaving now but she thought that it was still dark outside. However, she must leave before he wakes up.

She packed all her belongings to her luggage, as she folded her clothes, tears were falling from her eyes uncontrollably and she has constantly wiped them off. When the clock hits 6 am, she left Cheng Ze's villa and hailed a taxi after reaching the main road. The driver took her to the airport as she instructed wanting to leave as soon as possible and called Alice to tell her to pick her up later.

After reaching the airport, she bought the first flight she can get to London, it will be at 12:10 pm and she will be arriving in London Heathrow at 15:35 pm. She gave her flight details to Alice so she can pick her up from the airport.

Alice didn't ask any questions but she knew something happened in Beijing for her to rush back home in a hurry. Yesterday, she was fine and sounded happy, not even a day has passed and she was rushing to come back. Whatever happened, she will just wait for Ji An to get back and talk about it.

Ji An tried to eat some food but she couldn't, she felt violated and hurt by Cheng Ze which she was. She never imagined that he could do something like that to her, tears kept falling from her eyes as she recalled what happened.

She got on the plane and sat on her allocated seat, her tears were racing down her face. As the plane took off she looked at the window seeing Beijing below, once more, her eyes burst into tears and told herself, "I am leaving China for good. There is no reason for me to be here. I have nothing here. I'm never coming back!"

Cheng Ze woke up with a headache. He held his head to massaged his temples and saw a ripped shirt and picked it up, "This is Ji Ans clothes. What happened?" he moaned in pain from his headache. "Ji An! Ji An!" He called for her but there was no answer, he went upstairs to see if she was in bed and found she's not there. He checked the bathroom, again she was not there. "Where is she?"

He went to have a shower first to freshen up and wake himself up before he goes looking for her again. After he got ready, he looked for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found and she didn't leave any notes either. He tried to recall what happened yesterday. At the party he saw Lori, apparently, his father found out that they went to travel together. So he invited her to accompany his son to the party. Li Wei wasn't there as Chairman Gu Feng told him not to go and to not interfere with them.

Recalling that he drank a lot and he had fun with some friends from college, he shut his eyes remembering that he totally forgot Ji An. According to his recollection, Lori assisted him. Because he couldn't drive, Lori drove him home and he gave her the address of his villa. The last thing he recalled was he rode in her car. "How did we get in?" he uttered, "I wouldn't be able to key in the passcode and Lori doesn't know it either." he tilted his head and a thought came in his mind, 'Did Ji An got jealous?' "Did she met Lori?" He murmured after his thought.

Looking at his phone, he decided to call Lori and just ask her. "Lori it's me. You brought me home last night, did you meet Ji An?" he didn't think of Lori's feelings as his concern was on Ji An and her whereabouts.

"So.. that's her name. Yeah, I did. Who is she?" She intriguingly asked him. "Is she your new woman? She looks young for you isn't she?"

A tinge of jealousy was on her voice but obviously, Cheng Ze didn't pay attention to that and totally ignored her question. "Did she say something?"

"Well, she shut the door in my face telling me to leave. She's a bit rude if you ask me." She complained hoping to get sympathy from him.

It brought a smile on Cheng Ze's face and he felt a little giddy, "Did she looked jealous?" his voice sounded happy too.

"No!" Lori chuckled, "She took you in threw you on the sofa and told me to leave then she shut the door. Who is she anyway?"

"She's a friend. A special one." He smiled and then hung up the phone.

He waited for her in the villa, but it's already 5 pm and she was nowhere to be seen, he was getting anxious and thought that she might have gone back to Gu Residence to talk to her mother. Once he reached the Gu mansion, he immediately looked for his stepmother Meiling and found her in the kitchen preparing food with the servants. Not thinking twice, he asked her with a demanding voice,

"Where is Ji An? Did she come to see you?" His face was serious and anxious.

Meiling looked at him confused, "Why will she come here? I would love that if she comes back. And didn't you want her out of here?" she looked at him baffled.

Cheng Ze didn't respond, he stormed off and went to the mall where they went shopping. He couldn't find her anywhere and it was getting late, he figured she might be home by now from wherever she went to so he went back home. Once again he looked for her everywhere inside the villa, but she was not there.

"Did she leave?' he thought as he sat down on the couch, "Why will she do that? She would have told me if she has to leave." He murmured. He then decided to check her things and to his surprise, all her belongings are gone, '"She left!" he exclaimed, "But why?" he was gutted after finding out she left, "She didn't say anything." and thought of what could have happened last night, "What happened last night when I get back?' He wondered. "Did I do something wrong?" He growled, "Why did I drink too much? I must have done something to upset her." He was walking back and forth then sat on the sofa once again, he remembered the ripped shirt on the floor. "Did we fought last night? Have I hurt her? Oh god!" He combed his hair with his hand. "Where are you Ji An?"

Between Beijing and London, it has 8 hours time difference. China is 8 hours ahead.

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