
X-Light Intro

Think back to when you were a teen what was it like? For me it was having friends over every night, non stop parties that lasted all weekend, concert hoping, and driving fast down empty roads. Life at that age was wild and full of bad choices, I think the only time I wasn't causing trouble was when I was listening to music. As teens you get into loads of music from different genres, but me I only really liked one band...X-LIGHT. I've been in LOVE with their music since they first came out when I was around 16. They are three years older than me and I was totally in love with the drummer. His name is Ken Park, Ken is my favorite person because he is just so sweet. When I was 18 I met them in a group meet and greet. I was so excited but while I was in line everyone was ignoring him. A present to Jack the lead singer, A cool fan art of Nick the bass player, and A big stuffed animal for Joon the guitarist but none for Ken...it broke my heart. By the time it was my turn I gave him a big smile and I told him how much I loved his music and his vibe, he lit up like a bon-fire warm and joyful. That day I talked with him till we laughed uncontrollably and it lasted till the meet and greet was over. We had so much fun we didn't even notice that everyone had left. In the end I went home with a smile on my face and a cool memory to tell my friends. Soon time did what it does best and I was off to college, my love for X-LIGHT never faded but it got pushed to the back of my mind. Life comes fast and likes to jolt you around when it gives you some time to slow down. Soon after I started college my mom died. I lost a part of me that year that I thought I'd always have by my side. However you soldier on even if you're gritting your teeth the whole way through.

It's been eight years and I'm older than I'd like to admit but I'm still as spunky as ever. Dad and I have held down the fort, I work as a teacher and dad is retired. I would love to say I'm the one taking care of him but Stella has that covered. Stella is my step mom of three years next Christmas, Dad says when they first met it was like meeting an old friend. I'm glad he's happy she never fails to make him smile. As for me I'm always busy. I love my kiddos and they love asking about my life. Unfortunately they are at that age that they ask less about what pets you have and more about if you have a boyfriend. They sound more and more like my dad every time they ask. I'm twenty-six and single, everyone thinks I should be married but I think I should live how I want. It's not that I don't date it's just guys are so...much trouble. The last date I went on was great until he walked me to the door and asked if he could stay the night, I said no, he called me a bitch. I'm not sure about you but that's not my idea of a good pickup line. In the end life is going ok not bad not good just ok.

They rest of this story is framed as the Main character looking back to the past. As if she is telling a story. This is so I can have more range of creativity to add details and emotional discriptions. This intro is writen from the POV of the main character. There will be other times we see her first person POV. I plan to have entire pages dedicated to her diary entries sprinkeled throughout. They will mostly come up after big plot points and milstones in the story. So you as readers can see her side of it all and understand the choices she will make. I hope you enjoy X-LIGHT.

KittyKat2004creators' thoughts