
Wuxia Demon Cult Quest

You heard right, a quest. This is largely inspired by a similar quest by Messy. I am not confident enough to post this on SB, SV, or QQ. Also, this is my first ever try at a quest. So, please bear with me. As many may know I am an writer that regularly puts his works on hold. Really hard to get onto the swing when there exists many Novels, Stories, and Quests to read. Anyway, enough with the talk, Synopsis time. --------- Chun Ma, a name many fear and respect. He is a long known legend. You thought as you start walking into the Demon Order Academy, created by this great man or demon, as a Disciple along with the rest of your more respectable peers....Why are people staring at you?

GamingReadingLong · Cómic
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5 Chs

Yang Dawi Starting Stats and Traits.

Age: 15

Strength: 1.5( You are stronger than your average person)

Speed: 1.5(You are faster than your average person)

Stamina: 1.5(You endure better than your average person)

Martial Arts: 1.5(You have trained hard, and is better than some of your peers)

Intelligence: 0.5(You are an idiot. Yeah, The Dice Gods were not kind.)

Qi: 2.5(Just kidding, The Dice Gods understand fair trade. You have a Third-Rate Warriors amount of Qi)

Qi Control: 2.5( You will definitely control it well.)

Formations: 0(You have not learned Formations)

Medicinal Arts: 0.9( You had to heal a lot. You have trained hard Daowi.)

Attainment: You are a Third-Rate Warrior....in the amount of Qi you have.


Above-Average: You have better talent than most. However, you still have to train harder than the some super talented geniuses out there.

Idiot: You might be wondering how the hell is anyone capable of such crap Intelligence. Well, think of it like this, you put most of your focus on Martial Arts in an era not suited for "Intelligent" Players like you guys. You couldn't really train your mind much. As such, you received this trait. Also, just letting you know in advance, intelligent write-ins are ignored due to this trait. You can train it and regain the ability to use intelligent write-ins just know that you suffer a hell of a malus towards trying to train it. Really goes to show how fearsome the Dice Gods are.

Hard Worker: You have trained hard to get the amount of Qi you had now. As such, I(The GM) give you this trait. The Dice Gods have been very kind indeed.

Orphan: You were born an Orphan. If you had hopes for social interactions with the clans, think twice. They would never associate themselves with a low born.

Attractive: You are one good looking son of a gun. Seriously, you are. Enough so that you actually have a shot at interacting with peers from the clans. Just be careful of Jealous men.

Yup, these are the stats and traits you'll be playing with. Next chapter is on what constitutes the grade of warriors.