
Wuxia Demon Cult Quest

You heard right, a quest. This is largely inspired by a similar quest by Messy. I am not confident enough to post this on SB, SV, or QQ. Also, this is my first ever try at a quest. So, please bear with me. As many may know I am an writer that regularly puts his works on hold. Really hard to get onto the swing when there exists many Novels, Stories, and Quests to read. Anyway, enough with the talk, Synopsis time. --------- Chun Ma, a name many fear and respect. He is a long known legend. You thought as you start walking into the Demon Order Academy, created by this great man or demon, as a Disciple along with the rest of your more respectable peers....Why are people staring at you?

GamingReadingLong · Cómic
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5 Chs

How This Works.

To those who know how quests work, skip the newbie stuff, the following is for newbies.

Quests are basically player playable stories that are written by writers like me...or unlike me considering my record with writing. It involves many a dice roll, many a discussion, and many a vote. So, say you want to do something, you got to Vote for it.

Just type +1 on the sentences that look like this.

○ Choice 1

And that will count as your vote. If that vote wins, Dice are rolled to decide how well you did in that choice. So, say you, the player(s) decided to vote for punch him in the face.

I, the sh!t GM, will roll for how well your action went and then write the scenario. For example; You all rolled, out of a D100 dice, a 50 or higher. Then the scenario goes as such;

"Oh. Hey Da-" Joey didn't get to finish before he got punched. Dave speaks afterward. "Hey Joey, heard you talking sh!t about my sister."

Or so it goes. Alternatively, if you roll a 50 or lower;

"Oh, Hey Da-" Joey didn't finish before he dodged the blow. He then yelled. "Dave! What the hell!?" Dave spoke afterward. "Hey Joey, heard you talking sh!t about my sister."

Then there exists Crits. A roll on the dice that is affected by "The Rule of Cool" and "The Rule of The Fool". Do to reasons, I have decided that, to crit, you need 98-100 to be a badass. Alternatively, you need a 1-3 to be a loser. These come very little in quests, hence the higher chance rate. Also, you get bonuses or maluses for these crits. Depends on the action voted for. Say, you critted on a succeed, you would get a bonus to intimidation rolls, you'll feel great so get a bonus to any action afterward, and if people are nearby they will fear or respect you. In other words, bonuses to socials.

And say, you critted on a failure, you get maluses to intimidation regarding the person in question, you suffer a malus to an action afterward, and if people are nearby to witness it. Prepare for the shame and hope you have a steel wall for a face.

Rule of Cool Example:

"Oh, Hey Da-" Joey didn't get to finish before he was punched so hard, he did a flip. Now laying on the ground dazed, confused, and wondering how the hell did Dave get strong enough to flip a person with a punch. Dave spoke afterward. "Hey Joey, heard you talking sh!t about my sister". 'Has Dave ever looked that intimidating before?'. Joey thought, scared out his mind.

Rule of The Fool Example:

"Oh, Hey Da-" Joey didn't finish, too stunned by Dave's epic fail. Dave tried to punch him however, Dave tripped on a rock and landed on his face. Joey spoke after the awkard silence. "....Why did you try to punch me Dave?". After a bit more silence Dave stood up and spoke, Pride greatly hurt and Face largely dimished, but he still spoke. Granted with a tremble.

"H-h-heard you t-talking sh!t about m-my sister". "So, what if I did" Joey said unafraid.

You guys get the gist. Depending on how well or badly you roll, your votes and rolls affect the story.

Discussion is a thing, it would work better on SB, SV, or QQ, but it's a thing. Sway your fellows into choosing something you want with words. Never was good at that as a participant.

Alright, now that the newbie stuff is out of the way now time to speak of the stuff regarding this story.

As I spoke about in the Synopsis, this is largely inspired by Messy. Another Quest Writer. He was the first person I have seen who made rolls and votes actually matter to a characters personality.

I thought it was fascinating how, with votes you could come up with an interesting mix as "A Cautiously Smart Ambitious Hard Worker" who is apparently super capable of making friends and is totally blind to romance. So, I'm trying to give this a try.

Expect a changed, but still hopefully the same stat board to Messy's. I will not hold back on negative outcomes. Any action, every step into this quest WILL affect the story. You characters personality, your environment, who you lead or follow, all that stuff.

Voting will close after a day. Reason is that updates might come rarely and I don't wish for vote bloat.

Next chapter will be going into how stats work and how they affect a Wuxia setting.