
Wuxia Demon Cult Quest

You heard right, a quest. This is largely inspired by a similar quest by Messy. I am not confident enough to post this on SB, SV, or QQ. Also, this is my first ever try at a quest. So, please bear with me. As many may know I am an writer that regularly puts his works on hold. Really hard to get onto the swing when there exists many Novels, Stories, and Quests to read. Anyway, enough with the talk, Synopsis time. --------- Chun Ma, a name many fear and respect. He is a long known legend. You thought as you start walking into the Demon Order Academy, created by this great man or demon, as a Disciple along with the rest of your more respectable peers....Why are people staring at you?

GamingReadingLong · Cómic
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5 Chs


This chapter is mostly about Attainments in this setting. You know the regular spiel about Superpower martial arts novels and levels.

Let's start with possible attainments. These are realms all attainable with hard work and dedication. The later levels also need Opportunities. Pretty sure, I don't need to explain those if any of you joined knowing this is a WUXIA Quest.

1.0 = A regular person

2.0 = Third-Rate Warrior

3.0 = Second-Rate Warrior

4.0 = First-Rate Warrior

5.0 = Expert

6.0 = Master

7.0 = Grandmaster

8.0 = Supreme Master

These belong to the truly talented. Those that truly benefit from opportunities and take martial arts to new heights. Also, where f@cking with how the universe works is common place. Seriously, I read the novel and am still wondering how it still counted as Wuxia.

9.0 = Divine Master

10.0 = Heavenly Master

11.0 = Void Master

12.0 = Realm of Gods

You all understand? Good? Good.

First actual chapter coming soon. Let's get started.