
Wukong, it's decided to be you

【Please draw the carbon cycle of the 'Sengu Giant' during photosynthesis】 【The division speed of a certain 'Zoophyte' individual is in the geometric sequence {a}, with a1=3 and a5=24. Find the general formula for its division.】 【The main chemical component of the 'Coral Dragon Lizard' scales is ____, soaking it in concentrated hydrochloric acid will produce a precipitate of ____】 Looking at the increasingly absurd questions in the tutoring book, Chen Xuan couldn't help but close it, seeing the words written on the cover: "I am just a series of traces left by others, leading you to the peak of Spirit Binder; I am just a series of earnest reminders, reminding you of every detail of getting along with the Spirits." ——《Five Years of Mock Tests, Three Years of College Entrance Examination (Spirit Manipulation Arts Edition)》

Fei · Oriental
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686 Chs

Chapter 20 Zhen Shan Niu Mo

Traductor: 549690339

Early morning.

"Yawning~~~ I had a good night's sleep..."

Chen Xuan stretched lazily, feeling refreshed.

He looked down at the Stone Monkey beside him and noticed that it was clutching its fists tightly, occasionally swaying slightly.

"Are you dreaming about delicious food? How nice..."

Watching its contented expression, Chen Xuan felt envious of its carefree attitude.

After carefully getting out of bed, he began to pack his schoolbag.

The National Day holiday had come to an end, and it was time to return to school life.

Although Bai Chuan had asked if he needed her to stay with him until he completed the test assigned by the head of teaching affairs, he had declined.

After all, the leave policy at the police academy was rather strict, so he'd rather not take unnecessary leave and risk leaving a bad impression.

As expected...

When Chen Xuan opened the door, he saw that breakfast was prepared and placed on the living room table.

Clearly, Bai Chuan had already taken the early morning train back to school.

As he approached, Chen Xuan found a notebook in addition to breakfast.

"Two and a half years of high school Spirit experience?"

Chen Xuan flipped through it and found that the content was Bai Chuan's summaries and insights from the end of her first semester in high school until the college entrance examination.

The handwriting looked fresh, likely written during the recent National Day holiday.

"I only have a little over half a year until I take the college entrance exam, not as much as two and a half years..."

Chen Xuan closed the notebook and sighed, feeling the pressure...


Office of Teaching Affairs.

"Tell me who occupied your class, and I'll stand up for you. Don't be afraid," the burly Director of Teaching Affairs said gently.

In front of him, the gym teacher with his head bowed and fiddling with his fingers, stole a glance at the English teacher in the distance who had her legs crossed.

Her black, red-soled pointed high heels were swaying on her delicate feet.

Noticing his gaze, she pushed up her thin-framed glasses, propped her chin with one hand and revealed a meaningful smile, while the other hand caressed the teaching cane on the table.


Feeling a faint pain in his back, the gym teacher's buttocks clenched as he swallowed hard and shook his head vigorously.

"What are you afraid of? If you don't speak up, your lessons will be occupied again in the future!"

Seeing that his gentle persuasion wasn't working, the Director of Teaching Affairs became agitated, raising his arms and stretching them out behind him.

In an instant, all the muscles on his upper body bulged, making his clothes look like they were about to burst.

Witnessing this, the gym teacher felt like he was caught between a rock and a hard place, breaking out in a cold sweat.

'Knock knock!'

Just then, Chen Xuan knocked on the wooden office door, providing a timely rescue for the beleaguered gym teacher.

"Come in."

The grumpy Director of Teaching Affairs responded in a muffled voice.

"Director Niu, the head of Academic Affairs asked me to see you."

Looking at the stern, bronze-faced man, Chen Xuan carefully handed over a test paper.

Niu Feng, the Director of Teaching Affairs at Furong No.8 Middle School.

With a height of nearly two meters, bodybuilder-like muscles, and a strict management style, he was privately known as the Bull Demon King by students.

According to rumors left by older classmates, before becoming the Director of Teaching Affairs, Niu Feng was just a gym teacher and was not called the Bull Demon King, but rather 'Farmer San'.

The origin of this nickname could be traced back to Niu Feng's college days.

At that time, Niu Feng, a student of agricultural college, accidentally ingested animal medicine which made him extremely energetic.

He then went directly to the field, pushed aside the plowing ox, and pulled the plow himself, plowing eight miles of land in one breath, doing this for three consecutive days.

This display of vigor greatly attracted the nearby cows, and their milk production even increased during that time.

As a result, he was nicknamed 'Three Days in the Field,' which was later simplified to 'Farmer San'.

Of course...

Whether this story was true or fabricated was unknown.

After all, campus rumors were mostly just for fun.

"Are you the one transferring to the Spirit Manipulation Arts? Follow me."

After taking a look at the test form, Niu Feng stood up.

In a daze, Chen Xuan felt as if a tall iron tower had risen in front of him, shrouded by a massive shadow.

With an exceptionally sturdy body and the pressure of a guidance director, Chen Xuan followed cautiously with every step.

When they arrived at the training ground, Niu Feng raised his hand and summoned his Spirit.

As the earthy yellow light gradually faded, a wild bull with bulging muscles, standing on its hind legs, appeared in the arena:

[Zhen Shan Niu Mo, Earth Based Demon Spirit, Race Rating 6 stars]

[Magnificent horns and a broad back, sturdy bones full of energy. Braving danger to cross forests, ripping majestic trees with great force.]

"Since your original results were already good, there is no need for a written test during this transfer, just a test of your practical ability. No matter what method you use, as long as you can break through this wall, you'll pass."

Niu Feng casually sketched a talisman while drawing and speaking.

After finishing the talisman, he flicked his hand, and it instantly appeared on the small leg of the 'Zhen Shan Niu Mo.'


With a gentle stamp on the ground, a slight tremor was accompanied by the rise of a thin stone wall in front of them.

[Talisman Skill·Earth Talisman: Stone Wall!]

[Condensing Earth Based Energy, creating a barrier to defend from attacks.]

As a Yu-level Spirit Binder, Niu Feng's true strength was not limited to creating a stone wall that was barely thicker than a tile.

If he wanted, he could even create a small fortress.

However, since this test was designed for Chen Xuan, there was no need for that.


Chen Xuan nodded and quickly summoned the Stone Monkey with the Spirit Talisman in his hand.

(´◉﹃◉`) Ababa...

The Stone Monkey, which had been tormented all night, looked listless with its mouth open and a blank expression.

It looked like a salted fish that had lost its dream...

"What happened? You look down..."

Surprised, Chen Xuan hurriedly rubbed its monkey face to help it regain its spirits.

Once the Stone Monkey's condition had improved slightly, Chen Xuan began thinking about how to break through the stone wall in front of him.

If the task was solely to test destructive power, then...

Use the Rock Fist!

With that thought, Chen Xuan raised his hand to draw a talisman.

In no time, the earth-yellow glowing talisman floated onto the back of the Stone Monkey's hand and transformed into a pair of solid stone gauntlets.

[Talisman Skill·Earth Talisman: Rock Fist!]


The Stone Monkey let out a light shout to increase its momentum, then swung its arm around in two big circles before finally throwing a powerful punch.


After the fist collided with the stone wall, a few fragments splattered, and the Stone Monkey's body visibly trembled.

(Ŏ﹏Ŏ;) Master... I think... I'm numb...

With half of its body numb, the Stone Monkey limped towards Chen Xuan.

"No, you're just purely numb..."

Chen Xuan's mouth twitched at the corner.


As a scraping sound echoed, a handful of sand and gravel materialized out of thin air and rapidly assembled towards the stone wall.

In the blink of an eye, the small damage caused by the fist was quickly repaired, looking as good as new as if nothing had happened.

"You need to break it in one blow to pass."

Director Niu, with his arms folded and eyes drooping, reminded him.


Chen Xuan took a deep breath and nodded.

It seems that he would have to use some real skills...