
Wukong, it's decided to be you!

【Please draw the carbon cycle of the 'Sengu Giant' during photosynthesis】 【The division speed of a certain 'Zoophyte' individual is in the geometric sequence {a}, with a1=3 and a5=24. Find the general formula for its division.】 【The main chemical component of the 'Coral Dragon Lizard' scales is ____, soaking it in concentrated hydrochloric acid will produce a precipitate of ____】 Looking at the increasingly absurd questions in the tutoring book, Chen Xuan couldn't help but close it, seeing the words written on the cover: "I am just a series of traces left by others, leading you to the peak of Spirit Binder; I am just a series of earnest reminders, reminding you of every detail of getting along with the Spirits." ——《Five Years of Mock Tests, Three Years of College Entrance Examination (Spirit Manipulation Arts Edition)》

Fei · Oriental
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686 Chs

Chapter 14: Roulette Talisman

"Is Jinlin King also from Hongquan?"

Chen Xuan curiously asked.

"Yeah, one of our own."

Bai Chuan's words were in the Hongquan dialect, meaning 'one of our own' or 'fellow townsman'.

"No wonder..."

Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully.

Although he didn't have an in-depth understanding of the "Hongquan Tragedy," it was easy to deduce that Jinlin King, who was now about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, was just a high school student, like himself, ten years ago.

So, the Wang-level Spirit Binders who guarded Hongquan City at that time probably weren't him.

Therefore, Jinlin King's obsession with Hongquan should stem from his personal experience of the "Hongquan Tragedy".

"Bro, actually Jinlin King also taught me a talisman."

Feeling a sudden impulse, Chen Xuan said.

He had access to some undiscovered talisman information in this parallel world, including a specialized talisman for the Faithful Hua Dog - the Roulette Talisman.

It was well-known that the classification of different energy attributes was based on the characteristics of energy particles.

The most single and versatile type of energy particle was classified as "Elemental."

Because once the elemental energy is broken from a stable state, it will convert to any of the other ten attributes.

And other attribute energies, when their stable state is broken, tend to transform towards the elemental attribute.

The restraint between attributes is also based on the differences in energy particle characteristics.

For example:

Wind-Based energy particles' "activity" is not as high as Fire Based, but their "range of movement" is the largest among the 11 attributes.

While the characteristic of Ice Based energy particles is to reduce the activity range of other energy particles, Wind Based are the most affected and limited by it.

Thus, Ice Based restrains Wind Based.

Although the Faithful Hua Dog is the most stable elemental attribute with the highest energy activity, it is different from other elemental spirit creatures in that its stable state is broken and reformed once when it evolves into Xia Chi.

After the reformation, it may still be the most stable 'Elemental,' or it may be the most active 'Fire,' or even the most lifeless 'Realm of Death.'

In short, any of the 11 attributes are possible.

And the effect of the Roulette Talisman is to allow it to randomly transform between multiple attribute forms after evolution.

Although Bai Chuan is only in his second year of college, his exceptional talent makes his promotion to the Shi level imminent.

Most demon spirits experience their first evolution at the 'Shi level', and the Faithful Hua Dog is no exception; this is the perfect opportunity for it to take advantage of the Roulette Talisman.

Chen Xuan had long wanted to give Bai Chuan the talisman, but he had been unable to find a suitable excuse. Now he could use Jinlin King's name as a pretext.

"He taught you a talisman!?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Chuan's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

In those heavily advertised online games, you need at least some currency to instantly level up and get godly equipment.

How come Jinlin King seems even easier to upgrade and get equipment than them?

"Yes, it's called the 'Roulette Talisman'."

Chen Xuan pretended to recollect, "Its effect is to allow the evolved form of the Faithful Hua Dog, Xia Chi, to randomly transform between different attributes."

"Randomly change attributes? Then, with my Talent Talisman, Changing Dice, doesn't that mean I can change it to any attribute I want?"

Bai Chuan's eyes lit up, "Right now, the Roulette Talisman is probably still a semi-finished product, but with further improvements, it might not even need the Changing Dice Talent Talisman to freely change attributes.

There are so many police officers in the Security Department contracted with Faithful Hua Dogs; wouldn't this boost their strength several times over? With such great merit, Jinlin King will surely be promoted from vice director to director in a few years!"

There are mainly three official departments in today's world - Security Department, Military Department, and Civilian Department.

The first two are both violent agencies; the Military Department mainly deals with suppressing the Realm of Death and defending against external enemies, while the Security Department is responsible for maintaining social security.

As for the Civilian Department, it manages everything beyond the responsibilities of the former two, making it the largest and most complex.

"Since it's a semi-finished product, we probably shouldn't spread the news, right?"

Seeing that Bai Chuan had figured out the reason for himself, Chen Xuan followed along, "So, you should also be more cautious, and don't let people know about this for now."

No matter the attribute of Xia Chi, their appearance is almost the same, with no significant differences.

Moreover, elemental spirit binders can use any attribute Talisman Skill. However, without the bonus of the corresponding attribute, the power will be slightly weaker. (Any attribute spirit binder can also use elemental Talisman Skills.)

Therefore, Bai Chuan just needs to claim that his Xia Chi is elemental, and it will be reasonable for him to use any attribute skills.

In this way, not only will he have a rich variety of Talisman Skills, but his power will not be inferior at all. By doing this, he can easily stand out from his peers.

"Of course, I'm not stupid."

Bai Chuan's mouth was grinning from ear to ear, "Let's go to the Spiritual Material Store. You tell me which spirit materials you need, and we'll get that Roulette Talisman done when we get back."


Chen Xuan agreed with a smile.

Being able to help Bai Chuan relieve some pressure was something he hoped to see.

After all, studying at the top-ranked police academy in the country was fiercely competitive. With no support from his family, he could only squeeze out a little time between classes and training to work part-time and earn money.

Even if all the money was used to purchase resources for cultivation, it would still be insufficient, not to mention having to share a part of it to support his non-blood-related younger brother.

Even if they were joking around all the time, one could still see the fatigue hidden in his eyes.

Now, with the help of the 'Roulette Talisman,' the pressure on him to increase his strength could be alleviated a little.

As for himself, it was time to step up...


At night.

The energetic Stone Monkey had no sleepiness, wearing a blanket as a cape, playing with a wooden stick made by Chen Xuan, and constantly swinging and jumping on the bed.

(.・`ω´・)✧Little flying stick is coming~

"Wukong, if you could make three wishes, what would you wish for?"

Chen Xuan stood with his hands behind his back at the edge of the bed and asked with a smile.

(◍´꒳`◍)I want lots of delicious food!

The Stone Monkey exaggeratedly waved its arms.

Chen Xuan nodded and then suddenly pretended to be shocked as he pointed at the Stone Monkey's butt: "Ah, how did your tail fall off?"


The Stone Monkey was startled and quickly turned around.

While it was turning around, Chen Xuan quietly placed a bag with a brocade box hidden behind his back on the bed.

(ŎдŎ;)No...it didn't...You tricked me, Master...

The Stone Monkey stuttered in fright, clutching its tail.

"How did I trick you? Didn't your first wish come true?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but laugh as he opened the brocade box on the bed to reveal neat rows of Qinggang jade pieces inside.

Because the compensation for the invasion of the Lamp Demon into the residence would be paid soon, those resources they had saved were temporarily exchanged for Qinggang jade.

After all, they had to undergo the test administered by the head teacher after the National Day holiday, so it was necessary to quickly increase the Stone Monkey's strength.

The 18 pieces of Qinggang jade would be enough to raise its level to 'Civilian Rank 4.'

Although this only belonged to the lower-middle level among high school students who applied for the Spirit Manipulation Arts, it should be enough to pass the test.

Moreover, after absorbing the Lamp Demon's core energy and forming a 'Spirit Embryo,' the Stone Monkey's race rating was upgraded to 4 stars, which is 1 to 2 stars higher than most high school students' Spirit race rating.

So its combat power performance should be enough to make up for the average level.

In addition to that, the change brought about by the Lamp Demon's core energy was not only limited to the increase in race rating but also boosted its secondary attribute - Phantom.

With more diverse combat skills, wouldn't it be fitting to say that it had an above-average level of performance?

Overall, the advantages were with them.

(๑°﹃°๑) There really is delicious food...

The Stone Monkey looked surprised, its small mouth slightly open, and a hint of crystal clear saliva overflowed.

"What about the remaining two wishes? What else do you want to wish for?"

Chen Xuan helped unwrap the Qinggang jade and handed it to the Stone Monkey.

(灬°ω°灬) I'll give the remaining two wishes to Master. Master, you can make a wish for delicious food too, right?

The Stone Monkey took a bite of the Qinggang jade and generously offered.

Hearing that answer, Chen Xuan couldn't help but freeze for a moment.

He originally thought that if the Stone Monkey made a wish for something too extravagant, he could reply with something like 'as long as you work hard from now on, your wish will definitely come true' to give it some chicken soup for the soul motivation.

However, he didn't expect the Stone Monkey to be so generous, offering the other two wishes to him...

"Thank you, but those three wishes were just for fun, they can't really come true."

Chen Xuan gratefully patted the Stone Monkey's head.

The Stone Monkey, which was initially enjoying the food, suddenly stopped chewing and raised the half-eaten Qinggang jade in its hand, seeming a bit confused.

It was clear that it wanted to ask, wasn't the first wish already granted?

"That was something I bought for you; there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world."

Chen Xuan helplessly shook his head.

Hearing that, the Stone Monkey pursed its lips and lowered its head in silence.

After a long while, it sadly whispered:

I'm sorry, Master; the wishes I gave you are useless...