
Wu's Universe: The Journey of Jin

sgazs · Fantasía
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13 Chs

The Secret Realm

Jin continued to cultivate in his room, honing his skills and refining his qi. He felt a sense of accomplishment as he reached the third stage of the Foundation Building realm, and he knew that he was making good progress.

But his peaceful routine was soon interrupted by the call of the sect leader. All outdoor disciples, including Jin, were to gather for an important announcement.

Jin hurried to the gathering, eager to find out what was going on. He saw that many of his fellow disciples were excited and talking in hushed tones, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity.

The sect leader was a stern, imposing figure, with a presence that demanded respect. He stood before them all and began to speak.

"My disciples," he said, "today we embark on a great journey. We will enter a secret realm, a place of danger and challenge. But it is also a place of great opportunity."

Jin listened intently, his heart beating with excitement. He had always longed for adventure, and this sounded like the opportunity of a lifetime.

"The beasts within this realm are fierce and powerful," the sect leader continued. "Their cultivation ranges from the second to the seventh stage of the Foundation Building realm. We will be facing great danger, but we will also be gaining valuable experience."

Jin felt a shiver run down his spine. He knew that this would not be an easy journey, but he was ready for the challenge.

The sect leader went on to explain the details of the expedition, including the route they would take and the supplies they would need. Jin listened carefully, taking mental notes and preparing himself for the journey ahead.

As the meeting came to an end, Jin felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that this journey would be the greatest challenge he had ever faced, but he was ready for it.

He spent the next few days preparing for the journey, gathering supplies and practicing his techniques. He felt a sense of nervousness and excitement, wondering what lay ahead.

And so, the day of the expedition arrived. Jin and his fellow disciples set out into the unknown, venturing into the secret realm and facing the challenges that lay ahead.

As they journeyed deeper into the realm, Jin felt a sense of danger and excitement growing within him. He knew that he was facing great challenges, but he was ready to face them head-on.

Chapter 3 (Continued): The Expedition (Part 2)

Jin and his fellow disciples ventured deeper into the secret realm, their senses alert for any sign of danger. The beasts they encountered were indeed fierce and powerful, and it was clear that they would have to be careful if they wanted to survive.

As they started to hunt the beasts, Jin found himself working alone more and more often. He had always been something of a lone wolf, preferring to work independently rather than with a group. He knew that he had to be careful, but he was confident in his abilities.

The beasts they faced were truly fearsome creatures, with sharp claws and teeth and powerful bodies. But Jin was not easily intimidated. He had trained hard for this moment, and he was determined to succeed.

As he hunted the beasts alone, he had many life-and-death experiences, narrowly avoiding the deadly attacks of the beasts. But he was quick and agile, and he soon began to accumulate beast cores, which he could absorb to increase his cultivation.

Jin felt a sense of satisfaction as he absorbed the cores and felt his strength growing. He knew that he was making good progress, and he was eager to continue his hunt.

Day by day, Jin hunted the beasts, honing his skills and raising his cultivation. He faced many challenges and setbacks, but he was determined to overcome them all.

And finally, after many long days of hard work, Jin reached the sixth stage of the Foundation Building realm. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he had come a long way since his days as a second-rate disciple.

As the expedition continued, Jin knew that there were still many challenges ahead. But he was ready for them, and he was determined to succeed, no matter what.

Chapter 3 (Continued): The Expedition (Part 3)

Jin continued to explore the secret realm, his senses alert for any signs of danger. As he entered a cave, he realized that he had stumbled upon a trap-filled area.

Undeterred, Jin moved forward, carefully navigating the traps and avoiding the deadly beasts that lurked in the shadows. He knew that he had to be careful if he wanted to make it out alive.

As he ventured deeper into the cave, he came across the final room, where the strongest monster at Foundation Building stage 9 was waiting for him. Jin was surprised to find a beast of such high cultivation in the secret realm, as the highest cultivation of beasts should be Foundation Building stage 7.

Jin's current cultivation was Foundation Building stage 8, and he knew that he was in for a tough fight. But he had no choice but to defeat the beast, as the door behind him had closed, trapping him in the room.

The battle was fierce and intense, with Jin and the beast trading blows and dodging attacks. Jin knew that he had to be smart and strategic if he wanted to win.

As the battle raged on, Jin felt a sudden surge of power within him. He realized that he had broken through to the ninth stage of the Foundation Building realm, a feat that he had thought was impossible just moments before.

Buoyed by his newfound strength, Jin pressed forward, striking the beast with all his might. And finally, after a long and grueling battle, he emerged victorious.

Jin felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as he stood victorious over the fallen beast. He knew that he had faced great danger and come out on top, thanks to his hard work and determination.

As he left the cave and returned to his fellow disciples, Jin knew that he had come a long way on his journey of cultivation. He had faced many challenges and setbacks, but he had persevered, and he was stronger for it.