
Written in Art

Written in Art follows the life of Serio Svana, a problematic, bipolar, writer like no one else. Serio is raised in a different family lifestyle, in different manners, and always taught to follow a code, but even tho now a grown man, away from his family, the family trauma and issues follow him up, how will he fix his life, while trying to maintain a relationship with someone,

WrittenArt · Ciudad
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They are driving on the highway,-Jon-Are you addicted to caffeine Serio?-Serio-Maybe I am maybe I am not,-Laria-Oh he is,-Leona-So how long till Ler sea?-Serio-If we go non-stop for 8 hours if we being real at least 11 to 12 hours,-Leona-Why so?-Jon-Because Serio needs to rest plus we too need to rest once in a while,-Serio-I don't know about you but I on long trips every hour take a break and enjoy my time,-Jon-This is all about enjoying the time, that's why we going that far. And if you're tired I can drive for you,-Serio-Thanks but no,-Laria-You don't like people touching your things, don't you dear?-Serio-No is not that, I like driving all way by myself and letting others enjoy the moment.-Laria-You're very benevolent my dear,Time goes on and an hour has passed, Leona and Laria are scrolling through social media while Jon is talking about the latest smartphone camera technology,-Serio-I got it, so today smartphones have 3 to 4 cameras,-Jon-Yeah, you have a telephoto lens with zoom module, ultrawide lens, and TOF for portrait,-Serio-Man that's insane, people use them?-Jon-You have a flagship too, why not?-Serio-I don't know, I never was into tech or smartphones, and is not something to be proud of beings so inferior by today's technology standards,-Jon-I can make you superior on this road trip with my knowledge,-Serio-That's great, an hour has passed, - the park to a bowling alley parking.-Laria-We could wait for another hour, but you're the driver and you make the rules.-Serio-May I have my cappuccino, and I am not coffee addicted,-Jon-Only cappuccino addicted,-Serio-The tech has spoken,-Jon-Why don't we play bowling,Laria sees Serio and Serio isn't into that,-Laria-I don't know very well bowling, what about you dear?-Serio-No I don't like it, but Leona likes it so Jon can teach you some tricks,-Leona-Why not, but I should warn you, Jon, I have lost only 3 times in my all-time playing,-Jon-Oh this is on, you two bet for the winner,They go to play bowling while Serio and Laria stay in the parking,-Serio-Thanks for what you did my goddess, Aphrodite,-Leona-Oh I didn't do a thing,-Serio-Of course, -Laria-So regretting the trip right now?-Serio-Not the trip, but not understanding a single thing he talks about,Laria laughs,-Laria-That's how people feel when you start talking on your own,-Serio-Well, well how the wind which was cold and sharp in my side has flown around to be warm and sluggish and coming right in front of my face,-Laria-Don't worry, he doesn't do it to make you feel bad,-Serio-Of course no, so let's stop the drama and bet on who's first gonna coma[come] -Laria-Leona because I bet on strong woman,-Serio-How much?-Laria-50?Serio opens his wallet and gives her a fifty,-Laria-What my dear, are you so depressed?-Serio-She has lost only to her uncle, a bowling champion,They hear people arguing louder inside the bowling alley,-Serio-Now what? They go to look and see Jon is arguing with three boys the same age and one of the speaks loudly, his name is Markus,-Jon-She didn't mean to hit you with the ball, I pushed her a little so she could miss the shot,-Markus-Dude I don't care sh*t about you talking, I am about to slap that bit*h face hard at,The moment he said that Jon punched him in the face and they started fighting but his other two friends were starting to jump into the fight,-Serio-Wow the f*ck,Serio start fighting with them and knock out one of them while Markus grabbed Jon from the belly and was trying to throw him to the ground but Serio punched him, Markus started attacking Serio while Jon got up and started fighting the other one who got knocked out too,-Serio-Markus, I am a marker and gonna mark some fists in your face, -he hit Markus so hard that he lost consciousness-Jon-Okay, let's leave or we're going to go to a police station,-Laria-Serio is enough, last time we were supposed to go to the sea a fight happened and didn't let us,Serio went to the bar got someone's glass of water and throw water at Markus who gained consciousness,-Serio-No one, I repeat no one call my friend what you called, -he punches him again and breaks his nose,-Serio-Understood, -he moves his head like a yes,-Serio-Good now we leave,They get to the car and drive, and Laria gets in the passenger seat,-Laria-We talked once about this, you didn't have to go that far,-Leona-I am sorry, I didn't mean to hit him with the bowling ball,-Jon-No is my fault, I was losing so bad, so thought it was a joke and pushed her a little but happened to push her a lot, and the ball went to his feet and hit him,-Serio-No problem Jon, I am glad you hit him first.-Laria-Hit him first? This is not a high school fight Serio, and this is serious. You broke someone's nose,-Serio-If you can't control the way the tongue moves and what it created to go out of that dirty mouth, you also should be prepared to be beaten by people who can control their mouths,-Jon-Man you hella strong,-Laria-You promised me, Serio,-Serio-I know, and don't know why should I apologize when I broke my promise, one time is a mistake, two and more is a path. I am sorry but I seem to not keep this promise, and I am trying to, trust me,-Jon-Hey, hey you're making too serious this, was just a fight.-Laria-That's not what I mean Jon, he gets a little over himself and loses it,They drive for four hours without stopping and Leona and Jon in the back seats are sleeping,-Serio-There is fast food, can you and I chat a little there?-Laria-Sure,They park, Leona and Jon are still asleep, they get inside and order donuts,-Laria-So what's new or why is old Serio?Serio grabs her hand but she doesn't allow it,-Serio-Look Laria the thing I am about to tell is so private but is short, just to let you know something about me but please hear and don't ask,-Laria-I would never ask something you don't like answering,-Serio-I have been raised in a way to be like this, I don't want to be aggressive but let's say I have been raised to be when needed and to overdo it, and when a simple ideology to be like that has been put in your head is hard breaking out of that ideology. I don't expect you to accept it, but please give me a chance to change because trust me I wanna change for you, -Laria-Serio..-Serio interrupt,-Serio-Let me finish, I wanna change but there are so many things in my head going on, and things I have left unfinished.-Laria-Serio, I am not breaking up from you. We are no anymore in that six-month deal, the only thing the deal is still worth it for both of us to make a great book. I don't know about you but for me, you're more than a boyfriend you're my partner, She kissed Serio,-Laria-And I don't need someone to change so much for me if you're like that then is up to me to help you through it and accept you as you are, I just don't want you to get hurt because for your closes one you can go far and I am afraid one day who knows what will you do,-Serio-So the six-month relationship deal isn't anymore?-Laria-I can be understanding and a good partner, but what?-Serio-Joking, there was something we two would ask from each other and would like to know yours,-Laria-That deal is still active when the sixth months pass,-Serio-Thank you my dear goddess Aphrodite, should we eat the donuts then or it would look weird?-Laria-It was weird the moment we ordered donuts at this time okay, so eat it with pride,Jon and Leona come in,-Leona-Are they good?-Serio-It depends, you're hungry they are, you're not they are,-Jon-May I take one?-Serio-A cavalier in talking, a man in living, sure why not Jon. -talks with a serious voice,-Jon-Why so serious Serio? -laughs Leona but Serio just sees him directly in his eyes,-Serio-Do not tell that phrase again, never again.-Jon-Okay sorry, man.-Serio-It's something I just don't like, -Laria-He got it, now Jon I see you're hungry, here take mine, -gives her donuts,-Serio-So much for the pride,They finish their meal and get to the car,-Jon-Anyone wanna play pass or play?-Serio-And what is that?-Jon-Each one of us makes a question, let's say Serio makes the first one and each one of us needs to answer if we want but the person who makes the question can't pass after Serio is Laria than Leona and me,-Serio-I don't like these games but is getting kinda an old people car ride, so let's make it youth, but you start it, Jon,-Jon-Okay, where do you see yourself in 5 years?-Leona-Well, painting or digital drawing for animation companies,-Laria-That's answer is dry, come on a little more,-Leona-Right, I am in a big city, full of skyscrapers, in one of those in my apartment from where everything can be seen, the first floor will have a coffee shop, that is a condition for me to live in that skyscraper,-Laria-Ambitious, I in 5 years see myself probably not here, maybe in another country or a faraway city from here, with a house on the beach, just chilling and living that sea life,-Jon-What? You will retire so early?-Laria-Oh dear, the geek has spoken and no Jon, just chilling but still writing. What do I do now?-Jon-Write?-Laria-Yeah and living, it looks like retirement but it's not, I have different lanes for my retirement,-Serio-So the compass turned to me, well since the future you know...They all say is an open reality,-Serio-Right, I am in that sea life too like Laria, not biased toward Laria but I like sea too, but not a house near the sea, I need 10 minutes walking to the sea so little away from the sea, in a farm,They all get surprised,-Serio-I have that on people, every time I speak they are surprised by me, but when I say farm not with animals, okay only Magica and oh dear holy Zeus of thunder, where is Magica?-Laria-Shit,Serio calls Tim [his manager]-Serio-Hey moneyger-[money manager] you have a key to my house,-Tim-Yeah is a little late now Serio,-Serio-Dear Tim, sorry for my late-night calling, I am feeling so bad not for you but for my little Magica, go and stay at my house tonight and tomorrow bring Magica to Ler beach,-Tim-Sure man, sure.-Serio-I have cameras in my house which can open on my smartphone,-Tim-Okay, getting dressed right now.Close the phone,-Jon-And I am the only geek here?They all said yes,-Serio-And to finish it, a field with corn,-Jon-Never I thought that for you, don't judge a book by its cover they say. I am different from yours, I wanna live here in this town, and while working with writers I wanna open my coffee shop, a big one, and a gaming center where people can come and play games,-Serio-And I Serio will be there for the morning cappuccino and the evening beer,-Jon-Your turn Leona,-Leona-Okay we thought to make it youth type and you reminded us we are adults. If you had the opportunity to choose one of your childhood dreams to make it real now, which one?-Laria-Not like all girly dreams of being a ballerina, I wanted to be a UFC fighter. Still want to,-Serio-My strong woman,-Laria-Just saying, don't mess with me boy,-Serio-Well, I am not good at lying so let's tell the truth. I wanted to be an Olympic runner,-Laria-And how did that turn out to be?-Serio-I still wants to, give me some years and a new body. I got this,-Jon-I wanted to be a TV presented, with my show,-Leona-You still can?-Jon-Yeah, I can but don't know why I can't put myself to do it,-Serio-Interesting,-Leona-I like obviously wanted to be a painter, which I am going to, but an actor was my highest dream of what could I be,-Laria-Interesting,-Jon-Well a toast for the dreams, -he gives each one of them a can of soda,-Laria-This is tricky, if only if it could control another person for a day, full control. What would you make that person do?-Serio-To be realistic, too many things but the cherry on top would be killing the people I hate,They all look like he confessed to killing someone,-Serio-Come on, take the sarcasm with a bit of fun with the power you had gotten, high IQ always has sarcasm,-Jon-The way you said it, was like there is someone I wanna kill but jail stops me, not anymore, -tries to make an evil laugh,-Laria-Was better when we thought Serio wanted to kill, now the sound of your singing is in second place, your evil laughs have no competition,-Leona-I, to be honest, would make him my assistant like those rich people who have a person to do anything they ask,-Laria-How many movies do you see because I am sure they don't do anything,-Leona-I can control him, forgot?-Jon-For 24 hours would make him do crazy things, like driving fast, painting in the streets with him, and whatever but not things to make time in jail, still, in the end, he takes the blame,-Serio-Oh my childhood wasn't interesting and adventurous at all, Jon the geek.-Jon-Say what you want to say, everyone wants to do these things, -Laria-My turn, not to extreme but a bank robbery, and from that I and him too would be crazy rich, since he is 100% controlled he can be like a top-notch agent in skills,-Serio-Yes and robbing a bank is not too extreme my dear, my question now. What would you change from your life or yourself?Laria sees Serio and touches his hand but he only smiles,-Leona-Serio, we wanted youth, crazy not to be disappointing in what we are. I PASS,-Jon-Well, I would give myself more willpower, that's all.-Laria-I PASS but you Serio can't,-Serio-Not from myself but my life would change the place I live or change the place I used to live,-Jon-And we end it now,For a complete hour, everyone was silent,-Laria-Serio they're sleeping.-Serio-So much for the road trip,-Laria-You and I drink too much coffee that's why,-Serio-You sleep too, tomorrow or today will be fun,Time goes and Serio parks in a hotel parking,-Serio-Oh my dear children who slept, out. -scream when says out.-Laria-Five more minutes,-Serio-You even slept and say that, thank me now.-Jon, Leona, and Laria-Thank you Serio,They get inside to reception area,They are greeted by the receptionist,-Receptionist-Good morning, do you have any reservations?-Serio-No, please check for room availability with the seaside room, -Receptionist-Of course, one moment please,-Laria-I and Serio are in one room, why don't you two take one together?-Jon-Yeah, if you don't mind? -says to Leona,-Leona-Sure, it will be cheaper for me,-Receptionist-We have 2 twin and 2 kings rooms,-Jon-I and Leona are getting a twin,-Leona-Okay,He makes the paperwork and gives them the key, they go and get accommodated,-Laria-So what will we get?-Serio-Didn't want to say when he was here, but a King room.They get their key and go to their room,-Laria-So a farm?-Serio-So a chilling life?-Laria-So at the sea?-Serio-So at the beach?-Laria-So killing who you hate?-Serio-So robbing a bank to be crazy rich?-Laria-So how long are we doing this?-Serio-This King bedroom has a hot tube,-Laria-Right on point,They start kissing while going to the bathroom and have a nice morning,Later,-Laria-I think you need to sleep, going to see what Leona and Jon are up to because we didn't come here for anything, time to go to the sea, man.-Serio-Now I am not sleepy at all, the hot tube relaxed me.-Laria-I know what relaxed you, text Jon and go to the restaurant and order while I will go with Leona to buy bikinis, want anything?-Serio-Two black swim shorts for me and Jon, and two T-Shirts,Serio go with Jon to the restaurant and order,-Jon-I am hungry,-Serio-I know Jon, I know is known,They order breakfasts and Serio orders Orange juice,-Jon-What has happened my friend, why no cappuccino?-Serio-You know fresh fruit juices are good for the body, and I want the best for my body. -Jon-Well, still not accepting you're coffee addicted,-Serio-Ah Jon, still growing. When you're fully grown you will learn a lot,-Jon-Like?-Serio-Can't tell you, is a grown-up thing.Leona and Laria came and are wearing dresses,-Serio-You're looking great my goddess, but why are you both in white dresses?-Laria-Why you ask?-Serio-Nevermind,-Laria-Serio, answer.-Jon-Why did you have to ask?-Serio-Let's answer in a way that I am not wrong. The world in which woman world, had led us, men, to believe that woman doesn't like looking the same as another woman, so as I said your fault, not mine, woman's world not men's world. So you kinda look 97% the same with those dresses, look beautiful kinda the same, and hear me while I explain not complain. Men don't care to look the same, but usually, girls do so how came both of you have 97% the same dress?-Jon-And to not be in that bad situation, the answer should be about woman world not include us, he only explained not complained.-Serio-The geek has spoken in a writer way,-Laria-So blaming us from what you think you know?-Leona-First time Serio was wrong,-Laria-Let's eat, then go to the beach,After finishing breakfast they go to the beach and Serio sees a table with a microphone on it, goes there to ask who has that. A girl came, her name is Jenna,-Jenna-Morning, how can I help you?-Serio-Can I rent the microphone for an hour?-Jenna-No you can't, I am a reporter and waiting for my crew.-Laria-Dear, what in the world are you looking for?-Serio-I want to make a test for my friend who likes having a TV Show, as he is now he probably never going to be so want to push some willpower to him. I give you 200 for an hour and if your crew come sooner take it at the moment,-Jenna-Deal, the money.Serio gives her the money,-Serio-Hey geek, this is your microphone, and now you're going to create your 1-hour show at the beach, and Leona is the person who you're interviewing,-Leona-Excuse me. what?-Serio-You are both weak in what you want, I will be the cameraman and Laria will see if we bother people which we don't care because,-Laria-We are strong people who don't care about people's thoughts,Serio takes his smartphone and starts filming,-Jon-This a joke right?-Jenna-He isn't kidding dude, be a man.-Laria-Come on Jon, what is your show about? You're in a morning at Ler Beach, seeing Ler sea. Create or bye, bye.-Jon-Okay, Hey everyone I am Jon, your presenter at Ler Sea Morning. Today we have our new contemporary painter Leona to tell a little for herself in this magnificent view, -gets excited,-Jenna-Slow down a little, check your breath and speak like talking to your friends and nobody watching you,-Leona-People are watching me now, what to say?-Serio-Tell about your art, and try to look good. I am testing the zoom lens,-Leona-I am Leona,-Jenna-They knows that now, he just introduced you.-Jon-Let's walk a little, do our morning walk.They start walking toward the sea to walk near.-Jon-So you paint what you listen to?-Leona-Well,-Laria-I see what you did dear, Leona this is an act so be yourself. This might be the easiest acting to do in your life,-Leona-Okay, this is my time to act. Ever happened to not see the video of a song and just listen, as every single song should. While hearing it you feel something. If you ever lived that thing the song speaks you understand it on a whole new level, and if not you try. But while listening to people dance, I too dance but I imagine what that song would look like. Most of the time is complicated, my friends compliment me even when is weird but isn't music at some point too? I start painting till the end of the song after a replayed a couple of times. Now is in my head that vision, music gave to me. Everyone in a moment of their life had that,-Jon-Well not me to be honest, I only dance to the music.-Serio-And now is time for LER SEA DANCE,Laria open's her phone and plays Daft Punk Get LuckyJenny was watching them and laughing while a group of people was surrounding them like they were doing a live show,-Serio-we don't care about anyone but Jon you have a crowd to entertain,-Leona-Okay, I did my interview,-Jon-No it has just started,He grabs her hand and starts dancing together,-Leona-How can we dance this?-Jon-Remember the college party when those dancers danced this?-Leona-Yeah just some professionals,-Jon-We can at least imitate, themLeona sees through his eyes and starts dancing duo,They get into the rhythm and lose the fear people will laugh at them, for a moment was just them while other people started dancing too. Serio leaves the smartphone steady on a desk to capture them and goes walking with Laria,-Laria-You know that smartphones can get stolen,-Serio-Well, I have a feeling Zeus is watching and will not let bad winds of life steal the precious memories we create.-Laria-Fine by me,Serio grabs her hand and looks into her eyes, -Laria-Oh my romantic partner, what now?-Serio-My goddess, you look so shiny today, that the sun isn't even hot in front of you,Serio grabs her by her waist, and pushes her into the sea,-Laria-Keep going,-Serio-I think this moment is unforgettable and you know why?-Laria-Why?Pushes her again toward the sea,-Serio-You're taking my breath away because you're hotShe laughs,-Serio-So why don't you cool down?Splash her with seawater and run into the sea, Laria sees that her dress is wet, so takes it off and chases Serio,-Serio-What?-Laria-1 for Serio, 0 for me because I didn't see that coming,-Serio-Well my goddess Aphrodite, I never lied that you're hot I just...Laria splashes him, and they start playing together while walking far away from the beach,Now they're swimming and just talking,-Laria-Well, should we head back?-Serio-Well we should, but check out the view,They see the sky and just observe,-Serio-You ever think life is a journey but not everybody lives theirs?-Laria-Well to be real, we live what we believe. If our normal daily life looks bad is because we make it worse, if we add a little fun it can look good. Sure why not be an adventure, still not everybody has the opportunities and the money to afford a real journey,-Serio-I finished listening to what we believe after that was just normal people dragging about their not-so-good life. If it isn't good, make it,-Laria-Well not all can do that,-Serio-We're born all with a normal brain, with a normal body. How everyone uses theirs is their ability, now let's head back before I get realistic and reality gets boring,They get back and see Leona and Jon laughing with each other while watching the recording on Serio's smartphone,-Leona-Why you left?-Serio-You created such an amazing thing without our help, why would we be there?-Laria-In Serio's way, he's saying is proud of you two,Jenna comes again,-Jenna-Can I get the recording?-Jon-No, that's ours,-Serio-Jon please don't speak. Why?-Jenna-My crew came and what saw enjoyed, we can broadcast it tomorrow morning as a new thing for letting people be what they want. In their case a presenter and an actress,-Serio-Sure,-Leona-Wait, we didn't say yes?-Serio-I made you do it, the recording is on my phone so I am the director. This is mine in a way, and as a good director I am, want people to know our two new upcoming presenters and actress,-Jenna-Listen to the director is the director cut.-Leona-You know what, why not?-Jon-Well, hell yeah.-Jenna-You might come to? -ask Serio and smiles,-Serio-I don't know,-Jenna-With you explaining, they might have a chance plus you get recognized too? -smiles,-Laria-No he is busy tomorrow and he doesn't like being on TV, do you?-Serio-No I don't like being on TV, thanks but this video is only for those two,-Jenna-You know, -leaves,Serio laughs and sees Laria,-Laria-What?-Serio-Nothing is just you being you, and I never get bored being with you,-Jon-Is time for me and Leona now to get to the sea, Are you coming?-Laria-I got to rest a little,-Serio-I will come later,They go to the sea while Laria and Serio go to the beach bar,-Serio-Sometimes I look at you and think, not a single girl has ever been jealous of me.-Laria-Misconception dear, just checked your agenda not blocking your way to be recognized,-Serio-I am sorry my goddess Aphrodite I am only human after all, can't see through.-Laria-You, seem in a good mood?-Serio-Why would I be bored, my blood moon?-Laria-In what meaning?-Serio-A blood moon can be a lot of things, like a total lunar eclipse or the end of the world. I like the poetic name,-Laria-Hahaha did you hit your head while coming here? Why would I be an end?-Serio-Since I do not care about the world surrounding me, only for myself. You're my end, take it however you want but you're the end of me. -sees her seriously while smiling,-Laria-Okay poetry time is gone, but swimming is not. -Serio-Go ahead, I am coming.She goes to the sea while Serio sees the sky,-Serio-Oh mighty Zeus, what do you think? Do I have hopes or not? Laria goes to the sea and sees Jon playing with Leona,-Laria-His methods are weird but on-point somehow, what a person he is,She looks at the sky and is getting to rain,-Laria-You Zeus, striking at the wrong time, but I will not warn them. Let them have their time,-Serio-I asked for answers not raining oh mighty Zeus,Someone gets in front of Serio and sees with a weird face,-Serio-So it is your tongue blocked or is you shocked to see a person seeing the sky and not going for a swim?-Jos-Sorry I am Jos, but were you talking with Zeus?-Serio-No I was asking him for some answers, but he gave me rain. Still, Zeus even if gave me rain mind his own business by not giving me what I want,Laria is coming and sees them talking,-Jos-I understand and I am sorry, it just looked weird to me,-Serio-Hahaha, funny thing. Tell this to ancient greeks,  -Jos-Okay bye man, and sorry.He leaves, but Serio sees Laria seeing him and smiling. He goes to her and lifts her, see her in the eyes, and slowly kisses her,-Laria-Am I, on your end?-Serio-Who knows? Jon and Leona come back,-Jon-And the couple who doesn't stop loving each other,Serio laughs,-Serio-Not stoping wanting each other,-Jon-Well it started raining, what should we do?-Serio-I will go to sleep, later will do something,-Laria-Sweet dreams little Serio,-Serio-Oh humor, beauty is your thing my goddess but you're a woman. -he leaves,-Leona-What does that mean? He left aging without explanation.Jon laughs,-Jon-Is not that he's wrong,-Leona-Okay two things happened today, once you became a presenter, and two you understood him while I did not,-Laria-Men's thinks only they are funny,-Leona-Really? That's why you understood him, only because you're a man.-Laria-Now see this since you're funny, go with your funny friend while I and Leona have some unfunny time,-Leona-Yeah,They leave,-Jon-I understand once, I say a single sentence, and wow.Meanwhile Leona and Laria,-Leona-Where are we going?-Laria-Just walking in the rain, without a lot of people.-Leona-So if we catch a cold, who cares?-Laria-Hahaha yeah, who cares? So how did the show thing go?-Leona-It was good, I don't know why or because Jon was there. I wasn't too shy and started acting like it was normal in front of them,-Laria-Jon?-Leona-What?-Laria-Nothing, -laughs,-Leona-Than we started dancing and danced a lot when you left too. It was amazing to be in front of those people still being calm and enjoying your time,-Laria-That's why people should not care what others think and live their own life,-Leona-One day I will be like you or like Serio, not caring at all about what others think,-Laria-That day you will be a strong woman, not a girl.-Leona-So you writing anything?-Laria-A book but will keep it secret for some time,-Leona-Okay,-Laria-Don't get upset, you're my friend. You will be one of the first to read it,-Leona-Writer's friend privileges, -both laugh,Jos and another boy came, and both had umbrellas,-Jos-Hi if you want, you can walk in our umbrellas till that restaurant,-Leona-Well,-Laria-You're nice, but no thank you,-Jos-Okay, They leave,-Laria-Not the best line I have heard, but in this time boys can have a win situation. Not with me and Leona boys, -both laugh,-Leona-How do you shut them off that easily?-Laria-With only one simple answer, no thank you. A simple answer is still so effective,-Leona-I got a lot to learn,-Laria-Your writer friend is here for you,-Leona-When the first time I saw you, I thought she is a big person. Probably too serious,-Laria-Do I give that look?-Leona-Well no, but first time meeting you, yeah,-Laria-Hmm business world here I come to close some deals. Since I am too good at saying no, easy.Meanwhile, Jon goes to Serio's room.-Jon-Yo Serio, come on pick up the phone. -is in the hallway,Serio inside,-Serio-The geek has called,Picks up the phone,-Serio-Hi I am Serio, nice to meet you. I have postponed our meeting to later today, have a nice day geek.-Jon-Oh come on, girls left and I don't have what to do.-Serio-They left that late? Come in,Serio opens the door and he comes in,-Serio-Now that you have come, my room is more intelligent, more evolved to the future, in which I am asleep and you have this laptop to stay with, -he lies in bed,-Jon-Come on dude, we came to have fun.-Serio-You and I have different ideas of fun, mine are better though. Yours there miles away from mine, not wanting to remember you can't have fun if you don't have energy. Wait someone of us didn't sleep,-Jon-Okay, this laptop is old though. You paid for this great room and they gave you this old one, -Serio-I will complain about the power of writing, a great complaint with your knowledge.10 minutes pass,-Jon-You think I got a chance with Leona?-Serio-I have a better one, do I have a chance to sleep?-Jon-No seriously,-Serio-I think is the room the reason, is so huge you didn't hear what I said but heard what you wanted, you thought I was joking?-Jon-Be honest,-Serio-Because most of the time I am a great liar,-Jon-I see her and want to tell things, but can't.-Serio-I see Jon, say things to Jon but he can't hear me. Oh, when little boys fall in love is a treating thing for their senses,-Jon-Yeah keep joking,-Serio-And a threat to their dear friend who is just a person with simple desires, one of them, sleep.-Jon-You have it easy, you can say what you want without looking bad plus I don't think you've ever been refused,-Serio-Okay, okay now. Don't start things you can't afford to hear. Let's turn the compass to what you have been saying in the last sentences, for starters you didn't deny when I said you have fallen in love.-Jon-No this is not love, -says calmly-Serio-Want to tell things but is afraid of refusal, and not hearing me when I talk cuz thinking about her. I am sorry my geek friend, even if I don't believe in love you have those symptoms.-Jon-You, don't believe in love?-Serio-No my friend, is so hard to hear it the first time or the senses are doomed,-Jon-What about Laria, then?-Serio-I want her, -Jon-Is it close to love?-Serio-I don't know but turn compass again to you. I am not the one needing answers now,-Jon-Tell me what to do,-Serio-Pick up the phone, call Leona. Ask her where she is, goes there. Be with her and don't talk as a friend but give a hint. Goodnight, -lies in bed,-Jon-Not possible now, she left with Laria after you told them women are beautiful, not funny and I laughed, so can't go,-Serio-Still what I said was nothing but true dictionary facts,-Jon-Facts bro,-Serio-Want to go to the bar and have some beers?-Jon-Now you talking,-Serio-You're worse than I thought,-Jon-How?-Serio-When someone is refused they drink alcohol, you haven't even been refused and need alcohol,-Jon-Not funny Serio,-Serio-Who said it was funny? Is depressing,They go to the bar and order beers,-Jon-I used to make a game in bars with a friend, now I am not even interested in doing it.-Serio-Met me guess, get her number.-Jon-You have done it?-Serio-I use to do it without someone challenging me?-Jon-Yeah, whatever.-Serio-This means only one undeniable truth, you have fallen for her.-Jon-Says the one who doesn't believe in love,-Serio-Talks the geek who doesn't let people have one of four essentials things to live,-Jon-Let me guess, air, water, food, and sleep?-Serio-Was this supposed to be sarcasm or another undeniable truth?-Jon-Hmmm Jenna here?-Serio-Okay Jon, you talking about liking me so much my friend, and then turning the compass to Jenna will make me do things I am not proud to you,-Jon-Not that, I am saying she is here and coming to us,-Serio-Okay imagine the last minute without me talking,Jenna sits near them and greets them,-Jenna-Hi,-Serio-Hi,-Jon-Hi,-Jenna-Why only you two?-Jon-Well,,,Serio interrupts,-Serio-They went for a walk to talk about something while we came here for beers till they come. What about you, why alone?-Jenna-Long story short, my crew went to a party which I didn't want to go to,Jos comes to order something,-Serio-Hmm-Jos-Hi, a beer please, -order the beer,-Jon-What?-Serio-Nothing, nothing weird at all.-Jos-Man I said sorry, didn't come to say anything to you just to order a beer,-Serio-Did I talk to you?-Jon-You two know each other?-Jos-No, -he turns his head and sees Jenna,-Jos-Why you here? Why not to the party?-Jenna-Didn't wanna go, and you?-Jos-Same,Sits near Jenna,-Jenna-Really how do you two know each other?-Jos-All right, he was talking with himself and I found it weird and asked,-Jon-You said what? -he gets near him but Serio stops him,-Jos-Dude, better back off. I said sorry and it was my fault, keep your friend out of this man,-Serio-First of all, I got nothing with you, and nobody tells my friend back off if he stands up for me.-Jenna-Calm down boys, he said sorry and accepted his fault,-Jos-I am leaving now, wanna come? -asks Jenna,-Jenna-Yes, bye boys. See you around,They leave,-Jon-You should have let me,-Serio-Why? So you could hurt your hand in someone who doesn't mind his business, plus I don't wanna get in meaningless fights anymore,-Jon-Yeah that's true,-Serio-We aren't in high school anymore, so no meaningless fights,-Jon-If you and I were together in high school, man what fight we would have, -both laugh,-Serio-I hope you imagined us on the winning side,-Jon-So how cool was Serio in high school?-Serio-Normal student just no one dares to mess with me. I was that quiet kid but not that quiet shy kid, always minding my business and if anyone dared, I use to use violence before words. Not a great student because a lot of time would make fun of people who might have just tried making a joke, so I do not regret but something yes.-Jon-Damn, thought you were that popular boy,-Serio-Because I said I was quiet, didn't mean I wasn't popular. The problem was they sometimes found me weird, -Jon-You aren't weird, you're one of the most real I know,-Serio-That means a lot to me, Jon. What about you?-Jon-I was popular but smart, not trying to get attention but because I had so many friends was popular.-Serio-Ever thought to be again in high school?-Jon-Once or two but, we were so young and dumb I think. Not really,-Serio-Me neither, but older people have said to me when you get older you would like to be again in school, years have passed and I still haven't a single nostalgic feeling to go back,-Jon-We are getting older Serio,-Serio-What a fearsome undeniable too truth, lets's get drunk and forget what you said,-Jon-Well, why not?3 hours pass and they get to Serio's room where Leona and Laria were talking about Leona wanting to be an actress,-Serio-Hi,-Jon-Yo, -is being held by Serio because is too drunk.-Serio-Were you talking about being an actress because if you were then act like he is not drunk, and help me set his bed in his room.-Leona-Okay,-Laria-Serio can you sleep in Jon's room because is bad for a girl to sleep in a room with a drunk friend,-Serio-In depends on what contexts, but of course. It was my thought getting drunk except he gets too drunk easily, Karma goes around but has a beef with me,-Laria-Well a drunk person doesn't smell well, that's the context,They go to Jon's room,-Serio-I am not good at handling drunk peoples, I do good deeds so do your thing again Karma, and makes him sober,-Jon-I do like you Leona, I do.-Serio-Me too my true and only love, why don't we get a cold shower?-Jon-Why not?-Serio-Why not doing it alone for me?-Jon-Okay,Goes and lies in bed sleeping,-Serio-Is this a refusal? Is this Life using Karma because I never got refused? I will not count this for a lot of reasons,Laria laughs, -Serio-What? Do you want to see it again?-Laria-I saw it all. I came to say we will go to eat dinner, wanna come?-Serio-You are the lowest of the low! Do you think I will leave my friend Jon like this?-Laria-Okay,Serio interrupts her,-Serio-Of course I will, what's your restaurant specialty?He closes the door and goes with Laria,They are in the restaurant,-Leona-Is he better?-Serio-He will make it, but the first 12 hours are critical.The waiter comes to take their order,-Waiter-Good evening, what do you want?-Serio-I my friend want macaroni n cheese and a lot of cold water, please,-Waiter-Of course,-Laria-Me too,-Leona-Me too,Waiter leaves,-Serio-Thanks for your support, I needed it because eating only macaroni n cheese is so hard.-Laria-And when you asked me how it is being all-time with him? This is it, sometimes annoying,Leona laughs,-Serio-Jon can be a geek but is a true friend, who gets mad at old laptops in good hotels but a friend who stands up for me, not someone who finds me annoying.-Laria-He usually doesn't take this serious, -laughs,-Serio-And what is the real bad thing here is, are we in that place we start to find each other annoying? People asked me why I don't like relationships, pathetic,-Laria-No we are not in that place, thanks for seeing that far plus sorry for making your testimonials true,-Serio-Thanks my dear goddess Aphrodite,-Laria-Don't mind us, we are weird.-Leona-Oh I know,-Serio-At least you said in front of me Leona because if that word is said in our backs as nothing would hurt, we don't care.The order comes, and they start eating,-Serio-There are two options, food is delicious or I am what is called a state where people need to eat a lot.-Laria-Both,They finish eating and Leona leaves first,-Serio-This are confusing times, Jon confesses to me love for Leona, you seeing that confession, he falling asleep, I admiring your beautiful face and you listening and thinking what is wrong with this person?-Laria-A little from all, I am not behind tho, getting a little jealous because of Jenna, a little angry because I am not funny, and eating macaroni n cheese cuz was just hungry,-Serio-Is this possible, two original people being together?-Laria-It seems it is, my dear.-Serio-And it seems you looking at my last macaroni on my plate but no, I left them for now. -Laria-So you wouldn't do anything for me?-Serio-Yes I would, still not giving my macaroni n cheese,Jos and Jenna enter the restaurant,-Serio-From a Jon to a Jos, one a geek one a weirdo, one with an n and one with an s, if we mixed them a Jons would come, which is undeniable better than both-Laria-That Jenna seems to be around places you are a lot?-Serio-My goddess Aphrodite, you can have my macaroni n cheese but please don't bring that up!-Laria-Is a win-win situation, -takes his macaroni n cheese,Meanwhile, Leona goes to Jon's room, and sees him singing in his sleep,She just listens to him and laughs, covers him up with a blanket because the room was too chill from the conditioner,-Leona-Goodnight Jon, thanks for everything today,Jon speaks in sleep,-Jon-Bye Leona,Leona smiles and leaves to go to her room and open her phone on social media, where someone had texted her,After 10 minutes she calls Laria,Meanwhile at the restaurant,-Laria-Did you miss us so early Leona?-Leona-Hahaha is not that, someone wants to buy my painting, both of you come here, -speaks in excitement -Laria-I am really happy for you, will be there in a minute,-Serio-I am going to take a bottle of champagne,He goes to take a bottle of champagne, and while ordering Jenna goes to him to talk,-Laria-It was a win-win situation, my dear, but for the seven heavens sake, she isn't going to talk with you,Serio and Jenna,-Jenna-Something special happened?-Serio-Well, it was time to happen.-Jenna-The time to happen?-Serio-Something doesn't need an explanation, good night. -pays the bill and takes the bottle of champagneLaria is going to them and sees Serio coming to her, he grabs her hand and both leave, -Serio-It was a special occasion so I paid the bill, or did you come for another thing?-Laria-Nah just for the bill,They go upstairs, where Leona is going around the room,-Serio-Ah art makes people go crazy, going in circles.-Laria-Congratulation,-Leona-I did it Serio, someone and not just someone but Makino Estrava wants to buy my art,She goes and hugs Serio than Laria,-Serio-I never doubted. I am proud of you, now I will try to awaken the ancient one. -goes to Jon's room,He goes to wake him up,-Laria-Go grab some glasses because we are going to celebrate girl,-Leona-Thanks a lot,-Laria-Who is Makino Estrava?-Leona-He is a rich person, but who likes different art styles, now he texted me to meet him and sell him my painting,-Laria-Someone going to make some money if he is rich don't hold back girl,-Leona-Will see, but he wants to meet him tomorrow and I wanted to be here so much,-Laria-Wanted to be with two weird writers and a drunk Jon? Are you insane? Go for the deal,-Leona-Thanks Laria,Meanwhile Serio to Jon's room,-Serio-Hmmm a green painted smell is in the air, it might be a percentage of air he inhaled and exhaled. It is what it is.Jon starts singing in sleep again,Serio opens the fridge and throws ice cream at his head, he wakes up so confused,-Serio-You know in ancient times when a great thing happened except alcohol ice was thrown at people's heads to awake,-Jon-What time it is? Wait, no. Where am I?-Serio-Sometimes needed a little more, -pulls him up by the arm and puts him into the shower, and opens cold water,-Serio-You have 5 minutes to be sober or you going to lose a moment where you need to make a good impression or to show your support,-Jon-You fought?-Serio-Yes with your hearing loss. Leona has an offer for her painting from an important person,-Jon-I have to change my clothes,-Serio-Why are you embarrassed to be in such a great green painted air?-Jon-Even drunk can't imagine what you say,It Goes and changes,-Jon-Let's go,-Serio-Look what we have here, a sober Jon.Both go there and Leona gives everyone a glass of champagne, -Jon-Just learned it, congratulation Leona.Leona hugs him,Laria sees Serio in the eyes and smiles,-Leona-Now a toast for my painting,-Serio, Laria, Jon-Cheers,-Leona-I am sorry but tomorrow I can't stay here, got to go to meet him and show him in hands the painting,-Jon-That's nothing, just make sure he doesn't try to buy it cheap,-Serio-He won't, I have heard of him and what he does is, buy's all the arts at high prices so that art can have a name and popularity. If he buys it expensive you're going to make a name,-Leona-I am too excited for this, I mean I have been waiting for a long time and a painting I did without a song to get this recognition by him is a miracle, -Serio-Just talk normally with him, if you get shy and talk like half voice, he going to buy cheap, don't forget that the one who sells the art is the artist,-Leona-Tomorrow is my moment and I will be strong because that is my opportunity.-Jon-Cheers than,-Laria-Everything is going to be okay, it is like today. Act like you but don't worry about the others, respect your art so others can respect it,-Leona-Yeah, all of you thank you.-Serio-Now is the time for some music,Laria plays on the laptop "We are the champions"Tim calls Serio,-Tim-Hey Serio, sorry that I couldn't bring Magica today, but tomorrow morning will be there. A lot has happened today, and I hear music so you probably partying so tell me tomorrow.And man this cat is so quiet, not like those wild cats,-Serio-Okay and all cats are good. If I do things to you when you don't like it, what would you do?Closes the phone,-Laria-What now?-Serio-Nothing, Magica had work today so is coming tomorrow,-Laria-Okay,-Jon-Not want to break the moment but I have a strong headache,-Leona-Sorry, you were drunk and came to drink champagne,-Serio-He will be all right, sleep and a full breakfast tomorrow,-Jon-Yeah, still we had a nice day,-Leona-Yeah we had,-Laria-Well, this is the magic of Ler sea,