
Written in Art

Written in Art follows the life of Serio Svana, a problematic, bipolar, writer like no one else. Serio is raised in a different family lifestyle, in different manners, and always taught to follow a code, but even tho now a grown man, away from his family, the family trauma and issues follow him up, how will he fix his life, while trying to maintain a relationship with someone,

WrittenArt · Ciudad
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8 Chs



After thinking about the painting Jon saw that Leona got too emotional and was about to cry.

-Jon-Leona we better leave, I don't need more help, thanks to you I got a lot to say to my father. Thanks, Leona.

-Leona-Yea is nothing, don't mention it.

They get out and Jon sends her home by car.

-Anything happened because you got too attached to the painting I think.

-Leona-Oh no it's nothing just somehow I got into it more than I should but that's Art.

-Thanks and goodnight.


Jon leaves and Leona gets inside and goes right to her studio where she paints. She makes ready her canvas and pencils.

-Why am I like this? What is this deep ghost feeling, is there but isn't there, when I think has gone away actually it just came why?

Takes her black pencil and starts doing lines without a meaning, lines within a line, lines crossing a line, and does it fast. In the end, she ended with a mix or a cross of lines, it looked cool it looked like a war within some lines clans but had no meaning at all. And she remembered when Serio said to her "Actions that happen without meaning are the best".

-Leona- How is it possible to say such great things casually when I can't say a line with any great word but paint a full canvas with lines without any great meaning?

She takes a picture of her painting and posts it on the social network.

-I usually don't post it but I would like to know what people would say about this painting since it might be the first painting I painted without hearing music in years, but they don't know this.

She posted the photo and the first person she saw was Laria because she was checking her social networks and her profile.

Meanwhile, Serio and Laria, are staying in the bedroom. Serio is reading and Laria is on her phone.

-Serio-You stay a lot on your phone, I stay like 10 minutes at the max and that's when someone talks a lot in a call. Do you see what I did there?

Laria sees him like 'What' but a cold bothered 'What'.


-Serio-I Serio gave unneeded information, why am I doing this? I understand why because I am being infected by you.

-I was searching for Leona on social networks and saw her, the moment I opened her profile she posted this.

-Serio-She keeps infecting me, so contagious. Zeus unleashes your godly power and brings justice or burns this contagious malicious thing to the ground. -he says it like in a theater.

-Leave the drama and don't keep it coma-[come] -says while laughing.

-Laria-Now do you see what I did?

-Serio-Yeah the rap industry is still better without you, what were you searching for Leona but the way?

-Laria-Just seeing her pics but see this painting she made, -she shows him the painting.

-Serio-Is been years without painting like this, but what a mess.

-What do you think she was thinking?

-Serio-Yes I know what is she thinking now! Because I am her best friend and what she wants to tell me is "Will you give a like or go scroll down?".

-Laria-Is beautiful, to tell the truth, I don't get it at all but is okay and beautiful.

She likes the photo and comments "Is beautiful".

-Serio-Is a clash between feelings, those who are straight and everyone knows about the straight lines, those whom no one knows about the spiral lines, those whom people and the person himself know but no one talks about the curved lines, and those who show it when the evil situation shows the zig-zag lines like thunder. She visualized an emotional crash, so yeah is a masterpiece when you understand but for her now is just black different lines.

-If you let me I can show this painting to someone and with your explanation, she can get a name and who knows someone passionate can even pay a large price for that painting.

-Serio-No and no, she doesn't like things in this way she wants to arrive and get the thing on her own. Now shut down that phone and read something or go and cook something I am having an imaginary debate between two mythological creatures. A creature called Stomach-[stomach] and a creature called Bran-[brain]. Stomch never stops asking, it's greedy and cruel while Bran wants to calm him by saying wait till I act, why you Hades creature are so greedy?

-Laria-I got it okay, but tell Bran in your debate act, and let's go and send Stomach out.

-Serio-Bran says you need to be prepared cuz tonight gods will dance, Zeus, told me that Aphrodite is going to dance for the common humans.

-Laria-She will.

At the same time, they run to their closet get their clothes to dress, and look into each other eyes who will go to the bathroom first.

-Laria-Goddess first,

-Serio- Of course Goddess first but we are in a relationship, where is the problem with undressing and dressing in front of each other? Seas are clashing with each other without touching each other, without interrupting each other.

-Laria-Okay you first,

-No we are at the same time, are you getting shy my dear from me? If yes I am honored for that and ashamed of my weak shy girlfriend/wife. Like two sides blades, you are helping and cutting me my dear beautiful goddess Aphrodite.

Laria starts undressing and Serio too at the same time while undressing which lasts a maximum of one minute they see each other like was slow motion and enjoy the time. Serio was just seeing her and she just stopped and saw him directly in his eyes.

-What now, I think the two clashing seas suffer from this.

They both get naked but Serio gets closer to her and touches her.

-Serio said they don't interrupt each other but forget to tell how they peacefully and with slow warm waves meet each other but my goddess Aphrodite we aren't seas we are clashing waves.

Serio kisses her and they both touch each other and both lie on the bed and do what they should do...

Time passes and while now just lying down they see each other.

-Let me choose your outfit for tonight and you choose for me.

-So is a date night.

-Serio-Is more or is less but let's not get confused with the half full or half empty glass because we are too half boyfriend/girlfriend and half wife/husband.

-Laria-Don't complicate or I will duplicate the complication.

Sero goes to her closet and says.

-Serio-One I chose the color for you so if you thought I would go with the girly dreamy colorful flow, no, I am sorry. But my dear Aphrodite for you I choose this white dress with silver necklaces and white high heels and a black coat.

-Leona-Oh my dear, one of my loved dresses for this night but I need to combine it with my dress so for you my dear I will choose this black suit with a white cashmere sweater and with leather shoes.

-Serio-A white dress for a white sweater and a black coat for a black suit, oh my dear Aphrodite may I help you?

Serio helps her to dress and while helping her in her ear he says.

-Serio-Don't fall for me.

Laria turns to him and goes to get his jacket and helps him to wear it, and while helping in his ear she says.

-Laria-Strong women don't fall like this so worry not.

They both go out and get's in Serio car.

-Serio-You wanna choose the place or let me choose and see how your Fate is?

-Let us both leave it to Fate by doing a simple thing.

She opens the map on the phone and searches for restaurants near her.

-Laria-Let chooses blindly from this list, you first.

-Serio-Let Fate does his thing and just refreshes and is the first on the list we go.

She refreshes the pages and searches again and the first is "È arte" an Italian restaurant which means {Is Art}. È arte is on the last floor of the tallest palace in the city.

-Serio-Me leaving things in Fate's hand is like a cat doing something for her owner without a reward.

They get there and get the best table, the one in the corner with the city view.

-Like in Book Place we found our place.

Serio puts Laria in the chair and takes off her jacket.

-What a gentleman I have tonight.

-Other gods are being consumed by jealousy and common humans are greedy for you and hateful toward me.

Sees around and a lot of people are watching them., the restaurant was a fancy one. Everything there was luxurious with paintings on the walls, a fountain in the middle of the restaurant, and sculptures in the middle of every two tables. The tables were up to four but most were only for too.

The waiter came to take the order.

-Serio- So what does my dear want?

-Laria-You choose the dish I choose the drink,

-Serio-Spaghetti alla carbonara for two,

-Leona-And a bottle of fine white wine,

-Waiter-Yes, it will be ready in minutes,

He leaves.

-So a fancy restaurant for the fancy feel, do you always eat like this?

-Sometimes because I mostly eat alone or at neighborhood restaurants.

-You, live in an expensive neighborhood so expensive eating.

Italian music starts playing,

Lucio Dalla - Caruso starts playing.

-What a classic my dear, what a masterpiece, you can feel the pain and love at the same time. Feel it my dear because Life and Fate sometimes don't go with each other well and who knows, it might be the last time seeing me, or for me, the last time seeing your beautiful eyes.

-Is this a song reference?

-Serio-Yes my dear, so, please feel it and admire it even if you can't understand the words because music can hit you with or without understanding it. Is the magic music or as I call it a sound illusion?

The waiter comes with their order and fills their glasses with wine.

-Waiter-Buon Appetito, -and leaves. [Buon Appetito-enjoy your meal in Italian]

-Serio-Cheers my dear Aphrodite,


They start eating and drinking.

While eating and talking Serio sees Jon and his father Jonathan.

-If a Jon isn't enough you can get a Jonathan.

Jon sees him and goes to say hi.

-Jon-Serio and ... -he doesn't know Laria's name.

-Serio-My girlfriend Laria, so what do you want?

-Nothing but since we are near to the table I thought to come by and say hi!

-Serio thoughtful thought, now leave bye.

Jon leaves.

-Laria-Calm down you angry man, I said you are strong but not angry,

Four men came into the restaurant and one of them saw Laria and talked to the waiter to get the table near them to the left while Jon was on the right with his father Jonathan.

-Oh no, why now?

-If food is bad we can change or complain but it tastes good, I think Fate hates you!

-Laria-Is not that,

Those four sit near Laria and Serio's table,

One of them is Mike, Laria's ex.

He sees Laria and says hi.

-Mike-Hi Laria and whoever you are! -The other three with him laugh.

-Serio-My name is Serio and nice to meet you but it looks like Laria is enjoying her meal with me so please let her enjoy her meal without interrupting, it is not ethical to annoy someone while eating.

-Mike-Hey dude shut up, Laria have you started dating mommy boys with culture?

Other boys laugh.

-Laria-Don't get involved Serio, let him say what he wants to say. And Mike shut the f*ck up, I am in a relationship with Serio who is someone, a great writer not a loser, and someone who cares for me.

-Mike-Oh no a writer, someone who fights with pencils and keeps doing children's things, so not being a true man and acting in real life, -his friends laugh again.

-Serio-One question: Do you hate writers because are more men than you or because you can never be like them? I mean you only talk, is it that hard to accept a breakup like a man but start offending people with whom you aren't even close?

-Mike-Yo mommy boy shut up or I am going to clean the floor with you as I do with everyone,

-Serio-Big words coming from a big talker look like someone wasn't loved in their childhood!

Jon hears the conversation and turns around and stands up to go to Serio.

-Serio-Jon sit down, you don't have to!

-Please Serio let's leave!

-Serio-No my dear Aphrodite a man who doesn't respect a man or a goddess like you wasn't a man!

-Does he want to clean the floor that much like you Laria?

Serio just sees him when he says "Like you Laria?" and from the pocket, of his jacket, he takes out his black leather analog watch.

-Laria-Serio no,

-Mike-Serio yes,

Serio wears his watch and stands up and walks towards them and the four of them stand up.

-Serio-My father has said to me once: "Son are moments in your life when you need to wear a black leather analog watch and be a man". To this day I still do,

The moment he says: "Do" he punches him in the face and throws him to the ground, one of the four goes to hit him but dodges and kicks him in the back. Jon comes to help him but he tells him not to come. The other two come in to hit him and one of them holds a chair but Serio hits the first and avoids the second one who has the chair. After dodging him with a chair he kicks him but every shot is classy Mike gets up and attacks him with a pocket knife

-Serio-You has shown your true colors, a scum a miserable man who attacks an unarmed man with a cold weapon. A pocket knife but still dangerous.

Mike attacks him but Serio avoids him removes his knife and starts punching him like a heavy bag 10 times in a row with the 11 hits he throws him down, Laria and Jon come to stop him because the place was with Mike's nose blood and people were running, while the waiter was calling the police.

-Serio-Don't move,

Serio grabs Mike by the hair and moves him to the ground like a rag

-Serio-Who is cleaning the floor now you piece of shit man, you have raised your hand to a woman?

Grab his head and knocks him to the ground, and then he bends to his knees and talks to Mike's ear.

-Serio-Hear me now you shit man if you mess with Laria or anyone related to Laria you will see how dirty my watch can get and please do, please mess with Laria by just talking to her and we will get to know each other better.

Laria grabs Serio by his arm and pulls up and Jon comes too.

-What are you doing?

The police came in.

-Waiter-Sir these five were fighting, and those four wanted to beat him...

-Mr. Policeman to the computer and check the cameras! -says to another policeman.

-Mr. Policeman-You five coming to the police station,

The policemen handcuffed the fifth and took them to the car to send them to the region.

The manager of the restaurant comes and goes to the police station too.

Jon takes Laria and goes to the police station in Jon's car.

In the police station, Serio is talking about what happened and is calling his lawyer and his accountant.

After 20 minutes his lawyer and his accountant came in.

In the office of the police chief after the case is clarified.

The police chief called Mr.Mark.

-Mr. Mark-So, after seeing the videos of security cameras and listening to the restaurant workers the case, is clear, we going to go to court next week with what is going to happen with those four Mr.Serio.

-Serio-Okay my lawyer will be active for everything.

Serios's lawyer says "Of course".

-Mr. Mark-You are now free, everything you did was self-defense but you can face a charge in court for beating him after he was knocked out.

-Lawyer-It happened because of the anger and adrenaline that my client experienced, but as I said I asked for my client to be free and not in custody. He isn't going to leave the city, and it was self-defense so he has his right.

-Mr. Mark-Of course but as you said too he can't leave the city.

-Serio-Thanks Mr.Mark.

Serio goes out where Laria, Jon, and Leona are waiting for him while Mike and his three friends are in custody for the week till the court date.

The restaurant manager goes to Serio but Serio's accountant stops him.

-Serio-Is nothing Liro [Liro-his personal accountant],

The restaurant manager is sorry for what happened to you today but...

Serio interrupts him.

-Every damage and every cost I made today will be paid after my accountant calculates the real damage, I'll pay for this shame.

Liro takes the restaurant manager with him and goes to the restaurant.

Serio's lawyer comes. The lawyer called Nej.

-Nej-Serio worries not, this case is a closed case from the moment it was self-defense. I know it can bother you but next week we will go to the court, it can last up to one hour and then you are free to go everywhere you want outside of the town. I need to go to do some research. -Nej leaves.

-Serio-Laria why are you three here? Ever been to a police station or what? Well, you saw now, just a messy office. Let's get out of here.

-Laria-Are you okay? Anything? Why will you go to court?

Laria hugs him and doesn't let him go.

-I am sorry, I didn't know he goes to that place. Please forgive me! -she cries.

Serio grabs her hands and kisses them.

-Serio- Don't you ask for forgiveness, a goddess like you needs to be happy. So stop crying when it was Fate's fault but not yours. Why is Leona here?

-Leona-Laria called me if you want I can leave.

-Serio-Well Jon, I didn't expect you to want to help me in that fight but thank you. I owe you one, so Jon and Leona want to come to my house tonight to have a drink and forget about this?

-Jon-Well I don't know,

-But you and Laria were on...

-Laria-Please came,

Jon sees Leona and Leona says "Okay"

-Jon-Than I am coming too,

-Serio-Since my car isn't here Jon, I, Laria and Leona will come in your car.

-Jon-No problem,

They get in Jon's car and go to Serio's home.

They get inside and Jon sees how beautiful the house is.

-Jon-Well since you have your lawyer and accountant, of course, you own a house like this, it is beautiful.

-Thank you and welcome, I will go to the kitchen with Laria you can sit in the living room. Turn on the TV and play some music, I don't know but I know the wifi password which is "Isasmallworld".

Serio goes to the kitchen with Laria and closes the door.

-Are you okay? You look like something bad happened my dear goddess Aphrodite.

Laria starts crying,

-Laria-I know that I shouldn't but we should break our 6-month relationship, I don't want to get you in trouble again!

-Serio has bigger problems than your ex, and even if we weren't in a six-month relationship I would visit him. To say hi and goodbye, -laughs

-See what I did there?

Laria starts crying and remembers how aggressive he was while beating Mike. She puts her hand in his face where the little star is while Serio holds his hand where the line is and kisses each other.

-Serio-Now let's go, we have guests, loyal ones. For Leona, I knew but Jon surprised me.

-So my dear what do you want? -tries to say it with a smile but cries again.

-What if he had hit you with his knife?

-If everything in the world was going to be thought with "what if" of course, there wouldn't be wars but neither real. Now stop crying, or I will draw a big pair of scissors under your eyes to cut your tears off.

-I am a strong woman, but some AMFs can help too.

-Serio-But I don't know how.

-I searched yesterday for the ingredients and you have it all in your bar, so go and wait with the guest till I make it.

-Serio-I like you more now my dear goddess Aphrodite,

Serio goes to the living room while Jon is talking with Leona about how everything happened.

-Serio-It looks like you are a talker Jon, so please stop doing the work of the witness and help me choose music to brighten up our night.

-What about some karaoke?


-Jon-Why you laughing?

-Leona-Serio hates karaoke,

-Jon-Okay that's something,

Laria comes with the drinks.

-I don't know if you like it but some AMFs can bring you in shape!

-Serio-Is weird but the maximum of people in my house not workers or business meetings have been 2 and not 4, Fate plays with me or Zeus is helping me. So let's do some karaoke, only this time.

-I don't like karaoke too but tonight there is an exception.

-Leona-That's a change,

-Serio-Yes and I like changes but the unexpected ones I like more.

-So what are we going to play?

-I don't like a lot of karaoke that's why I don't play it but my friends play Karaoke Roulette.

Leona: How is this game?

-We put our names on some paper put it in a pot or hat then grab one. The one who is chosen should sing the song others choose.

-Serio-I hates Fate but like he's doing, let's try it.

They take a hat, write four names on paper, and put it in a hat and they let Leona choose the first time.

Leona grabs the first paper and is Serio's name.

-Are you Serio?

-Serio-Okay, what song should I have to show my hidden music talent?

-Laria-Let me choose the first song, and I will choose you to sing "Last Talk"

"Last Talk" is a song about the last time you talked with someone, with someone you don't talk to anymore, with someone you have broken up with, or with someone who isn't anymore in this life.

-That song isn't for a bright up but that's the game.

Laria gives her phone with the lyrics and Jon plays on TV only the melody.

-Serio-For all my fans, all the people around the globe, and you Zeus this is my "Last Talk".

Melody starts.

-Serio-In this Dark World in this Dark Place with people around us with shameful Faces, I gave you my Hope I gave you my talk in this Last Talk, Last Talk, Last Talk I know it's not over I know is still there, your voice in the air, in this Last Talk, Last Talk, Last Talk

They just watch him sing so perfectly like the original song. He gets into the song, singing it with his all.

-Serio-Probably over probably on but other people around me just bugging me on while I still talk, still talk, still talk about that Last Talk, Last Talk, Last Talk, is like the moment is there is like the people don't even care so Last Talk, Last Talk, I tried everything but people don't talk, they go in their own they are moving on while I am in this Last Talk, Last Talk, Last Talk, even if not even if true you wanted more than what I could give you, I am just a simple man couldn't do everything-[everything] prays for me or pray for yourself because, in this Dark World, it might be last time you talk

Leona cries a tear, and Jon sees her.

-Jon-Okay you probably shouldn't give us the Last Talk.

Serio stops and sees how the three of them are emotionally touched while Leona even cries.

-Laria-Sorry thought you were going to sing funnily, but you just struck us down so that's the Last Sad song for tonight.

They laugh.

-Serio-Well I gave my all in this Last Talk and I am not bored, it looks like my powerful voice touched you. Thank you, thank you amazing fans.

They applauded.

-Jon-Well you girls are touched now so better let's stop the karaoke or is going to be the Last Karaoke.

-Serio-Wow you can make jokes,

They laugh.

-Serio- Why don't we leave the girls and go do some man things?

-Jon-Okay, -say it but with silence.

Laria and Leona stay in the living room while Jon and Serio go to the second floor in a room called "Gaming Place".

-Jon-My man,

-I am Laria's man unfortunately but can be a man-to-man friend.

-Jon-No I didn't mean that way!

-Serio- So the common people don't get the sarcasm or am I too sarcastic,?

They get inside and there is a big TV connected to a PlayStation with two controllers.

-I hope you are a man of action because I only first-person shooter games I have.

-Jon-I am a true man,

They start playing first-person shooter games while Leona talks with Laria.

-Why did you call me?

-Laria-Well I had never seen Serio so aggressive, I mean I have seen him being serious but not that violent or aggressive. And you have been his best friend for years, I just didn't know what to do.

-Leona-Yeah he is kinda that sometimes, it happens once in a while but every person has a dark side and I don't want to tell things he has said me to not tell but Serio can be violent and angry sometimes. And it is not like just fighting, he sometimes doesn't know when to stop.

-What about that Eno?

-Leona-He has changed college and went to live out of the town. He came to my house to ask for forgiveness wearing a hat and glasses and with face powder in his face. I forgive him and he just leaves.

-Anything happens with you two?

-Leona-Well we were just going out for like 2 days but not for a relationship. He needed help with painting or so I thought and asked the teacher for help. The teacher said you can learn from Leona to catch up with lessons, I started helping him understand and he asked me to drink a coffee or walk to college since we were living close to each other. But he wanted to get close to me and I understood and said: "I don't see you that way". He was obsessed with Serio too and started to raise his voice talking to me, we had a fight and Jon came and made him go away.

-Laria-What a piece of shit,!

-Leona-Yeah a piece of shit,

-Laria-Why he says "black leather analog watch"?

-Leona-Because that's how his father taught him. But he doesn't like talking about that and please don't ask about his family or his past because you aren't going to get an answer.

-Laria-Okay thanks, one more thing. Why did he change so much? He can be happy and become angry or even depressed.

-I'm not going to lie to you, but I don't know either.

Jon and Serio came downstairs to the living room and Jonis said that it wasn't his lucky night.

-Laria-Why aren't you lucky?

-Jon-Well I lost in every game or more accurately every round.

-Serio- It's not my fault that I am so good, is like Ares guiding me to victory.

-Jon-Yeah all gods are with you!

-Don't take it personally is just how good I am.

Jon laughs.

-Jon-I should go now,

-Leona-Well since you have a car, I am going too.


They greet each other and leave.

-Serio-Not the best night but still better than usual, but I have made an unforgivable mistake by destroying our date night.

-There are plenty of nights in the future.

-Serio-Yeah, let's go to the balcony.

They go to the balcony and take chocolate cookies.

-Serio-Just see how beautiful it is.

-Laria-Yeah is like we love the darkness more than daylight.

-Serio-Is necrophilia, to love darkness or to find comfort in it.

-Laria-I don't wanna ruin this moment of peace but I need to ask something,

Serio sees her in the eye and smiles.

-Serio-Than doesn't ruin this moment, enjoy the view with me.

Serio grabs her hand and pulls her to himself, and she sits in his lap.

-Laria-What now?

-Serio-You weren't enjoying the view so here is better than there being a different air, is Serio's air.

-Why are you like this?

Touches his face.

-Am I seeing you fall for me?

-In your dream, playboy!

Serio kisses her and touches her waist.

-Laria-One question,

Serio kisses her again and when she wants to talk he feeds her with a biscuit.

-Serio-Everything is better with biscuits, mornings, lunches, dinners, and kisses.

She sits in front of him on his lap, removes the biscuits, and kisses him like never before while Serio touches her waist and her ass.

-I am feeling like a crazy teenager again, and I like it.

-I like it when you get naughty and crazy because you can go 0-100 quickly, and you know what my goddess Aphrodite I like you more.

They kiss each other for 20 minutes and then Serio takes Laria in his arms and puts her to bed and spends the most beautiful night together ever.

Both of them didn't sleep all night long, when morning came they took the first shower together, after the shower they went downstairs to the kitchen.

-Serio-My dear goddess Aphrodite, would you like to go shopping with me or may I be more accurate so you like a woman don't get angry? May I have the honor to go shopping with you while you help me choose clothes I see you wear clothes too while helping obviously?

-So you want to see me try clothes?

-Serio-You are misunderstanding me my dear, who am I to see goddess Aphrodite trying new clothes? I am just a common person who wants to stay in your light and if it is possible to see the true colors of that light or to perform a prism in front of heaven mirrors. So may I have that honor?

-Of course, my dear but to see goddess Aphrodite in her light show in heaven's mirrors can get a little pricey or should I say "inaccessible".

-Serio-Worry, not my dear goddess Aphrodite for your light I would dig the moon and give it to you.

-Laria-Okay, time for me to shine and yours to pay the dime.

She gets dressed and Serio too.

They get in the car and go to the shopping center "Fincy" and when they park the car they see Serio's manager Tim.

-Tim-My favorite writer!

-Serio-Your money writer, you mean.

-Tim-Why always like this and look who's there Laria, you two look so good together and if you wanna hear me...- Laria interrupts him.

-I have an agent and a manager so move dude.

-As you heard my goddess Aphrodite moved the common person. And don't get in my way or in my goddess way. Mi capisci?

-Tim-As you say,

They pass him and go inside the shopping mall "Fincy"'

-Serio-What a beautiful place to be a waste.


-Serio-You see here you are a waste because you lost it in the stores and from I like that T-shirt you go to this jacket looks so good on me. A place to let people go to waste and be fulfilled by things they probably didn't need. But today is different, the sun is shining in us with you my goddess Aphrodite.

-Laria-I needs a T-Shirt so let's start by searching for a T-Shirt.

-Serio-Of course my dear but let's search for a suit and a T-shirt for me then loose in the ocean of thoughts and shower it with your outfits,

-Excellent choice Serio, I like how determined you are.

-Serio-My dear see all these people, not all of them are strong, so one of us needs to be and some are looking at me for my weak mark.

An old lady standing in front of them

-Old Lady-He loves or likes you, one not both of them. -sees that Serio and Laria aren't holding hands.

-And you understand it by just looking at us?

-Serio-I see you have a power of the old called "Can't see my business"

-Laria-Serio? -she looks into his eyes and pinches a little at his hand.

-Old Lady- Sorry for not watching my business but you, young ones don't understand what it means to be in love. -she left.

-Serio-She may have tasted the good side of love but look where she is now on the salty not sweet part of it. Let's go, my dear.

They go to a suit store for men.

-Serio needs a dark one, not too black but a dark one, I can go even with a dark grey.

-Let me choose for you what I see would look good on you.

She looks around the store and picks a black one with white buttons and a dark blue shirt.

-Try it.

-Serio-Your word my wish.

Serio wears it and looks too serious.

-Serio-You got taste my dear, and I will buy this,

Goes to pay for it while Laria waits outside.

When Serio goes out Laria wants to get inside again because her mother was coming that way. her mother is Mei.

-Mei-Laria? -talks surprised.

-Laria-Mother?-does the same tone of voice.

-Serio-Who? -tries to match their voice tone.

-Mei-Your new boyfriend? I hope he isn't like your last.

-Serio-Wow this is what girl's mothers say to their daughter's boyfriends. I mean I didn't expect more but wow. Am I too bad for your girl? -he talks with a low voice to Laria's ear.

-What's her name?

-Mei-Is Mei, you show off.

-Serio-Okay today is not good, Zeus has attacked me with a sunny day, an amazing morning till now. I knew something was wrong and when everything looks so dam good it is a relief to what is to come,

-The last one was a man at least.

-Laria-Serio, can you leave us two minutes?

-Serio can leave you for the day. Enjoy your family time.

-Mei-Not so easy boy, time for you to tell me who you are. At the coffee shop in the end.

-Laria-Mom not now, not this day.

-Serio-Of course madam Mei.

They go to the coffee shop where Jon and Leona are drinking smoothies and eating some snacks.

-Serio-Someones can enjoy their day.

-Mei-Yes, I will.

They sit and order.

-Mei-I am taking a double espresso,

-Laria-I am taking a strawberry smoothie,

-Serio-The same as madam Mei,

The waiter takes the order and after 5 min he brings the order.

-Mei-Are you coping with me boy?

-Serio-You challenged me, Madam Mei, I am just playing the game.

-Laria-Really, mom? Are you doing this again?

-Mei-Leave us to do the talking Laria,

-Serio-One question and then you can start with the investigation, which I think is from the fact that you don't trust your daughter's choices and you still want to have that mother's dominance on your daughter because she makes a lot of mistakes. Have you tried helping her by just listening to her problems when she wanted to tell when she was younger?

-Mei-What? You talked a lot smart boy, but you don't know the part when she gets hurt by you. She always dates good-looking guys, and I always tell her 'don't trust the look girl".

-If you don't get cut you will not know how to heal and how to fight. Life rules that everyone has been through.

-I see a writer too.

-Nothing to show off and nothing to be ashamed of.

-Mei-Yes there is a problem with you writers, you always say the right thing. But you only say and write not to do those things.

Meanwhile Jon and Leona.

-Jon-She is Laria's mother,

-How do you know that?

-Jon-She shut her and started taking her side without a question. Mother thing.

-Leona-Yeah is true, but unfortunately, Serio isn't going to let her think she's right. He doesn't let anyone think they're right in a debate with him.

Meanwhile Serio and Mei.

-So one of her exes was a writer? So what does that mean? Do you stop cooking because the cooking got burned one, two, or three?

-Mei-I wants to protect her.

-You aren't letting me talk.

-One last thing Madam Mei, I am a man, not a boy, what I say I do. You should start hearing what she says and wants and sorry for taking so long my dear goddess Aphrodite but she"'s right that she wants to protect you but she needs to start to believe in you. I know you are not as good as your mother but I know you are a strong woman and it doesn't matter what your mother thinks and wants from you. You are good as you are, the only problem with you is, that you trusted the wrong people. Now I am going to Jon and Leona while you talk with your mother and show what you have shown me, your strong side.

He goes to Leona and Jon's table and sits there.

-Serio knows it's not ethical to sit down without asking or announcing but it was urgent.

-Welcome dude, I know you were dating and living in your house. But are you meeting her parents so early?

Leona looked down when Jon talked.

-Nothing like that but happened like that for not that.

-Jon-As always didn't understand a thing.

-Leona-Welcome to the club Jon,

-Serio- So what are you doing in a coffee shop in a mall?

-Leona-I was going to buy something and Jon was looking for a new phone and we met.

-Serio-Good for you, going to buy something. You buy something, meet your friend, and drink something while I come to buy something, and I buy only one thing then as you see I am in the middle of something but not something I wanted.

-Jon-Well, okay?

-Serio-Is not okay Jon, thanks for asking. Even if again you didn't understand.

-Leona-Sure Jon,

-Sure, so what did you buy?

-Serio-A suit, a nice black one. I thought I would wear it on a formal date or meeting but unfortunately, I am not enjoying but since that suit looks serious on me I know how to make her see the serious side of me.

Jon sees Mei who is arguing with Laria.

-Jon-You sure about that?

-Serio-Jon my friend, the future changes like the weather. I keep my word to wear it on a formal date even if I think the date is on a rooftop bar on a beautiful night that turns into a rainstorm night.

-If you were my father's son, he would not ask for anything anymore. Like boom, you're the one for him.

-Serio, too has family trust issues and father/mother dominance. My solution for you as for Laria is trusting yourself because, in the end, you are you and your father is your father.

Serio sees how they stopped arguing and goes to them.

-Serio-My time has come, I am sorry.

Goes to them.

-Mei-I am leaving now Serio, but the next week, I will come for dinner with you.

-Serio-You are welcome Madam Mei,

Mei leaves.

-Serio-So? Did she believe in you?

-Laria-Kinda, but she is right.

Laria stands up and goes to the bathroom.

-Serio-I know, I know, I know.

Serio goes and pays the bill then leaves when Laria comes back and asks Leona and Jon.

-Did you see where he went? Because he isn't answering the calls, did he tell you something when he was here?

-Leona-He didn't tell us anything, and we didn't see him leave.

-Laria-Okay bye, sorry for bothering you.

-Want to stay with us? Anything wrong?

-Laria-No nothing, thanks for asking.

She turns around to leave but Leona says something.

-Leona-He might be in the park, sometimes to clear his mind he goes there.

-Laria-Thanks. -then leave.

Laria goes home while Leona leaves and goes to the park but Serio isn't there.

Meanwhile, Serio is going out from a back door at the bar where he was when talked about Eno with Jon. He gets out of the door with red and scratched hands, sweaty hair and face, and dirty clothes.

-Bartender-Anything went bad Serio?

-Serio-I am the bad! I am what makes things worse and tries to change but whatever I do, somehow I still make things worse and even worse.

-Bartender you need my help just say it.

-Serio-No thank you, now I am leaving with the hope to do something right.

-Bartender-Okay man be safe.

Serio goes home where he finds Laria drinking vodka and watching a romantic series.

They see each other and both look bad at all.

-I drink, you fight.

-Serio-I makes things bad you just get in bad things,

-I always feel at fault but you have no fault.

-Serio-Is strange isn't it?

-Laria-Well, I am drinking a lot of vodkas and talking like I am sober while you fight and talk like you're drunk.

-Serio-Not that,

-I know and is not strange we are both weird and when you are too original even the changes are weird so it doesn't look like changes.

-Serio-I usually don't care, I am too good for others to understand me and still, I want them to understand me,

-Laria-I am too good on my own but I still want someone with me,

-Serio-Is Karma or Fate?

-That's the Life Serio, you don't play with the rules Life makes you play. I play every rule Life makes me break it,

-Serio-I hate to admit it but we are making it too dramatic, and for the first time I am getting hurt because you are getting hurt,

-Same here, just a meter away.

-Serio-How's the vodka?

-I don't know, you try it and remember me how it is because I lost it after the fifth shot.

-Serio-You need a shower Laria, a cold one.

-And you a warm one? -laughs.

-Serio-Yeah let's comfort each other till you are drunk and I get sober.

-What a duo!

-Serio-A drunk and a sober one? An amazing duo!

They go to the bathroom and with turns, they shower each other. Once cold and once warm.

They mistake turn and with the warm water Serio sprays Laria.

-Laria-Is your water, not mine,

-Serio-I know, tried a change of settings,

Laria turns in front of him and hugs Serio.

-Laria-Am I strong Serio? Am I strong in your book? -cries.

-Am I strong Laria? Am I strong in your book?

At the same time, they both say,

-Serio/Laria-Haven't finished it,

Laria just lies on his lap and stays there...