
Written in Art

Written in Art follows the life of Serio Svana, a problematic, bipolar, writer like no one else. Serio is raised in a different family lifestyle, in different manners, and always taught to follow a code, but even tho now a grown man, away from his family, the family trauma and issues follow him up, how will he fix his life, while trying to maintain a relationship with someone,

WrittenArt · Ciudad
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8 Chs


-Serio-I can't be compared with Nem The Right.

Leona: How can you be so serious and funny at the same time?

-Serio- How can you be so shy and outgoing at the same time?


-Serio-Well, me too.

-Where are we going?

-Serio- To eat a delicious dessert, at a special place.


-Serio-You will find out when we go there

-I still can't believe you!

-Serio-You will trust me you will.

After driving for 40 minutes they stop by at a family restaurant.

-Leona-No way,

-Serio-Yes, the path I followed brought us here. To a place forgotten but not erased from our memory.

They went to the Lei Family restaurant. A family-owned restaurant in the neighborhood where Serio and Leona grew up.

-How long has it been?

-Since we were 15 the weird times of high school, so will we go in or what?

-Is that a question?

-Serio-It was a rhetorical question.

Leona laughs and they get in

The Owner Reimond Lei goes and welcomes them.

-Reimond-I doesn't even need to take the order,2 Nutella Brownies.

-Leona-Mr.Reimond how have you been, it has been a long time.

-Reimond-Well my two favorite customers haven't been so not so good but it's good now.

-Serio-I see the place hasn't changed!

-Please don't start that now,

Mr.Reimond started laughing

-Serio-To is sincere I like that it hasn't changed. It brings back memories. I am going to the bathroom.

-Reimond-Did the place give you so many memories that are you going to cry?

-That would be the highest level of nostalgia but now Mr.Reimond is not that far just washing my hands.

Mr.Reimond laughs.

-He hasn't changed, still the same, not understood Serio.

Serio in the Bathroom.

-Serio-It feels weird, is this nostalgia, I mean it has been 7 years so probably but this mirror still is so clean. Am I that clean? Like this mirror, like this people's? They do look so warm and peaceful but their kindness makes me feel like the bad one. Am I right Serio? -look at his reflection in the mirror.

Song: Coldplay-Yellow starts playing.

-What do you wanna say? You played this card too Mr.Reimond.

The order comes.

-Here it comes, Nutella Brownies our favorite.

-Reimond-So, how is your friendship going on?

-Leona-Mr.Reimond no, don't touch that topic.

-Reimond-Just saying, you two after 7 years coming here together, I mean something might have happened?


Serio sits in the chair.

-Serio-Yeah something happened, I wanted a dessert, and Leona needed one so why not?

-Reimond-Yeah, why not? I am leaving you for a bit to do an order.

Leona eating a Nutella Brownie

Leona is weird, isn't it? Such a simple dessert and still so much taste. It is like the night just dark but so much you know lights.

-Serio-Hmm No.

-Come on, why Not? Tell me about your Writer's opinion.

-Serio-You wouldn't take it, it would be realistic and mean so let's not break this nostalgic feeling and enjoy our time here!


Leona got upset and started eating slowly but when she likes something she eats fast.

-Wait for me here in just 5 minutes.

-Leona-What now?

-Serio-Wait here.

Serio goes out of the restaurant.

Serio starts thinking about what to do to cheer her up but at the same moment, he thinks about why he wants to cheer her up, and what Leona means to him, and a car stops in front of him. He was about to get hit but the car stopped.

-Serio-What are you doing?

But the driver leaves out of fear.

-Serio-I know what I should do,!

Leona waits 10 minutes but Serio doesn't come in. Then she goes out to see but he had left. She goes to pay for the Nutella Brownies.

-Mr. Reimond-No needs to pay, the Nutella brownies are on me, and Leona I always have talked to you like I talk to my daughter so let me be honest. I know how you feel about Serio but he might never accept your feelings because he might not know his feelings if he wants you like a friend or more.

-Thanks Mr.Reimond see you.

Leona goes home and just listens to sad music.

-Leona-What am I doing? He looks like he wants then he leaves? What does this mean, is this just a one-sided thing or not even a thing? Should I call him? No way from now on I will not put anyone before me and Serio needs to understand this.

Tomorrow while she is going to college she sees Serio drinking wine at the coffee shop they go to almost every day.

-Leona-Not today Leona, he isn't any more your friend.

Meanwhile, Serio takes from his backpack his pen and a notebook.

-Serio-Time to work, isn't this how people do it? With wine, a wine a day keeps wrinkles away! Says who, Serio the writer.

A girl named Laria sits in front of Serio.

-Who permitted you to sit with me Laria? Did your mind think, "YO today I will sit with Serio" because mine is saying get tf out of here Laria! But to not be that type of boy, you can go and get a coffee from me and take your leave with kindness.

-I need to talk with you. And I will tell what I wanna tell! 

Makes a serious face.

-Serio-You know to gain someone's attention, a boy practically you need to make a good impression which you failed.2 you need to be unique which I don't know for others because I don't think beauty makes people unique.

-Can you stop the drama and let me say what I need to say?

-Serio-Do not interrupt me, lady. 3 Do not act desperate which you are, a state you need my attention, if Mia was here, she would say he doesn't give a sh"t about anyone. A sentence like a double-edged knife. 4 you need to find the best timing which again you failed my lady. It was an honor for me, sir Serio, to meet with you on this beautiful but fateful day, beautiful for me and fateful for you.

-Laria-I need your help with my book and I will do everything for you to help me, I mean it is everything you want.

-Serio-So you said it two times showing your willpower to do everything if I help you?


-Serio-Okay I will help you my Lady Laria.

-Lara-Don't call me your lady!

-The agreement is broken so fast, which is the fault, the material that was created or the one that was given? Like this glass! 

Serio breaks in pieces the wine glass. Everyone witnessed what happened and the waiter came!

-The waiter-Sir are you okay?

-Serio is totally fine m, but the agreement is not. I will pay for the glass but for the moment leaves us alone.

The waiter leaves.

-And what is your side saying for the agreement my Lady, will they try a desperate attack or desperate prayers so everything goes as was going?

-Call me whatever you want, what do you want to change? Money,?/

-Serio-No I will tell you when I finish my work and isn't money but you agreed to do everything!

-Laria-Of course.

-Serio-Let leave, and go to my college and sit on the benches in the yard.

-Why there?

-There you can tell me your problem, the ideas of the book in a place with fresh air, with a lot of positivity with students everywhere who think that going to a good college is going to make them be someone.

They go to college and sit on the benches, but Mia sees Serio and gets angry.

-What did you do to Leona, you psychopath?

-I did what I had to do, I sent her to a place she needed to be to eat something to cheer her up, but that was something she needed, not me.

-And now you came with a girl to college after yesterday? Are you a real man or a coward?

-First of all, she is my Lady, secondly, I am a real man and no I am not a coward. I do what I want to do and to this date, I do not remember someone stopping me. Bye.

-Just bye, like bye, after you told me she is your Lady? Don't ever get close to Leona ever again or I will tell your secret to everyone in school!

-I am not his Lady, we are talking about a book and he just keeps calling me that! I don't put myself in things I should not.

-Mia-Oh another victim of your charm? You better watch yourself, sis, this boy is dangerous.

Then she leaves.

-Liara-Anything happened?

-Serio-It's not your business, and isn't Mia to actually but people these days! Now, what can I do for you?

-Liara- I need to write a drama book to win an award but I don't know what to do.

-Serio-To easy, WRITE!!!!!

-Laria-No I am not in a writer's block,

Are you sure? And you write about fiction, why drama now? More like a dramatic story or a romantic one?

-My manager said I need to write a drama story including dramatic acts and romantic ones too, so I can get a chance for an award so my name gets big! I want to write about a strong man and a strong woman, and how they fulfill each other. Now you help me!

-One a strong woman doesn't need a man to fulfill her, two why would a strong man look for a strong woman? To get rejected? 

-You are not helping me, you know.

-Look at what we are going to do!

He stands up and sees the sky and screams LOVE.

Every student who was near started seeing them like he confessed his love to her, Laria got ashamed and tried to leave!

-Serio- How can you write for a strong woman when you are a shy one and not strong?

-That wasn't some strong thing to be proud of, you just straight up screaming LOVE! What should I do? -she gets confused 

-Serio-Look Laria, a strong man would do anything for his LOVE, and screaming in the name of LOVE is a kid play for him. Yes, you are right why should a strong man scream LOVE, o easy what do you define by strong?

-I am a girl so isn't me who needs to tell you that! But I mean he needs to be independent, not afraid of others, proud of himself, powerful, and able to destroy anyone who opposes him.

-Serio-No and yeah, but if he isn't able to do what he wants from his heart core why in the first place does he need power, just for a show? Try and understand by yourself if he can't do stupid things that people get ashamed of but wanna do for someone but the wall of shame stops them, they aren't strong men.

-Okay, but why I am weak and not strong? And a shy girl?

-Serio-You can't just run away for a man who confessed his LOVE to you, So what do you do? In my point of view, you hear him and decide for yourself., You are not ashamed of him or his Love because strong people don't care about other people's opinions. After all, that is their strong point being themself anywhere with anyone and not being afraid to show it to anyone.

-You are right, help me with this please, now I am starting to understand.

-Serio-For the start call me Sir Serio and I will call you my Lady.

-Laria-Sure, why not become little kids now? -laughs

-Serio-Now to undo the spell of your writer's block you should go for a walk around the city and observe life as it flows. See the people and how are they doing, see how different are men and women. Then come here and I will get you somewhere.

-OK, thanks for helping me -she stands up to leave but Serio sees her in the eyes like she didn't do something.

-Laria-Sir Serio, -laughs

-Serio-Goodbye, for now, my Lady your presence will be not forgotten.

Laria leaves and Serio walks around the college and starts collecting the leaves.

Mia and Leona watch him from the studio.

-Are you seeing him and what he does? He goes and calls some girl his Lady, thinks he did the right thing for you yesterday and ends the conversation like that.

Leona laughs.

-Mia-You can't be blind Leona, he is just playing with you. I know what kind of boy is he. He is just a player, a strong one too.

-Leona-Typically of Serio, don't worry Mia. Now I am looking just for myself and doing what's only good for me, and he is practically not anymore my friend.

-Now you are talking, I know we are grown now and can't talk like my friend and not my friend but he is playing with you. He touches the line then he overcomes the line, but then he steps back and comes again. Like he doesn't understand a girl. 

-Leona-No he understands well enough and can make any girl fall for him but that's it! Now that I think about it he sees only as a best friend. And I don't think any of his relationships with girls lasted more than a week. To be honest the only one lasted that much only because he needed to be with her for some kind of reason.

-So he wants only a one-night stand with girls?

-Leona-Yeah he is Serio for you!

-Serio came in.

-Mia-What the f*ck are you doing here?

-Serio-Giving her leaves, different types of leaves to inspire her to do a magnificent painting! What were you thinking?

-You and I are really on a highway, Serio just switching lanes but never crushing and never stopping, just going forward until one of us loses sight of the other.

-Serio-That was a poetic, good use of words and I have to say "Amazing Line"

-Leona-Yeah the last line! Don't talk anymore to me Serio, I don't need you near me understood?

-Serio doesn't understand the choice but I will agree with what you want but hear only one thing from me. WHEN YOU ARE IN BAD TIMES I WILL COME IN WITHOUT ASKING. goodbye

Serio leaves and Leona starts to tremble.

-Leonan't say anything, Mia, please you go out and leave me alone!


Mia sees Serio in the canteen by himself hurt and goes to him.

-Do you see how it feels to be rejected, Serio? Because I am sure many feel like this because of your fault.

-Serio-Mia stop, I have no time to waste with you please stop.

-Mia-Oh now the popular, the handsome the one that does only one-night stands is hurt.

Mia laughs.

-Serio-You are happy, finally made Leona not stay with me. Congratulations on your achievement. I seek other doings by you. Now leave,

-Mia-I to leave, no I have to make myself proud of this moment. My friend stopped being with me, IDK what are you?

Jon comes to them.

-What are you saying to Mia, Serio?

-Serio-Slow down there boy, it was her who was talking to me and you know what I would be the happiest if you took that hater away from me because, to be honest, she has been hating me since the first day seeing me.

-Jon-Be careful with words Serio. Come, Mia leave him alone.

-Mia-No, I will stay here and make fun of him.

Students gather around them.

-Serio-You desperately want me to make to feel worse than I am, I take the challenging girl but why? Is it because even if you were there advising Leona to stay away from me and she still keeps staying with me made you hate me? Was it because you could never do anything against me even when I never wanted to do anything against you or let me say it? -laughs

-Mia-Don't say it -she got scared.

-Serio-You see, you think my secret can destroy me, how girl? How being me can destroy me while you know pretty well what can a word from me do to you now!

-What if he said, Mia?

-Mia-We better go now, I did what I intended to!

-Jon-No I want to now, speak Serio!

-Serio-You see Jon I don't give a shit about you, so who the heck do you think you are to make me say something? I think no one, can!

Jon tries to punch him but Serio grabs his hand throws him down and hits him in the face so strongly that he makes a big noise that punches.

-Serio-You see now Mia, I am not a coward and can face anyone who tries to do me badly in a kindly way or fighting way because a man should hold his horses when provoked and show his manhood when needed. Jon never tries to fight me, okay? And Mia stop putting others in bad situations they shouldn't! 

Laria comes in and sees they are fighting and Jon is down.

-Did you fight?

-Serio-No, my Lady it was an idea to make me feel bad where some people aren't even good with themselves. Let's get out of this negative energy of negative people.

They leave but Leona has seen the whole thing.

-If you don't tell me what he was going to say, we are done!

-Mia-It was nothing! -says with a trembling voice.

-Jon-Bye Mia. 

Jon leaves and goes out to see for Serio and spots him on the benches with Laria. Then he goes to him.

-Laria-You again?

-Sorry for that, maybe it wasn't the right thing to do.

-No hard feelings Jon, I have nothing with you nor with Mia. Trust me she just keeps trying to get Leona away from me as his friend.

-What were you about to say? As a man to another?

-Serio-She was right, we are on a highway just switching lanes. Mia has liked me since the first time she saw me and thought that separating me from Leona was going to make me like her. And if you ask me how do I know that because we once did it together and I did it only to prove to her I don't like the way relationships are built, I seek only for my pleasure and that's all. So she would understand trying those things was pointless since I never take a woman seriously for a relationship. Sorry for you to hear that but as you said as a man to another! Don't stay with Mia, not because of me but because she has been with you while wanting me and being with Leona while trying to make her hate me because I stay with Leona but am not in a relationship with her. I love Leona but as my only best friend that is it. Mia is one of those girls who sees only her interest.

-That was a lot to take in.

-Thanks man as a man to others thanks.

He leaves disappointed.

-Serio-So how was the walk, my Lady?

-You are on a highway and just switching lanes!

-Helping you doesn't mean you can talk with me like you are a friend a critic or above me in life, try not to judge me, my Lady, I am just a lost Sir in this new wild world, where everything can go as the flow or can be destroyed by a simple branch.

-Laria-Sorry, so I went for a walk and tried to understand the strong and weak men and women, but is hard, no one is like another. They have their similarities and some are different. I think you were right Sir Serio when you said what do you understand with strong? I have an idea for the book story but I just can't show the strong side of the genders.

-So that's why I am here my Lady, to brighten your view! Let's go to a place I like a lot when I want to brighten my view.

-Laria-Let's go but do you have any work to do now? I don't want to interrupt you! 

-Serio-Well I have college which I don't care about! -they both laugh.

They go to a nightclub on the top floor of a palace.

Laria sees the place and is amazed that someone like Serio likes to go to places like that. It's full of important people and is a nightclub but not like only music and dance but talking while enjoying the view the open place gives you.

-Laria-Sir Serio, I am amazed. Frankly, you don't look this kinda boy! -she laughs.

-Serio-I want an AMF and for you my Lady?

-The same. 

The waiter took the order and brought it to them. Laria observes Serio and thinks "Why AMF?"

-Now you think why AMF, why not?

-Yeah, why not?

They go out on the balcony and sit on the chairs.

-Serio-Drink slowly, observe and lose yourself in these lights of the city at night and think about your strong point while this view can make you dream about romance or have a good time.

-Laria-Why so?

-That is what I do sometimes to get away from this sad reality we call it the day-to-day life which doesn't make any sense and here we are drinking AMF and talking about your next dramatic, romantic, and epic book which isn't your genre. Does any of this make sense my Lady, girl I am calling you my Lady, any meaning in that? And you know what you call me Sir Serio! -laughs. 

-What are you talking about, speak it out.

-Serio-dramatic moments are created they are felt, epic moments with a little bit of diamond powder called romance are again felt! Now, what's your take on this? Are you feeling the romance? Are you feeling the drama? Or my Lady are you feeling the epicness coming from a Sir like me?

-Are you saying that can't help me? 

-Serio can guide you but a book is more than that. It is a true thing that I strangely like and admire to work, I can get lazy, I can go blind of view and come here. But my genre is fiction and yours is too.

-But I need to do this book! And you said you would help me? You not keeping your word now Sir Serio. -her eyes are filled with tears.

-Serio- Please don't cry, my Lady but I am helping you, I just spoke the truth. I am going to take two more AMFs cuz we need them.

Serio goes to take two AMFs and come back with them.

Laria is sitting and thinking deeply and doesn't hear Serio when he gives her AMF.

After 10 minutes she sees him near the corner of the balcony and goes to him.

-Thanks for the AMFs, I will repay you when I finish my book.

-If this view doesn't help you and the second shot of AMF doesn't work too. I will need to focus more on what type of thing you need for inspiration.

-I have a 6-month deadline for this book. Can I stay at your place because I think you are a strong man I need to observe and analyze for inspiration and my story! And you know why? You do what you want to, you be who you are. No mask no lies and no pointless drama in your life. I want to make you my strong man character and by doing that who knows, I can find a strong woman too.


-Laria-That easy? I asked to stay at your place, and I can stay for up to 6 months.

-I said I will help you, did you forget that in front of you is a Sir?

 -Never doubted, Sir Serio!

After the drinks, each of their foes home, and tomorrow Laria will go to stay at Serio's place.

Tomorrow at 6. am at the Serio door.

-Hey, you there?

-I said you could stay here but I didn't say you could come at 6. am. You had all day long, but whatever the fate is weird and now is playing with me. To beat him I should let you stay and make your book worthy of a prize.

-As you say, Sir Serio. So what's for breakfast?

-Serio-So you come now in the morning without a gift. You are staying as a guest and no I am not good at cooking and I mostly eat outside but the first rule when you stay at someone's house, you get them something. 

-Laria-Ahhh I am sorry! What do you like most? It's like an interview for the good of my book!

-Serio-My Lady getting my liking in things isn't going to be easy and you know why? It is changing like this damn weather! Yesterday was bright, warm, and yeah all types of good weather, and today just with grey clouds? Where's the storm oh mighty Zeus? -says dramatically.

-I think that staying here might be the most bizarre thing I have done and Man I have a list of it. -says sincerely.

-Anyone who can acknowledge her shame is welcomed here at my bizarre temple.

-Laria-Sir Serio, you look like a kid sometimes and when you are serious, you scare me!

-Nothing to fear my Lady, I am here to serve you with a great drama book which, to be honest, happens only in drama books, so I hope you have chosen the right one or you will waste a lot of time on my companion.

-I look forward to it.

-Serio- If you say only one more time that sentence is like we are doing business here and I am employing you? Boom you're fired.

-OK, if you want I can make you something.

-Serio-My Lady is cooking a home meal for me, what a wonderful act of romance! The kitchen in the right.

-Laria-Yes Sir Serio.

Laria goes and cooks pancakes.

-Serio-Woah, pancakes, cooking dating 5 to 6 centuries ago. You, my Lady, are a true Lady.

They eat it and then Serio goes to dress for college but Laria insists on going with him.

-Serio-Okay my Lady I will give you infinitesimal attention today.

-Laria-Of course Sir Serio, but you understand that I am an author too so using synonyms of not giving a single attention to me isn't like others.

Serio sees her in the eye and she just froze.

-Serio-Why so frozen?

-Laria-Well, never mind.

They go to college and Serio sees Leona coming too with a boy he has never seen before. 

-Laria-Oh the jealousy, so a strong man has jealousy too. What a discovery! -she laughs while seeing Serio.

-Serio-It's not jealousy. It's just so weird when fate plays with me so dirty.

-Laria-Yeah Sir Serio as you say like that it is.

-Serio got something to do now My Lady. See you in 30 minutes.

Laria goes to the college canteen while Serio follows the boy who was with Leona.

Serio comes to the canteen after 30 minutes as said.

-Laria-So do you have any class to go to? 

-Serio-I doesn't go to every class or may I be more clear not every day. I just came here because I don't know what to do.

-Or something happened between you and that boy? And don't give me a weird explanation. You need to show me your strength in this situation.


Serio leaves and Laria meets him at 9 p.m. at Serio's house. Serio enters the house and sees Laria with a glass of wine observing him and analyzing what has he done.

 -Let me answer all your questions. 1-You wanted to stay with me and take some info on strong man for your book but that doesn't mean that I need to give explanations on what I do. 2-That was my strength avoiding and not giving you attention at all just leaving and coming now. 3-Have you cooked anything?

-Thanks for your cooperation and yes Sir Serio I have bought wine. Drink it or don't drink it you know.

-Serio-Than is time for pizzas.

Serio orders pizzas and they start eating when the pizzas come.

-Laria-Wine and pizza, what a duo.

-Serio-Sir Serio and Lady Laria what a duo!

-Laria-Ruazo and Serio what a duo!

-Serio-Laria and not winning the drama prize, what a duo!

Laria gets angered but keeps her calm and goes on.

-Laria-Serio and Leona, my god what a duo!

Serio sees her directly in her eyes, but his look makes her just stay there without eating anymore thinking about what she has done or what will he do now as a strong man.

-Serio-You and this world you are trying to understand but you lack something important, oh mighty Zeus what a duo!

Laria sees him directly in his eyes and drinks her wine. Then she gets close to him, eye to eye, face to face, and tries to make him feel uncomfortable.

-Laria-Me and you kissing now, what a duo!

-Serio-Your inner desire to make me kiss you and my logic saying do it, wait that isn't a duo.

-Your opinion on a strong man who doesn't care about what others think and who does what he wants to and your logic, the wait is that a duo?

Serio kisses her and then says.

-Serio strong man and a weak woman, what will this duo do?

-Laria-Fate and this duo, what do you think?

After saying that Laria kisses Serio and waits then for his response.

Serio drinks his glass of wine and then says,

-Who cares! Fate changes and this is just a temporary duo. That's my response, my Lady, what will happen next is in your hand, not this thing called fate.

Laria sees him and kisses him and then they spend the night together.

Laria wakes at 9 a.m. and sees that Serio isn't in the bedroom. She takes a shower and goes downstairs to watch him cook breakfast.

-I am returning the coin to you with pancakes and good coffee.

-You are the most bizarre man I have ever slept with.

Serio laughs and sets the table.

-Serio-Enjoy your meal.

-Don't get me wrong I know you are a one-night-stand guy but you have to accept you are a bizarre man.

-I said enjoy your meal, and you know why yesterday was the past, today is the present and tomorrow is a surprise only if you live till tomorrow. And I for today don't look at the past moments.

-Laria-Thanks Sir Serio, and thanks for showing me a strong side of you that defies your logic.

-Serio-You are welcome my Lady, I a man live to do this kinda thing with a beautiful woman while helping them too of course. But don't get me wrong I just wanted to do it, and I do what I wanna do that had nothing to do with helping you. I gave that as an example. -says that with irony and in the end laughs.

-Laria-And you know what I don't care because a Sir of mine taught me about a strong woman who I aspire to be so I will give not a single remarkably shit Sir Serio.

They both see each other, point their finger toward each other faces, and laugh.

-Serio-Join today my Lady in my literature class with Nem the Right.

-But I am not in your college?

-Serio-So is what I have been to countless times in different colleges from different points of view. Why no for a change of college view trust me Nem the Right never had disappointed anyone.

-Laria-Oh, okay then Sir Serio.

As they are entering class Serio sees that Leona is coming too, to the literature class. Serio and Laria get in but when Leona gets in she doesn't speak or say hi to Serio.

-Does the strong woman and you Sir Serio fight?

-Serio-Not a fight just we are done as friends my Lady.

They sit but only three seats are available so Leona sits next to Laria.

Nem enters the class.

-Nem-Today we will talk about when we left last time about Greek mythology and their gods.

Nem sees Serio who isn't talking or even trying to do anything just listening to him.

-Nem-We will start with Zeus.

Laria turns her head right side and sees Leona but doesn't know what to say to her and the moment she wants to say hi Serio interrupts her.

-Serio-My Lady, hear me now what I will say.

-Nem-Zeus is the king of...

Serio interrupts Nem.

-Serio-Oh mighty Zeus, the king of all gods son of Kronos and Rhea. Please guide me with your knowledge, Sir Serio needs to help my Lady for a good cause but am I the chosen one? 

-What are you doing now? This is literature class, not drama club, you disrespectful student.

-Serio-Hey Nem the Right I am speaking to the mighty Zeus as a king and not just some type of king, the god's king who gave an example to all other human kings from his known honesty and justice he made. Now I need his honest answer, not you Nem the Right.

Laria sees that Nem is trying to make her embarrassed.

-His Lady needs help, even if it is just a sign. Please oh, mighty Zeus.

-Now it's two of you. Security!!! -he screams.

Leona just sees them but doesn't talk at all.

-Laria-So this is how it is Sir Serio, I believe his scream is our sign of leaving from here and you know why?

-Serio-Why my Lady?

-Some people don't like and understand us, and above that is Nem the Right who you said never disappoints anyone. He now disappointed our respect toward mighty Zeus.

-Serio-Nem the Right is Nem the Left now my Lady.

Every student in the class laughs and records them in a video.

Security came in.

-Take them out and never let them in my class.

Laria is going out after Serio but Leona grabs her hand and sees her in her eyes.

-Leona-You are made for each other.

-Laria-No, you're wrong about that but I might have gotten myself on Serio's highway and you know what is an autobahn.

Then Laria leaves and goes out to Serio.

-Serio-So you went with the flow my Lady, call it destiny or fate but that was a marvelous act.

-Laria-A Lady should stand beside a Sir, in that way this Lady should know how strong he is.

The security watched them and asked them to go to the office of the college principal.

-Security-We will accompany you to the principal office.

-Serio-With pleasure.

-Laria-If Sir Serio is with me no objection.

They go to the principal office. Principal Namik was waiting for them.

They get into the office.

-So, were you making a vine or what?

Laria laughs.

-Serio-It looks like you Principal Namik are used to this Vine trend I guess but unfortunately no. I was asking for guidance from the mighty Zeus to help my Lady in her journey to a magnificent end.

-Namik-You Serio is excluded from college for 2 weeks and about you Laria Neva a big name in the author world. Your manager called me when I was searching for who you were and called your agency. If you ever set foot in this college you are going to the cops.

-I didn't know this was this serious, it won't happen again.

-Serio-You can't just pressure her. I mean she isn't from this college but destiny and a little of me got her there. And I Serio swear here that all who made this thing will suffer. Don't you worry my Lady, no one messes with me.

 They get out of college.

-Laria-Now what?

-Serio-Like what? Do you think this is the first time for me to be in this type of situation? Now we will go to my house and pray!

-I thought you were an atheist.

-I am what I am, my Lady, and today I will pray to the mighty Zeus!

-As you wish, Sir Serio but what will we get for this? 

-Serio-You wanted to live with me these 6 months? This is what living with me is like. And you know what? It's time for me to write too. I need to work too and I have like two weeks free. Who knows and who felt and who knew? Maybe my way of doing things inspires you for your great book.

-Laria-Well what you say is right but I can just skip this praying session.

-Serio-You can but will you? -sees her straight in her eyes.

-Laria-No I won't. Stop seeing me like that, is weird.

They go to Serio's house.

-Wait here in the kitchen until I make everything ready.

25 minutes passed and Serio came into the kitchen dressed very formally.

-Why the formal dressing? 

-Serio-It's a praying thing. Call it however you like it! Now go and wear something worthy of the god.

Another 30 minutes passed and Laria came to the kitchen in a white dress with a translucent fabric around it.

-Is this worthy of Zeus?

-Serio-My Lady tonight you are like Aphrodite a goddess of love, beauty, and passion. Let's get to the car.


-Serio starts the praying in the house by wearing a formal dress but does the praying in the sky. I have booked a private flight in a private jet around the country.

-OK that was unexpected but what can be expected from you?

They go to a shared hangar where their jet is waiting. Jet pilot "Reis" was waiting for them.

-The usual ride Serio?

-Serio-Of course my dear pilot, the man behind the steering wheel, the one and only one who understands the love of seeing storms and lightning or as I call it "Zeus Powers".

-Reis-Get in and let's fly.

They get in the jet and start flying around the country.

-Serio-Now is the time. Get behind me my Lady my goddess Aphrodite because is time for the ritual.

-Laria-Now is getting creepy and childish.

Serio puts a mirror in front of him and looks outside the jet windows as if lightning is happening. He looks into himself in the mirror for 10 minutes without talking or even moving a centimeter. Then he turns around faces Laria, goes and gets two glasses, and pours champagne into them.

-Serio-I have seen tonight's show "Zeus Power" and I have got 2 new resolutions.

But when he speaks now he is more serious and has a wild look in his eyes.

-It's not New Year but okay.

-Serio-Laria, one of my resolutions is my new book which I will write. It is about a world where it doesn't matter how hard you work, destiny is never on your side, it's just a new view of real life, and that book protagonist the prime character is a woman who wants to write a book which will take a drama prize. And if she takes or does not take the prize is going to depend on you for these 6 months. Do not talk because is time for my second resolution, which is a question.

-The way you are speaking now is cold and not you. You making me fear you!

-Serio-Fear not, Laria, is just a way of talking when things get serious. It is like the time when you grow up and parents need to have that talk with you. Like the moment you ask the universe a question and get no answer, it is poisonous, it can hurt you but make you stronger. Stronger is what most people call it but I call it just understanding your place in the universe and now it's time you understand yours.

-You aren't calling me anymore my Lady? Why?

-A time in a million a time which you will remember, will you be my woman this 6 months?

-Laria-Your woman? What are you talking about? Is this a joke?

-Not a joke, a true proposal.Not like my wife, nothing real, just real for these 6 months. You want to see my strong side and I want to get out of you that strong woman so will you be my woman for 6 months? It will be like you are a mix of ideas of wife and idea of girlfriend. And I will be the same but we will take only the good sides of the boyfriend/girlfriend and husband/wife. The freedom of boyfriend/girlfriend and the seriousness and responsibilities of husband/wife. How will you understand being a strong woman without being a strong one and how will you understand a strong man when you aren't letting me be one? Think about it but do not think too much because my enemy is fear and another strong enemy of everyone is "the people's opinion'.

-Laria-One word is it "REAL"

-Everything included in marital relations and love relations will be real for only 6 months but after that, you and I are just Serio and Laria two colleagues who helped each other in their books.

-Laria-I is in, but one condition.

-Serio-Name it.

-Laria-I want the real you, not this serious dude who just awakened to be my man for 6 months.

-I am the real me just you don't know me.

-Laria-Then, this is what you ask for helping me with my book?

-Serio-No this is helping you but my reward is another thing and you will know what is when your book is finished if only your book takes a drama prize I will ask for my reward and if not you aren't going to give me anything.

-When you finish your book I will ask you too for something. You are asking me to become your woman and you know what is like being in marriage but without actually being in, it can hurt you psychologically and emotionally so I will ask for a reward too.

-Serio- Of course, I will do everything asked for and I mean everything. But before you accept you should know that in this new 6-month relationship, we will do everything couples do.

-Having a sexual relationship isn't a big thing for me.

-Serio-And one condition from me. Please do not fall for me.

-I would never fall for you.

-Serio-Laria after these 6 months you will even die for me if needed. So want to become a strong woman? You and I will do everything but neither of us will fall for each other.

-I don't believe you can fall for me!

-Serio-My longest relationship was 7 days and it lasted that much because I had some work to do and not end that. So will you become my woman?

-I will, but will you become my man?

-Serio will. -then he kisses her and spend the night together.