

Secrets have weight. The longer you keep them, the harder it gets to keep you moving forward. To what extent would you go to save a sister whose world is about to crumble? When all efforts to escape a villain's clutches, only get you deeper into them! Kristine and Rhea were sisters raised by the same parents. When Rhea's world was about to fall apart, due to the plots of an evil ex-boyfriend, Kristine took it upon herself to delve into a long-standing grudge, to stop a devil, that was unleashed upon the world. On her rampant course to avenge her sister's demise, Kristine met the oh-so gorgeous, out of the world Superstar... Eric Kurt. Her life began to get entangled with Eric until she began to suspect his handiwork in the cruel act perpetrated against her sister. She found out an inevitable truth about her true self and her undisputed background linked to him and the villian she strived to avenge all this time, which almost sent her world crumbling down. The life she had known all these while began to slip out of her hands as she discovered her true identity. Now, what will she do? And Is Eric Kurt guilty of the crime suspected of him? What actually happened to Kristine? Join me in this war, to find out how a pretty harmless flower, turned into one of the deadliest poisons, in her course to save the ones she loves and holds dear.

NobleRemmy · Urbano
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42 Chs

Along the road to a coincidental crush

Evans Kurt tossed and turned in bed for a long time, the noise and loud cheers from his brother's fans downstairs barely allowed him a moment of sleep.

Ever since he returned from his emergency rounds at the hospital tired and worn out, he thought he would be able to finally have some peace of mind, to sleep through his weariness...

Evans had to fill up for one of the absent doctors who had an emergency at home, but it seems all the number of rounds on patients he made so far had taken a toll on him.

Moreover, he barely slept the other night too.

Meanwhile, the current atmosphere at home now wouldn't be possible for the sleep he desperately needed to revitalize himself for other busy schedules later in the day.

Evans turned to look at the clock on his bedside table where the time read eleven-thirty, thirty minutes to midnight... His birthday!

He had arrived long to catch some sleep, yet, he kept tossing and turning, and the jubilations outside simply increased his fatigue.

Forgive my delay in this introduction.

Well, Eric Kurt the Superstar, and Evans Kurt, who is currently a highly reputable doctor and also at the peak of his profession, are both twin brothers born on the same day but only a minute difference in time.

Compared to Eric who was blond, Evans was black-haired, with thick eyebrows, tempting green eyes, and a beautifully chiseled babyface of an appreciable strong jawline and pink thin lips

Evans was older than Eric by a minute.

Even though it's the most ridiculous news to Eric who couldn't stand to hear about that part, where his brother rules over him over a mere minute difference.

Eric simply hated being the younger brother and always wished he was the older one instead.

All these tantrums started in their earlier days as kids growing up in their noble household of the Kurt Mansion!

However, both brothers grew up very close to each other, more like intimate friends than brothers.

Suddenly, a knock on Evans's door had him grumpy and out of bed. He wondered who might be knocking on his door at this time, even though he never locks his door.

On second thoughts, Evans remembered someone, then peeked through his door hole to check if he guessed right.

It was indeed his mischievous brother by the door.

Eric was standing in front of Evans's door with both hands held behind him. He was lavishly groomed as if he was about to meet some important guests.

Evans finally moved to open the door to find out what his brother would want from him at this ungodly hour of the night.

Then suddenly, something struck him as he moved to turn the doorknob. Evans paused to look back on the clock once again...a minute to midnight!

Instantaneously, a slow smile carved his sexy thin lips which later turned into a satisfied grin.

He had figured out what his brother was about to do the moment he opened the door, which humoured him.

Therefore, Evans took a few steps back to the bed and took a pillow for self-defense, before he moved to open the door.

The moment the door opened on the opposite side, a huge cake came flying on Evans's face, but luckily, he used his quick reflexes to cover his face with the pillow, before anything could be smeared on his gorgeous face...

Seconds after, an almost similar face to Evans peeked to see whether his aim was a success, but a look of disappointment replaced the mischievous grin on Eric's face within seconds, for missing his target.

"Aren't you tired of the same old tricks? I thought you might have outgrown that by now." Evans uttered with a chuckle at his brother's grim face, since his plan to smear his face with a cake failed miserably.

As kids growing up, they used to do this all the time on their birthday Eve.

But their Nanny often warned Evans during those times since he had always been the forgetful one, and Eric always gets him.

He remembered Eric used to get mad at their Nanny for days, for blowing up his cover and warning Evans beforehand, about his perfectly well-thought pranks...

"I just figured I need another trick going forward, this trick seems to be worn-out and mostly easily predictable." Eric replied with a frown on his face.

Both brothers were quiet for some time, since moments like these were often when their minds delve into their past. They get swept down memory lane over the thoughts of their Nanny.

These were mostly the times memories of her flashed through their minds non-stop.

It was among the times they missed her more.

Beginning from their naughty childhood days when their mischiefs and tantrums were only tolerated by the most beloved person to them, it withstood the duration of time until they became teenagers.

The person who, over the years, became the closest they came to know and recognize as a Mother figure... Their Nanny Rachel.

Rachel filled the empty spot of their deceased mother whom they lost during childbirth.

Moreover, even though they yearned for their mother and missed her, Rachel took that spot for herself and made it her own. She loved and cared for them... a job she did dedicatedly and conscientiously.

She became a never-ending presence in their life ever since they turned five.

Rachel's presence in their lives became the first time they knew what real happiness was, everything they experienced with her was their firsts. Love, attention, care, and above all a Mother.

Legend says you can never forget your firsts and it's true!

Nanny Rachel became a part of every good memory they ever had in their lives, the sadness and sorrows, the fun above all else, as well as the heartfelt moment they felt in her loving tender care as the heroine in their lives.

Nevertheless, as they grew up, things changed and their tastes in stuff also changed, but their Nanny never changed which was a unique thing for them.

She could read them like an open book,...She knew when something doesn't feel right simply from the expressions on their faces, and always knew exactly what to do to lift their moods and make everything okay once again.

Once at school, when the twins were asked who their mother was or the person they loved the most in this world.

As young kids, Rachel was the one who popped into their minds, so they drew her so beautifully in their excitement.

They didn't forget how Rachel cherished that drawing as if it was the best present they had ever given her, which became more important than anything in the world.

But one day, everything changed...Over!

They came back home from their prom festivity and she was gone!

Her room empty! with the special drawing they drew as kids which they framed and placed on her wall crushed, shattered, and torn to pieces... all scattered on the floor.

It seemed all the memories of love and affection they shared with her simply vanished into thin air, like a mirage. As if it never existed.

When she shamelessly took money for all the years she had been with them and simply disappeared from the face of the earth, never seen, never heard.

"I know what you are thinking! It is better we forget about her...Since we lived well without her anyway, and will continue to do so." Eric informed his brother, whose chuckles a while ago completely vanished and he turned gloomy.

"As if you aren't guilty of those same thoughts. All these years, she had been a vital presence in our life. We simply can't help it...especially on this day! But you are right! she is not worth our thoughts or time. After all, she was the one who turned her back on us when we needed her the most!" Evans added with a grim face, suddenly fuming with anger.

"Well, let's forget about all the painful past and look toward the brighter future ahead...Happy birthday, brother!" Eric cleared his wandering thoughts and plastered a smile to wish his brother.

"Happy birthday to you too... Junior brother." Evans teased and chuckled at Eric's frown.

He hated being reminded he was the Junior between them.

Therefore, Evans's laughter fueled Eric's frown and he bent down to pick the already ruined caked from the pillow.

This time around, Eric caught Evans unaware and he smeared the entire cake on Evans's face. And his loud laughter was heard through the hallway, while Evans was left fuming in his wake.

But Evans refused to overlook Eric's action, so he wiped the smeared cake from his face and directed it towards his brother's face.

Instantaneously, the humorous laughter on Eric's face turned so pitiful.

"No! No... stop right there." Eric begged as he took steps back and Evans followed suit.

Since Eric was already groomed to finally meet his enthusiastic fans, he couldn't bare his outfit soiled.

To make matters worse for him, Evans didn't seem to care and nearly closed the distance to smear Eric's face when his phone suddenly rang.

"Today must be your lucky day." Evans left his brother to attend to his call.

He suspected It must be an emergency from the hospital.

"You better thank the caller. Come on, go take care of your fans, they barely allowed me some sleep from all their cheers and enthusiasm". Evans added before he punched the answer button to pick up the call.

But not before Eric responded with a warning.

"I can almost guess it's a call from the hospital, but don't think you can miss my party. Simply because you are about to be called for some emergency." Eric called out as he moved to descend the stairs and leave his brother to his call.

But Evans covered the mouthpiece with his finger to reply to his brother's warning.

"Don't worry, I won't miss it! Even though I could make it late..." Evans shouted in reply.

"Speak, Sarah... What's the emergency? I thought I told you to call Doctor Fred or Isabella in case an emergency turns up!" Evans spoke into his phone.

On the other hand, Sarah stammered for a few seconds before she found her voice to speak.

"I am aware of that, Doctor. However, an emergency call was made to the hospital on the arrival of a seriously injured patient. It seemed like a hard blow to the head with a high risk of internal bleeding, which might affect his brain. He had lost a lot of blood, and his blood group in RH-. Meanwhile, Dr. Fred and Dr. Isabella aren't picking up my calls so I had no other choice but to call you." Sarah desperately reported without a moment pause to even catch her breath, until she concluded her reports which made her pause for a moment before she continue...

"The patient's blood group is rare and we don't have it in our blood bank..." Evans suddenly interrupted before she could conclude.

"Okay...Get the operation room ready before the patient arrives. I am on my way!." Evan hung up the call.

He hurriedly changed out of his sleepwear and into more comfortable clothes. The time on his bedside table read 12:20 am.

Evans came out of his room and made his way to his car when he heard the background speech Eric was delivering in appreciation to all his Fans' affection and expressions of love on this special day.

Evans got into the car and hurriedly left towards the back exit, since the main exit was crowded with his brother's vibrant and energetic fans.

"Thank you all lovely fans for this amazing surprise of being the first people to wish me on my birthday. I really appreciate it and I love you all." Eric waved and he was responded by loud cheers and whistles from his fans.

"Therefore, I am inviting all of you to my party in the evening, be sure to come in your numbers. Thank you all...Love you!" The overwhelming jubilations when Eric surprisingly arrived moments ago before them were doubled after his speech...It was horrendous!

And as he made his way to return to the mansion after his speech, a whole bunch of crazy fans broke through security and run towards him to simply touch him, others only wanted a handshake from him.

Even though Eric's security team reacted quickly to control the crowd in time, before any harm was done to their dazzling Superstar.

Eric couldn't help the crazy amusement smile on his face from his fans' over-the-top reaction as a few of them reached and touched him.

But he didn't realize the dazzling tempting killer smile he plastered on his face and the cute spot of his dimple had knocked down some of his fans, out of extreme emotional excitement.

His one-of-a-kind killer smile always sent fans fainting from joy.

But the security team finally escorted the Star back into his home as the fans cheers kept getting louder and louder...non-stop!.

They didn't even care it was in the middle of the night.

The lonely quiet streets of Eric's neighborhood as the fans' voices echoed throughout the entire place in their extreme merries felt like it was daybreak.


Both brothers, Eric Kurt and Evans Kurt were a product of their father...Nicholas Kurt's first marriage with their deceased mother...Caroline Walker, with the Kurt name after marriage.

She died during the childbirth of the twins, and so the twins were told.

However, Due to the untimely loss of their mother, both boys used to rarely celebrate their birthdays with much enthusiasm, since it was a day of mourning as well.

But thanks to their Nanny's presence in their life, they overcome all the loneliness and pain from that loss.

Even though their dad remarried his first love, Clara Johnson, to take care of them. But she hated them as much as they too hated her.

Especially, when they compared their stepmother's unaffectionate nature to how Nanny Rachel treated them.

Formally, when their birthday was approaching, both brothers remembered how much Rachel does to make sure their special day turned out the happiest.

She was the only one who normally remembered their birthdays and prepared huge surprises in their wake, throughout the day. With lots of fun activities.

From gifting them their amazing favorite toys as birthday presents, a day out in the fantasy world, as well as the amazingly tasty snacks she usually prepared for them and topping it up with the sweetest bedtime stories at night to complete their day.

Meanwhile, their stepmother had always neglected them from the beginning. Her only sole purpose was their dad's wealth, to live luxuriously.

Moments when they hated her the most.