

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs



I was stunned!

I expected her to turn around, but she had to hit her head back. I was lucky I moved back in time so that my nose got bruised but not broken. I may have gone a little too low with my hands, but she wasn't taking the bait that I had laid. I guess she is vulnerable when she is drunk.

I turned to Josh, he was just laughing while helping another customer.

"At least we got money from them," I whispered to myself to make me feel better. She had made me look weak in front of my men. I would need to go home, to prevent a rage from coming.

I go outside and step into my car. I was going to start my revenge with tomorrow's training. She was going to pay for embarrassing me.

When I got home, my parents and siblings were sitting at the table talking about something I didn't care about. I ignored all questions and went upstairs to go to bed. I was going to need this night of sleep. I probably had only average 3 hours of sleep per day in the past week.

I don't know how long it took me to go to sleep, but it seemed to take a long time for me to drift...

"What's wrong, Dev?" She asked me.

"Come off it Ria...please?" I had begged.

"Okay," Her soothing voice tried to calm me down.

He had just died. I couldn't tell her that I had killed him. It would break her tiny heart that I had killed him. I need to stay away from her, she was making me weak and I was killing too many people that would hurt her.

"Just stop!" I yelled.

She just stood there with blank eyes. I guess she showed less emotion since the death.

"I need to tell you something," My voice softens.

"What!?" She yelled.

She was mad at me.

"I was the one that started the rumor about you and the mice," I said.

"That was you! I thought we were friends!" Ria yelled.

"I thought you would understand," I say.

"You know, you don't deserve your name, you are not the Devil like you want to think! You are stupid damn idiot." She yelled.

"Lina was right. She showed me a video of you saying that it was all a bet and that your father wanted to make allies. She told me that you spread the rumor just so you could make me feel better!" She continued.

"You had me rapped around your little finger but never again," She layered her accent thickly.

She was storming away.

"I'm glad I killed him. He was just of a stupid bitch as you were!" I yelled at her.

She turned around and walked toward me.

"On the first day you asked me if I was ready for hell, and I'll give you my answer. We were always in hell, but now you better be ready for the revenge of hell, the revenge of the devil. Watch your back Torres," She told me, calming her voice.

I realized that there was only one emotion left in her, anger.


"Are you ok?"

I was woken out of my dream.

"Are you ok?" My father asked shaking me.

"Yes. Leave me alone," I ordered.

"I may not be the head of the mafia but you may not order me around!" My father said sternly.

"Just get out...please" I begged.

My father sighed and left.

Josh walked in.

"Your father sent me in." Josh said, "I'm here for whatever you need."

"It was the same old dream."


I had never told Josh what the dream was but he knew that it shook me and that I was not to be asked about it.

"Well, get up slow pow. We have to get to the Italians for training. They won the coin flip."

"Get out," I said.

Josh left.

I have been having the same dream for years and it shook me the same way every morning when I had it. No one knew what it was about except me and my grandmother who had helped me through some of the grief. I loved my grandmother, like her I hated the Italians and we both agreed that we should not be allies. I couldn't wait to go back to Spain to see my grandparents.

I quickly showered and got dressed into a pair of sweats and a shirt that I'll probably end up taking off if I get too sweaty. I marched down the stairs.

"Son, we have accepted the invitation to go to the ceremony in Italy. So after tomorrow, we will return to Spain to pack and get your grandmother, then we will go to Italy for the initiation. After that we will go to SI and IS."

SI and IS were two islands that belonged to the Spanish and Italian mafia. SI was island one, it stood for Spanish Italian island. The second island was IS and that stood for Italian Spanish. No one knows who made them, but they have been in shared possession for a long time. The story is that, they couldn't agree if the I or the S should be first, so they created two islands of paradise. They were between Spain and Italy and couldn't be seen on a map. I've been to the islands many times but we always had to go with the other mafia. I was dreading it.


"If you had stayed up with us you would have found out. We needed a neutral place to train because the Russians have announced that they will probably start a war. It wasn't supposed to happen for another few years but Valeria killing those people set them off," My father said. Distaste for Valeria clear in his voice.

I scoff. Of course, everything was her fault.

I wasn't in the mood for breakfast so I just sat there, waiting for my family to finish eating. They were slow eaters.

"Your car is here," A guard told me.

"Lets go, our car is here," I said to my family.

They nodded and all followed.

"Here take this. It will stop the headache from when Xavier and Valeria talk or fight," Lia says to my parents and brothers.

"Can I have one, I have a headache when I talk to her to?" I joke.

"No! You are one of the causes I have to take this," She joked back.

I start laughing.

"You can start the car," I tell the driver.

The driver nods his head but something is wrong. It wasn't my usual driver Carlos.

"Stop the car!" I yell.

"What are you doing Xavier?" My father asks.

I pull out my gun and shoot the driver in the head.


I check his pockets and find what I was looking for. His wallet. I open it and it says that he was Russian. The damned Russian mafia thought that they could trick me. Ha.

I get out of the car and open the drivers door. I find that he has a note in is hand. I open it and it says, "Wait for what the Italians have for them..." What does that mean? I ignore the note and push the body out of the car.

I take the place of the driver and start driving the car.

"What was that?" My mother's worries voice fills the car.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

I continue driving in silence. I guess it was shocking that a Russian man had made it into my mafia and somehow became my driver. I would have to update the security when we get home.

Finally we get to the Italian gate.

"What is the code sir?" A woman asks, before opening the gate.

I get a text from my phone and pull it out.

Alonzo: Italians are better.


Alonzo: My sister said it was a perfect password for you. She is busy or she would have texted you herself.

I shut off my phone and scroll down my window.

"Fuck you system and just open the door!" I say.

"Incorrect password. If you don't have the right one in a few seconds, you will be lasered." The voice replies.




"What is happening, Xavier?" Lias worried voice says.

"He wont say the dumb password," Alonzo replied.

I didn't want to find out if they were bluffing or not.


"Italians are better."

"Correct password, you may proceed."

The gate opens and we drive through. It wasn't the same as yesterday, a welcoming home hiding the Grim Reaper in it. There was blood on the grass and the door looked like it had been ripped off but repaired. The fountain looked broken and the porch chairs were thrown around. I wonder if Valeria had a tantrum.

"Hello. Welcome to our home again" Alonzo says.

"Hello. What happened here?" Lia asks.

"Sorry about everything. Valeria is downstairs but you shouldn't bother," Pedro says coming out of the house.

By now we were out of the car and walking into the house with my guards following us.

When we were inside, it looked like there was a tornado inside the house.

"What happened?" I asked upset that they didn't answer Lia.

"Let's wait for Valeria to finish up."

"Don't worry father, I'm here," Valeria says stepping into the light.

She is wearing black leggings with a black shirt. Better than pajamas. She has red TI Di. She walks closer to us and I realize that it isn't red on her outfit, it is blood.

"Do you want to tell me which one of you told the Russians where we were and who scheduled an attack on us?" Valeria yelled at us.

"We didn't do no such thing," I countered.

"Really? Because I found this on one of the men that decided to attack me." She through me a necklace that had the Italian symbol on it. "You little dirty lying rat! The warehouses were also not true."

I was so confused. The necklace was something that we gave out to some of the men who had accomplished something huge.

"It surprises me that you have no idea what I am talking about. It surprises me that your acting is so good. Guess who was wearing that necklace? Richard fucking Cardino! Who with proof was also Russian. You allied with the Russians and then allied with us! How dare you! I will fucking kill you whole family in front of you, Xavier if you don't fess up now." She yelled.