

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs



I had lost the ability to feel. Ric was on the floor, blood spilling from all over his body. That was the day, that I finally became me.

Happiness and love were not a feeling I was capable of anymore, but lying was. Lying is what can get you through life. Is lying really wrong, if you use it to make someone else happy? My family needs me to be happy. It hurts them when they see me sad, I guess that's part of love. I do enjoy, those moments when I see my family happy, but I was just not capable of that emotional.

Many people in the mafia were like that. All that killing and heartbreak, really makes your heart as hard as stone. My father was like that but after marrying my mom and having children...it loosened him up.

When I was growing up, during training I used to laugh around until my first fight. I was to fight my father and he didn't hesitate to shoot my arm. I always thought, my dad would never hurt me but then he did. That is when I learned two lessons, trust no one and deceive everyone. I am not a beast with no feelings, I am your worst nightmare.

The change in me the day, he died was the end of my emotions. It was the day, I learned that life only is fair to fools and not smart people. I will never forgive myself for the death and I will never go back to feeling.

"Get up figlia!" My mother yelled from downstairs waking me from my trance.

My mother always had this thing with no matter the day, one has to wake up early. If it was up to me, I would wake up at 1 in the afternoon every day.

"Shit." I whispered to myself. The guy from last night was still in my room and my mom was about to come in.

I shake the man until he wakes up. I even slap him on the cheek a couple times.

"You have to get out!" I whisper to the man whose name I have forgotten.

"What, why...Round 2?" He confusedly grumbles. I roll my eyes at this. He seriously thought he ws going to get round 2. Wow.

"Get out!" I yell at him but not too loudly that my mother can hear me.

"What, how?" He asks. He is such a loser.

I point to the window.


"Fine, I'll go with you." I interrupt. Of course, he wouldn't be able to climb out. I wonder how men could seem so strong when they are so weak.

I quickly slip a pair of jeans, an oversized hoodie and black boots.

I start climbing out of the window, when I notice he isn't following. Men can be so stupid sometimes. I beckon him to come as if he was a baby. He quickly follows. Once we are standing on my windowsill outside, we jump to the near tree branch.

"Do you know how to climb a tree?" I ask quickly. He didn't have a choice anyways; he wasn't going through the front door.

He shakes his head no.

"Just follow me. For you, you just hold on to the branches and find another branch to put your foot on. Then you repeat the steps." I speak.

Suddenly, I hear the door open to my room. We made it just in time to escape my mother unless she looked out the window.

My instructions were probably not as clear as they could have been. But I wanted to see what this man could do. Would he be able to get down by himself, or would he chicken out?

Realizing, I need to get down quickly, I jump from tree branch to tree branch. I've done this so many times, that I've mastered it.

I look up to see the guy (I think his name started with J), stuck in the tree. For once in my life, I wish men had been stronger. I was not in the mood to be yelled at by my mother.

"Listen Joe, I don't have time for this. So just jump down and I'll catch you."

"It's Justin," he replies.

Who fucking cares? I tried playing nice but now I've had it.

"Does it look like I fucking care, Joe!" I yell loud enough for him to hear me.

"You're a girl! You can't catch me!" He says.

"Fine. Figure it out yourself." I huff and then walk away. He doesn't deserve my help.

I quickly walk through the front door and pretend I had been lying on the couch the whole time.

"Oh honey, I swear I checked for you down here. Well, anyways Melody just finished making breakfast."

"Eeh, Im not in the mood for eating but thanks," I answered. My mother didn't notice that I hadn't been here the whole time.

One of the guards' whispers something into my mom's ear. Shit.

"Val, do want to explain why there is a man stuck in a tree outside your window?" She asks.

My mother had no surprise in that question. Having a guy in my room in the morning was not something abnormal. It was odd if there was no guy in the room. My mother wanted me to stop fucking every guy I meet at a bar but it's hard to stop habits. Though, I tried to hide from her. She often seemed in pain when she saw what I truly am.

"Um... I think Papa called me in to his office right after I wake up." I counter.

"Mi hija. I don't think he'll be ready for another few minutes after we just -" My mother was Spanish so she didn't refer to me in Italian.

"Eeew. I didn't need to know that. Please no details." I knew that my parents had sex but seriously do I need to be told?

"Nonsense, Mari (short for Mariana). My office now. Your brother and sister are already there." My father said to me and my mother.

I groaned.

My parents contrasted each other. They are the best example of opposites attract that I would ever know. My mother was orderly and neat while my father was messy. Although my mother the daughter of a gang member high up in the ranks, she hated violence. Well, she hated doing anything violent, she didn't mind watching it though. She hoped that her children would be strong. My father was violent, in the old days (as he says) he had no mercy and ruled with a giant iron fist. Despite all of that, they loved each other. They would never be separated even after one of them dies.

My mother went ahead to where my father was up the stairs. I heard her giggle and then she turned around to meet my scowling face.

We made it to the office.

"Oh sister, how were your adventures this morning?" my brother whispered.

My brother, Alonzo, was quite annoying as you can see. He was the oldest, but he had no hope for running a mafia. He knew it himself! So, it was decided I would take over since I seemed the most capable anyways. He looked like my twin despite being a couple years older than me. He had the same eye and hair color and face sculpt.

"Shut up."

"What is that you say, Alo?" Zoey (my sister) whispered to my brother.

Zoey was my sister, not my friend. Hell, she wasn't even my full sister, she was my adopted cousin. My father's first cousin died so my dad felt it only right to adopt his child.

Zoey had no interest in the mafia. If our dad stopped buying her things than she would tell the whole world our secrets. In result she was kept from many things. Even though I'm basically the head of the mafia, my dad won't budge. So, if she was here, that either means that there is a ball coming up or we are moving. My money is on that there is a ball.


"Stop bickering children. Listen as we know it has come a year since the last annual mafia ball. Just to fill your memories, this ball is mandatory because all mafia contribute to it. And yes, there are fights, announcements, and trafficking. I need everyone to watch out for their surroundings." My father announced.

"What about Zoey? Who will protect her?" I asked innocently with a smirk.

Zoey scowled at me. But I smiled back at her.

"Yes, she will be going with Andre. It has worked in the past."

"Yes Papa. That is a truly great idea" I said while smiling.

Andre went with my sister last year. Let's just say he almost became a father.

"Val, I know you love getting into fights and stuff, but please don't with any mafia leaders. We don't want anymore enemies." My father said.

"Can I leave now?" Zoey said.


The door slammed. As expected, as soon as she walked out that door she was on the phone about some party at a bar.

"Pedro, I never understood why we adopted that girl. I mean we love her but she didn't need to be more exposed to the mafia world." My mother said with a hint of anger in her voice.

We all knew why she was adopted. After my father's first cousin died because of being captured. My father and him were very close despite the fact that he tried to seduce my mother. His last dying wish was that his daughter would marry someone in the mafia. If there is one thing my father doesn't break, its family. Though I don't think that will ever happen for her. Zoey has this boyfriend that has mafia linage but like her doesn't want to be part of it.

"You look sexy when you are angry, Mariana." My dad remarked, he looked like he was about to push her to the wall. "La tua mamma più sexy e io non vediamo l'ora che arrivi stasera." (You're the sexiest mom. I can't wait for tonight.)


"Mama, Papa, continue this after." I commanded.

"Yes of course cupcake. Now, listen we are announcing that you are the leader of the mafia at the ball. Everyone there thinks your brother is."

"Yes, of course. You only need to worry about Alonzo." I answered.

"Yes, I agree." My father said jokingly.

"I hate when you guys talk about me like I'm not here!" My brother fumed.

"You know we love you Alonzo."

"You dismissed." My father said.

Alonzo and I walked out of the office.

"You love me huh?" Alonzo asked.

"Shut up. Go take a shower you smell like shit." I answered.

"But you love me."

As I started to walk away I said, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Hello Everyone,

I am so excited to share my story.

Although it would be nice for a tag, vote, gift, like and comment it is ok and no one should feel pressured into doing that.

I would like everyone to know that I additionally am writing this book on Wattpad.

FYI I am looking for some better cover ideas, so it would be great if anyone has input or even wants to make one. I will certainly give you credit for it.

Thank you again,

Your Author,


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