

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Meet the Fam

Xavier POV

When one gets older, they become wiser and more come to several important realizations. When I was younger, I was a silly, a fool. I would laugh and smile at everything until I was 5, when I had my first kill. My dad wouldn't teach me the mafia ways until I was older, so my grandfather taught me until age 15. He drilled the idea that in the future life, there was no room for foolishness. There was no room for laughing. By the time I was 15 and my dad had taken over, my dad instilled that fact that the goal in life was not to have fun or have any good time at all. Then when I was 21, the betrayals I felt from people I thought I knew taught me, to not let in the good into my life. That was end of hope of happiness for me.

In my young age, I thought, I was the most precious being on the planet. Then my parents had two more children and decided to send me off to boarding school. I'm sure they loved me but I'm sure they loved their mafia even more.

I'm glad I went to boarding school, I wouldn't have met my best friends, Josh and Mike. But unfortunately, I wouldn't have met her either. Valeria fucking Creico, the fucking Italian bitch. We were rivals...enemies. There was no way in hell that we would ever agree on one thing. I tried various times to kill her, but she was too fast. Neither of us had succeeded in our goal of killing the other. Our grandparents were enemies as well. It wasn't until our father's became the mafia leaders, that there was some alliance between us.

"What do you want?" I practically yelled at whoever was knocking on my door so early in the morning. I had a crazy hangover and wasn't an early bird.

"Its your dad."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "What do you want, Antonio?" Knowing it was my brother who said that.

Antonio or Antonia as I called him because he should have been a girl. He looks nothing like me, but he looks a lot like my uncle, so he is probably related. When I was younger, I thought he was adopted and used to tease him about it. The one thing, you need to know about him is that he is crazy and a total dick. BTW only I'm allowed to say that because he is my brother. If you call him a dick, you are dead.

"I don't want you, Dad does. Get off your ass and go to him." He answered.

"Ok...ok. No need to get your panties in a twist."

He scoffed as I heard his footsteps down the hall.

I hated mornings. Especially this morning. I went to a bar last night as usual since it was Saturday. Antonia came with me and he got his ass kicked in a poker game. As usual I had to get him out of a fight with some drunk 5o year old.

I slowly put on black jeans with a black shirt and gray jean jacket. Then I looked at my watch and it suddenly dawned me that my father was going to be super mad since I was taking such a long time.

I opened the door, acting like I did nothing wrong.

"Look who finally graced us with his presence." Antonio said.

"Look who finally graced us with his words," I said.

"Listen you two, your father is trying to tell you something and you guys can't just be quiet for one minute!" My mom said.

"No shit." My sister said as she walked through the door.

Alexia, my sister was crazy. She was the youngest, so she was able to do whatever she wanted. My dad totally favored her. Even though she hates the mafia she is a really good doctor and has excellent driving skills. Of course, she learned that from the best.

"Ok shut your mouths everyone," My father yelled. "The Bulgarian Mafia is threating us. They somehow managed to blow up one of our warehouses. Rumors have it that they are going to be at that ball tomorrow so watch out guys. Those people are not ones that you want to interact with, right Xavier?"

"Yes dad."

"Don't use that attitude with me. I know I'm not the don anymore but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be respected." My dad said.

"Of course. Can I go now? Alexia called saying that there is news on that assassin" my sister says.

"Lia, you can go. Do you need anything?" My father says changing his mood to caring.

We called my sister Lia. As you might know, our family was very close to the Italians. Lia always wanted to be exactly like Valeria and wanted their names around. It's funny how Lia isn't close to Valeria anymore, considering how she used to follow her around like a puppy.

"Told you I was the favorite." Lia whispers in my ear.

"You to Ant."

My siblings and my mother exit the room.

"Can I leave to now?" I ask knowing that if I really wanted to leave I could.

"Ya...no. Xavier you need to change your ways. I don't want to see another blond, brunette or red head bimbo asking for you downstairs."

"Shit. I forgot about her." I muttered.

"Just do what I did as an adult. Don't bring her home. Bang her there." My father said jokingly.

"Nah. Plus you were head over heals for Mama before you met any other pretty lady." I answered.

"Thats what you think." My father said winking at me.

"I heard that." My mother yelled from downstairs.

"Even with soundproof walls, she still hears everything. Your mom has a talent."

"Im on the phone with you dumbass." My mom yells into my fathers phone.

"Language children," I say. "So who hell will be at this ball?"

"People." My dad says while laughing.

I start to leave as my dad pull my arm back, " I'm serious Xavier. No fooling around."


I go to my room to see a text on my phone.

From Josh: U ready to go to the bar and pick up some girl. Ur dad tot didn't just yell at you about it so its all good.

I smile to myself as I start replying.