

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Don't Cross Me


I was in shock. How could they have a woman leading a mafia? A woman should not be exposed to that much of the business.

Valeria could fight but would she be strong enough to lead?

"Can the family join us?" Pedro asked.

Alonzo, Zoey and Marianna went to the stage.

"Now, we want to formally invite everyone here to the ceremony. It will be next week." Pedro announced.

Valeria stood on the stage smiling like the angel everyone thought she was.

"Women are weak!"

"How can you let her rule!?!?"

"Can we challenge to be the boss instead?"

"We are no longer allies!"

"Italians are weak!"


Do not kill, do not hurt, do not kill, do not hurt.

Fuck my father's rules. This was not ok. How dare they think that I am weak? I am the strongest. Not only were they disrespecting me but also the Italian mafia.

I do agree, it would be annoying to be a man and watch a woman be better than you, unfortunately for them, there is always someone better than you or in my case equal to me.

I looked at my father. He smiled but, on the inside, I knew he was raging. He looked at me. I was to do what was necessary to restore honor to our mafia.

"Listen, assholes. You might think that you are strong, but you are weak. I will crush you in an instant. So, if you dare disrespect me, I will give your heart on a silver platter to your mothers." I announced. Rage and annoyance radiated from my voice.

It would be daring for anyone to come confront me at this point. Any person with a sense of living would not dare to come out against me. I thought I would lead a different mafia career, but I guess I will have to rule with fear.

"How dare you think, you can beat me!" A random guy who I didn't know said.

Look who decided to walk straight into hell.

"Honestly at this point, it's just getting boring. Put your money where your mouth is." I say as I walk down the stairs on the side of the stage.

This man did have guts. I don't think I had expected for anyone to come against me but this little man spoke up. It was a shame he would have to die.

I continue to walk toward him. I wink at him three times. It was my signature move. His eyes widened as he realizes he was already dead. Not yet though. That would be too easy.

I walk up to him and threw a punch to his mouth. It starts to bleed. People in the crowd grumble but no one stops me.

"Please stop. I can't live without him, please," a woman begs while walking into the circle that the crowd has made, surrounding me, and the man.

I almost felt bad for the woman. It's hard watching someone you love die, but this is what happens when that someone is a stupid fucking asswhole.

"Unfortunately for you, non mi interessa (I don't care)."

I take out the gun from under my dress and shoot the lady between her eyes and then once in the center of the chest. With one last scream, she falls to the floor. She was getting on my nerves. I hope they didn't have children, I feel bad for them. Their parents most have been super annoying.

"That is a lesson for all of you. Don't defend someone that is not worthy of defending." I yell. The crowd hums in response.

No one comes forward to the man's defense. All too scared to fight me. I think about laughing. It's quite funny how fast things can change. Everyone was having a good time and then sadly people had to die.

I turn back around to face the man that had called me weak. "Was that your wife?" I ask innocently and with a smile.

He seems too scared to answer. I would not have noticed his response if not for my intense focus.

He nods with a slight shake of his head.

"I did her a favor then. She'll never have to know that you were cheating on her." I snarl at him.

It was obvious. He didn't yell to stop when I was going to kill her. If he truly loved his wife, he would have tried to fight me. Honestly, I hoped he would, but this man was truly a dick.

It could also mean that this man was just scared of me though if one really loves someone, they will always fight for them.

The man looks at me, with shock in his eyes.

I guess I was right then. He was a complete dick.

"See you in hell, bitch." Those are the last words that the man would ever hear, and they were from my mouth. I was proud. I pulled out my gun and shot him in the dick. He yelled in pain. He seemed to think that I was just going to give him an easy death. He needed to suffer for a little longer.

Everyone was silent. Just the way I like it.

I look at the audience, daring them to speak. With one last look at him, I pull the trigger and the shot goes off. Hits him right in the heart.


I turn to look at everyone. "This is a new era for the Italian mafia and don't cross me!"

"Viva gli italiani (long live the Italians)" I say while shooting the ceiling with my gun. It hits the chandelier. Then I drop my gun while turning around heading for the exit.

I hear the crash in the distance. When you mess with me, you mess with destruction.

I walk down the marble staircase outside. I look out into the street.

I didn't need to fucking be here anymore. I was free, finally. Who knew that killing someone was my chance to get out of there?

As I looked around, I saw a red Ferrari. Good, my ride was here.