

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs



Valeria stormed out of the place.

I as well as everyone was in shock. She was fucking good at disguising herself. She appeared to be this beautiful angel but she's actually the devil. The fucking grim reaper.

I look over to her family. Alonzo looks shocked. I don't think he expected that from his sister. Pedro looked proud. He masked it with surprise, but he was proud of his daughter. Zoey wasn't there. I looked around the room for her but no sign of her until I looked up. On the balcony was Zoey and the guy she came in with kissing against the wall. I'm not surprised. Zoey wouldn't be able to care less about Valeria. I looked at Mariana and she seemed proud. She didn't hide it like her husband. She was proud her daughter did that.

I think something is the fuck wrong with the Italians, yet I find them more intriguing.

"That was hot." Antonio breathes in my ear.

"Shut up," I reply.

I look at Lia. The only reason she came to the ball was because there was no fighting except in the arena. She liked the peace. Lia looked a combination of shocked, scarred, and disappointed. My mom goes to her, trying to comfort her.

"Lia, it is going to be alright. She left. We are all safe." My mother soothes her.

Lia hated the idea of death. One of the reasons she was friends with Zoey. I don't approve of the friendship, but I think I owe it to Lia. Lia became a doctor because she wanted to heal the living, not cause death.

I groaned remembering that tomorrow, I am having a meeting with the Italian mafia. I now have to deal with her. She annoys me so much and enjoys it!

The crowd, still in shock, slowly backs away from the dead man and woman. Even though the ball wasn't supposed to end for another 2 hours, everyone starts leaving. What a great start to the year.


I loved my damn cars.

"How'd you know, I would need a ride?" I ask.

"Bitch, every time you go to a ball, you need an early ride. The question, you should be asking, is where are we going?" Melissa exclaims.

Melissa is a bitchy brunette with beautiful blue eyes and my best friend. We've been friends since I was 5 and she was 7. But now, we are soon to be sisters because she is engaged to Alonzo.

"Why would I ask, what I already know?" I reply as I start changing out of my dress into black jeans and a black shirt.

"I did not come here to hear your bitchy comments, girl. I came to get drunk." She says.

"You aren't going to ask, how the ball went?" I ask.

"I already know that you probably started some shit with Xavier. No, you probably started some shit with the Russians." She replied.

"Shit! I have a meeting with the Spanish tomorrow."

"Oooh...Xavier. You guys should stop fighting and fuck each other already." Melissa says.

"Since you are so keen on the details of Xavier's dick, why don't you fuck him?" I respond, sourly.

"And cheat on your brother? " She innocently asks.

"Duh," I say sarcastically.

" We're here." She sings out. She must be drunk already.

"Bitch, you look hot." She says to me as I exit the car.

I roll my eyes. "That's the second time, you've called me bitch." I say as if I was angry.

I am a bitch and the best bitch there is. It's a lesson, I learned from all my enemies. Whatever it is that you are good at, be the best at it.

"I know you love it," Melissa says.

"Come on, let's go," I say pulling her through the door.

We walk to the bar.

"What would you like girls?" The bartender asks. Of course, it's a man.

"Two vodkas please."

"Make it three," says a random guy that just walked up to us.

I'll be honest, he looked hot.

"Who might you be?" He questions, trying to flirt with me.

He's leaning against the counter and is in the perfect position for me to kill him.

"I don't give my name to random guys," I reply with a smile and a wink.

I turn around to see if Melissa was cringing but she's nowhere to be found. Guess, I'm free.

"I'm not some random guy." He winks back.

"It's kind of loud here. You want to go somewhere quiet." He asks.

Normally, I make them work harder, but I was so tired from everything.


We ignore the vodkas, and he leads me to a room in the back-marked closet. This isn't normal. The man seems unfazed and opens the door.

I feel someone coming behind me. So, I stand still, waiting for the attack. Two hands try to cover my eyes with a mask. I throw my head back, hitting my target, the man's mouth.

"What the fuck?!"The man screams.

"You messed with the wrong woman," I spoke.

"Shut the hell up." The man that tried to seduce me yells.

He backs me up to the wall and puts me in an amateur chokehold. I wanted to learn his incentive to attack me. If he was part of a gang or mafia, he wasn't at the top or his fighting would be better.

"You killed my parents tonight, so I am going to kill you tonight."

"I like to see you try," I respond. I reach for my knife, but it is not there. Shit. Oh well, I guess old fashion hand to hand combat it is.

I reach to hit the man giving me a chokehold, but he is smiling. I look to the side and see another man holding a gun to my forehead.

My first thought was that I would need to get the man to drop the gun first. My second thought was laughing. The man was holding the gun with the safety on.

I smile and bite the man's hand that is holding me in a chokehold. He instantly lets me go. I kick him in the stomach, making him fall to the ground.

I turn my attention to the man that was holding the gun. He realized his mistake and turned the safety off.

"It is too late to do that, honey," I say nicely.

I kick the gun out of his hands and catch it. I swiftly shoot him in the heart.


The man on the floor tries to get up.

"No, you don't, "I say to him.

I put my heel on his neck, starting to choke him.

He starts coughing up blood, and then his body suddenly stops.


I kneel on my knees and draw an eye out of the man's blood. My symbol, I am always watching.

"And I thought you were hot," I whisper to him.

I get up satisfied with what I have done and go to look for Melissa. It was time to go. I was just about to walk back to where we were standing before when I hear a muffled yell from behind me. I turn around and see Melissa tied up behind me. I quickly untie her.

"Thank you, it took you long enough." She breathes out.

How did I not notice that she was taken or that the man was trying to kill me?

"I know that look. Don't blame yourself, ok? You are allowed one mistake." She speaks.

Mistakes need to be taken into account. That can never happen again. "Whatever, I'm taking you home. Come on."

We walk out and leave.