
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Twin Devils~

On Sunday I was willing to stay inside to finish my art pieces, but I knew I would probably receive more missions by touching some grass outside. I put on the sunflower patterned dress, which mom bought for me last week, took a small bag that could fit my fully charged phone, some money, and one manga book that Ryohei let me borrow, if all came to it and I would not receive any missions, I could at least read something in the middle of the park on this sunny day. I walked to the hallway and found a pair of cute sandals I haven't seen before. It must have been mine since mom surprisingly had a smaller shoe size even if we were the same height.

I walked out and was strolling around the Shibuya streets trying to trigger the missions. At this turtle speed, I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything, I knew full well I needed to hoard up the stats more. But it was a relief to know that no matter which small alley I ended up on, I still had a personal build in GPS system that no one else could see. Those Japanese street names were just confusing.

I think I was already strolling around for half an hour, craving some snacks I walked into the convince store and grabbed some Matcha Kit Kats, but as convenient this store trip got I received a mission.

'Would you rather ask Nahoya and Souya Kawata for their numbers, or give them a compliment and offer them something to buy?' This seemed tricky because both options could end up with me giving off I'm interested in you guys' vibes. I also didn't know what kind of trick I would use to ask for their numbers, with Ryohei it seemed easy this not so much.

"Let's check the rewards." yes if the rewards were decent I could choose them based on them instead.

"Hmmm... For the first mission, I would receive Agility points but Intelligence for the second one." I mumbled to myself but decided to stick with the second option, not only because I really wanted to mess with them a little, but the exam period was coming up and I really needed my Intelligence to not fall behind ever again. I clicked mentally on the second option and gathered all the courage I could and went for it.

"Excuse me you two." They turned back in perfect sync, they gave me this strange impression that they were annoyed for some reason, or was it just their faces I couldn't tell.

"Just wanted to say, that your guy's hair is super cute!" Yes, way to go Michi screaming the most embarrassing of things once again.

"What?" Nahoya said, his usual grin fading for the moment. I covered my face with my elegant hat.

"They remind me of cotton candy!" Yes, I said it, and would stand by it. However, why did my face feel so hot? Suddenly I could feel my hat being lifted up, and I saw Nahoya staring at me, only for him to start laughing a few seconds later.

"Why say it when you're the one that gets embarrassed?" How could I recover from this? I got an idea, suddenly my body moved to an attack on titans style salute as I proudly said.

"I like making other people smile! All hail all of the beautiful smiles in the world." It was whatever at this point, I didn't care if they found me weird. I glanced at Souya next and he was just as red as I probably was, hiding his face behind his palms, just leaving enough room for his eyes to peek thru.

"Your hair is cute too!" I heard him yelling right back at me.

"So what made you compliment us?" Nahoya asked as if he didn't hear what his twin just said.

"Well, I couldn't take my eyes off this fluff..." to be honest I had the urge to feel it with my fingertips, I think he must have caught me staring because soon after I heard him say.

"No you may not touch it." what a bummer, to not be able to touch this cute peach-colored hair, but it gave me a perfect opportunity to strike.

"Then at least let me buy something to compensate for your time." Nahoya didn't seem too keen on the idea, maybe he thought I would enthrall him into some sort of trap where the compensation for their goods would be touching this puff puff hair. I could see he wouldn't budge but there was a weaker victim for me to latch on to. I carefully held Souya's hand while saying.

"Pretty please~ Let me buy you something." he just answered with a simple.

"Sure." Yes, I won, I looked back at Nahoya and smirked at him.

"Betrayal." was the only single word he said before they chose like two cans of soft drinks and a bag of chips. We went to the register and I paid for everything.

"Goodbye guys with soft fluffy hair, I will always remember you." it was time to run, so I wouldn't be trapped in another weird scenario, my calculation made me realize that staying could equal getting a trip to their house, I wasn't sure how it could be possible in this situation, but in doubt know that the system always finds a way. However cliche or dumb it is.

I took a bus to the park and I decided to enjoy the manga, on a bench with a slight breeze in my hair, and sunlight rays shining on my face. It was so relaxing it felt like I was about to doze off, but I kept my composure and after one hour of sitting here, I was finally finished with reading.

"That was interesting." I put the hat on my face and decided to stay still like this, doing absolutely nothing. But unexpectedly I heard motorcycle noises, that caused my head to remember this meme with the run song. But every single passing second it just became louder in my head. Was the ride with Keisuke still giving me war flashbacks? I came to the conclusion it was time to make another run for it, however before I could leave this spot I heard the mission notification. I opened my eyes and although the hat was still resting on my face I could see the system screen.

'Would you rather yell at the ducks in the pond or tell the next person that talks to you that you are already married.' since I didn't want to move and hardly wanted to be a disturbance to the other visitors, I chose the second option. Also, the ducks were cute like I would be yelling at such amazing creatures. I could feel that the sun was no longer shining on my skin and keeping me warm, was someone standing in the way? I pulled up the hat back onto my head only to see Nahoya again hovering over me like a creep, I jumped up from the shock.

"Yo!" he said, I really didn't think he was following me by any means like why would he, he must have seen me when they passed by.

"Yes?" I asked confused, maybe he didn't appreciate that I ran away from them previously?

"Do you mind giving me your number?" I looked at him in utter disbelief, but remembering my quest it was time to mess with him some more.

"I knew my charm was irresistible, but I'm already married." He stood there as if his brain couldn't comprehend what had just taken place.

"You're an adult?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth, seeing him shocked gave me delight. I started to laugh.

"No- but you should have seen your face, priceless." I was holding my tummy, but I quickly figured he wasn't amused by this situation. I took some deep breaths in and recollected my composure and cleared my throat.

"What do you need my number for." his only word was.

"Friends." It sounded so fake, it made me wonder what he was up to. But at the same time, I didn't mind giving it out, just because I gave someone my number didn't mean I would suddenly respond to their messages, ghosting is a thing.

"Sure... but it will cost you." yes it was time to take the alpha role and make some demands.

"You already know what I want." I crossed my arms, feeling superior. But he covered his body with both arms, the same grin still on his face.

"Not my body." welp he made me seem like an old pervert, but of course, I had to take this joke further, I would die on this hill if I had to.

"Come to me." I made some squeezing movements with my hands. He ran away but brought his brother along.

"I let you decide." he must have explained to Souya what was going on.

"I will let you touch my hair!" he may have had a frown on his face, but his ears were so red, that it actually made me feel like a real pervert.

"You make me feel like I'm taking advantage of you." he was shocked to hear that, I just pulled up my phone and gave him the number.

"Just take it." It wasn't such a big deal, considering I gave it away to 4 other people this past 2 weeks. It was Keisuke, Ryohei, Hinata and Naoto.

That was enough excitement for today, getting two missions wasn't that bad, felt like a lot of progress to me. I stood up ready to leave this place behind since I decided we were done here. But suddenly I heard a strange noise before I knew I was falling and I fell on Souya. Of course, the system wouldn't let me off without at least one fall.

'Jump back home on one foot, or accept the twins' offer.' Wait why? I tried to stand up and saw that one of my sandals snapped. I tried to put my foot down but since it was in the middle of June the pavement was super hot.

"Agh." I let out, putting my now bare feet on my other foot. I accepted the second option, hoping they would at least help me out to a store so I could purchase new sandals. I was about to suggest such a deal, but Nahoya picked up the sandal and said.

"It's totally useless now." I had to agree no amount of glue would probably fix it. I saw him tossing it in the trashcan.

"I can drive you home if you want," Souya suggested as I was still holding onto his arm for balance.

"If that's not much of a trouble," I expressed, I was preparing myself to jump on one foot, all the way to their motorcycles, but suddenly I was swept off my feet? What was happening? I took off my hat and saw Souya carrying me princess style? Was this some kind of fever dream? When he caught me staring he quickly clarified.

"I didn't want you to burn your feet." Understandable, but still, thankfully it ended super quick because it was the kind of stuff that made me feel something. But I guess this breathtaking moment was enough to make my love points rise.

'Your love level for Souya Kawata reached level 1.' Yes, I blocked love points about how the other party felt about me, but still could see my own. Level 1 meant just something as simple as Appeal, but I was in trouble wasn't I?

I gave them directions during the ride, and we furthermore exchanged names. Once we reached my house I thanked them and basically ran inside. Mother looked at me, but I saw playful glee in her eyes.

"Oh~ Which one do you like?" why was she so sharp in this department, I saw her glancing out the window.

"No one!" I took off my now useless second sandal and threw it into the trash, following I ran upstairs while launching myself onto the bed.

"Yes let's block this feature as well, I shouldn't expose myself like this." well it was to myself only, but I could tell I would get a heart attack if I saw myself reaching level 3, which was named "Crush".