
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Sugar Mommy Dreams~

Despite going to sleep later than the rest of the crew, I was the first one to rise with the sun. Sleeping with three other guys in the same tent was maybe a bad idea, then again I never asked the third interloper to join us. Despite things weren't too bad because the river was nearby. As I was thinking about it a mission showed up.

'Would you rather go to the waterfall alone or wake up Izana Kurokawa to assist you?' why would I wake him up for something so trivial, also wouldn't this be taken the wrong way? Then again I didn't want him to think I was suddenly a coward. I took my clothes which I planned to change into and the towel that thanks to yesterday's heat was already dry, after slipping on the shoes on my feet, off I went.

I barely took off my clothes and took a dip, before I realized someone or something was staring at me. Could it have been some kind of predator? I remembered watching videos where people said they felt eerie and the next thing they know a mountain lion was lurking nearby. Was this such a situation? I emerged my body in the water, suddenly feeling shy to be exposed like that. I slowly turned around, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a string of blonde hair when the person was trying to hide behind a tree. Was this the reason system wanted me to drag Izana around? So he could stand guard?

"Yo Shion, piss off!" I yelled causing him to laugh.

"So you did see me, you're kind of perceptive." It didn't sound like he would leave, and it would be a waste of my resources to use the Pixie Dust on this guy because one I needed him to carry stuff, and two who would want to drag this sleeping idiot along? I was wondering how I could trick him to look away, so I could dress in peace without a pervert staring at me, would it be effective to threaten him with Izana or Kakucho?

"You know that neither Kakucho nor Izana gonna be happy if they hear about this." I tried to be reasonable.

"It's not like I'm staring at their girl." I sighed but got an idea. I stared into the distance and suddenly said confidently.

"Izana, great you came can you take care of this guy?" As soon Shion looked away I stood up and ran for the towel and covered myself with it. Now the question was, do I just change here, or take my stuff and run to the camp? I nodded my head to my inner thoughts. Camp it was.

"Where are you running?" Shion yelled, I didn't even answer him just prayed he wouldn't catch up to me.

Once I arrived panting heavily both Kakucho and Izana were surprised to see me in only a towel.

"What happened, was there a wild animal at the waterfall?" Kakucho asked as I nodded, but then changed my mind.

"More like a pesky insect called Shion, can you guys tell him to knock it off? He didn't want to listen to me."

"I will change in the tent, don't let him inside please." As I was changing I heard Kakucho running around after Shion, I think some fight ensued, between the two. Once I came out fully clothed I saw Izana saying something to Shion that made him look like he was ready to piss his pants.

"Apologize to Michi," Izana demanded, I could see that Shion had already a hit mark on his face.

"Sorry," Shion said kneeling on his knees, but then he turned to Izana.

"You should have warned me, that she's your girl then I would have stayed away." I facepalmed, I didn't even feel like correcting him. I just decided to prepare breakfast and get out of here, I didn't want the system to come up with other ridiculous scenarios.

"I'm sorry Michi I didn't think he would try that," Kakucho told me, now suggesting doing the noddles himself because he felt bad.

"You have nothing to apologize for, besides like I will let a pesky insect ruin my day." After all, I outsmarted him, that sounded like a win in my book to me.

After breakfast we started to go down the trail back to the road, Izana requested to hold hands, so both I and Kakucho held each of his hands while going in a single line, but I felt bad for Shion since he looked so lonely.

'Would you rather ignore Shion Madarane or ask him to join the hand holding?' I didn't say anything just outstretched my hand.

"Fufu, you must have realized my greatness." What was he even talking about?

"Never mind." He quickly shut up and took my hand, we all walked in silence enjoying the views.

Once we were halfway I decided to call for the taxi to meet up at an estimated time, we managed to arrive there 10 minutes earlier but that was preferably for the best. We drove first to their house, I paid for the cab, and inside we started to separate the items. I wanted to make sure all the food commodities that we didn't finish were left behind at their house, I could always buy more, now when I was rich.

"You want me to buy you guys some food?" since it was lunchtime. Izana wanted ramen and the two others complied with his food choices, geez they didn't need to do some hierarchy shit with their friend, Tenjiku wasn't a thing, despite I didn't feel like going anywhere else, since ramen was cheaper than other foods.

Of course, I couldn't have peace at the restaurant either, I assumed as long I was with those guys the system would keep on giving me missions to complete.

'Would you rather pour some hot soup on Kakucho or ask him if you can try his bowl of ramen?' There was no doubt in my mind which one I would choose, thankfully he selected something I never had before.

"That looks delicious may I try?" He nodded his head and slid over the bowl, causing Shion to grimace in disgust.

"Stop being so lovely dovely." I barely did anything, what was his problem.

"No bitches behavior got it." He didn't dare to lash out at me in front of Izana, thankfully he learned his lesson. It would be good if I could expose the Haitani's to Izana, maybe with their respect for him, they would actually stop with their weird theories, problem was that if they saw my recovered arm, questions would keep coming. It was easier to trick Taiju since he didn't see it occurring, but I was sure Rindou knew when he broke someone's arm.

"Thank you for the meal, but you should stop spending so much money on us." I just shook my head.

"Let me live my sugar mommy dreams." Kakucho just looked shocked, I guess no knowledge of my character could prepare him for anything that was about to come out of my mouth.

"It was always my dream to pamper pretty boys with cute smiles." I couldn't stop myself from sending him a kiss and winking.

"What about me?" Izana asked.

"Aren't I pampering you as well?" he nodded, so he just answered the mystery himself.

"You have the kind of face, one wouldn't mind waking to every day to." Now you officially said too much Michi, it was time to move.

"Let's go back I need to return home." When we reached their place once again I just grabbed all the stuff and said my goodbyes.

Then when I reached home I wasn't expecting to see a familiar face.

"Taka-chan what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Your brother invited me over." So they were hanging out even after the sleepover, I was officially amazed at Kazutora's progress because last time I thought it was just a one-time thing. Maybe with time, Draken would be hanging around here as well, later down the timeline, even Mikey would get the chance.

"What's with all the stuff Michi?" Mitsuya asked me as I explained.

"Oh, I was having a camping trip with my friends," I told him, that's when Kazutora came running and he put me in a hug.

"Welcome home, how was it?" Besides this one incident or two with Shion, it was actually great.

"Awesome, but sadly I didn't see too many wild animals, just deers." To which Kazutora asked.

"What animals were you expecting?" I just said the first thing that came to mind.

"Black bears, they look so cuddly." this made me also question, could the Pixie Dust knock out an animal as well? Was this possible?

We talked for a while until I reminded those two that I really needed some space to unpack and of course, take a shower.

Once all those assignments were done, a quest arrived. Did it happen because Mitsuya was present? I took a look, but it was nothing I was expecting.

'Would you rather make 20 pizzas and have them all eaten or make 20 ramen and have them all eaten?' I looked it up, was there any timer involved if so I was screwed. Maybe it was for a month, that's what I was hoping for, but no this system wanted me to make 20 pizzas for tomorrow and eat them all on the same day. I wanted to cry, how could I make this possible. Then I realized there were no specifications that said I needed to do it by myself.

"Pizza party!" I told myself and ran downstairs because serious shopping was needed. I needed all the pizza toppings I could get because there was no way I would make ramen, something I have never done before.

"Mom, mom, mom!" I yelled causing everyone in the household to look confused at my sudden rise in energy.

"What's happening Michi?" She asked as I explained quickly.

"We need to go, to the store. We need a ton of flour, cheese, and other toppings!" She still had no idea what this was all for.

"Please explain so I can understand." I then whispered to her.

"The system wants me to make 20 pizzas till tomorrow, so we need to go." She managed to calm me down.

"When your dad returns we will go on a shopping spree don't worry." As she promised once dad returned we drove to the supermarket to buy every item we needed.

Flour, cheese, tomatoes, basilica, pepperoni, most normal stuff you could put on pizza. My plan was simple, invite people over and have them design their own pizza which I was gonna put in the oven myself, perfect. Genius.

So when we returned I only had two tasks to complete, make the dough a lot of it, so it can rest in the fridge overnight which meant less stress tomorrow, and invite people over.

"Taka-chan, do you want to come over tomorrow too?" He shook his head.

"I have something to do, why?" I explained.

"I just had a spontaneous thought to make a pizza party tomorrow." I looked at my contact list and decided to ask Senju and the squad over, then Izana and Kakucho, the twins, and who could forget my nemesis Keisuke and his sidekick. Sounded like it was enough people to finish so many pizzas.