
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Sleepover Date~

When I returned to school on Friday I was quick to remind my boyfriend what was going to take place on today's evening, and that he couldn't go back on his said promise.

"Today, you and me, hanging at your house and having a sleepover, you didn't forget it did you?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him, slightly hinting that no matter what he did, he couldn't escape his predestined fate. He sighed while admitting.

"I wouldn't forget... since knowing your temperament you would go after my ass."

"Great, although you shouldn't make it sound like I will bully till eternity if you let me know this arrangement wasn't possible for you, I would have taken a no for an answer... I'm not an unreasonable person you know."

"And I who thought bullying me was your heavenly purpose."

"Hey! Take it back!" I was readying myself to pinch his cheeks until we both heard.

"Are you having a couple's fight so early in the morning?" Smiley asked while sticking his head out thru our classroom door, there being a suspicious grin stuck on his face.

"What is it to you? Move along, this is not a show." I tried to chase him away but was berated and given another lecture on how I would do so much better by dating his brother instead, I chased him down the hallway. It felt like it was his life mission to annoy me. Was this caused by the karma of me terrorizing other people?

"Are you trying to sell your brother over to me, even when you're aware that I'm already in a relationship?"

"Why not? You never know when you're going to get tired of your guys' endless bickering. So I'm here to make sure your next option is my twin." I gave it some proper thought. I guess there was some kind of truth to his words. I may have been perfectly okay with it now since his reactions were funny and I knew Tetta didn't mean half the words he said. But what if along the way I would get tired of his behavior because he never said anything affectionate towards me?

"Right, that is indeed something I need to work on." I never thought this guy would give me some genuine advice. I returned back to the classroom and saw Kisaki sitting at his desk sulking.

"Was his offer so intriguing you had to chase after him?" Was this guy suddenly jealous? That was the first, I put my hands into prayer while saying it out loud.

"God, thank you for this glorious opportunity for sending Smiley my way, so I could witness my boyfriend getting jealous for the first time." I then turned towards him.

"I gotta write this down, so this moment can be remembered by the generations to come. I need to find my diary tonight." The last part was me just talking since I wasn't one to keep my daily records.

Time passed and it was time for lunch, although Tetta was still bothered by my conversation with Smiley from before, he had too much pride in his system to go back on his words. So even if I insisted on eating together with him, he chased me away himself.

"So what's your strategy for the fight? You promised Mikey you would take down a gang for Pah-chin's sake, are you sure you can make it happen with that puny numbers of yours?" What strategy was he talking about? It was just showing up to battle and fighting fair a square like we would show up with any kind of weapons.

"I won't do much scheming besides choosing the most advantageous place for us to fight and then beating their asses, enough said." I placed my faith in my teammates, Izana was nearly on par with Mikey, so it would be like having the leader himself present at the fight. However, it seemed like Souya was concerned about my lack of preparation.

"So when's the fight going to take place?" Nahoya questioned, what did he want to tag along?

"Next week, what are you eager to throw some punches? If so you're welcome to take part if you want to. I already sent out my mighty minion Jun for the errand to deliver the letter. So we just need to wait for the enemy's response."

"Letter?" Souya asked confused. Senju nodded her head while explaining the situation because I was unable to do it myself, already giggling while imagining the other gang's leader's confused face.

"These two concluded it would be the best course of action, to deliver a letter that mimics the appearance of a love letter." I nodded my head, finding it all too funny, recalling all the words and phrases we came up with.

"It was written like a poem so unless you read it, you won't be able to tell it's a call out for a fight." Senju finished her breakdown of our glorious joke.

"Weirdo." Nahoya was quick to call me names, but I wasn't phased by his words.

"Thank you, someone needs to soak up all the chaos energy so this world can be filled with more fun and quirky moments, but such a normie as yourself couldn't be able to fathom the great will of this universe." Souya just laughed at my words meanwhile, Nahoya was ready to throw hands.

Later in the day when our lessons ended, a mission came up that opened a new door for me, yes another way to mess with this silly boyfriend of mine.

'Would you rather ask Tetta Kisaki if he's going to let you borrow his clothes for tonight, or should you make a trip home to bring your own pj's?' I changed it a little bit to make it more interesting.

"Tetta-Kun, which action would you perceive as better seducing, me wearing a sexy nightgown or asking you to borrow your clothes?" He could tell I was up to no good because this nasty smirk was plastered on my face.

"Do you want me to get in trouble with my parents? Go fetch a normal piece of nightwear before you arrived at my house." He demanded and pushed me out of the classroom.

"Such a boring answer." I pouted.

"But I can dwell in your closet when I'm there right?" He refused to give me a response and just pushed me out more quickly.

"Get going." Was the only words I received.

So I headed home and ended up eating dinner with my family while having to witness my brother losing it.

"No you may not go sleep at his house, are you out of your mind, what if something happens? He's a guy after all." I sighed never expecting a such outcome.

"Mom and dad agreed, why are you against it? Besides brother you're a guy too, you shouldn't throw yourself under a bus as well." He quieted down.

"But in case you're still worried, I have nearly double the strength than him. Stats don't lie, I could easily overpower him."

"What if he uses his wits instead?"

"Kazu-chan you're focusing on the wrong thing, you should be more concerned about him. I'm the bigger predator in this picture." Mom looked concerned.

"Please Michi, don't do anything reckless even if the system calls for it."

"Don't worry I can always make up some emergency if anything comes around, but I do hope the system isn't making me play a rated eighteen-plus otome game in its spare time." Kazutora gasped loudly.

"I just said I hoped it wasn't the case."

"No, I forbid you from going!" He clung to me and keep muttering something under his nose about Keisuke.

"It was a good call I decided to stay at Tetta's place first." I wouldn't be able to do anything at this house with this guy around.

"I will have Keisuke over tomorrow!" He soon declared.

"No, how could you? Aren't you scared you will break his heart, even more, when he has to witness me being lovey-dovey with my boyfriend?"

"I will stop every such encounter." I rolled my eyes, wished him good luck, and after finishing eating I looked for the best pajamas to take for my trip.

"You will take this one." Kazutora decided and handed me one that had the most coverage.

"Sure, if it will keep your mind at ease then why not... after all I look stunning in all clothes... it's my charm that seduces people."

Once I finished preparing I made sure to escape as quickly as possible, being aware of the fact, the more I prolonged this stay, the less likely I was going to be allowed to leave.

When I finally made it to Kisaki's house, I quickly figured out that it was only the two of us staying there.

"For real where are your parents, they're really going to leave you alone with such a predator as myself?" I questioned their rationality, but this guy just shrugged, he seemed pretty used to this demeanor.

"So I planned this out perfectly, we watch a movie together, maybe have a pillow fight, perhaps have a heart-to-heart conversation, cuddles! There are never enough cuddles!" And I was running him down all the possibilities I thought of until he put his hand on my cheeks and kissed me?

"Senpai noticed me." I celebrated, as he just watched on confused at my reaction.

"Wait lemme reenact a fainting scene." I then fell to the floor but all he had to say was.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Aren't you gonna even pretend to care? Just a little weeping from your side would be enough." He rolled his eyes at me.

"I never thought my kisses were so deadly? Should I run some clinical tests in the hospital in case my saliva is poisonous to you?" Such a smart-ass answer.

"Let's just look at the DVDs you own." It was a huge collection, and he mentioned that most of them were owned by his parents.

"I can't decide..." Since most of the movies were filmed in Japan and I didn't recognize any of the titles.

"What would you like to see?" I gave it some thought.

"Action?" He popped in some movie about murder and Yakuza, it was somehow interesting but it also made me turn to him while proclaiming.

"Honey... you won't impress girls with murder, I hope you're aware of that." He just stared at me like I grew three heads.

"However if you do... they are only after your money, I hope you won't be satisfied with that sad life."

"What are you on about now?" I gave him a beaming smile.

"Just giving your life lessons, and for free at that, aren't I amazing?" He threw some popcorn at me.

"Just saying I'm not cleaning this mess..." Or I just said it to throw him off, but I picked it up and popped it into his mouth.

"Ha!" He threw a pillow at me and it escalated into a pillow fight in the living room. But my boyfriend was the first to plop down due to exhaustion, so I ran to his side.

"No honey, forgive me, don't die on me." And then I picked him up bridal style and carried him to his room while proudly putting him on his bed.

"Why do I even like you?" He muttered.

"Wait did you just admit that?... Since it came to this, it's about time you confessed how much you liked me." His face looked flushed.

"Like say, if I was a worm would you still like me?"

"Geez, that was the stupidest question I heard you utter... bold of you to assume I even like you." I climbed onto the bed and kicked him off.

"You dare to exclaim such lies in my presence again? Or would you want to sleep on the floor tonight?" It seemed like he didn't want to find out whether my threat was real or not, so he was quick to explain he didn't mean it.

"Oh right take a seat, there is something I haven't told you." He rose his brow as I went straight to the point.

"Listen... I have failed you Tetta." I held his hand in mine looking all sad.

"What is it?" He simply asked.

"I couldn't disband the harem."

"Excuse me? A what?" He was more perplexed at the idea of me having one.

"Like it was created as a joke, but somewhere along the way, those guys started to treat it as a real thing... Izana is too strong of an opponent, he threatened to break your legs if I proceed with the decision."

"How strong is he?" He didn't seem too angry, don't tell me he was trying to get something out of this situation.

"Nearly on par with Mikey... you're not disappointed are you?" I asked giving him puppy eyes.

"No... because you don't seem too worried about this situation yourself, so it means you already have a plan on how to deal with the guy." Of course, I just needed to become stronger than him, which would probably take place in like three months' time.

"Perceptive as always, I see. And that's true, however, I would probably need a few months for the preparations of the operation... and I'm not too sure if you're okay with that." Would he break things because of something I couldn't really control?

"Only if those lips are only for my taking." He tried to act it off cool, but I could tell he was embarrassed, I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"You're the cutest." I let him know. And so a mission emerged.

'Would you rather steal one of Tetta Kisaki's jackets/hoodies secretly or in front of him?' I took the second option already knowing how to proceed.

"Lend me one of your jackets or hoodies..."

"Why?" He questioned.

"It's the law of the universe that girlfriends are supposed to snatch their boyfriend's clothes when they least expect it, but I'm so great I'm letting you know my actions in advance, also do not be alarmed... considering our height is the same I will award your bravery with an item from my own wardrobe as well." He looked like he was not up for the task, but in the end I received a hoodie I wished for.

"Yey!" I put it on and started to jump around feeling overjoyed.

"Stop being so cute, you're distracting me." I turned around, taken aback by his words.

"Lemme distract you some more then~."