
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Red Light District~

When I woke up there was a message from Ran waiting for me which was delivered last evening when I was already resting in bed. He was asking to postpone our family outing so to say, all the way to Saturday. Arguing that it was better to spend the whole weekend together away from the city at a ski resort to strengthen our family bonds.

I loved the random idea, Ran even informed me he already had a booking ready for one night. Apparently, his friend was supposed to take his girlfriend there, but they broke up and his buddy couldn't cancel the reservation.

Additionally, I was informed that something came up in Ran's schedule and he couldn't meet us today. I was ready to give him a call, but then stopped reminding myself how much he loved his beauty sleep.

My mind spaced out, already planning how much money would be needed for this trip, like food for example, or whatever I should prepare additional food for the trip there, maybe soup?

I was so distracted by the sudden news that I managed to come late to school, so the gates were already barred and there was a PE teacher on duty punishing anyone that dared to arrive late.

"What's is even the point of this?" Why did they think it was wise to take away time from kids that could be used for learning? To what, show their authority as adults? I backed away, thinking it would be much wiser to scale the brick wall from somewhere I wouldn't be seen. I was about to throw my bag but saw the twins approaching me.

"It unusual to see you coming late to school."

"Yeah, I just spaced out today, and before I knew it was later than usual... are you two gonna join me or you rather run a few rounds around the school?" I questioned, who knew maybe physical activity would be preferred in their case.

"No, whatever you seem to be doing seems more fun," Smiley admitted like he was waiting to witness my failure.

"I see, then Souya let me help you out." I threw my bag over, no problem, and then approached Angry, who didn't seem to know what to do with himself.

"You want me to lift you up, by giving you a boost or by letting you sit on my shoulders?"

"Shoulders!" Nahoya made the decision for his twin so I bend down.

"Come on then." I encouraged the blue-haired male.

"Um... can you really support my weight?" Souya questioned, probably worried that he would hurt me.

"Don't worry about it." I quickly glanced at my stats.

Intelligence: 89

Luck: 87

Endurance: 85

Agility: 85

Strength: 87

I couldn't see myself failing with this amount of strength in my muscles. I picked him up with no problem, but it seemed like poor Souya had a hard time finding his balance, so I helped him out by holding his hand.

"All good?" I asked as he voiced his agreement.

"Do you think you can grab onto the top and pull yourself up?" I asked as he whispered.

"I will try." I wasn't so sure why he sounded so uncertain, because he was indeed capable.

"Want to push you up next?" Smiley asked once his twin climbed over.

"Nah." I was about to show him my incredible strength but a mission popped up.

'Would you rather go thru the front gate and get caught by the teacher or help three other students scale the brick wall?' Was the system for real?

"Come cotton candy boy, I will help you out of the goodness of my heart." Nahoya wasn't convinced.

"You sure you won't launch me so I will fall head first?"

"I need to look good in front of your twin, but maybe if he wasn't watching..." He took a step away as I bend down prompting the guy.

"Come on, I don't have the whole day!" He reluctantly accepted my help, so once he was done, there were two more to go. And that's when I saw Senju sprinting in my direction.

"Yo! Bestie! I will help you!" I was quick on catching her attention.

"Oh, that sounds fun, yes please." Only one person left, my last victim. Who would have thought that I would have spotted Kisaki coming late as well?

"I will assist you!" I grabbed his wrist smiling like a villain that was up to no good, he didn't even react just left his fate in my hands.

"You sure you don't need help?" Smiley yelled as I denied the fact. After I received my mission reward which was two points in total, I jumped, caught the top, and pulled myself up with no trouble. But since I never practiced landings I somehow miscalculated and I landed on top of Souya.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." I stood up and decided the best-case scenario was carrying him to his class.

"Michi, I'm alright you don't need to carry me!" He kept on insisting.

"You sure? Nothing broke?" He denied the fact and I put him down after we all snook inside.

"See you later then." Since we all were in different classes we parted ways, and I was left behind with Kisaki.

Thankfully for us two, it was Mr.Nomura's class and he was known for being more lenient so he let us attend the class without any hassle. But I absolutely noticed the new spark in his eyes when he saw us two sneaking in together.

Therefore I was called over after school by him once more.

"So have you two come to an agreement?" The teacher asked as I nodded my head.

"But just friends, so Mr. Nomura you shouldn't hope for anything more." I must have crushed his hope, with my stern tone.

"I will most likely end up dating someone outside this school..." Was another blow I dealt, of course, there was Souya to consider, but I couldn't see myself being too relaxed around him. After all, he was too precious to be the target of my constant teasing and I could see myself getting into constant fights with Nahoya, that wasn't healthy for any of us involved.

When I headed back home there was not much to do, I just finished my homework and decided to chill at the house that was until Venus decided to destroy my peaceful day.

'Would you rather visit Haitani Ran or Draken at his place?' But Ran did mention he was busy, was this an illusion of choice? I clicked on visiting Draken option, but then it hit me.

"But he is living in the red light district." I tried to figure out what I was even supposed to do at this place, but then an idea descended upon my mortal body.

"Let's bribe the ladies there..." I took out some money and departed, once I found myself in front of the building I started to talk to myself.

"Ah yes found it." I got strange looks from strangers when proceeding inside, I guess the guy by the desk didn't believe what he was seeing.

"This establishment is not a playground." He warned me.

"I know... that's why I brought money." We started at each other in silence, I guess he must have pondered whereas I was dead serious.

"As a customer, I'm here to talk with the pretty ladies and gather some dark secrets on Draken." I smiled in the guy's direction.

"I don't think you should waste your time, Draken has already a girlfriend." I made a disgusted sound at the implication he tried to make while correcting the fella.

"I know I was the one that brought them together." his eyes went wide in shock.

"Wait wait, are you that girl Michi that he's been complaining about for the longest of time?" One of the girls overheard him and she came closer.

"Really?" I glanced in her direction, she had nice blonde curls.

"Well well well, I guess my fame has reached even this far, yes I am," I said in the most confident manner.

"She's so cute... did you say gathering intel on Draken for money? I can help you with that." In no time I was dragged away to one of the rooms.

"If any other clients come tell them I'm busy~," She expressed while taking the money I was already holding in the palm of my hand. I was so confused because I didn't think it would work.

First, we established that her name was Sana furthermore, I heard some random embarrassing stories about Draken, writing them all down in the notebook I brought along, snickering like an evil mastermind that was ready to take my enemy down.

But soon we run out of topics to talk about it seemed she enjoyed my company so far, and that's when I got the brightest idea, she looked like an expert in flirting so I decided to fire my shots.

"Can you give me some good old seduction tactics?" She was taken aback, but soon her face lighted up and she stepped out, bringing some more girls over? What was going on?

Before I could comprehend the situation I created by my strange request, they whipped out make-up and brought some cute-looking lingerie.

I was basically bullied into getting changed the clever tactics used were a lot of compliments and peer pressure, then one of them started to curl my hair, while the two others did my make-up.

They put foundation, blush, and lipgloss followed by mascara and eye-shadow. The look they were aiming for? Innocent as possible. Lastly, they pinned some bows into my hair and started to take photos. I was so overwhelmed by their energy I wanted to run away, as they were discussing something I suddenly heard a familiar voice, so I took a quick peek inside.

I was so happy to see Keisuke for once, it seemed like he was visiting Draken as well. I didn't even hesitate, just yelled.

"Keisuke!" and jumped into his arms, it must have been a miracle that I didn't tumble him over.

"Save me," I whispered while hugging him as the girls seemed to be overlooking the commotion.

"F-from what?" He stumbled upon his words.

"From the girls working here, look what they made me wear." Suddenly Draken peeked his head out of his room.

"I don't even want to know." Was the bean poles comment. Keisuke just turned to him while gladly announcing.

"Thanks for dragging me here, this is the best day of my life." I pouted, how dare this pea brain say something like this when I was suffering? So I pinched his cheeks.

"Wanna say it again?" he nodded.

Out of blue, I was congratulated by Sana, that my seduction skills were doing wonders. I didn't know how to wiggle myself out of this crisis so I straight out denied it.

"T-that wasn't my intention!" I hid my face from Keisuke, not sure why. But that's when I felt his heart going off like a drum, so I jumped out of his embrace. And at last, I got my clothes returned to me. So I found a place to change back into my original clothes. Of course, Draken made it into some kind of interrogation once I was back.

"So what are you even doing here?" I couldn't pass without a snarky comeback.

"Gathering stories of smol Draken." We, the two opposite forces glared at each other making it into an intense staring battle of the century. That was until Keisuke interrupted us, by hugging me from behind.

"Who gave you the right to act like this?" I asked irritated.

"Yeah, Keisuke you should probably try to tame less wild cats." Draken gave me a smug look.

"You wanna see a cat? Watch me claw your face!" I was being restrained by Keisuke that basically dragged me out just so I wouldn't attack the vice-captain of Toman and be reprimanded later.