
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Present Hunting~

The following day after my normal day at work, I was walking around the shops in the area trying to figure out the best present I could purchase for Izana, what could I even buy? Since I barely knew anything about him, besides his background story and shaky mental state, there was not much to go on.

What could his hobbies possibly be? Do I buy him a while bike, yet it seemed like stretch and again I knew nothing on this topic. What if my ass would get scammed because I was perceived as a rich spoiled girl that knew nothing about motorcycles in general? There was a possibility of receiving help, but someone would probably question who I was spending so much money on, then again dad wouldn't agree with such a big purchase either. He probably would have liked it if I spent it on myself than on other people.

I decided it would be in my best interest to find another item. And as I was deeply pondering about it, suddenly I came across a person that I could request for help, with this difficult task. Muto was here wandering around in casual wear. He took a quick glance my way, and once his eyes caught my silhouette his eyes widened in horror as if he knew well what kind of shenanigans I was up to. I took a deep breath, soon yelling out.

"MY ANGEL, MY SAVIO-" Before I could finish I found his hand covering my mouth.

"Stop yelling the most embarrassing stuff." Oh~ he acted shy, I guess no one ever told him how nice of a person he was. How dare Sanzu betray this man, he just wanted to find a place or group he thought he belonged to. But I wouldn't stop yelling embarrassing nicknames, I wouldn't be a sheep in Japanese society!

"Aren't being a delinquent supposed to be all about breaking the social norms, or in your book it just means beating up other guys with colored hair?" He looked shell-shocked at my stance on this topic but didn't utter any word of agreement or deny it. Because of the unsettling silence, I decided to shift his attention to another topic.

"Great that I found you here, weren't you astonished at the fact I knew Izana?" He didn't seem to want to hide the fact, just nodded his head in agreement. Perhaps he was curious about where I was going with this question.

"So I can safely assume you know him too."

"Yes I do in fact." was his simple response.

"Awesome, then you can help me out here... of course only if you have time to spare." He seemed a little spaced out, maybe he was considering all the pros and cons of hanging around me, who knew.

"What do you need help with?" He must have put his head to good use since he quickly added.

"Are you planning to buy a present for Izana as well?" So he was out here on a shopping spree himself.

"And you want my help on the matter?" I quickly nodded my head, admitting it was the case.

"I just recently met him, there is not much I know about him. I asked my other friend for help but all his suggestions involved everyday necessities, but I would prefer buying him something he could enjoy as a hobby." Muto thought about it but decided to ask me to tag along.

"Since we are here for the same purpose... but I was also planning to buy a gift for Sanzu as well." He soon went into detail about how Sanzu explained there was a reason why he never mentioned his real blood sibling to him and never considered them as such, blaming it all on some childhood trauma. Sure it could be true, but since it came from Sanzu's mouth I wasn't buying it fully.

"I don't know Muto, if Sanzu really cared for you he would at least vaguely explain his situation... but if at the end of the day all he did was put all the blame on you and refused to admit to his mistakes, then I don't think he's worth your efforts. Has he at least mentioned he has a little sister as well?" Muto stopped mid-walk making me realize what kind of shit bag Sanzu was once more.

'Would you rather talk shit about Haruchiyo Akashi or expose to Yashiro Muto how Sanzu was a fake surname?' Exposing Sanzu's fake ass, felt great after all the stalking he put me thru.

"I think the one that needs to apologize asap is him in this situation, and since he's such an ass lemme tell you something more about him." Muto must have been surprised at how much more I knew about his friend than he did.

"Sanzu is a fake surname." It felt great exposing his lies like I would let him manipulate Muto in any shape or form.

"So do whatever you want with the newly acquired information." Muto just sighed, probably losing any hope of reconciling with Sanzu at the moment.

To change the topic Muto started to give me ideas for the present I could get for Izana.

"Have you thought about giving him games?" He didn't seem like the gamer type tho, maybe he didn't have the luxury to enjoy such items? Then again I didn't see any computer or console at his place, last time I checked. Muto put some more thought into it.

"Right I remember he once mentioned something about wanting to own a guitar, but instruments can be on the expensive side, how about a beginner's book on how to play it?" I shook my head, but this guy gave me the best idea.

"Guitar sounds like a great present, let's go find something decent!" I asked the system in my head to guide me to the nearest instrument store, thru the GPS function, and I dragged Muto along, for emotional support.

"We're here!" I said excitedly and walked inside.

'Would you rather pick something yourself or ask the employee for recommendations?' Shouldn't I leave the decision-making to the experts? They probably knew the best. I walked over to the counter confidently and leaned in while saying.

"I need some help buying the best present for a birthday boy, what kind of guitar would you recommend for a hobbyist? But something more on the decent side, so it doesn't break easily?" I couldn't give something which strings would need replacement, considering Izana for now wouldn't have funds for that. The employee asked if it was for Muto, that was standing behind me.

"It won't be much of a birthday present if he sees it right off the bat, I am right?" To which the male employee inquired.

"Would you like an electronic or acoustic one?" I glanced at Muto for guidance as he answered bluntly.

"Acoustic one." After some directions that came from Muto, we managed to settle for something we both thought would fit Izana the most, that's when a notification arrived.

'Would you rather find another present that Muto Yashiro can buy for Izana Kurokawa or suggest giving it together as a joint effort?' Yes, Muto helped me out so much, without him this purchase would have never happened.

"How about we hand it to Izana together, since it's on the pricey side he won't complain if we joined our forces right?" Muto gave it some thought but soon complained about how he had no funds to split the funds in two.

"Pay as much as you can offer, I can take care of the rest," I assured him.

"But can I really take the credit if you will pay the most of the purchase?" he argued, but I responded with.

"Muto, you do realize that without your assistance it would never cross my mind that Izana may be interested in playing instruments right? Moreover, you may have not spent as much money as I did, but you used your time to help me figure it out, that's also a lot of time and effort put into this gift." Once I phrased it in such a way, he finally agreed.

"Okay, okay I got it." We came to an agreement to meet on the day of the party so we could hand over the gift together. That's when a thought came to my mind, I never did anything to repay this kind soul for the ride back then.

"Let's grab lunch together, the tab is on me!" But the response was something I didn't foresee.

"How much money are you planning to blow today?" I blinked at him, I didn't feel like blowing away money was the right usage for these circumstances.

"It's an investment," I replied, his expression made it all clear he tried to figure out how this could be a potential investment.

"Spoiling your friends is sometimes fun, as long they're not leeching off from you." After some convincing from my side he finally tagged along, his only requirement was to stop calling him savior since that felt weird, but that was okay. Nicknames like an angel were still free real estate.

"Let's go grab some Unagi then." Was his suggestion for a meal.

"Oh~ I never had those." I was excited to try something new, after all the dish looked really good every time I saw it on YouTube back in my previous life. Muto was surprised that I never had this specific dish.

Once we had our filling meal, we came across an annoying fly, that caused my face to sour as soon I spotted his face in the crowd. Sanzu was here to stir some trouble it seemed like.

"Do you like her?" Was the first thing he asked Muto, no hello or how you are you doing, just jumping straight to some strange conspiracy theories.

"What do you mean?" Muto didn't seem too happy to find him here, after the things I revealed to him today.

"Like romantically." We stared at each other neither of us could believe what was said.

"With this minor? Isn't she like 14 or something?" Muto was beyond perplexed.

"13 actually." I corrected him. But wait, was Saznu trying his hands at the strategy of finding me a boyfriend, and his first candidate was Muto?

"Just answer my question!" I could already tell that my presence alone made Sanzu lose all his reasons, him becoming a ticking bomb that was ready to explode every time he saw me. Why was he so annoyed by my existence I had no clue. Could he feel the disturbance in force because he knew my presence would change the structure of his gang somehow?

"I don't, the hell?" I nodded my head in agreement.

"He radiates big brother energy, so kind, so considerate. Second best bro in the world... Sorry, Muto, Kazutora will always be the first for me." At least I was honest about it, unlike certain someone. Muto didn't say anything just patted my head which caused me to convey.

"If you can't appreciate him, I can. I will be stealing Muto's attention from you Sanzu boy." I linked my arm with Muto's and left a perplexed Sanzu behind. The angry and pissed look on his face made me want to annoy the living hell out of him.