
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Pizza Party~

So the pizza party was scheduled for the afternoon after my part-time job shift would have ended. As a family, we were all preparing food for the event, but Kazutora seemed to have a lot of questions concerning that topic, since he found this so random, out of blue.

"Why did you suddenly have the urge to bake twenty pizzas and having the need to invite guests over?" What was I even supposed to tell him?

"I just felt like it... the stars were telling me that today is a great day to invite your friends over and have fun together, eating delicious pizza made by yours truly." Kazutora stood there frozen in place for a while as I was cutting up some of the toppings. All I could hear for the next 2 minutes was me cutting up stuff before I got a response from my brother.

"You just made that up didn't you?" I agreed since it was true.

"How about you help us out, let's start with taking out the bottles from the fridge and putting them on the table outside?" He nodded his head happy to help since it seemed like it was a whole family effort, and he wanted to be part of this activity. Then he returned back wondering what else he could assist with.

"How about taking out the plates and glasses?" this time dad helped him out and struck a conversation by showing interest in his motorcycle hobby.

When I was done distributing toppings in separate bowls so they would be easier to use during the party. I took out the massive box filled with nothing but dough, it sure looked industry sized, like we had a whole dough factory out here.

"Wow, it's so heavy," I said causing Kazutora to come running as he helped me out placing it onto the counter.

"Thanks." he struck up another conversation.

"So who did you invite?" Was this a question to make sure Mikey wasn't arriving?

"Let's see... I invited Keisuke with his sidekick, the twins with fluffy hair, Souya said he would drag Hakkai over and he in turn Yuzuha, so we have like 4 people you're familiar with. Then my childhood friend and his friend, Senju, and her older brother, Waka Waka with Benkei, I think that's all. Oh, wait Takemichi was asking what we're up to, so he and his four friends will be coming as well once the gathering is in full swing." Would twenty pizzas be enough for such a large party? Not many could eat one pizza by themself, but hey most of these guys work out, which meant they would probably be more prone to eating more.

Ten minutes before the estimated time, I put the first pizza into the newly purchased pizza stove. I wanted to make sure there was already something to munch on when the guests arrived.

I put on an apron to make sure to not get too much flour on my clothes, the apron had text written in English that said.

'Kiss the cook.' Would someone even understand it, I wasn't sure. Would this awesome cook get a smooth on the cheek perhaps, who knew?

As I took out the pizza from the oven the first wave of the guest arrived, the first people to come over was Senju and her first-generation Black Dragon squad. They came over to the table and were surprised by the handmade pizza deal.

"When you said pizza party I thought you would actually buy it from a pizza place," Wakasa admitted, I shook my head in denial.

"My family recently bought this baby so it's only fair to put it to work, and see if I can become the best of the best."

"Please have a seat everybody." Mom pointed at the empty stools as dad was already cutting the freshly made pizza into pieces. The newcomers seemed to be skeptical of my awesome pizza-making skills, but I couldn't blame them, it's probably not a skill you thought a 13-year-old would have.

"Just try it, it's not poisonous," I said while making a pepperoni pizza next.

"I'm here!" I could Keisuke's scream come from the front door, and suddenly he approached me in the kitchen together with Chifuyu.

"Oh?! You're making them yourself?"I just nodded while quickly going out to the garden with the next pizza, now a tail following me behind.

"Yes, yes. Therefore if you came here to chat, I won't be able to give you too much attention." Soon I heard Senju yell.

"Chifuyu! Keisuke! Hi!"

"You guys gotta take a bite of the pizza, it's amazing." Hearing this surely made me smile.

"Glad to hear!"I yelled and soon whipped out the second one. That's when Takemichi and his Mizu gang decided to arrive.

"Wow aren't you guys the first generation of Black Dragons?" Kazushi asked all amazed.

"We are." I guess they were astonished by his sheer excitement. Makoti just decided to dig right in as I walked inside to make another one.

This time Yuzuha, Hakkai, and the twins arrived.

"Wow, handmade." Nahoya was like taking a whiff of every ingredient.

"What do you want to assemble the next one?" He nodded, but just asked for the jalapenos, which I had on display because I wanted one for myself, maybe he thought of pranking people, who knew what this crackhead was thinking.

As soon I popped it into the oven and took it off the fire, this time I waited for dad to cut it into pieces and actually snatched one for myself.

"You like spicy food?" Nahoya asked as I nodded my head, spicy food was good, on occasion. He somehow looked disappointed. I saw the Mizu group daring each other to take a piece of the spicy slice of pizza.

Once I was done I went to make another one, but Keisuke followed me along.

"How come you're the only one making those?" I just struck a Jojo pose and made some stuff up.

"There is Italian heritage flowing in those veins, solely I mastered the ways of constructing pizza in this family tree. What can I say, I'm a genius." Keisuke first just blinked at me confused but then laughed.

"I sometimes wonder where you get all those ideas from Michi." I whipped another piece of dough and started assembling another masterpiece. Kakucho and Izana were greeted by mom at the entrance, when they saw the sheer scale of this food party they were surprised.

"Are those all your friends?" Kakucho asked as Keisuke seemed quite taken aback by the new company, I guess this was the first time he wasn't aware who those two were.

"Michi, who are those two?" Keisuke asked as I was about to leave for the oven.

"They're my friends, duh... but I knew Kakucho longer than you." Which was a lie, but basing it on systems data Kakucho was my childhood friend.

"What? When did you meet him?" Wow, he really was going to get stuck at this tiny detail?

"He's my childhood friend." I couldn't believe what he said next.

"That's okay, I probably know you better than he does." I pushed him back outside.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, now move I have over ten more pizza's to make and you're in my way." He stepped away and I walked to the oven, when the pizza was baking I asked Kazutora.

"Can you make sure Keisuke won't get too unruly?" He nodded his head, I was just hoping that with Kazu-chan company this weirdo wouldn't start any fights. I was going back and forth but when I was preparing the 10th pizza for the afternoon suddenly someone approached me.

"I saw you haven't had any, so I brought you a piece," Souya said, causing me to squeal inside, he was the most considerate and the cutest, but a mission had to ruin it for me.

'Would you rather eat the pizza off the plate without using your hands, or ask him to feed you?' Trying to eat without hands would probably take longer, than asking him for help.

"Can you help me out?" I asked while showing him the hands covered in sticky dough. He nodded his head quickly and offered to feed me, awesome, spectacular, fantastic. But suddenly this cute moment was destroyed when we heard a fight taking place. Who was breaking havoc loose? We both walked out and saw Keisuke fighting with Izana and Kakucho all of the people?

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked as she was standing there in shock.

"Michi I wasn't aware you were so popular with guys." My eye twitched in annoyance, what could they be fighting about to have mom say something like this? Then it seemed like Keisuke was about to throw his fist at the other party. I wasn't too sure what transpired but Izana could have said something twisted considering his facial expression.

"Knock it off, all three of you!"

"But Michi he said." Keisuke began but I send him a glare.

"I really don't care, if it's something that will ruin my day I don't want to hear any of it." Kakucho looked like he was about to apologize to me, even if I knew this most likely wasn't his fault.

"Just eat pizza, also try to ruin the mood again I will kick you out." I was gonna use Benkei as a bouncer of this fine dining establishment if I had to. I walked back inside the kitchen as Souya followed me helping me finish the previous pizza slice. Mom realized what was happening and she gave me a thumbs up once I came back. So when I was making the next batch, suddenly Wakasa arrived.

"I'm not sure whatever I should mention it, but hanging with Izana of all people could be a bad idea." Was he worried for me? So considerate, whenever he was looking out for me felt like finding out a gold mine.

"Is it because of his crazy nature?" Wakasa nodded shocked I knew about it because he realized how tame Izana acted around me.

"Don't worry we are working on his therapy. Since I have money now I was considering hiring a real therapist for him." Wakasa was trying to progress the information.

"You were acting as his therapist?" he asked shocked as I confirmed.

"Yep, he is doing so much better than the first day I met him." Today he even wore his earrings, was this progress? Could it be taken as he was well enough to participate in fashion?

"Sure, but I'm worried about him getting way too attached to you." I guess that was a problem with Shinichiro, but if he behaved creepily I would call him out on it. I wouldn't accept any yandere scenarios.

When I was on my 15th pizza, Yuzuha came along to chat.

"Michi, I wasn't aware my older brother had such a huge pool of competition." Was she trying to be funny?

"What do you mean?" She then whispered to me.

"I can tell Keisuke has feelings for you, same could be said for the Izana and Kakucho guy." I was skeptical. However then again Keisuke yelled something about me being his girl while he fought Sanzu, could it have been a sign for something or just a slip of tongue? With Kakucho I wasn't convinced, sure we were childhood friends and in the memory core, I saw that he supposedly proposed to me when I was little, but hey all those memories were created by the system. As for Izana, maybe he just confused the sign of kindness with love.

And this is why I never liked to think about those stuff since I just made up a bunch of excuses as to why it could never be the case. I sighed.

"Should I tell Taiju, that it's over for him?" Yuzuha asked, it was probably a joke, but I had to make sure it never again crossed her mind.

"Please don't, what if he tried even harder to get my attention? What I am gonna do then?" She laughed but assured me she wouldn't do anything of such.

The whole dough was enough for 25 pizzas, which all were made by me.

"That was exhausting," I said putting like 5 slices on a plate, trying to find a spot to sit in. I took a seat on Senju's lap, she took a glance at the apron I still had on and she gave me a smooch on the forehead. I just laughed at the interaction before I started to devour the pizza slices like a vacuum cleaner. I was surprised to see Cupid chilling on Takuya's lap. But then I heard Makoto express.

"You should give up on Takuya, don't let your cat steal his things, have you seen the fierce competition, how could he win against that?" He pointed at Keisuke and then Kakucho, as I nearly choked on my pizza bite hearing this.

"The guy is right, he will be squished by the competition," Benkei said while nodding his head.

"I can't with you guys, let me eat in peace." Then I heard dad say.

"I approve of the Kakucho guy." Did he change his teams from Chifuyu to Kakucho? Then I saw dad giving me some weird signals, wait did he mean that Chifuyu was already off the radar? I looked at Senju.

"So what's happening between you and Chifuyu, spill the beans." She just stuck out her tongue while saying.

"If you tell me who you like first... and don't tell me it's my brother because I won't' buy it anymore." I was saddened, the perfect opportunity ripped away from my hands just like that. Then again didn't the system say that I had some appeal towards Souya? So whispered into her ear.

"For now I just find Souya cute, that's about it." But she didn't believe it, that's at least what she told me. What did she want me to say then?

So the party kept on going to the late evening, I was shaken by how much people could talk with each other, where those individuals becoming even closer to each other, if so that was fantastic, then even Kisaki's word couldn't sway them so easily. But it was also lovely to watch Kakucho make new friends, maybe because those people knew me it was easier for him to establish some kind of connection.