
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

New Missions~

It was already July and it felt like I had no progress at all. My stats were still under 10.

Intelligence: 8


Endurance: 7

Agility: 7

Strength: 7

So puny. And in three days Takemichi would travel back to the past. Could there be a future Michi that I wasn't aware of? Should I consider asking him once he settles into saving Hinata ordeal? As I was pondering about it I was getting ready for school, but then a mission popped up.

'Would you rather work a part-time job at a maid cafe or convenience store?' Was there anything to consider, of course, I wanted to be a maid, a cute outfit, saying ridiculous stuff to the customers that came in, perfection! I looked at the specifications they wanted me to work for at least a month 2 to 3 days a week. Could I even get a part-time job, after all, I was only 13? Well, I could ask someone for help right? As soon as I made my decision and chose one of the options another mission popped up.

'Would you rather sew cosplay or casual clothes that you will display for a fashion show?' Was this system out of its mind? How was I supposed to find a fashion show that would accept clothes made by an unknown teenager? I chose to make a cosplay, could I even go attend a convention afterward?

I then decided to check what kind of rewards I would get from those long missions, training with Wakasa would give me at least 12 random stats with a potion that would raise one stat of mine for 12 hours, the one for working a part-time job would give me 10 random stats and a health potion, while the cosplay one at least 7 stats and face-changing potion that would work for 1 hour. I wasn't sure what I needed the face-changing potion for, but it did sound fun and trippy all the jokes I could possibly do, without people realizing it was me, excellent. It could also mean I could do a bank robbery.

The rest of the day went, as usual, annoying Kisaki just a little, like sending him kisses during school breaks which he got mad about. Pushing me to anticipate the day he would see me hanging with Hinata, I would totally tease him right after.

After school it was time for the first session with Wakasa, I was standing outside the gym contemplating my life choices, only for him to open the door while saying.

"Just walk in already, instead of looking like it's the last day on earth for ya." I sighed and finally walked inside the facility.

"The changing room is over there." He pointed me to the left. I nodded and changed to appropriate working-out clothes. That's when I spotted Senju that was already there fighting some dudes in the ring.

"Nice you could make it," she said as her brother was there as well handing her a towel, to wipe off the sweat from her forehead.

"Any chance I could change my mind right about now?" Causing Senju to look sad.

"Come on, think of us being an awesome delinquent duo, doesn't it make your heart pound with excitement?" I shook my head.

"You mean throbbing from anxiety." She pouted while stating.

"Come on you can do it, I believe in you!" I guess her encouragement helped just a little. And so began my 2-hour intense training, once I was finished I was just lying on the ground, causing Senju to kneel down beside me.

"Are you alright?" I shook my head in denial.

"This is the end of my line, tell my family I love them, goodbye world." I played dead while Senju started to fake sobbing.

"You have really bad stamina, but at least you're taking this seriously," Wakasa said, but then he added.

"Have you ever exercised seriously in your life?" I was supposed to be only 13, then again this body probably never did consider it was described as a sick child.

"Well...this body spent most of its life in either a bed or hospital, so not really." I picked myself up and a notification popped up, great a mission when I don't feel like moving what could it be.

'Would you rather prank Wakasa Imaushi, or say something stupid while mentioning Takeomi Akashi in your story?' I checked the rewards and found out I would get another Intelligence point by saying something silly while mentioning Takeomi. I chose the second option already having a ridiculous script in mind.

I took Senju's hands in mine.

"I'm sorry Senju there is something I must come clean with." She just looked at me confused.

"What is it?" I then looked away while continuing to make it seem like it was something that made me unable to look her in the eyes.

"I and your brother are in love, we were planning on eloping together." I heard Takeomi choking on air I guess, or his own saliva, whichever it was. He was having a serious coughing fit.

"Mister, you should smoke less, if your lungs decide to give up on you because of one kid's joke." I put my hands on my hips and looked at him sternly.

"To get scolded by a kid, way to go," Wakasa told him as he patted my head?

"Now go change and scurry away, take that troublemaker with you as well." He pointed at Senju as another mission popped up.

'Would you rather buy ice cream for Senju Akashi or buy ice tea in a coffee shop for Senju Akashi.' So this system really wanted me to buy something cold for her, didn't it?

"Let's go for ice cream!" I dragged Senju to the changing room as we were putting our clothes on she decided to start the delinquent duo topic all over again.

"We should totally make a new gang, us two as leaders." I guess she was confident in my leading people's abilities, but I had to differ.

"Sorry but that sounds like a lot of work, that would cause my anxiety levels to rise, how about we just join a gang that already exists. Someone that we do approve of." Somehow I knew the system sooner or later would ask me to join the Tokyo Manji Gang and I probably wouldn't be able to refuse.

"Sure but before that, we should be an independent duo that wears couple outfits."

"I guess we could." She seemed really excited and so we went off to purchase ice cream. As I was eating my matcha-flavored treat I came up with an idea.

"Listen Senju I will reconsider becoming a delinquent with you as a duo, but in exchange, if I ever want to make an emo band, you gonna have to join." She seemed deep in thought but then agreed.

"As long you give me the drums." Wait that's the position I wanted.

"I guess I can settle for the guitar then." I knew Hinata could play the piano, so the keyboard position would go to her. I wasn't sure if Emma would join, but I could try, by any chance would I be able to meet Yuzuha and drag her into my emo band as well?

"Oh sounds thrilling, what should we call our band?" I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

"SolarBlaze, because each one of the members is a sunshine worth protecting."

"Then we hire a guard and call them the sunshine protector."

"Isn't your vision stretching too far into the future?" she asked well what about her so-called vision then.

"You don't get to say that, since you're trying to recruit a person that hardly knows how to fight." Senju just smiled at me, witnessing her consuming her cold treat, it reminded me of something.

"Since the summer vacation is around the corner, how about we go to the beach together sometime soon?"

"Sure, let's take Wakasa, my brother and Benkei." Because I haven't met him I just asked.


"Oh he's also the same age as my brother, but maybe we should have someone younger, how about also inviting that Inupi guy? Is that what his name was, he sometimes hangs inside the gym as well it could be a good opportunity to know him better." Wow was I going to meet him before the Christmas arc, fascinating!

"Sure, it works for me. I can prepare some food for the occasion." We were strolling around until Senju saw something intriguing at one store's display and went inside. I waited for her outside but then spotted the Kawata twins with their soft fluffy hair. Right since Nahoya took my number he never contacted me, hence I never got a proper chance to thank them for bringing me home that day. I walked in closer but suddenly heard.

"Come on give it a try, after all the hassle you put me thru." what were they talking about, I felt myself hiding away from their sight listening in on their conversation.

"Ok, ok." Souya took up his phone and gave someone a call. Unexpectedly my phone started to ring at the same time. I took a quick glance at the display, it was from an unknown number usually, I wouldn't have answered, but since I gave out my number to so many people recently maybe it was just someone I forgot to add.

"Yea, who is it?" Was my to-go call opener.

"Is it Michi?" Wait by chance the one Souya was giving the call to was me.

"Yea and you are?" I felt like making him struggle just a little.

"Ah, it's Souya, do you still remember me?" I was about to tell him I didn't but that would probably be a little dishearting to him, so I changed my tactics.

"Is it the cutie with the blue like cotton-like candy?" I saw him struggle admitting to it.

"Yea." I think his voice cracked during this one proclamation.

"You shouldn't have called." I could see confusion all over his face as the only word he could muster was.

"Why?" to which I answered.

"Why call when we can talk face to face." I quickly ran up to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Yo!" Nahoya seemed as surprised to see me here, but suddenly realization hit Souya.

"You were teasing me weren't you?" His blushful face turned into a frown.

"Me, no, never, that's my least favorite thing to do." Sike, that was best Kisaki torment. I decided to shift the flow of the conversation.

"So what did you want?" I asked.

"Oh... thought we could hang together," Souya said, probably he wasn't ready for this kind of development to take place.

"How about right now?" Nahoya asked but I just shook my head, then Senju came to my side.

"You left your spot... oh are those your friends?" I wasn't too sure we met only for the second time today.

"Something of that sort...yes."

"Sorry she will put all my attention on me today." and she started to drag me away while sticking out her tongue at them both.

"Send me a message with the time you're available!" I screamed, confused why Senju reacted like this.