
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
200 Chs


Thinking about the Shiba siblings' situation made me wish that my stats were higher, beside throwing Pixie Dust I couldn't do much, which recently made me feel quite anxious now when I didn't have any in my inventory. There was no way to know when I would bump into the muscle giant. I took a quick glance at my stats.

Intelligence: 25

Luck: 27

Endurance: 25

Agility: 26

Strength: 25

Sure there were two-digit numbers, but the realization hit me that I still needed to gather like 400 more, and that seemed out of reach and overwhelming.

"Enough of depressing thoughts, you aren't yourself when you're hungry." I jumped out of the bed, fed the cat, and started to prepare today's breakfast, which was mostly eggs. I was shaken by how used I got to rise in the morning, thanks to mom's delicious cooking I rarely complained about waking up at this hour. Maybe it was something about eating together as a family at the start of the day that made me all fuzzy inside.

"Good Morning." Kazutora's voice pulled me out from my inner thoughts, as I turned around and saw him hugging his pillow. Did he also become used to early breakfasts? I patted his head when given the chance, and once the eggs were done I gave him a plate. He also added a toast to his meal. Soon the guest's siblings came downstairs.

"Have you slept well?" I asked as Hakkai nodded.

"There is something about this house and its cozy atmosphere that makes you rise and shine with a smile." He became so much more outspoken with me, ever since he saw me knocking out Taiju while trying my best to protect Yuzuha. He actually apologized recently for setting me up with his older brother. So I guess we were somehow on good terms, although he still saw me as a rival for Mitsuya's attention. Once I dug into the food I remembered something.

"Right don't forget about the therapist appointment after today's lecture brother." He nodded his head but soon inquired about my schedule for today.

"Are you planning to go somewhere after the lecture as well? I nodded my head as it was true.

"I have a training appointment with Waka Waka." I kept the conversation going by questioning Yuzuha.

"Do you know any neighbors that could help you scout the area and let you know if Taiju is still lurking around in your house?" She shook her head in denial, I guess it was given that even the neighbors would be scared of someone so rowdy as the muscle giant. It was tricky since all three of us would be beaten to a pulp if we dared to return.

"Can't you go over there and knock him out once more?" I shook my head.

"I have a feeling he be more prepared next time around, what if he asks his subordinates for help? I can only deal with them one at a time." Hakkai agreed, realizing I did have a solid point. Of course, Koko wouldn't allow anyone to accomplish that, but it wasn't worth mentioning.

"I'm not really associated with any gangs... so I can check the area out." That was so sweet of him to suggest, but wait, wasn't there a part of the manga where he fought the 9th generation, wouldn't Inupi recognize him?

"Thanks, Kazutora but I don't want you to get hurt." Yes, that would be the best excuse I could come up with. I wasn't sure why but he pouted, did he really want to help me out so badly? I gave this cutie a hug.

Later because I was checking the time on my phone, Kazutora noticed my brand new lock screen.

"I knew you had a secret crush on Baji." But I pointed it out quickly.

"Chifuyu is also on the picture, how are you so sure I wasn't there to capture his sleeping face and Baji just managed to accidentally get on the frame as well?" Kazutora tried to come up with some reason behind it.

"You like them both." I couldn't with him right now.

"It's too early to have conspiracy theories about my love life, taken out of your ass." Hakkai just laughed hearing this.

The day passed later on smoothly, at lunchtime we attended the class. Today the professor was instructing us on how to put a condom on, telling us about how to prevent pregnancies, and warning us how unwanted pregnancies could still occur. But the second segment got me shocked because topics about the LBGTQ+ community came up. Later followed by how same-sex marriage wasn't legalized in Japan. Did our parents choose those lessons because they wanted to show they were open-minded around those topics?

When we finished we bid our goodbyes with Kazutora and went our separate ways. As I walked inside the gym I spotted Takeomi inside.

"I missed teasing you," I said putting him into an embrace. He sighed in defeat but patted my head, so I saw it as a win. I then changed to my workout outfit and began my training, but in the middle of it, I saw Inupi arriving while wearing his Black Dragon outfit. He didn't speak with anyone, just took a seat and stared at me? Was he waiting till I was finished perhaps? This gave me an idea, so once I was finished, before he could approach me I conveyed to him.

"Damn boy, I know I'm pretty but maybe you shouldn't be so obvious with all this staring." He didn't respond just reached for his phone and dialed a number later hitting the call button as he shoved it into my palms.

"He wants to talk with you." I glanced at him confused, was he talking about Taiju or Koko could he be more specific? Confused I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked carefully once the person on the other side received the call.

"Tell my siblings to return home! Immediately!" Taiju yelled into the lure, which was later followed by a bunch of unnecessary insults about my person. So I disconnected the call as I would let myself be disrespected in such a way. Inupi looked pissed, I guess refusing to speak with his boss somehow offended him on a personal level.

"How dare you?" Was the only words he uttered.

"If he won't communicate in a normal human way, I won't even care to listen to his child's tantrums." Because that's how he sounded to me, like an overgrown child. Inupi chose violence and tried to punch me, but Wakasa that had his eye on him for a while blocked him with his foot.

"I know she can be annoying sometimes, but you shouldn't hit a girl that can't defend herself." I knew he was right, but he didn't have to say it out loud. Inupi calmed himself down and he decided to try the same tactic again, I followed along because I wanted to see if Taiju could muster a mature conversation.

"So what could you possibly want from me?" I asked but received another screaming match at the end of the line.

"I will not deal with this," I declared and ended the call once more.

"Can you stop disconnecting the call and listen him out?" I shook my head, why would I allow someone to use such foul language at me? I also had feelings.

"If this really bothers you so much how about this, you give me his number and I will call him later once he cools his heated head in a nice ice bath?" He sighed when he realized he wouldn't be able to overcome my stubbornness. But hello I was trying to make some amends. There was also another reason I tried this hard, maybe I could train Taiju in having civil conversations, who knows maybe if I ended the call enough times he would crack. I saved his number under the nickname "Muscle Giant." I clicked on the save button, yet an unexpected mission popped out.

'Would you rather ask one of the guys at the gym to be your model for your art or give Taiju Shiba a call and let him chew you out as much as he wants?' I sighed at the choices, just when I got some determination in certain aspects suddenly the system had to use it against me.

I glanced at Wakasa, knowing he would say no, Inupi would also never agree, especially now when I insulted his god. Takeomi would be my lifeline.

"Takeomi help me out a little," I asked grabbing his arm and trying to act cute. He raised his eyebrows at me in surprise at my request.

"What do you even need help with?" He inquired as I admitted.

"Can you become my mode, you know for drawing and stuff?" He shook his head immediately but I had an ace up my sleeve.

"I can pay you." He stood up and said.

"Let's do this, I hope you have your drawing essentials with you." I did actually, they were a good entertainment source on the subway.

"You really gonna do this for money?" Wakasa asked as Takeomi nodded his head.

Since he was iffy about going to my house, we decided to venture into his domain instead. When we arrived we used his room which felt rather weird, but hey a mission was a mission, anything for two extra stats this quest would grant me. I did some exercise where he was changing his pose every 10 minutes and I was supposed to capture it by sketching it quickly. It was actually a lot of fun, but after 50 minutes another mission arrived, which made me gulp at its ridiculousness level.

'Would you rather ask Takeomi Akashi if he can be your naked model next or kiss him on the lips?' So I carefully checked the rewards, if you're uncertain good rewards could change your perspective. I would get a Pixie Dust for the first one, I guess the kiss was there as a bad option. I was convinced, so I put the sketch block to the side and while bowing I yelled.

"Takeomi can you pose naked next?" Another coughing fit emerged itself, was this guy's lungs alright, or were my jokes killing him slowly?

"What?" he asked as I explained.

"It's easier to learn anatomy if you look at a naked body, don't you think?" The room became emerged in awkward silence.

"Hell no!" Even if I asked this system was still refusing to give me my promised rewards. Since I was already in the midst of the most absurd and embarrassing situation I kept on pushing the limits.

"Please~" My tactics to plead didn't work either, I didn't realize that in this panic I as a 13-year-old would jump at an adult, and ask him to strip. His face was filled with horror, but once I tried to rip his shirt open the stats arrived. But the damage was done, and Takeomi must have freaked out causing him to pin me to the floor, to prevent any sudden attacks from happening again. Though I got distracted by strange energy coming out from the window, I shifted my head to take a closer look, and I swear I could see a lock of pink hair vanishing from my sight. Could it possibly be Sanzu or was Senju coming to my rescue? But right after Senju busted thru the door, making me realize whoever was peeking thru the window before couldn't have been her. She gasped at the scene before her eyes, and of course, she quickly jumped to conclusions.

"Brother, she's 13!"

"Wait it's a misunderstanding!" Takeomi yelled back, and that's when I cut in so this misunderstanding wouldn't escalate further.

"He's right... now can you let me go?" He actually did, however, was still under high alert. I took it upon myself to explain the situation and actually owned to my mistakes and apologized to Takeomi, but then had to inquire if they had an additional sibling.

"By any chance do you have any other sibling, I could swear I saw this guy that looked a lot similar to you?" Senju seemed hesitant at first, but when I explained I had seen him around a lot past this one week she caved in and said she did in fact have a sibling called Haruchiyo. Just her admitting to having a sibling was enough for me, this way I could expose his manipulative ass to Muto. After apologizing to Takeomi once more and playing him for helping me out with those stupid missions I headed home but decided to use the time efficiently by giving Taiju his desired call.

"Who are you?" Did Inupi forget to mention I would be calling later from my own phone?

"Michi... are you ready to have a civil chat or do you want to be hung upon again?" It seemed like he tried his best to keep his cool, but it was weird to hear the heavy breathing that came from him repressing his anger.

"Tell Hakkai and Yuzuha to return back home." He demanded, but without shouting, I guess this could be considered progress.

"They will return once it's safe to migrate back." I made it known they didn't want to see him.

"If they won't return I will make sure to pick them up myself." Like I would let him step his foot inside my house.

"Try to force an entry and I will call the cops and charge you with trespassing." I guess he finally gave up, was his tactic to leave the house and give them a lesson when he came back once more? But since that was settled I decided to examine another topic.

"So about that second date... I guess it won't be happening now." Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I didn't want it to be seen as if I stood him up. He probably hated me now, and didn't want anything to do with me right?

"Don't dare to cancel it!" I was surprised at his response.

"It can't be called a date, if all you plan to do is beat me up..." It went quiet on the other side, but then quickly followed by crazy laughter. Was he preparing to kill me now or what?

"I won't if you come in a dress." And the call ended, I wished there was a Taiju Shiba manual because I seriously didn't know what he was thinking.