
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Manga Store Event~

On Monday I dreaded going back to school, I only received one mission that day, in which I received another Agility point. All it wanted me to do was to hold Kisaki's hand, so when he was walking back home I suddenly grabbed it, he looked so cutely confused, I had this desire to tease him, but all I said was.

"Any chance I can walk you to the subway?" he withdrew his hand and sternly said.

"No, and stay away from me, don't even think about following me around." I shrugged and let him go his merry way. But then I came up with the best idea.

"Let's visit Akihabara." I ran to the subway and hopped onto the next train.

Once I was there I was admiring the small electronic shops, they sure were fascinating, but the reason I was here, was because of the manga stores. I walked to one, I have never seen a manga store so huge, presumably because it was the first time I was in Japan. I walked around aimlessly trying to find manga I would recognize, wondering if I should use some of the pocket money I got to get a manga to my nonexistent collection.

However, the joy was short-lived because I received another choice to make.

'Would you rather ask Ryohei Hayashi for his phone number or make a dramatic spectacle about hating a manga where your favorite character died?' I would choose the second option if I could do it in the safety of my own home, which was most unlikely. I would probably make a fool of myself and troubling employees of this store wasn't on my to-do list.

But who the hell was Ryohei Hayashi, this name sounded familiar but I couldn't put the name to a face.

I looked around the store, this person must have been here right? I realized how I and another guy were just the only customers inside, wasn't it Peh-yan standing over there, well I guess it would be time to toughen up and ask him for his number, but how? Then I got a splendid idea, Michi you were a genius. I looked around the store and once I found what I was looking for I walked over. He seemed really focused on the manga he was browsing, so he must have not felt my presence.

"Excuse me," I said, but got no response.

I stretched out my hand to tap his shoulder, to get his attention but saw my hand trembling as if some kind of tumor was affecting it. I used my other hand to grab it for support and finally tapped his shoulder lightly. But he just quickly turned around screaming.

"The heck you want?!" he looked ready to throw some insults I presume maybe even punches, but when he heard my trembly voice.

"Sorry for bothering you..." I was ready to excuse myself because his outburst wasn't something I was ready to deal with.

"Oh... I thought you were some guy trying to pick a fight with me." he was scratching his head in confusion.

"I just wanted to ask you for help, there is this one book I can't reach... but..." I was about to say that he could forget about it, but he screamed happily.

"Lead the way!" I nodded and walked to the bookshelf I was ogling before.

"That one, please." he handed me over the book and looked like he wanted to leave, so I pulled his sleeve to stop him.

"Oh sorry. I just wanted to ask you if you could recommend any manga to me as well... if that's not a problem." Making up this plan and getting this far was keeping me on my toes, would my plan even succeed? At first, his expression looked so lost, like he couldn't believe some girl asked for his opinion, but soon he was talking about all the manga he personally enjoyed, most were either action or sports.

I tried to keep up with his recommendations, but soon I whipped out my phone.

"Sorry I don't think I can keep up, can you send me a list in a message to my phone?" he stared and stared, to finally say.

"Sure." Yes, my plan worked! I gave him my number and soon he send me a list of the manga he already noted.

"Thank you." I was staring at my phone all smiley delighted at how well my strategy worked, I didn't even need to ask for his number straight out. Since I thought it would cause a misunderstanding, of him believing I was somehow interested in him romantically. Making new friends is hard man.

I saw how I received another Luck point from this endeavor. I looked up at Peh-yah he seemed to be deep in thoughts.

"If you want I can let you borrow some of my manga." I heard him say. Was he really about to let a girl he just met, borrow his books?

"If you don't mind." I mean it was better than spending money on collecting books by myself.

"Let's go then!" I heard him say, his hand on my wrist, what was it with people and dragging me around?

"Wait I still need to purchase the book." he looked at me sheepishly, probably as surprised by his daring actions as I was. I walked to the counter and as I was about to pay another mission popped up.

'Would you rather follow Ryohei Hayashi to his house or stay and possibly see Tetta Kisaki again.' why would Kisaki come here? Never mind, even if I did stay to uncover what he was up to, he would most likely accuse me of stalking. Like I would let him smear my name like this. I chose the first option.

"Ok, I'm done." I came toward Peh-yah when I finished my purchase. He guided me outside, and to his bike. Why didn't I predict this outcome? The system was again messing with me, probably wanting another bad boy romance playing out.

"Oh, I probably should have mentioned I would be taking my bike..." yes thanks for realizing it was way too late for me to be able to refuse.

"Do you still want to tag along?" I nodded accepting my fate.

"Only if you don't mind me clinging to you... this is like the second time going on a motorcycle." the first being only last week. He somehow seemed to be content with this development. I turned my school bag around so it would face my back.

Once the drive began he decided it was the best time to ask questions.

"So what's your name?" Rather than yelling, I figured it would be easier to lean in and say.

"Michi, just call me Michi." He was the first to add san into my name.

"Michi-san, do you follow total strangers home often?"

"At this point, it may just become a common occurrence." since it was the second time I let this happen, I was worried that the system would let me get in touch with all the captains and vice-captains of Toman. I heard Pey-yah just laugh as if he couldn't believe it was for real.

"So what's your name then?" I asked.

"Ryohei Hayashi." wait our surnames probably had the same kanji in them.

"Oh our surnames a kind of similar then, mine is Hirabayashi." well at least it was something to keep this conversation going.

"Oh, could be fate that bought us together." I guess he tried to be funny, but fate my ass, it was just an annoying system that probably wanted me to become a delinquent at some point. It was simply slowly making me establish some connections.

"Who knows~" I decided to play along. We suddenly arrived and thankfully this time my legs didn't become jellies. Probably because this gentleman wasn't speeding like a certain jackass.

"Come this way." He showed me inside and somehow I felt like we were sneaking inside the house. Maybe he didn't want anyone to know he brought a girl over. Once we reached his room, he walked to a shelf that was filled with various mangas.

"Let's see, I can give you all the first volumes, and if you like any of them I can let you borrow the next volumes another time." I nodded, but why did he sound like he trusted me enough with his stuff. He brought a plastic bag and put a total of five books instead.

"Eh... you sure you want to trust me with so many of your manga? What if I'm a sloppy person?" I was worried that he trusted me too much in this endeavor. This was progressing way too fast. His brows furrowed, did I make him angry I stared confused at his expression, and then he roared in laughter.

"I'm sure I can trust someone that worries about my books more than me." oh well he did have a point. Wait why was there another window, no what was it now?

'Would you rather ask Ryohei Hayashi if he's single or trip and fall?' I looked at the rewards because I wasn't too sure if I wanted to proceed with the first one, but if the reward was a stat I wanted I could deal with it. Never mind it was another Luck stat and I would have preferred intelligence to even it out. But tripping and falling would give me another Endurance point, so of course, I chose the second option. Asking him if he's single could indicate I was interested in him. Getting a boyfriend would be irresponsible at this point in time, there was no way of knowing what this system would make me do next, and I didn't want to be accused of cheating.

I grabbed the books and he was about to send me out, but I purposefully tripped onto the door frame, I was ready to take this fall like a chad, but whatever I landed on wasn't the floor. Wait... was I lying on top of Ryohei? Wasn't he like looking away when I tripped? What in the seven heavens was this? We were both looking at each other like two confused potatoes.

"I tried to save you from the fall, but failed." Well, he did reduce my fall at least that's for sure. I was furious the would you rather choices were just a trick to fool me into this predicament.

"Sorry." For the system to have this precious boy tricked into this, is unforgivable. I stood up, feeling a little bit dizzy. And once I felt my feet were stable I outstretched my hands to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked, I didn't want to be a cause of someone's bruises. He got up.

"Do you usually fall on strangers?" Was this his attempt to be funny?

"Well I was ready to have a smooch with the floor but someone volunteered to be my pillow, I'm not so sure many people would offer me such a service." you wanted to go at stupid remarks game, well I got plenty of comebacks. He just laughed at me.

But wait didn't his description say that he was supposed to be a short-tempered person, yet I mainly witnessed his witty humor side.

"If you ever need a pillow to fall on you can call me." wait, that was smooth, ignore ignore, let's just change the topic in case I say something stupid. I picked up the bag I dropped with the fall.

"Thanks for the manga I will let you know when I finish reading them." Mission escape from this facility begins now.

"I really need to go." before the system decides to give me five more outrageous missions. He walked me to the door.

"You want me to drive you there?" What was with guys and offering me rides, did they not care for the gas money.

"Thank you for the offer, but I rather walk home." and finally I left. It was time to go back home and lazy around on the bed, questioning my life choices yet again.

Just want to inform you guys that there be spoilers from the manga down the line, in case you're exclusively an anime watcher, read at your own risk ;)

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