
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Kisaki's Torment Chamber~

The first thing I did on this peculiar Saturday morning was to check my stats since I felt joy just knowing how easily I could overpower Tetta Kisaki if I just wished for it, in case he refused to comply with my simple requests.

Intelligence: 65

Luck: 66

Endurance: 64

Agility: 64

Strength: 66

My strength was already 20 points higher than his, so I could always request an arm wrestling competition and have him utterly destroyed showing him who was the real boss around those parts of the neighborhood. I could also try to carry him bride style, although I wasn't too sure I had enough strength to perform the deed.

But if I managed, the more embarrassed he got, the more beneficial it would be for me. Someone so prideful, looking cute, was the best sight ever. I swooned at the thought and then looked up at the ceiling and questioned my intentions.

"I have a serious problem," I admitted and sat up on the bed. Why was I even so pumped in tormenting this guy over and over again? Wouldn't anyone else in my situation possibly stay away from Kisaki, considering how he was portrayed in the story?

I sighed, dressed up and walked down to help mom prepare today's breakfast to take my mind off the matter. Once we were finished the whole family sat down to eat.

"Mom, dad, brother I will be away today, maybe even for the whole day... making one guy's life more miserable," I admitted while taking a spoonful of miso soup into my mouth.

"When you say things like that, sometimes it makes me wonder if I should worry about the people you meet instead." I nodded my head.

"Yes you should know who the real predator is... and it's totally me. The true hidden boss in this area." So big brother there was no need for you to be so overprotective, even around Mikey. Although he was called invincible I had so many strong guys wrapped around my fingers. If they joined forces even Mikey wouldn't be able to withstand that.

I abruptly realized how my mind was going weird places, there was no way my baby would do such atrocious things in the first place. Was I perhaps getting iffy because Valhalla was creeping closer? I took a quick glance at my phone, and realized today was already the 15th of October- Which meant I still had half a month left to prepare.

"So who do you plan on tormenting?" Kazutora questioned, taking me out of my own thought.

"One fella wearing glasses." I decided to reply him as vaguely as possible.

Once I finished breakfast I gathered all the necessities and headed out on my bicycle. I didn't want to show off my motorcycle to Kisaki, all clues could be used against me, in his presence.

When I reached my destination, however when knocking on the door, it felt odd to have it opened by someone that wasn't Kisaki himself. It was also the first time I got to meet his mother. Never seen her around before, at some point it just felt like his parents didn't exist.

Made you kind of feel bad for the guy.

"Who are you?" For some reason it felt like I was looked down upon.

"I'm Tetta's classmate and friend." I introduced myself, but it seemed only the mention of my last name caught her attention.

"Hirabayashi... I heard that name somewhere before." I decided to not give her any clues since she gave me this superficial vibe.

"Is your father a lawyer?" I just nodded, but suddenly her demeanor changed as she invited me inside with a smile on her face. I guess that was the benefit of famous people. She even guided me all the way to Kisaki's room, while telling him.

"Your friend is here, be nice to her." He was also about to put hair gel into his locks, so I screamed.

"Don't do that." He obviously thought I overreacted.

"Ugh, fine." He put the hair gel away but then asked.

"So what have you done?" I titled my head to the side.

"Pardon?" I asked being lost, as to what was bothering him.

"What have you said to my mother? She doesn't act like this usually?" Considering how his parents were always away, he was truly living the fanfiction troupe of parents always being away on business trips.

"So her being nice... is abnormal?... My poor baby." I put him into a hug but got quickly pushed away.

"Will she be sticking around for long tho?" I was prepared for us to be alone, wait did it meant his house situation was similar to Kazutora's previous one? As I was wondering this she knocked on the door and explained how she would be away to meet her friend. And then reminded Kisaki to take good care of his friend.

"So why were you wondering that?" He asked as I whipped the maid dress from my bag.

"Because I will make you wear this, and I have to take your feelings into consideration. Don't want you to feel humiliated or anything." His eye twitched in annoyance.

"If you are truly considering my feelings, how about not making me wear it at all?" I just grinned, giving my insight of this situation.

"Listen, of course you won't feel humiliated in my presence, if I shower you with compliments about how pretty you are. But in case your mother in narrow minded, she won't be able to appreciate such a majestic sight, because it's not manly enough or something." We stared at each other in total silence, until he suggested.

"How about I give you money in exchange for not having to wear that thing." I shook my head while admitting.

"No money in the world will measure to the amount of joy I will receive by seeing your dressed up so prettily."

"Pervert... ugh fine, but don't you dare laugh at me!" He seemed to be serious about this specific threat.

"Don't worry everything I have seen today will be kept as a secret~ My lips are sealed... unless someone pays me a hefty sum of money." Obliviously it was a joke, but Kisaki didn't seem to catch on to my teasing tone. I left the room soon after to give him some space to change. And once he was ready he let me know.

"Wow!" I just circled around him, fascinated by the results.

"I knew it, I chose the best dress possible." If looks could kill I would be dead at this moment.

"Geez you look like you're already planning to kill me off, yet the day just began." Next, I whipped out the nail polish, as we made ourselves comfortable on his bead. I painted his nails black, yass goth girlfriend aesthetics.

Once I applied the color I was blowing on his nails to make them dry faster.

"I don't understand you sometimes." He admitted, maybe he was trying to fill the silence that surrounded us.

"I'm totally unpredictable, you should know it by now." My action patterns were irrational, thanks to the system.

"I hurt your feelings so many times, yet you still are sticking around." Was he seriously trying to figure me out, well I deemed his actions also odd for that matter?

"If you can go around your day being obsessed over a girl that already has a boyfriend, where you try to delusion yourself at some point she will return your feelings... then I can keep pestering you around... call it instant karma."

"Why was I even expecting a serious answer to come out of your mouth?"

Later I forced him to bake some cookies with me and that's when a mission popped up.

'Would you rather fake propose to Tetta Kisaki or give him a smooth on the cheek?' At the moment I just felt like giving his cheek a kiss since it was cutely covered in flour. But he wiped it away instantly.

"What was that about?" He asked as I answered.

"Your cheek looked so lonely, you see, it was screaming for attention, how could I possibly say no?" I asked, my tone sounding sadder with each passing second. We continued the baking progress, and at some point, Kisaki must have become fed up with my weird requests, that he had the audacity to call Hanma for backup.

"You really had to ask him to come?" Everything was going so smoothly and now I had to deal with this giraffe, that was laughing his ass off, after seeing Kisaki, the true mastermind that was being screwed over by me.

"I knew you were into weird stuff Michi... should I also wear one?" Was he trying to win my attention, but I shook my head, where were we supposed to find another maid dress? Once I left for the toilet, Kisaki decided to vent out his pent up anger about all the odd requests I made, so when I came back Hanma decided to question my intentions.

"Michi, are you training him to become your househusband?" My mouth opened wide, where did he get this brilliant idea from? If I paid him enough could I receive more groundbreaking suggestions?

"Oh my god! Yes!" I cheered causing the tall guy to cackle even more. But once he calmed down he proposed.

"Since I was invited, let's spend some quality time~" I glanced at Kisaki and whispered into his ear.

"I bet he's flirting with you right now, what's your take on it?" But his response was.

"I bet the reason he actually came so quickly was due to me telling him you were here." The giraffe in turn was in his own world, scheming something.

"How about the three of us watch a movie?" He tried to put his hands around our waists, but Kisaki reacted quickly and kicked him in the shin.

"Ohhh~ stealing my moves I see." We saw the tall guy cringing in pain, but with his endurance, he recovered pretty quickly.

This whole day got even stranger from then on, if fact Hanma didn't even pretend to care about helping Kisaki's case, actually he was instigating my behavior, so since he was helping me out I decided to request the movie part he previously wished for, but before the movie started he mentioned something weird.

"I think it's about time you two start calling me by name." Was he implying we were already close enough to do that?

"Shuji-chan my little psychopath friend, how are you faring on this fine day?" He was less than impressed. Kisaki just rolled his eyes at us both, at this point he was so comfortable wearing the dress, he was overflowing with confidence. Hot, was my single thought. I had to slap myself for that, I didn't want my love meter to rise back to the crush spot.

"Michi composure," I mumbled to myself.

After the movie I asked them to help me make food for us three, at least they could use the knife skilfully, the rest was a disaster, and ping another mission made its appearance.

'Would you rather pick up Tetta Kisaki or Shuji Hanma and make them sit on the kitchen counter?' I think the choice was obvious, Tetta of course. I wasn't strong enough to pick up the tall noodle. I did it quickly so the guy with glasses couldn't complain too much.

"You better sleep with your eyes open from now on." I guess he was angry, but I just found his reaction funny, because he didn't seem serious at all.

And then a notification popped up that ruined my day.

'Your love meter towards Tetta Kisaki rose to level 3, congratulations.' I think I choked on air while reading that.

"Aghhh this is driving me nuts, why do I keep liking you so much?!" I walked away trying to convince my brain having a crush on this fella was hopeless. Like come on, he manipulated my brother, why was my brain ignoring all the red flags?

"I have never seen him blush so much!" Hanma was losing it over there, but he didn't lie.

"I was supposed to just mess with him, not fall in love all over again," I mumbled to myself, these two had some secret conversation as I finished making the food.

When we were eating this giraffe mentioned.

"I'm jealous, take care of me too." The system decided to pamper him.

'Would you rather give Shuji Hanma a kiss on his hand or feed him?' Nothing was going as planned.

"I will feed you... if you do something in return." I mentioned as he nodded his head.

"Let's have a photo shoot." It was time to suggest even something more bizarre to let off steam. I held my end of the deal by feeding this tall baby, and at the end, I asked Kisaki and Hanma to pose for my phone wallpaper.

"You just step on him, and I take a photo." Which was followed by a comment.

"This girl is off the rails!"

"Don't worry dear Tetta-Kun I will put the photo behind a password so no one can get to it, besides myself." He wasn't too happy about the circumstances I created.

Later on, Hanma decided to pick up the topic of kissing, he was trying his best to convince me that he was better at it than Kisaki, so I quickly picked up a pen and paper and made a tier list.

"Listen if Tetta is on A-tier, you fall all the way to C-tier Shuji." He huffed his chest.

"You're just biased because you like him!" he insisted, but Kisaki was quick to debunk his theory.

"I bet you were just too rough, you're not good at observing people." Wait, was he about to give the giraffe some tips?

"She likes forehead kisses the most from what I have seen, if you began with that your score would have probably risen." Wait when and how did he reach this conclusion, I mean he was right because I treated forehead kisses as some kind of protection spell, but like what the hell?

'You love meter towards Tetta Kisaki rose 5 points~.' Venus appeared and her display screen was showing me a variety of different love emojis

"I had enough of you two! I'm going home." After retrieving my dress back and ran away from there.