
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Jesus Honda~

It was Wednesday, already 28th September, the day I planned to join Kisaki's little gang.

As soon as I woke up I was already trying to find a solution to the problem that manifested itself. Another issue that arrived in my head was concluding whether to tell my parents the truth right off the bat. I believed Kazutora needed a push from everyone in the right direction, so I knew if I properly explained his circumstances to our parents they would be understanding, but I couldn't deny the fact there was this tiny speck of fear of my parents starting to see Kazutora in a different light.

Although they were wonderful parents they were in fact still human and prone to make mistakes. I shook my head, causing Kazutora to wake up from his slumber. I just smiled in his direction and patted his head.

"Is it already time for school?" He asked as I nodded, I woke probably earlier than expected most likely from all the stress I was under.

But if Kisaki's ability was S class, if it worked like in games did it mean I had to find someone whose speaking ability was SS class? Where was I supposed to locate such a chad? There had to be someone like that in the therapist profession right? Since at times people took on jobs they were excelling at.

"Michi why are you so down?" My brother asked, maybe I should have told him beforehand to stay away from Kisaki, that all he ever does is tell unspeakable lies or whatever. But if I dated that guy, wouldn't Kazutora be against it?

"I just didn't sleep well..." I informed him, as we went for our usual breakfast. Of course, after our parents expressed their relief that they were happy he was safe, they gave him a stern lecture to at least inform them next time thru another person where he was. And if one phone battery wasn't enough he could get another one. I guess sometimes their ideas could be too overbearing.

When I arrived at school the whole day felt like it was stretching out endlessly, I had all the items I needed to pull this off. I bought insoles, to make myself look taller, and hair extensions. Even with a mask, I guess someone could mistake me for myself, so I needed to at least change some details in my appearance. Hanma would see my face only once so I needed to erase the possibility in his head that I could be Michi, by all means.

When I arrived at the gym the adults could see stress written all over my face.

"Are you okay?" I shook my head.

"Does it mean you want to postpone this session?" That was the first time Wakasa even suggested such a thing.

"Awww are you worried for me? I knew I was the apple of your eye." I gave him a hug, as he just stood there dumbfounded.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Or right I guess the meaning didn't translate to Japanese.

"Nevermind, let's do this." I changed my clothes and took this lesson very seriously.

"So how is it gonna be, do you want to continue the training for another month?" I wasn't too sure, what did I need more, training, or time for Valhalla activities? I was already busy as it was and I still needed to focus on the band activities.

"I need time to think this thru, I will let you know on the 1st of October." He seemed content with my answer.

When the training was over I changed my clothes, I made sure to wear something more oversized like a hoodie so no one could tell my gender in the first place. I didn't want to get too much attention from the guys, which could take happen if they knew I was a girl. After sliding some insoles into my sneakers and putting blonde hair extensions into my hair, to look cooler. I proceeded to put my hair into a ponytail.

"Yes with such a look no one will be any wiser." And so I took my bike to prove I had one. Once I was close enough I drank the potion, the taste was interesting, though I could modify my features however I wanted to. Hence I manifested facial parts that were hard to look at. Once I found the abounded arcade I walked in, not many members seemed to have gathered there. I guess it must have been due to the fact that the gang was new, and was lacking in members still. But hey they nonetheless had a whole month to gather more people.

"Oh a new face, are you here to join?~" Just hearing his voice sent shivers down my spine. He suddenly took out a cigarette and lighted it up.

"But what to do, your face is so ugly you would need a mask to cover it up." Was he trying to insult me? I guess they were operating on fear alone.

"Gotcha bro." I pulled out a demon mask and put it on my face, causing him to laugh.

"That was the first I have seen something like this." I just earnestly said.

"Gotta do what you gotta do. But since you asked me this yourself don't expect me to ever take it off for any occasion." Suddenly his arm was on my shoulder.

"You're interesting, have we met before?" I just shook my head and took away his arm from my shoulder.

"So do I pass or?" I was getting impatient.

"Just one question, what is your name?" Shit, I forgot to make up a new alias, but then I remembered my bike, yes but what about the first name? Hanma seemed to question why I was taking my time so I just blurted out.

"Jesus Honda." He seemed suspicious as if the name I made up was fake, so I just rolled with it.

"I'm half Mexican..." Yes wasn't it an actual name in Latino countries, because of the pressure I was questioning my judgment.

"Oh~ Why don't you say something in your other language then?" I messed up, I knew no Spanish at all. What could I tell him to make him believe in my language abilities?

"Actually I don't speak much of it." I made up an excuse but soon got a wonderful idea. Rather than spouting nonsense, there was one way I could see myself speaking Spanish. Also, there was no way someone could actually speak this language here right? My best move was to recite the lyrics of a Spanish song, but which one?

Only one came to mind.

"Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote, Tengo que bailar contigo hoy." It was so hard not to sing along, I felt the palm of my hands sweating, there was even sweat forming on my forehead.

"Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome, Muéstrame el camino que yo voy." I ended it at that because this guy seemed to be satisfied. I was scared someone would expose my ass, knowing the lyrics to Despasito, but I knew very well this song didn't exist yet in this timeline. But then this giraffe turned to another guy.

"So it's not gibberish right?" The guy in question just shook his head, and my eyes went wide open. Who would have thought that someone would know the language? His hair was black yet had pink streaks of hair throughout it, beside his black eyes the next thing I noticed was that he had painted nails. My LGBTQ radar tingled.

"Sup, I'm Jun Honda." Someone already had this last name, not that it mattered it was pretty popular. Jun put his arm on my shoulder and decided to give me a tour around the place, but once we were away from Hanma's hearing range he asked.

"So are you interested in that guy?" Is that what he concluded after hearing my Spanish lyrics?

"Is that why as a girl you decided to join this gang?" I was already exposed?

"Um..." I was at a loss of words, yet he laughed.

"Don't worry, I doubt anyone else caught on, considering how your face looks like." Oh, thank god.

"You don't plan to tell the others right?" He shook his head, but then admitted.

"Only if you give me your time for gossip." I glanced his way.

"Because you want to talk about which guys are sexy or something?" He was amazed that I caught on.

"I have a hunch we will get along just fine." Which made me wonder.

"Don't tell me you joined here just to have some guys to check out." Apparently, I figured him all out.

"Pretty much." I was ready to get him advice, but soon realized considering which country we lived in there were probably no safe spaces for him to openly admit his sexuality and seek out dates.

"Sure, I can be your gossip buddy." I never thought I would find such an interesting person by joining this gang, this boy was full of personality.

"Oh~ You two seem to get along pretty well, also I figured since you're wearing a demon mask, your alias can be Demon." Why was Hanma giving me nicknames? Was this his tactic to scare people?

That's when I spotted Kazutora walking in, he seemed really bewildered.

"Whose bike is in the front?" Was he already part of this gang? Really?

"Mine." I took off my mask to throw away any doubt in his mind I could be Michi. I knew he wouldn't agree with me joining Valhalla so I had to be sneaky. I showed him the keys, and he just nodded accepting the fact that another person bought the same bike as his sisters.

"Oh~ Now I'm curious." Hanma made me go outside so he could take a look at my motorcycle.

"Are you like loaded with money?" I just shook my head.

"It was a birthday gift from the whole family." Hopefully, he would buy it.

"You're in." So a nice bike was the winning token for me to be accepted?

"You don't plan to test my strength or something?" I was curious.

"I need someone to entertain me from time to time." Was his words.

"Oh right your number." I wasn't sure why he needed it, but I brought a new phone just for this cause.

"I will give you a jacket soon." He assured and left. Did it mean I could return back home? But then something else annoying popped up.

'Would you rather stay undiscovered by the whole of Valhalla except Kazutora Hibarayashi till the fight or stay undiscovered by Kazutora Hibarayashi, Tetta Kisaki, and Shuji Hanma?' Shit, this was tricky, I would take the first choice if it wasn't for Keisuke.

I was certain once he joined just a few hours would be enough to be busted by him, his intuition was top-notch. Also, the problem was he would never take a glimpse of my fake face, which would disperse his doubt about me. It was easier to fool Kazutora since his intelligence stat was affected by Kisaki's ability.

"I'm sorry brother." I took the second choice since this was another mission I could not refuse, I wouldn't have any choice but to join the Bloody Halloween fight. It was time to plan how to drag some people in this gang to my side.