
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

It Takes Two To Tango~

Today was the day I would finish the last piece of the Michi merch line, the past week I was collecting the items I needed, either by myself or thru mom. So now when I cut up all the fabric pieces all I needed to do was sew them together and fill them up with fluff.

"Shit I stabbed myself with the nail again." I was getting frustrated by this whole project, therefore I decided to walk away, take a break and ponder about who would be worthy to receive something I made with my own two hands.

"Which guy... wait who said I needed to give it to one of the guys, let's give it to the person that proclaimed themself to be my best friend." I whipped out my phone and decided to send a couple of pictures of the incoming progress, and once they were delivered I attached a message saying.

"Would you like to receive it once I'm finished sewing it?" I didn't think the response would be immediate. A call came thru, like five minutes later.

"What is that... a Michi plush?" Senju asked all excited as I confirmed it.

"Yep, made by yours truly."

"Do you plan to make only one?" I was already coming up with reasons why I would never try making another one.

"I mean besides all the build-up frustration it's quite fun since I'm developing new skills. But considering how little time I have to spare, I probably won't be making another one... unless someone actually pays me for my time." She was even more pleased than before.

"So you mean it's going to be one of a kind? Great, you inspired me to make my own, so we can treat them as exchange gifts." That was a marvelous idea.

"Sure if you proceed I can let you borrow my sewing machine. Maybe can even give you some advice once you get down with the process." Her excitement inspired me to keep going, and within the next half an hour the project was complete. Considering I already gave out the merch to more than 3 people, the points flowed in.

"Let's see those stats."

Intelligence: 60

Luck: 58

Endurance: 58

Agility: 57

Strength: 58

"This is great, I may be able to make it to the 70 mark before Bloody Halloween in this kind of speed. Considering I may also gain 5 points during the fight, simply for not getting exposed by anyone." It felt great to have this assurance. Sure I probably wouldn't be able to defeat someone like Hanma, but I could sweep the floor with the small flies.

Once I ate I decided it would be in my best interest to give Mitsuya a visit. If I wanted to have those clothes made for Izana and Kakucho I had to act fast. I gave him a call in advance, and he did mention he was looking after his two little sisters.

"But I'm pretty sure they will be happy with seeing you." Once my name was mentioned I heard my name being chanted.

Once I arrived and walked thru the door I heard my name being shouted once more.

"Michi, Michi!" I was delighted by the fact they were so happy to see me.

"So Michi we have been speculating... you must like Hakkai... so have you caught his attention? Are you two dating right now?" Mitsuya looked mortified as if it was the first time he heard those speculations coming out of his sister's mouth.

"I'm not too sure where you two got this idea from... we are just mere friends. Friends, meaning I like to annoy him by trying to steal Takashi's attention since he likes to gatekeep it to himself." Unexpectedly as soon as I finished my sentence we heard a loud bang on the door.

"Wow it feels like a scene from a horror movie... who could it be?" I mentioned as Mitsuya walked over and looked thru the keyhole, and then proceeded to open the door. Hakkai leaped into his arms, it felt like I was watching lovers that had been separated for years finally reconnecting with each other.

"Taka-chan you shouldn't hang around her, she is dangerous." I felt my eyes roll, what kind of behavior was this, like hello I thought we were friends? Why was he only iffy like this when I was around Mitsuya?

"Ah! Hakkai! You're worried because you want her all to yourself!" Luna expressed her thought, and I had to disagree.

"It's the opposite Luna-chan, he sees me as a mortal enemy that is here to steal all of Takashi's attention for myself." She soon asked to shed light on the situation.

"Are you here to do just that?" I thought about it.

"Kind of, more like I want to put him to work... I'm here as an employer." After this I turned to Hakkai, and took his hand in mine, his reaction was strange, probably just a side effect caused by his shyness.

"It's okay Hakkai, you can be gay if you want... we will always be friends despite your sexuality... but I wouldn't go out and tell it to your religious brother." He just stood there gaping like a fish, but he didn't deny anything. I averted my attention to Mitsuya, and we sat down as he heard out my commission request.

"So let me get this straight... you want to buy clothes for your..." He stopped so I filled in the blanks myself.

"Concubines." He gripped his head.

"What is that supposed to mean Michi?" He asked, was he worried that my jokes could have been taken too far?

"Oh don't worry about it Taka-chan it's just a joke between me and my few questionable friends." I couldn't tell subsequently what this guy was thinking, but the system sure wanted to make this situation worse.

'Would you rather proclaim your love for Hakkai Shiba's older brother or explain to Takashi Mitsuya the concubine joke?' I took a deep breath and vaguely expressed.

"Some annoying guy suggested running a harem trial or whatever... so I gave them the titles of concubines, end of the story. So don't worry about it, it's nothing serious it's not like those guys would willingly be part of something so crazy." They wouldn't right? Considering their brains could be fried by the system, suddenly I wasn't so convinced by my own words.

"That didn't happen to be Baji right?" I shook my head and laughed.

"No way, that guy would probably just drop dead from jealously." Or try to fight everyone until he was the sole victor, wait why did it suddenly sound like a decent manhwa plot?

"Who would even suggest such a thing?" Mitsuya asked as he took a sip of water.

'Would you rather tell the truth or invite Hanma Shuji to your harem?' I cleared my throat, since wasn't this guy looking up to the Haitani hoes?

"Ran...Haitani Ran." Mitsuya spat the water he was drinking.

"Say what?"

"Oh, so you know his name," I spoke like I was clearly uninterested or possibly unaware of his fame.

"I'm at lack of words, how do you even know him?" So I had to start the story from the beginning.

"Did you make it all up?" I shook my head denying the fact.

"I get it I would also question my own sanity if I didn't experience this myself."

"Suddenly I'm worried for your safety." Oh, he was so nice. Makes your heart melt from the kindness.

"Don't be, I'm getting stronger each day... you haven't seen my final form yet." Then I decided to throw in a joke, that probably would become reality if I was persistent enough.

"Between you and me, I think I will be able to take on Mikey in a couple of months." He didn't seem to take it seriously, but sure he did smile, which was enough for me.

So in the end he accepted the work I gave him, and we agreed to meet up next week so he could show off the designs he had in mind and take measurements. I also showed him my concubines' photos so he could get a vague understanding of what could essentially fit their vibe.

After our conversation, I spent some time with his siblings, before I headed out to the city to spend my time by myself.

"Maybe I should get a cup of cappuccino." I nodded my head and walked inside the next coffee shop I saw. I was about to reach for my money in my purse before someone purchased it in my stead.

"Thanks..." I wasn't expecting to meet South again, I thought it would be just a one-time type of meeting. It ended up that we somehow sat together and before he could voice the reason he wanted to talk with me, the system swooped in.

'Would you rather accept South Terano's invitation or start a couple fight?' It was safer to accept whatever was incoming than start a full-on fight with this bulky guy.

"Let's do it again." I thought he would elaborate, but no this guy thought I could read his mind.

"Come again?"

"Let's be each other's partners again... this time we should dance Tango instead." Was dancing one of his passions?

"But why me?" Could I take it as he was asking around to find my whereabouts?

"You seem quite passionate about dancing, and aren't afraid to speak your mind even around me, what more could I ask for?" So he didn't want someone that would cover in fear, but just enjoyed the experience with him?

"I mean we could try... I just never tried dancing tango before." Did it mean his passion for music developed into a passion for dancing as well? Suddenly I imagined his fighting style developing into some kind of dance on the battlefield. Could this guy become graceful?

After I drank my beverage we left, this time it seemed to be one on one lesson.

"Just don't try to seduce me with your bulky chest like last time, or you will have to bear the consequences." He right out laughed, but I stood my ground.

So we began learning the basic steps and suddenly a thought entered my mind.

"Would you like to hold a rose in your mouth for the aesthetics?" Who would have thought he would actually whip out one, but rather than putting it into his own mouth he handed it over to me.

"Ah, you want to stack up my charming points... I see." He was shocked that I put it into my mouth and asked thru my teeth.

"Do you feel yourself being seduced?" Thankfully he could tell it was a joke, so we kept on dancing from that point on.

"What are those dramatic poses?" He asked, did he not appreciate my dramatics?

"Gotta immerse myself into the lover role you see." Once we finished, I let him know.

"Thanks for the dance, it was great. Ten out of ten would do again, because of your height and strength sometimes it feels like I'm on a rollercoaster." He was surprised I guess he didn't notice that sometimes I was hanging in the air rather than dancing. Yet he must have taken it as some kind of invitation, because when the teacher left. He asked me to take his hand, which I did wonder where this could lead, and he basically spun me around like crazy.

After he was done I was gripping him for dear life, because my whole head was spinning.

"Was this really necessary?" He just chuckled while voicing a definite.
