
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

It's A Prank, Bro~

On Monday I was going by my usual routine, beside the fact that I had to listen to some snarky comments about my mental state from my brother, I entertained the idea of starting a fight so our parents had to witness us having a full-on battle under the table.

Later when I was on my way to school tho, I noticed that the system wanted to add some spice to my already eventful life, which wasn't flirting or playing an otome game.

'Would you rather start a fight with another gang or play an elaborate prank that will make your victim believe someone else to be the culprit before you reveal yourself in a grand opening?' I would have gotten a whole 3 points and a health potion at that, haven't gotten one in a while.

And that ladies and gentlemen was the most specific mission I have received so far, and despite glancing at it only once, I received heavenly insight.

"Yes, that idea is marvelous! And I know the perfect person who will become my subject of endless torment!" I laughed evilly having my arms stretched up in the sky. I caught some strange looks from the passerby but hardly cared that they viewed me as an oddball.

It was only after I spotted Kisaki trying to walk past me like he didn't recognize me that I took offense on the matter.

"Should you really be ignoring your girlfriend like this?" I asked, after taking a hold of his shoulder, as he was covering his face with a book. I wasn't too sure why he thought it would work, maybe if he had black hair and a different hairstyle, perhaps it would have worked, yet with his distinctive look, there was no way.

"And I thought you were just a strange hallucination, that will torment my soul if I make possible eye contact." What was this sarcastic tone I was hearing? I decided to fire one back.

"Are you suddenly living in a horror manga? I must be such a bad girlfriend for not noticing... it could be schizophrenia... maybe you should have it checked up." We stared at each other in silence for a while, until I spoke up.

"Are are suddenly feeling embarrassed about my eccentric behavior?" He sighed.

"Don't be ridiculous, I know you're capable of more outrageous things." He totally didn't phrase it right, so I squinted my eyes and showed off a hand movement while declaring.

"I have my eyes on you, pretty boy." He stopped and took my hands in his while admitting.

"No one ever called me that, can you say it again." The way his eyes sparkled made me think he was cute indeed, so I outstretched my hand while adding.

"Let's go to class together, pretty boy." I wondered what his reaction would be if I called him handsome next time.

Then during the school break, I decided to give Jun a call. I needed someone to help me with the magnific plan that I had envisioned previously, and Senju couldn't make it since she had plans with Chifuyu.

"You and me, becoming partners in crime, what do you say?" I proposed a collaboration. But right off the bat, he gave me an irritated sigh.

"So now you decide to speak with me? Aren't you still in your honeymoon phase with your boyfriend, why don't you ask him?" I looked at my phone in disbelief before I decided to continue this strange conversation.

"Oh sorry, didn't know I had two boyfriends to take care of..." There was a long pause before he mentioned.

"My best friend was robbed away from me, that's why I'm salty." Sure we called each other bestie, but I never thought he would agonize over this on such a deep level.

"Sure... how about my melodramatic diva decides on making a future appointment? Does Tuesday sounds right for you?"

"I'm busy tomorrow... how about Wednesday?" I guess that worked as well.

"So who are we killing, and with what weapon?" Was he serious or joking I couldn't tell?

"No one... we are just going to prank a sleeping dragon."

"Dragon, who?" I guess he didn't get the reference.

"Draken... hello? Our vice-captain." Realization must have hit him.

"Right the tattoo I get it... but why him? You guys have some beef going on or what?" I shook my head.

"Not really, but he does think I'm annoying, hence it's really fun getting on his nerves. He believes I bring chaos everywhere I go... and maybe he already sees himself as an overworked mom with an endless amount of kids to take care of... Or the guy is still salty to this day, that I tricked him into asking Emma out, by making him perceive me as a threat to his love life." I shrugged, I never asked him which was the case.

Jun agreed, so I asked him to come to my house after school, so we could prepare everything.

A couple of hours later we met up on my porch.

"I got everything I need."

"Stickers?" Jun asked as I nodded my head.

"That's not really a prank worth mention." That's where he was wrong.

"The real treat comes after," I assured him it would be funny.

After I changed, I grabbed some stuff as well as Cupid.

"You are now a performer, a star, so be nice and follow my instructions." Cupid agreed but only if he received some expensive snacks at the luxurious pet store.

"Spoiled little thing," I muttered under my nose but the orange cat was just nodding his head like it was a compliment, whereas then warned me that it could be worse, like him asking for Wangyu beef.

"How do you even? You know what never mind." So I tracked down my target, apparently today he was spending time with Mikey and Emma at the dojo. His motorcycle was in the front so when no one was looking I put some Taiyaki stickers on this bad boy.

We waited for his arrival, by drinking hot chocolate, playing cards, and telling each other stories. But once he came out later during the day and saw my decoration skills, the first thing he yelled was.

"MIKEY!" At top of his lungs, I bet the whole neighborhood could hear his outrage. The guy in question came running, wondering what was making his friend so enraged, then in a confused tone he conveyed.

"But I didn't do it."

"Who else would own Taiyaki stickers?" And that's when I asked Jun to push me onto the rolling chair, me facing away from the two. Once we arrived I slowly spun around, sitting there in my suit, hair slicked back, fake cigar in my mouth, Cupid sitting on my lap, and my two hands loaded with golden rings that future Ran gifted me.

"Well well well, if it isn't my nemesis." I tried to sound like I had a Russian accent, but it's not like I really knew how it sounded in the Japanese language, so I improvised as much as I could.

Mikey just busted out laughing, while asking.

"Michi what are you wearing?!" I just shot him a glare in character, that only amplified the reaction and now the teenager was rolling on the ground losing it.

Yet Draken had another response, he grabbed his phone and gave someone a call.

"What are you doing?" I lost the character, being utterly perplexed.

"I will ask for your boyfriend to show up and take your clown ass away." I decided to let him try, there was no way he would actually pick up a call from Draken if it wasn't Toman related right?

"Can you drop by Mikey's house and save me from your girlfriend, you know what they say bros before hoes." I was flabbergasted at this point, what the hell was going on? There were friends? For real? No weird strings attached?

"No there is no way he will show up, right?" I turned to Jun, but he shrugged his shoulders.

"Also you gotta see this," Draken said while checking me up and down.

"He will come?" I asked while this bean pole nodded his head, shooting me a smirk.

"Now I need to stay and find it out myself." In the meantime, I was dragged inside by Mikey, the rolling chair forgotten at Sano's family entrance.

"Emma you have to see this!" Mikey gleefully yelled causing his sister to emerge.

"Wow, you look like a true mafia boss with that scar on your cheek... lemme take some photos, did you put on some make-up to add to the ominous look?" I nodded my head and pointed at Jun.

"He helped me out." She asked for a whole photo shoot, to which I agreed while expressing.

"So you can have scary dog privileges, I get it." She didn't really get the joke, but Jun somehow was on the same wavelength as me. Once Emma was done and Draken joined us after he peeled off all the stickers, the siblings' grandpa appeared.

"Who is this?" He asked taken aback by my appearance, so I did something I called a pro gamer move. I dragged Emma onto my lap while proclaiming.

"I came to take your granddaughter." I was quickly bonked on my head by her boyfriend.

"No, you aren't."

"Why would you hit me, I was only joking." I pulled out the pitiful card onto the deck, creating a trap. Mikey nodded supporting me.

"You're a hypocrite Ken-chin, you advocate against hitting women the most, but here we are." I felt like a parent that was weaponizing their child against the other parental figure. But this verbal fight was quickly forgotten when Kisaki showed up.

"Wait... are you real or a hallucination that will haunt my soul once I make eye contact?"

"Very clever on using my words against me... but what are you even wearing?"

"A suit..." Was my short answer as my hubby rolled his eyes at me.

"I can see that... I'm asking about the weird combination."

"I wanted to look like a mafia boss... to take Draken off guard..." Then I popped the fake cigar back in my mouth, took a seat expressing cockiness yet sat there relaxed while petting my cat.

"But I found out my boyfriend is friends with my nemesis, what kind of defense do you have for yourself, my dear?"

"He's our number one supporter, you should give him some slack." I started to cough not believing what I was hearing.

"I bet it's for all the wrong reasons." Draken didn't deny it.

"So cruel," I whispered and hugged Emma, she returned the gesture so I poked out my head and stuck out my tongue towards the bean pole.

Later when I was dragging the chair home, walking with both Kisaki and Jun, I decided to ask my boyfriend.

"So why did you come when he called? You really believe I have nothing else to do than terrorize him?" Actually, my plan original plan was to hang out with Jun and maybe drive by a drive-thru on the chair if we could find any by any chance.

"When he said there was something I needed to see, it piqued my interest." He glanced at my outfit and I smirked a joke already forming in my chaotic brain.

"What you want me to tie you up, while I'm dressed like this?" He ran away so fast, I couldn't even properly express it was just a prank.

"Men, I am right?" Jun nodded for reasons unbeknownst to me.