
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

I am Stuck In A Bad Boy Sappy Romance?

We just stared at each other in total silence, the only thing I could hear was the purring from the cat that was snuggling into my arms. Was this cat's favorite pass-time playing the cupid by any chance?

"Baji, I'm here, the door was..." before the newly found guest could finish his sentence, they noticed our little romantic encounter.

"Am I interrupting something? Do you guys want me to leave?" Keisuke swiftly put me back on my feet, after hearing Chifuyu's sassy tone. Then I heard him cough.

"No, no come in...we were just... I mean I caught her when she fell that's all." why was he stumbling on his words? Was he somehow embarrassed? Well, I hardly felt the need to be embarrassed about something so trivial, thanks to this orange cat I completed my mission so I just gave it the pats and belly rubs it deserved.

"It seems to like you a lot." Keisuke probably tried to change the topic, but it didn't work since I decided to ask about Chifuyu's name, since technically I didn't know it yet.

"Yea, seems like it... but who's your friend Keisuke, are you planning to introduce us?" I could see Chifuyu's smirk widen.

"You guys are already calling each other by first names?" I just answered it rather bluntly.

"Yeah, it turned out this way." He must have been shocked since he didn't receive the reaction he was anticipating. None of them said anything after, were they questioning why I wasn't bothered by it? Well, I guess it was up to me to have this conversation going.

"If you are not planning to introduce yourself, I will go first. My name is Michi Hirabayashi, nice to meet you." Chifuyu's expression told me, he must have remembered something.

"Oh like that famous lawyer?" I still wasn't sure whether I was ready to call him my dad in my head. But was he some sort of celebrity?

"You mean Masato Hirabayashi?" I asked as he nodded his head.

"Oh that's my dad," I said like it was no big deal. A father was a father no matter what kind of job they had right?

"Baji-san..." Chifuyu asked Keisuke to come over as he whispered something into his ear. I would be lying if I said I didn't find it somehow rude. My anxiety didn't like that, because it was already suggesting some nasty scenarios for my brain. I sighed when I heard Keisuke laugh and then say something along the lines.

"I don't think you need to worry about that." how could I get it over with? Abruptly I didn't want to spend any minute longer in this house.

"Yo, blondie, shouldn't you introduce yourself first before taking a gossip break, talk about rude." I pouted.

"I'm sorry." he smiled sheepishly. "I'm Chifuyu Matsuno." so what now? I got it.

"You can just call me Michi... what should I call you then?" Chifuyu seemed to be deep in his thoughts, taking his time to respond.

"I can call you blondie." he probably didn't expect this, since shock was written all over his face. I heard Keisuke laugh tho, so I decided to give him more examples to choose from.

"Senpai?... Bro...Chifufu, Matsuno-Kun." I totally thought he would choose the last one, but since he stood there like a mortified statue I decided to keep it going.

"Maybe Moi Sunshine, cause of your blonde hair... cinnamon roll? Cinnamon bun?" he must have realized I would have kept it coming if he didn't answer.

"Just call me by name as well!" that decision seemed to be made in some haste.

"Okay~" I giggled and even gave him an okay sign.

"I told you, that you both would get along just fine." I wasn't sure Chifuyu thought the same, but I just shrugged my shoulders.

Chifuyu finally sat down and we let him proofread our letters.

"I guess Michi helped you write this." Keisuke just nodded.

"Japanese isn't my best subject, that's why we have you proofread it." Chifuyu just nodded, he probably thought I was better at spelling than Keisuke, but he was wrong. I had the system to help me, in reality, I didn't know Japanese. I guess I had to dedicate some of my time to actually learning Japanese so I didn't have to rely on the system.

Once Chifuyu was done correcting our letters, a system window popped up telling me how I earned both an intelligence point and luck point, with some bruise ointment. I was about to make a run for it but missed my cue because Keisuke stood up while yelling.

"Yes!" was he so joyful since he finished writing this letter? I saw some of the cats running outside thru the window.

But here it came, the horror when another would you rather mission came up.

'Would you rather, say yes to Keisuke's Baji proposal, or insult Chifuyu Masato on his bad fashion?' how could I insult someone on their bad fashion when all they had on was just a simple school uniform? This was torture, I wasn't sure what Keisuke would suggest but I had to accept the first mission.

"How about going for a ride together?" Why was he looking at me? Maybe I could fool him into only taking Chifuyu for this so-called ride.

"I guess he's asking you Chifuyu, I will be going." I put the orange cat on the bed and was about to stand up, but suddenly I heard the table being slammed right beside me. I cautiously looked up and saw Keisuke hovering over me.

"Actually I was directing this question at you." I blinked at him while putting my hand on my chest.

"Ok, but you don't have to scare the shit out of me." he looked kind of apologetic.

"So what kind of ride?" I asked as I stood up, and saw him backing away.

"On my motorcycle." Did I really have to? I was about to cry, though I already accepted this stupid mission. It was a fact that I was scared of motorcycles, not only because I had never ridden one in my entire life, but also because since I was little my parents kept telling me how many accidents happened because of them.

"I'm not sure I have the gateup for such activities." I purposely glanced at my skirt to make him change his mind and settle for another, less scary venture.

"I got it." He took one of his jackets from his closet and tied it around my waist.

"I guess that will do." Even before arriving outside, I felt myself becoming a nervous wreck. Why did it have to end up like this, who was writing this sappy bad boy romance? I could swear this system was rigged.

Once outside I saw Keisuke mounting his bike as he patted on the seat behind him, then he put his hair in a ponytail probably realizing it would slap my face otherwise. I took some deep heavy breaths before sitting down, of course, I wrapped my hands around Keisuke the moment I did.

Then I saw this cheeky Chifuyu sending thumb ups to his friend.

"Relax, it's not as scary as you think." Well, I wouldn't be in such a mess if someone at least offered me a helmet, but I didn't say anything. I truly wanted to chew him out, since he could tell I was scared but decided to proceed anyway?

The motorcycle started and our journey began, at first, I had my eyes closed, but with time I got used to the feeling of wind in my hair and peeked out. I guess they were taking the roads that weren't packed with people at this time of the day, I realized the sun was already setting down, making the sky truly beautiful. However this thought made my eyebrows also furrow in annoyance, it felt like someone was deliberately trying to make me feel something, I strongly refused. I don't know what kind of traffic miracle happened next since the road before us became entirely empty. No cars, just random pedestrians and green light. I had a bad feeling. As right on cue, I could feel we were speeding up, I yelped in surprise and held onto Keisuke even tighter than before. Whatever bad boy motorcycle romantic scenario he tried to pull, I would have none of this bullshit.

"Please slow down," I told him, but he must have ignored my request. Getting tired of having to deal with this, I leaned in closer to his head.

"If you don't slow down, I will pull your shirt up and make your chest have a taste of my cold hands." Even as Michi I had a cold hand syndrome. My threats seemed to work because he slowed down, while there was also a surprise of a window popping up.

'Baji Keisuke's Love Interest rose by 1 point.' I looked at it in horror. I found it funny when it was Kisaki because he was supposed to be a big simp for Hinata and well obviously I didn't really like him that much, but this was a different story.

No no no, I simply didn't want to know. Knowing about friendship points was cool because you could tell who had mutual feelings for you, and you could simply tell who to trust. Romance interest points felt like a breach of privacy because I could foresee myself destroying relationships, because of how awkward I would behave if I was aware of the romantic feelings they would bear towards me.

'Is there a way to block seeing the romance feature?' I asked the system in my head, maybe I could at least allow myself to see if any anonymous people had a crush on me and at which level, since I don't think my curiosity could pass on such juicy information. Not that I even believed someone would, but.

Another window popped up.

'Certain Romance Interest Features have been blocked per your request, once you change your mind you can change back to the default setting' oh thank god that was an option.

The longer time we drove the more relaxed I felt, but once the ride was finished. I could feel my feet becoming like jellies, it was time to run away, there was no way I would stay here under such conditions. As soon as we walked back inside I took off the jacket Keisuke gave me and lay it on his bed, I noticed the orange cat was nowhere to be seen. Later I grabbed my school bag and remarked.

"Sorry I think I need to go home now, thanks for having me over tho."

"It's not even that late yet," Chifuyu said, even if it was pitch black outside. I guess they usually stayed up later than this, but I just wanted to get back to my sweet home, eat my new moms cooking and wrap myself in a blanket wondering how I could convince everyone to leave me alone, so I can embrace my new life chapter of life as a neet.

"Wait let's exchange numbers." Keisuke stopped me, I looked inside my bag and realized I didn't have my phone with me.

"Sorry I must have forgotten my cellphone at home." He just grabbed a pen and wrote his number on my palm?

"There you go." I just nodded.

"Thanks." Was the only word I could muster to say while staring at it for a moment not believing what just happened.

"Do you want me to drive you back home?" Keisuke asked. No way that was going to happen, I wouldn't risk exposing my address to him. We only met yesterday and he was already so daring around me. I could already picture him coming to my window in the middle of the night asking me to join him for a ride.

"No thanks, I need to pick something on the way... so I rather take the subway." I lied and made a quick escape. I saw him staring at me from his window, so I just waved him goodbye but ran to the nearest subway station in fear he would pop up right behind me. My introvert ass had simply enough for today.