
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Hot Springs~

The next day I finally realized the new feature that came with hitting the 40-stat mark, apparently, I could see when someone was affected negatively by another person's ability. Which was why I couldn't find it as easily.

During the first break in school out of boredom I was eavesdropping on the girls' conversation that was sitting in front of me, they were planning to go to hot springs as a group, to keep each other company. Which made me realize, that despite living here for a couple of months I still haven't gone to one myself.

"There is actually a new establishment nearby, heard not many people venture there, so maybe we could have the whole place for ourselves." But the other girl shook her head.

"There is a reason for that, besides its bad advertisement, they only have mixed baths." I nodded my head, who would want to by chance get across some middle-aged man?

But then imagining the whole place with showers and hot baths all for yourself sounded tempting. It felt like a shower stage performance.

At lunch break, Mr.Nomura asked me and Kisaki to follow him.

"Your club is now official, you even will be given one of the club rooms, for your meetings." I was given the key to the classroom as I was named the president of it.

"This place will need some cleaning." Kisaki just clicked his tongue while declaring.

"Don't think you will put me to work." Not like I wanted to ask him for his help, I also highly doubted mentioning Hinata would help me in this case. But he did look around, probably because he was wondering if this small room was for his benefit of any kind. The most strange thing was him opening the window and taking a look outside, almost as if was calculating if someone could get thru it. My tingling senses were telling me he wanted to bring Hanma over.

But because this obviously wasn't used for a while and had some books even scattered on the floor, Kisaki tripped when he was walking towards where I was standing. We both fell as I couldn't prepare myself in time.

"Was my beauty so dazzling it made you lose your balance?" For the extra damage, I put my arms around him for a hug.

"Scram." Was his only comeback and he picked himself up and left. Since today I had training with Wakasa, I decided to leave all the cleaning for tomorrow.

I walked into the gym but could tell Wakasa wasn't over whatever took place on Sunday.

"Waka, are you okay?" it felt like he still was feeling quite a lot of guilt from that day.

"Listen my parents probably explained it to you, but whatever happened that day was in no shape or form your fault in the slightest. In retrospect, I should have warned you about it." Because he was in such a foul mood I started to feel bad as well.

"How about you let me take care of this session Wakasa?" Benkei suggested and that's what we settled for today.

"Is there something I can do to make him feel better?" I asked Benkei, I don't think my usual jokes would be of any help.

"I think he needs some time for himself." I decided to trust the dude since they were friends for a while he probably knew what he was talking about, but maybe I could take him out for dinner or something since food did bring people closer.

Once the training was over I just left, thinking that I could easily take a shower at home however, then a strange mission popped up.

'Would you rather take a bath in mixed hot springs or kiss Hanma Shuji?' Hold up, was he somewhere in the vicinity? That's why the mission came up? Not like I wanted to come across him, not in this setting. I wasn't sure how he would react if Kisaki wasn't here to stop his ass.

I mean this guy was suggesting something last time around, but I'm pretty sure if he used his height to his advantage and didn't act like a creep he would be able to pull a girl he wanted, which wasn't me. Personally, I found smoking a big turn-off. No matter how hot they were, if they smelled like cigarettes suddenly they were in the negatives on the attractiveness spectrum.

But kissing him was a no-go, I already learned my lesson. Then again maybe Hanma would consent to it, but I shortly realized kissing him would be like kissing tobacco. I made myself feel ill just contemplating this whole ordeal.

"Didn't those girls talk about this one establishment, let's go there." I could always cover the most important part with a towel, and if some whacko stared too much I could just threaten him.

Hot springs it was, so I asked my GPS to lead the way. Considering that there was a time counter for the mission, I was getting 3 stats just to complete it. Apparently, it wanted to spend one and a half hour in there, there must have been a catch there somewhere, but my strategy was to just deal with it when the trouble actually came.

As the classmates mentioned it was in a more secluded area, which was hard to find, and the advertising for this place was also quite poor. When I walked inside I was only greeted by one staff member that must have been the sole owner.

"Is anyone else inside at the moment?" I asked as she shook her head.

"You're the first customer." Since it was empty I didn't even hesitate.

"I will stay for more than 1 hour if you don't mind." She assured me I could stay however much I needed to, as long I paid.

I changed my clothes, and thankfully a long white towel was provided which I could use to fully cover myself, just like I had once seen Komi do, in the Komi can't communicate anime.

"Phew, there is really no one here." I had no clue how I was supposed to kill that much time at first. But once I showered, I took one of the shower heads in my hand and said.

"I don't sing, I perform." I started to sing all the songs that came to mind, of course, there were some lyrics or parts of songs I have already forgotten. But it felt so refreshing dancing around without any worry in the world.

"I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone, I crashed my car into the bridge, I watched, I let it burn~" But I stopped mid-song, realizing that already one hour passed, by me just jumping around and dancing while having fun singing.

"I guess I should just walk into the hot water." I glanced at the bath tubes, theoretically, there were two of them, separated by a wall in the middle, not that it gave much coverage if you wanted to separate the genders. I just shrugged and carefully dipped my toes in the water. I placed my towel on the podium right next to me, in case someone arrived. I wasn't ready to bathe with anyone naked, but hey it could work with a towel.

I sat there relaxing until I heard someone come into the changing room.

"Guys! I think someone else is inside here, one of the baskets has clothes in it." Wait weren't those voices familiar?

"Mikey! Don't go thru someone else clothes that's rude!" Wait, was that Draken? I quickly covered my body with the white towel that was accompanying me.

"Come on~" To which Takemichi responded.

"You know you can just walk in and see who it is later." Mikey refrained himself from doing it, they seemed to have changed fast. I didn't want to expose myself yet, I wanted to get them spooked.

Once they were going out I could hear Draken say.

"Hopefully it's not a girl." To which I responded.

"I'm about to ruin your whole day, Draken!" He freaking screamed upon seeing it was me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, now trying to cover his body with his hands.

"Just taking a bath like anyone else, got a problem boi?" I looked at Takemichi who was basically a blushing mess.

"Who's idea was to go to a mixed bath?" He asked but his question got ignored.

"Michi! My favorite pillow!" Mikey seemed delighted to see me.

"How about you go, that's gonna spare us some trouble." Draken insisted, but Mikey disagreed.

"I haven't seen her in so long, tho." I wasn't even sure what was going on in this teenager's mind, but it was my win if we could communicate normally in a bathing setting.

"Can you at least look away when we are showering?" Draken requested, whose wish I fulfilled.

"But how come you are so chill having us around in this environment?" Takemichi asked, I guess he wanted to know my thought progress.

"I have two dudes whipped for their girls, and Mikey is Mikey. Total bro trust." There was silence.

"So what do you see Mikey as even?" Draken was curious, I guess since everyone else seemed to be frightened of the guy, my thought came out before I could stop them.

"Baby!" As soon as Draken heard it he was wheezing.

"She thinks nothing of you but a baby!" I didn't think this would end up in a fight, Takemichi at this point looked adjusted to this dynamic, were they fighting in hot springs a lot?

Mikey then joined my bath and leaped onto me while screaming.

"Mom, Ken-chin is bullying me!" I adjusted my voice hugged Mikey and with a stern voice said.

"Young man stop bullying my son!"

"Yes, Ken-chin listen to mama Michi." Mikey looked so smug since Draken didn't dare to come closer, probably because he was worried I would share this story with Emma. That's when we heard two other people joining in.

"Mikey, Sanzu tagged along!" I heard Keisuke's voice.

"That may have been a bad idea, Michi is here!" Great, he would once more say I tagged along because I knew Mikey was coming wouldn't he?

"Stop pulling my leg, there is no way Michi would come here if you asked her t-" Keisuke's eyes went wide when he walked over and saw Mikey clinging to me.

"She was here before us, you dumbass." I put some hair behind my ear, and then a sudden impulse caused me to say.

"Ara ara~" Keisuke's head must have overheated because he fell to the floor.

"Is he okay?" Takemichi asked as he poked him with his finger, Draken couldn't do anything but laugh, that's when Sanzu arrived. He was staring daggers at me because Mikey didn't want to leave my side, I had no clue why he was so clingy.

"If you keep staring so intensely I may take it as you're interested in me..." It was okay I could survive the 10 minutes that were left, but maybe I needed to check on Keisuke.

"Mikey, don't you see it, she came in here before us to seduce you!" Sanzu was still relying on his delusional theories.

"Excuse me, but before they came I was already sitting here for more than an hour, so save yourself the embarrassment and stop talking, just take a dip and I will be gone in 10 minutes, geez." He didn't want to budge.

"Just go take the damn shower and stop bothering Michi!" Mikey demanded.

"Also stop fawning over Mikey I won't let my son ever date someone so toxic." It was my turn to accuse him of trying to seduce Mikey.

"You think you can seduce him with your pretty face? Well, think again!" That's when a mission popped up.

'Would you rather try to wash Haruchiyo Akashi's hair or Keisuke's Baji?' I stood up and walked closer to Sanzu, who in turn started to back away.

"Stay away." Was he flustered now all of sudden? I put one finger under his chin while stating.

"If you keep bothering me, I may start annoying you instead, so act wisely." I then walked to Keisuke that was still on the floor and slapped his face gently.

"Yo! Wake up!" Keisuke was all red in the face.

"Lemme wash your hair." I just dragged him over not even caring for his answer.

"Why are you here?" he asked still embarrassed, but took a seat beside the shower nonetheless.

"For a bath." I was messaging his scalp until I leaned in.

"Were you hoping I came here to surprise you?" I guess he had enough of my teasing.

"If you keep this up, I someday may return the teasing tenfold."

"Ok, ok, I will tone it down." I finished washing his hair and once it was done, finally the timer went off.

"Freedom!" I yelled and ran away.

"Sometimes she has the most bizarre quirks." I heard Draken say, thankfully that was over, just a few more moments in there and I could see my face becoming red as a tomato.