
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Hangout with Souya~

On Sunday not much took place, besides getting the job at the cafe which I still couldn't believe actually happened. The manager declared that I held a lot of potential and I wasn't sure whatever it was the systems doing, or did I actually had some kind of charm that made them consider taking me in even after I told them my actual age. I spent like an hour briefing the contract, even if I wasn't there for the money's sake since I was getting a lot of pocket money, considering my parents wanted me to experience everything I could. I still wouldn't let them exploit my ass this easily. But everything seemed decent.

The rest of the day was spent finishing my cosplay, it ended up with a few mishaps, but thanks to Mitsuya's tips I managed to sew the dress, all there was left to do, was making the accessories.

"Great!" I sent a picture of it to Mitsuya who was fascinated by my working speed. Sadly there were no missions present, but maybe on the outing with Souya, something was probably pop up.

On Monday after school, I quickly returned home, ate a decent meal and changed my clothes, and rushed to the meeting place. When I arrived Souya was already at the spot, waiting for my arrival. He was dressed casually.

"Were you here long?" he looked really nervous making me wonder if he had been sitting here for a while overthinking stuff, but he shook his head in denial.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked as he whipped out movie tickets, I took a closer look at the name of the show, but as one would expect the title didn't ring any bells in my head.

"What's the movie about?" he just softly smiled while saying.

"You will see." So we started to head to the movie theater he chose to his liking. We were walking side by side, I guess his nervousness must have taken over his ability to converse normally since all he did was ask the most mundane questions.

"What's your favorite color?" I just bluntly answered.

"Mint green." because this conversation was so dry, I decided to pick up a topic on my own.

"So how come your brother is not with us?" he looked at me confused.

"I mean we just hanging out as friends right?" I just wanted to make sure, but he just hung his head and said a soft.

"Yea." We reached the movie theater and I looked up all the banners that they had.

Nothing seemed familiar to me, so I still wasn't sure what we were going up against. I didn't feel like eating so we didn't purchase any food or drinks. Which probably was good, since we could purchase something yummier after the movie was done.

So we showed our tickets and walked into the salon.

"Here's our seats." I pointed out as we took our spots. There were some advertisements, but as soon as the movie started I could tell it was a horror film we were seeing.

"As long there aren't any decapitating scenes it is ok." I tried to assure myself. Horror movies could either be so disgusting it made my tummy flip upside down, who would want to feel sick to the stomach after a movie? Or they had so many plot holes I couldn't do anything but laugh at their sheer stupidity. The only scary thing was the loud sounds, but rather than scared you just felt annoyed as hell.

Wait who told this cute bean to go see a horror movie? Wasn't this a usual tactic for a date, in hopes the girl you like clings to you? I glanced at him wondering if I could get any answers from his sole expression. He must have felt my stare because he turned around.

Nah, maybe he just enjoyed watching horror movies you never know how the person is outside the plot of the manga, I looked back at the screen.

But then a jump scare arrived, I just jumped up from the sound but clenched my fits ready to fight the director, but then I heard someone screaming beside me? I glanced at Souya and the boy looked terrified. He was peeking from behind his palms onto the screen. I guess another scary scene popped up when I was distracted because he jumped in his seat and wrapped his hands around me, hiding his face in my neck. What was I even supposed to do in this situation? Do I just let him be, clap his back in assurance? Before I could outstretch my hand and pat his back he jumped back into his seat while saying.

"Sorry." It happened once more, but this time he was holding onto my arm. There was no way I could focus on the movie in those circumstances. Naturally, he was really embarrassed when we walked out from the cinema, but I decided to not touch on this topic.

"It looks like it will start raining." Although the weather was sunny when we walked in, it was already chilly and some dark clouds were hovering in the sky were coming closer, but I had a craving for something sweet, then I saw the boba shop.

'Would you rather buy boba for yourself and Souya or go to a Korean barbeque place instead?' where was I even supposed to find one, and seeing the weather change we would probably be stuck there until further notice.

"Let's grab some and call it a day." boba it was I offered to pay for his since he paid for the movie tickets already, at first he refused but I insisted, because equality.

"Can I at least walk you home?" I nodded and we started to head back to my house, but on our way the rain started, it wasn't just small droplets but actually pouring down. There was hardly any shelter here, so I grabbed his hand and made a run for it. He tried to ditch me as soon we reached our destination.

"You're not going anywhere in this pouring rain!" I said while pushing his ass inside.

"Oh you two got stuck in the rain, wait here I bring the towels." was what mother said and she brought back two towels.

"I don't remember the weather cast saying anything about heavy rain." I then looked at Souyas clothes, which were drenched.

"I will lend you some clothes, so you won't get a cold, let's go upstairs," I swear I saw my mom giving me thumbs up when we were going up. I ran to my closet, thankfully I had some oversized shirts, so I handed him one and then gave him a pair of really stretchy sweatpants.

"I hope they will fit." He sat there all bewildered. I grabbed some of my clothes to change into and said to him.

"Now strip." I left him after saying that, I decided to change in the bathroom upstairs. Upon returning I knocked on the door.

"Are you finished changing?" Souya just yelled.

"Yes!" and I walked in.

"Oh great it does fit, but why is your face all red, did you already get a cold?" I asked and felt his forehead.

"I'm alright, don't worry about it." He moved away from my hand so I left it at that, was he still embarrassed about clinging to me during the movie perhaps?

"So..." I didn't want to send him out in those conditions outside.

"How about we do something fun~," I think his face became even redder, or was it just my imagination.

"Let's play Uno." I picked up a deck, why was he sighting with relief?

I think we spent some a half-hour playing before Souya said.

"What's that?" he pointed at a box where I decided to keep my paintings.

"Oh my paintings, want to see?" He nodded and so we stopped our play session for a while.

"They're really pretty." was the only thing he said, I really felt like teasing him, but I shouldn't, too precious to touch. I looked outside the window to find that the rain was still pouring outside there being no signs of stopping.

"At this point, I think I may need to send you in my clothes with an umbrella." He looked outside and nodded.

"Unless you want to stay over." I playfully patted my pillow. But wait Michi didn't we just establish that we shouldn't tease this cinnamon roll? He had this weird look on his face, but then his phone rang so he picked it up and walked to the hallway excusing himself for a while. He closed the door for privacy, but I decided to eavesdrop, so I pushed my ear against the door but picked up just one phrase.

"Brother pick me up, this is literal tigers den." I couldn't keep a straight face when he came back.

"So who was it?" I asked while covering my mouth to not show I was grinning like crazy.

"Nahoya wants something from me, so he will come back with clothes and pick me up." I was pretty sure I heard a different story. But after some while, Nahoya did really show up, with clothes and umbrellas, and off they went.

"I knew it, you scared this poor soul away." I couldn't believe my mom.

"Mom I did nothing of such! Your daughter is innocent." Dad came after hearing the commotion.

"What's going on here?" he asked as mom just smiled and stated.

"Nothing, nothing." she waved him off and so I decided to finally finish the cosplay, which I stayed up late to accomplish.

"Finally!" I by mistake yelled in the middle of the night. But I couldn't believe they wanted me to spin some kind of wheel to dedicate which stats I would get from this mission.

So after this, my stats looked something like this:

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 9

Endurance: 9

Agility: 8

Strength: 8

Why did I have a feeling that something would happen when I reached all stats to level 10? That was a strange thought to have, and so I went to sleep.