
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Family Talk~

I was excited about this day, mostly because our parents would be at home, but I also would be less busy cooking for everyone. Since we were supposed to go traveling on Wednesday I had to get in touch with the manager to change my shift, thankfully one of the older maids, switched the shift with me once I explained how excited I was about visiting my grandparents since I haven't seen them in forever, or more like never.

When the morning shift ended I was delighted to run back home, but that's when I received an unexpected call from Draken. Was he perhaps gonna talk about yesterday's incident? I accepted it considering there was still a long way back home so I had some time to spare for chitchat.

"Yes, Draken?" I asked as he quickly changed into apologetic mode.

"We are sorry Michi... for Sanzu's crazy ass, we had no clue he was capable of using his subordinates to stalk girls... we all gave him a piece of our mind, but considering his crazy nature we aren't sure he got the memo." As long they knew about his antics and he didn't waste his time stalking me every day it was fine with me, but suddenly someone yelled into the rule.

"I made sure to let him know stalking girls isn't a good way to get laid!" What the hell was Smiley talking about?

"It's better to tell him that Mikey-senpai won't notice him if he stalks innocent girls for giggles and shits." Smiley was already losing his cool, at this point, he could totally pioneer the Happy nickname since all he ever did around me was laugh his ass off.

"But are you alright? I reckon it must have been a nasty experience." Wow, mom Draken was looking out for me, I was so touched.

"I was scared at first... but after realizing how out of touch with reality this guy is... I can't do anything but pity him... I will somehow get the money maybe do a charity and ask his brother permission to send him to therapy." Draken that saw his state agreed that maybe this guy would need a whole ass year of therapy sessions.

"I will try to find the best out there." Hopefully, Sanzu would accept the offer, if not I would just ask Mikey to order him to go there. Would he take the sound advice of his king? There were so many moments where he did nasty shit behind Mikey's back.

"If you see him lurking around you again, tell us and we will beat him up for you," Draken assured.

"Wow, that's so sweet of you, I can see why Emma likes you so much." He just sighed and we ended the call at that.

As I walked into the house, I realized the heavy atmosphere filling the room, mom and dad were back from the trip but I could tell something was bothering them.

"Welcome back!" I said hugging them both and despite their sour mood they returned the gesture.

"Did something happen? Why are you so gloom?" I inquire, did something bad happen? Something involving Kazutora? Because I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Where's Kazutora?" I asked while dad answered.

"He went to hang out with Keisuke." then mom expressed with a heavy heart.

"Michi can you take a seat, we need to talk about something." I nodded my head, did I do something, did they find something weird in my room? Was I in deep trouble? If not why would their faces seem so grim, then again weren't they also acting like this during their last call?

"Michi...who are you?" Wait where was this conversation going? Was I found out? I just sat in the chair frozen in place, my heart already racing from all the anxiety this question gave me. I felt more dread from this single question than when I ever was when being stalked by Sanzu.

"Once we reached the Jeju island, I dreamed about the past, the time when I and your father couldn't conceive a child no matter what we did, we were told by the doctors how we couldn't have children on our own, how our only option would be to adopt..." So once they were away they recalled their memories that were replaced by the system's power? Would I be kicked out if they knew about my origins?

I was already holding back tears, but then their next question threw me off from expressing all that sadness.

"What we wanted to ask Michi... are you an alien?" The astonishment caused me to answer with a simple.

"No." Mom sighed in relief.

"That's good, as long you're not an alien planning to destroy the planet earth we don't really care that much." Wait, what? They found out they never conceived their daughter, she just ended up popping out one day and their biggest concern was me being an alien?

"You're still the best thing that happened to us, so you don't need to share anything if you don't want to." They both put me into a loving hug. But if this came to it, it would have been nice if I could share some details with them.

"So you will love me even if I tell you I have some stupid system that sends me out doing the most nonsensical missions?" They were shocked but both agreed that they loved me despite all the weird stuff they recalled happening around my person.

"Oh great, I can finally tell you I never had a crush on that guy I just acted that way because why else would I give him a bento." It was nice taking it off my chest.

"That's excellent news! I don't want you to keep chasing that guy." I actually did start crying at this moment.

"You're the best family I could ever wish for!" I think I kept crying for like half an hour before I calmed down and explained some of the stuff like time traveling and gave examples of the most subtle mission I had to go thru.

"Don't worry Michi if you ever get any of the punishments we are here to cover for you." I was certain mom would love it if I turned into a toddler for a day.

"So now when that is settled, we should go and become rich." Both of my parents seemed confused and I explained the existence of stats.

"Since mom has so many luck stats if we provide her with additional lucky stats thru a potion, I'm certain we can win even the first prize in lotto,... at least it's a possible theory, can't hurt to try, right?" They nodded their heads and so I presented mom with the vial, it seemed like any skepticism to my claims vanished when I whipped the tiny glass bottle from thin air.

"It's so yellow in color." Dad was inspecting it, shaking the vial around to see the thick liquid inside flow around.

"Mesmerizing isn't it?" I asked as they both nodded.

"Do I really need to drink this?" I just made the best puppy eyes.

"Please, being richer would help me with the missions." They both sighed and agreed to test the crazy theory. I set the stats to give 10 points in luck and mom drank it, complaining about the nasty texture of the drink.

So off we went and tried our hands at some lotto scratch cards, they had some winnings in them. Excited we decided to play with the higher stakes aiming for the first prize, of course, the results would kick in later, but we did win at least 100k yen, from the scratches alone.

"It's all yours." Mom assured me, telling me she would hand it over to me, once we were back at home. I looked at her in shock, not expecting adults to part so easily with money.

"You said you needed this, we don't mind right honey?" Dad nodded his head.

"Since this money was won by using the potion you provided us, you can keep it all, anything to keep my little princess safe." I felt like crying again, this day was filled with all unexpected turns. But hey now I had the money for Kakucho's phone purchase, I decided to buy one for Izana as well since his birthday was around the corner.

Once we returned mom and dad seemed to have an in-depth discussion about their new findings, they were mostly fascinated that something so bizarre could be humanly possible. While that was happening I was wondering whether I should have visited Kakucho to make that purchase, but someone gave me a call.

"Michi, do you mind coming over to my house, my siblings really want to see you again." I was flattered because of the invitation. Since Mitsuya said the girls had a lot of fun hanging with me, it was time to unravel mine over the top dramatic acting skills.

'Would you rather visit Takashi Mitsuya to play with his sisters right now or go over to Izana Kurokawa's place?' I'm sorry Izana but some heartwarming playing pretend was something I needed right now.

"I'm on my way!" I told him shocking him how ready I was to drop any of my plans for his sisters. I told my parents that I was out to play with kids and gather more stats. They just nodded and told me to have fun.

When I knocked on the door Hakkai emerged as soon as he saw me he started bawling his eyes out.

"What happened, buddy?" I asked as he explained.

"Taka-chan scolded me for setting you up with my older brother." Oh, right I forgot to disclose this to Mitsuya so yesterday's meeting was the first time he heard about it as well.

"Don't console him, he revealed he did something stupid." I just tilted my head in confusion after hearing Mitsuya's words.

"What?" I asked and then he explained.

"He gave your number to Koko, one of the Black Dragon members, of course, he, in turn, proceeded to share it with his leader." I wasn't really surprised, I was certain Kokonoi would use some underhanded methods if he didn't get his way. As I was filled in on the details I suddenly received a message from an unknown number. Right, wasn't tomorrow the 16th I was wondering how this muscular giant was planning to contact me.

"Come to this place at 16 o'clock. Don't even dare try to come late!" He sent me the address to the place. This whole interaction sounded more like I was meeting a loan shark.

"Great," I said, scrunching my eyebrows in annoyance.

"Someone needs to teach this fellow how to properly text a girl." Mitsuya glanced at the message and soon asked.

"Is that Taiju?" I nodded my head in agreement.

"You should just ignore it." If that would be this easy I would.

'Would you rather, tell Taiju Shiba that you be there or insult him via text messages?' Why was this system trying so hard to make me accept this date? But wait I could do both.

"I will come, but if you turn up in some tacky clothes or show off your bare chest, I won't claim you as my date for tomorrow." If he could give demands of dresses or whatnot, so could I.

"Let's do what we were supposed to." So we went inside and the first game the girls wanted to play was playing the play pretend, but the roles they wanted us to perform were as such.

Mitsuya was going to play the mom, I was the father and Hakkai became the uncle and the girls were our kids.

"I'm home, honey!" I said putting off an invisible hat on the rack, while Mitsuya came over and said.

"How was work?" that's when the girls began to chant.

"Mommy and daddy should kiss! Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" Hakkai was now in a state of panic, yelling that was not happening, once again taking everything way too seriously.

"Come my little girls, daddy will give you a kiss." I started to run after Mana and Luna around the apartment and suddenly it became a game of tag, we only stopped when all three of us got exhausted from all the running around.

"My stamina is still bad as ever." while laying on the floor panting.

"Let's do each other's hair next." Mitusya just came over with a glass of water.

"My wifey is always so kind and considerate." I gave him a finger heart as Luna and Mana laughed at our interaction, once our hair was done in some crazy styles they still wanted to go over to the playground and play with their friends. Mitsuya said that I was allowed to go if I wanted to, but one of the missions wanted me to stay. Hakkai once again interpreted it as a personal attack and made sure to sit between us on the bench, where we were sitting to watch the girls.

"You are once again overdoing it, we are just friends Hakkai," Mitsuya assured him, but Hakkai just shook his head and glared at me.

'Would you rather flirt with Takeshi Mitsuya or hold Hakkai's Shiba's arm?' Now it was personal, I quickly linked our arms together with Hakkai.

"Is this some new attack method?" he freaked out causing Mana and Luna to notice us as they whispered something between each other and giggled, Hakkai ran away, yet I never found out what these little girls were scheming about.