
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Family Meeting~

Today at breakfast time I informed my parents and big brother how they were all officially summoned, by me, to a really important, groundbreaking family meeting. I let them know it was time to share the news with Kazutora, that was the only person in this household unaware of the truth of my origins.

My word and strange phrasing seemed to have caught his interest, we saw him pondering about it, perhaps he thought by chance I was also adopted into this family, which could be possibly seen as half of the truth. There was no doubt I shared my parents' DNA, but they never gave birth to me, I just popped up from nothingness uninvited one of those days.

Thankfully Kazutora's Intelligence debuff vanished, and Keisuke was still in the world of the living, which meant I wouldn't be carrying a pot of ashes to high school as I previously assumed. Which was good, but I wasn't sure if that would even be possible, whereas I could not do but wonder what his mom's reactions would be to such a bizarre request. Yet didn't he have a full-out grave in the manga, did it mean cremation was not as popular in this dimension of Japan?

I realized my brain was going all over the place, so I shook my head and took up a new topic.

"Right, dad I need a lift after school." Dad looked away from his newspaper reading routine.

"You need to buy something?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"Yep, tomorrow is Keisuke's birthday after all. I have the best present possible." Kazutora wanted to know what I was going to buy, at first I refused to share it, but then realized hiding it away from the sight of others would be impossible because of its size. So I grinned in his direction and replied.

"Of course, I'm going to buy him a grill." Kazutora looked confused at my train of thought, but I simply shared my view on this matter.

"Listen, just think about it, this maniac likes to burn cars when hungry, so not only will he be able to enjoy looking at a pretty flame, but he can also cook some meat on the side to fill his curring stomach. Everyone wins in this situation." Kazutora just slowly clapped, while I nodded my head adding.

"Galaxy brain."

At school Kisaki was still somehow quiet, I hoped he was using this time for self-reflection rather than using his brain's intelligence to scheme more evil things to come. Yes, it was highly optimistic for me to assume something like this, but still, even if the possibility was only two percent it was something.

After school, I was rushing home for the scheduled family meeting but came across Shion that was trying to pick fights with unlucky strangers. Even if I was in a hurry, considering dad wouldn't be leaving work for another hour, I could possibly become their salvation.

"Shion what a coincidence." I said grabbing his arm, and guiding him away from the scene, only when the other party whispered their thanks and left, did he realize what truly took place.

"Why do you even care so much about some ants, that you don't even know?" Talk about being harsh on passersby that possibly did nothing wrong, just brushed their shoulders with the wrong guy, that was filled with rage on a daily basis.

"Why don't you calm down and just grab a snicker or something? There is no need to be in constant attack mode." He didn't seem convinced about the snack ordeal until I mentioned.

"My treat." We soon were headed to the convince store but ran into another trouble. Ran.

"Ohh~ Are you taking our dog on a walk?" Was he really still clutching onto the dog idea?

"Where's the dog?" I asked frantically looking around finding no four paw friends in the area.

"I meant this guy." Ranabelle was quick to point at Shion, who wasn't the happiest to be treated as such.

"You seem eager to have me treat Shion like a dog." As soon this phrase left my mouth a mission descended upon my mortal soul.

'Would you rather treat Shion Madarame as a dog or a patient that ran away from an asylum?' Excuse me what?

"I rather you didn't." Shion voiced his honest opinion, which begged the question. How did he think I treated dogs in the first place?

"I guess you saw right thru me." Since Ran desired such an outcome, I turned around to face Shion, that previously was following behind me. Cupped his face in my hands and with the most joyful baby voice said.

"Who's a handsome boy, you are, you are. The best boy that walks the earth... Who's a good boy? You are, you are!" I then gave him two kisses on each cheek, and once I stopped and observed his face, I couldn't tell if he was mortified or actually enjoyed the praise.

Ran gasped in shock so I turned back to him and stuck out my tongue in his direction.

"I just did what you asked." And dragged Shion into the store, walking past Ran, who in the end decided to tag along.

I made some small talk with him until I decided to find out what he was telling my mom at the Halloween party.

"So what kind of conversation did you even take up with my mom?" His response was something I should have seen coming.

"I was trying to butter up to her." Despite knowing what he meant a prank came to mind.

"Ran..." I began in a serious tone. "Were you flirting with my mom, are you perhaps into older women? But you know she is a happily married woman, you should let it go." His eye twitched in annoyance, but it looked like he settled for amusing the idea.

"And have a stepdaughter that is fooling around with delinquents in my age? I don't think so... besides I'm also a happily married man." I gasped in response.

"You are... then why are you fooling around with me for? Go back to your sweetheart before I report your wrongdoings to her." He pinched my cheeks.

"Please stop joking about such sad stuff, think about our beautiful son Mikey." Him using that as an excuse every single time made me wonder how far he wanted to take this concept of calling him his son.

After I purchased the snacks Shion wanted, I returned home, successfully chasing away the tail that tried to attach itself to me which also kept preaching about having family time at my house. Did it mean he wanted me to invite Mikey over as well or was it an excuse to have alone time with me in my territory instead?

At the house, once father returned from work and we had a filling meal, I put my elbows on the table supporting my head, looking all serious, as if I was about to deliver some heartbreaking news.

"Kazutora... listen the thing is, I'm a dimensional time traveler." He just sat there looking around probably trying to figure out if this was a deliberate joke, somehow prepared by the whole household.

But no mom and dad just nodded their heads and so I continued my speech.

"Actually I have a system, that put me here in this world, setting me on a mission to fulfill its demands." Mom was quick to explain what I meant since I was making it more severe than it needed to be.

"Are you guys for real? This is not some camera prank, right?" Great, he was using his common sense, I was moved to tears, knowing he escaped Kisaki's influence.

"I guess not..." Kazutora whispered under his nose.

We then proceeded to tell him in detail what was going on, he just sat there looking like his brain was about to explode from the enormous information dump.

"This sounds unbelievable." He mentioned as mom decided to add.

"Don't worry about it, it was hard for us too, but with time we got used to it." I nodded my head and decided to make the atmosphere lighter.

"Yep, they totally thought I was an alien on a secret mission to annihilate the planet earth." It caused him to have a chuckle. In the end, he seemed to have taken it in pretty well, but was wondering about one thing.

"But why haven't you shared this earlier?" Was he perhaps glum I was keeping this information away from him?

"Sorry Tora, I wasn't too sure how you would take it since you weren't in such good head space before, and additionally I was scared such information would make you view me as being different from everyone else... I was afraid you would push me away even further." Since I already started I could just dump out everything.

"And later considering I can see people's stats, I realized there was an ability affecting you that debuffed your Intelligence, that's why I decided to tail you and join Valhalla because I could tell something was up." I looked up wondering what his thoughts were about me being so sneaky.

"You were going to such lengths just for me?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I? You're my family after all." Suddenly this family meeting became a family group hugging session. But once we hugged it out, I mentioned.

"And don't worry about it, you can talk about it with Keisuke." He didn't seem too pleased with hearing this.

"You told him first?"

"Well remember him being stabbed during the fight?" He nodded his head his cheeks still puffed from anger.

"I gave him a healing potion, that's why he came out unscathed, so yesterday I had to explain to him what that was about. And the reason why I didn't invite you for that conversation was that I wanted us to talk it out between the family members." He forgave me pretty quickly.

So after all this, I decided to finally head out to get this grill purchase going, but when we returned from our trip I found Keisuke already in our house.

"Oh, I heard you told Kazutora about your abilities as well." He seemed really happy about it for some reason.

"Yep, you have more people to discuss it with now." Somehow it became a hang-out inside my room from all the places, even if my brother was the one that invited this guy over.

"You know what, I'm still kind of scared someone may jump you with a knife, how about you spend time at this house, so I have an eye on you." Keisuke looked taken aback by my proposal, so much so he forgot to give me an answer, that's when Venus decided to bless me with its presence.

'Would you rather show Keisuke Baji your rope and tell him you will keep him by force, or make a deal with a payment of kisses?' I quickly looked thru my stuff and hold and behold I actually did own a rope? What for, I wasn't sure, since all those items were created by the systems will.

"Don't want to? That's okay I can tie you up to my bed instead." Kazutora was laughing his ass off while Keisuke finally snapped away from his trance. Pulled his hand thru his hair, smirked looking quite amused by the idea while


"Take me, I'm all yours." It took a whole ten minutes to recover from the damage this guy caused.