
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Family Extension~

So we arrived at our given destination, a mission being in full swing, that's when the five of us noticed Izana in the distance, and when his eyes locked onto our group he didn't look too happy rather his eyes went wide in shock.

"Michi what is going on? Why are we meeting in front of Mikey and Emma's house for? And why did you invite this guy?" He pointed at Ran whom I especially forced to tag along, knowing full well he would love to be part of this operation.

"That's so harsh Izana, I'm actually a full-fledged father of one of the children in this residence." I guess it was safe to assume he was invited here before. Our newcomer just scoffed before commenting about the aspect of our outfit choice.

"And why is everyone dressed in black suits and sunglasses what is this about?" So many questions coming from our precious summer child.

"Don't worry about it Michi will take care of everything," I spoke with a reassuring voice, which only made him furrow his eyebrows, he seemed annoyed at my lack of giving him the needed context to whatever was taking place here.

"Just trust me, bro." He looked skeptical, and that's when I cut this conversation short and decided to knock on the door to Sano's residence. The person that opened the entrance for us was Grandpa Sano, but once he spotted us, his first reaction was to shut the door in our faces. So I had to intervene, I used my whole strength to prevent him from closing it.

"Isn't it rude for you to be doing this to your guests?" 

"So your bunch is not here to sell me some unnecessary crap?" 

"No we are not sells-men, I'm your grandchildren's friend... but I can see where the speculation may have come from." Once he took a second look he seemed to have recognized me, Ran, and Kazutora.

"You're that girl that has a weird relationship with my grandson Mikey... I remember now." Why did his description sound so ominous?

"So can we be let inside, I have an awesome deal, just for you." He decided to hear us out, but when being led inside I was asked if I wanted to join his dojo.

"I can think about it." Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to have a place to work out in, even if my stats made me strong I could try to exercise from time to time to keep myself healthy.

Once we reached the kitchen and sat by the dining table to discuss the matters we came here for Emma came into the picture.

"Michi, nice to see you're visiting us, what weird ideas did you come up with this time around?" She was intrigued mostly because she couldn't understand how I got my whole family to dress with me like this. Well, it was the system's idea to wear matching outfits and I decided that the theme of Men in Black fit perfectly for this scenario.

Emma asked if we wanted anything to drink and I requested tea, and once we had our beverages I began the show by putting my suitcase onto the table and then pointed in Izana's direction and spoke in a really deep voice trying to imitate the mafia guys you usually seen in movies.

"Listen here gramps, I will make this brief... I will give you all this money and you let him live here." The old man was surprised by my choice of words but became even more astonished by the amount of money that remained inside.

"Why would I?" He asked not really understanding where this request was coming from.

"You see old man, this guy was seen as a sibling by your deceased grandson's eyes, who won't be chewing on dirt for much longer... also Emma and Mikey share the same sentiment on the matter, so isn't it too cruel to maintaining keeping them apart?" I asked and put a lollipop in my mouth trying to replicate smoking, just for the visuals of course.

"That's a fantastic idea Michi! Don't worry I will convince grandpa!" Emma was out on a mission it seemed.

"You really want me to accept this child and take this money?" Grandpa Sano asked perplexed.

"What the hell?" Was the reaction I got from Izana.

"This is my gift to you, my sugar baby, money well spent." This guy looked so conflicted by my approach to this matter. And that's when Mikey decided to arrive with his bed hair.

"Michi! Ran too, what brings you here?" 

"We are making an offer your old man can't refuse... considering how sweet the deal it is....but you know Michi if they do refuse I can take in Izana as one of my own since Mikey calls me dad, it would mean-" However Ran was interrupted mid-sentence.

"Don't even think about finishing sharing that thought with us." Izana wasn't too happy about the implication.

"Oh right Michi, you know what happened the other day? I asked Baji since you're supposed to be my mom and all, whatever I should start calling him stepdad, he begged me not to." He laughed while sharing this bit of information.

"So what's the deal you speak of?" He wanted an uptake of the events at hand.

"We asking your grandpa to accept the deal of getting all this money for raising one more child in this household," I explained briefly but Ran suddenly butted into the conversation.

"Are you planning on abounding me, Mikey?" But this guy shook his head immediately.

"You're the best dad I could have ever asked for." Despite this grandpa didn't seem to understand what transpired over here.

"Can someone explain to me what is going on?" It looked like he mostly wanted an explanation about the strange family dynamics.

"Well, this is my mom." He pointed in my direction, then he pointed at Ran next.

"This is my dad, sadly these two already separated." Wow, that made it sound like we were living the lives of divorced parents.

"I guess this would make Michi's parents my grandparents." 

"Why did no one tell me I already became a grandma?" My mom joked, which made me giggle.

"I'm not sure I will be able to hold such a strong-looking grandson in my arms." His grandpa looked astonished that even my parents were playing along, then he decided to turn to Emma.

"Are you also part of those bizarre family dynamics?" But she shook her head in denial.

"That would be weird considering Michi once upon a time was flirting with me to get my boyfriend jealous." Yes, you probably wouldn't want to call someone like that a mom.

"Great point you have there Emma." So I turned to Izana, but it looked like he didn't want any part of the house play we did either.

"Don't even think about it." Was his response, now when he was aware of all my weird shenanigans was he perhaps more vary of me?

"Oh well, I guess one kid is indeed enough." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then Mikey you should address me as uncle from now onward," Kazutora said out of nowhere.

"Are you planning to be viewed as this rich cool uncle?" I questioned as he nodded his head.

"No that will not happen, dream on." Mikey was quick on refuting this idea. 

"Come on, why? I bet I can be an excellent uncle." Kazutora tried to argue, but Mikey was having none of it.

"I guess you didn't buy him enough Taiyaki to be qualified." I pointed out and then I returned to the previous topic that should have been the main point of our visit.

"So how is it going to be?" 

"I guess this is enough expenses for his living and if Emma and Mikey agree I have no right to refuse." And so we reached a conclusion to this random case, that came out of the blue thanks to the system. But with all the missions I did today to come to this moment I easily earned five points in total.

My celebration was calculating how many more points I needed to finally perform a necromancy ritual.

Intelligence: 100

Luck: 99

Endurance: 97

Agility: 100

Strength: 99

Yes, I just required five more.

"What made you so happy?" Kazutora questioned soon after.

"I just need five more points," I whispered to him feeling delighted at the news.

"Great work at reaching this far, recently I've been thinking, if I was in the same situation I'm not sure I would be able to come that long." He truthfully admitted.

"I guess you would feel awkward if you had to fall every time a girl in your vicinity felt sexy." 

"Yea that would be totally out of character for me." Grandpa Sano later asked if we really were alright to entrust him with such an amount of money, but my mom's response was.

"You have one more kid to feed, besides it won't hurt our pockets in the slightest... we have this lucky child that will attract money no matter where she goes." I guess she was right, one more point, and perhaps if I wanted to I would be able to win any lottery I wanted.

Yet it was best not to go that far, in case I desired to remain living a somehow normal life. 

"Always at your service mother... we will be like those dragons in tales hoarding coins."

"I wonder how many Taiyaki I could buy with that." Mikey let out randomly, anyone could tell he was hungry.

"Feed the starving boy." I let out and suddenly I found myself cooking together with Emma.

"Also gramps next time don't close the door in my face, I shall return in a few days with a surprise, so you better be welcoming me with open arms." 

"What's the surprise?" Emma asked quite excited.

"A miracle for sure." 

"I can't wait." She said in a joyful voice, but later I had to deal with a pesky Mikey that wanted to know the full secret.

"Come on tell me Michi?!" He begged me giving me puppy eyes, somehow Ran decided it was time to intervene.

"I don't think you will believe her words until you see the surprise with your own eyes, so all you can do is just wait a couple of more days." Mikey sighed but agreed to wait.

Later I had to deal with somehow angry Izana.

"Why did you do that?"

"Well I needed to do it now for some reason... besides I didn't only do it for your benefit, once you move out from that apartment Kakucho has to follow suit, so now you are required to go out of your way and convince him to come to visit us, do you understand?" I asked Izana.

"Why are you so set on making him your brother?" He questioned, the explanation was easy.

"Because I will feel more at ease knowing this guy has nice meals to eat, without needing to go thru part-time work and school at the same time to make ends meet." 

"You seem to care about him a whole lot... sure I will convince him to accept your guys' deal." Finally, things were progressing.

"Thanks, Izana you're the best!" I said while hugging the living life out of him.