
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Family Beach Trip~

Senju and Keisuke came over early the next morning, and they were offered breakfast once again.

"I knew skipping breakfast was worth it," Keisuke admitted filling his mouth with food like a little kid.

"So you knew you would be offered food in this household?" he nodded his head his cheeks being full reminding me of a hamster. I guess he thought my mom's cooking was top tier and he would stop at nothing to try it again. He soon send me a smile, which made me feel uncomfortable. Why did I have a feeling he was thinking about something strange?

"Whatever you are thinking of discard that idea in your head right at this moment." He stopped munching on food while questioning.

"Don't tell me you can suddenly read my mind?" I shook my head, which caused him to sigh in relief. That was such a fishy exchange. After we finished eating I helped mom with the dishes together with Kazutora. Thereafter we started to pack everything inside the trunk of our car.

"We are ready to go." Keisuke and Kazutora rode first on their motorcycles and we soon followed suit. We were listening to songs inside the car while Senju decided to hold hands, not like I had anything to complain about. At some point when we were halfway thru to our destination, we saw the guys fooling around on their motorcycles, sometimes speeding around, sometimes having us pass them just so they could pass us, it taking place on repeat.

"Michi can you tell them to cease their odd behavior?" I wasn't sure why dad believed I had the power to stop them. I opened the window while yelling.

"Yo, my favorite crackheads, if Hinata's father which is a cop spots you and decided to give you a fine for all the reckless riding you will pay it from your own pockets." Their mood turned sour but they decided to take it easy from now on. Blackmail sometimes did wonders.

"I'm surprised you can make them listen to you," Senju admitted as I shrugged.

"Aren't they just scared of the consequences of their own actions?" She nodded probably agreeing that after all, it must have been the case. Soon a really nice song came on the radio and we all started to sing it together, even someone as stiff as dad joined in the fun.

When we arrived Hinata's family was waiting for our arrival, I could see Hinata's father furrowing his brows when he glanced at Kazutora and Keisuke whereas he was surprised to learn they were with us. As he inquired dad about the details we kids decided to catch up with each other.

"So Hina-chan, Naoto, I mentioned that I have an older brother now, his name is Kazutora." I introduced everyone so we could have a nice outing. After that, we decided to pick out some good spots. Since we were so many we covered a lot of beach area, but because we were early this time as well, there was nothing to worry about.

I spread out my towel and took off my shorts and blouse since once again I had my swimsuit underneath my clothes, Keisuke that took the spot next to me was laying on his side with only his swim trucks on.

"Like what you see?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"Yes... having abs would be great... there would be so many possibilities, I could pick up girls and spin them around." Senju then grabbed my hands and conveyed.

"Don't worry once you get enough training you will be able to pick up any cute girl you want." to which Keisuke responded.

"Is there something you want to share?" I glanced at him and shook my head in denial. Once we settled in, I whipped out the suncream, and both Senju and Keisuke yelled.

"Let me do it for you!"

"Why would I?" but then I turned to Kazutora.

"Kazu-chan have some sunscreen."

"Favouritism." they both muttered, why wouldn't I give more attention to my new older brother, these two were so silly. After everyone was nice and protected from the UV-raging sunbeams, we waited for a half-hour for the cream to soak in, Kazutora and Keisuke took Naoto and kinda bullied him by burying him in the sand. They proceeded to leave him there, causing Hinata to burst into anger, as she chased them around I took the initiative to dig him out, then we hit the water. Both Kazutora and Keisuke were showing off their athletic skills, by doing some crazy flips. I decided to just float around like a piece of wood in water.

"So relaxing," I said while Naoto joined my version of fun.

"Don't you just feel like you are a part of the ocean?" I asked him as he agreed, but then added his own version.

"I feel like a dry sardine soaking up the sun."

"Inspirational." Was my response.

"We are like two otters, now we just need to find a shell to crack with a stone." It somehow ended up with us returning back to the beach and searching for said shells in question, until Keisuke came running suggesting.

"Let's play some beach volleyball." Surprisingly everybody approved.

"Kazutora is on one team and I on the other." I ended up on Keisuke's team but I knew a disaster was incoming, they were playing as if their life depended on this one single match.

"Can the two of you calm down, we are not in any national level competition." Yes these two were using all their strength and I think I nearly got hit five times already, at this point it wasn't volleyball but dodgeball, where Keisuke and Kazutora were passing the ball to each other like crazy.

"See up." And the inevitable happened I got slammed with the ball straight to the face. I glared at them and picked myself up, seeing how blood was coming from my nose.

'Would you rather tell on them to your mom or smear some blood onto their faces?' My eyes sparkled.

"MOM!" I yelled and ran, I would get those two scolded so bad. She quickly looked into her purse when she spotted the blood dripping from my nose and handed me over a tissue.

"What happened?" she asked as I explained everything that took place and pointed out Keisuke's and Kazutora's stupidity. She walked over to the two and in no time were they sitting on the sand on their knees, claiming they would be more careful in the future. I guess they found her scary when she was enraged. I laid down because the nose-blood didn't want to stop, that's when Kazutora came running and he laid beside me while putting me into an embrace.

"I'm sorry, don't be angry." Why was he suddenly like this? Senju saw this and joined on the other side hugging me as well.

"I'm not really." But I found it hilarious that they couldn't talk back to my mom. Hinata and Naoto soon decided to sit with their parents, she mentioned that it wasn't often they spent time with their father, but even from over here, I could see these two seemed rather awkward around the man. Since I was already here I decided to sunbathe, it seemed like the others didn't find such activities intriguing, so once the nose blood was over I decided to spend this time reading a book.

But once my back was nice and toasty someone decided to disturb my relaxation time.

"Michi!" Keisuke yelled and then poured some water onto my back. I kicked his leg right after causing him to fall.

"Oh, you used the element of surprise. I'm impressed." I sighed and put the book away, knowing I wouldn't get peace of mind.

"What do you want?" He then sent me a smile while suggesting.

"Let's hang together just the two of us." A ping notification arrived.

'Would you rather suggest buying ice cream with Keisuke Baji or suggest building a sandcastle together?' Actually getting ice cream sounded excellent, and I felt a little rebellious because I knew we probably would be called for food soon.

"Do you feel like having some ice cream?" He nodded happily.

"Are you certain, you can't read my mind, I was going to suggest the same thing." I rolled my eyes and stood up reminding myself to throw out the bloody tissue from earlier, but then he outstretched his hand.

"What?" I asked looking at it.

"Hold my hand," he demanded.

"Why?" he never asked for such a request before.

"You were causally holding hands with Senju, so hold mine as well." I guess that was true, was he perhaps jealous because I treated Senju differently than him? I just took his hand and we went out to purchase ice cream, but as we finished our purchase a pair of tourists arrived at the shop. They couldn't speak a speck of Japanese, and neither could the cashier communicate in English, so I stepped in to translate. But it took so long that once I finished my ice cream started to melt due to the heat. I shrugged who needed a tissue when you can just lick it off like a crazy person, but then I saw Keisuke beat me to it and I stood there in utter disbelief at what just happened. I blinked once, twice, even multiple times just to have Keisuke grin at me like he didn't do anything wrong.

"What the hell dude?" I asked as he pointed out the ice cream was melting even more.

"Who cares, you wanna die, you wanna bleed?" I started to eat the frozen dessert while warning him.

"Once I finish this I will get you for this." Keisuke just nodded but as soon I finished eating he started to run away from me.

"Get back here!" I yelled wanting to strangle him so badly, yes I already imagined putting him in a headlock, but since there were so many people around, I managed to trip on something and fall, but to lure in the enemy I decide to not move a single muscle.

"Yo! Michi are you ok?" Keisuke asked and once I knew he was close enough I caught him in my grip.

"Ha! I got you now!" I held on tight so he couldn't escape my punishment which was me just pinching his cheeks. Suddenly we saw a shadow hovering over us.

"What are you two doing?" Kazutora asked.

"He was messing around, so I decided to put him back in place." Kazutora just shrugged while saying.

"Food is ready, let's go." We stood up as Tora put his arm around Keisuke and started a conversation.