
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs


I looked at my phone acknowledging the date being the 28th of November falling on a Monday, and it was time to face my fears, a day to be remembered. I needed no guy that would drag me down in life because such a lifestyle sure worked out in my previous lifetime.

"Who I am kidding? By anyone else standard that was a sad life of a hermit... that could only earn money for a living, before returning back to their little cave." But it wasn't the point, this time I wasn't so lonely I needed to stick myself to a guy that wasn't even interested in reciprocating my feelings or the effort I made so far.

"If I don't stick up for myself, no one else will." With this amount of pep talk, I entered the war zone called a school, with as much resolve as I could gather.

"That's right Michi... we should be happy and thankful it only took us two weeks to spot a snake." After all, there were couples out there that were putting up with more bullshit, and for years at that.

I changed my shoes and wandered upstairs, each second preparing myself mentally for the showdown. But once I opened up the door I wasn't prepared for this sight.

Our eyes met and I could see heavy eye-bags under Kisaki's eyes, caused by sleepless nights and red puffy eyes as if he was recently crying. I tried my best to ignore him, but the view was tearing my heart apart.

I could also feel a spark of hope reappearing in my heart, but I was quick to shoot it down, who knew the real reason for his sorry state, maybe he was anxious about his plan failing once again, my unpredictableness being the sole culprit.

I took my seat, but I found my eyes trailing back to him, considering him crying seemed like a wild concept to me, even if I knew he was indeed capable of feeling sadness, which was shown in the manga, so where did that wild expectation come from?

Throughout the lesson I found myself questioning everything once again, like why did I even like him in the first place? Did I see something no one else could perceive?

"No those pretty eyes and tan skin must have been the reason." I found myself muttering out loud, catching Kisaki's attention, so I looked away, attempting to make it look like the scenery outside was so more interesting in comparison to the lesson.

Of course, it didn't take much for our number one shipper to notice something was amiss in our interactions. So I was summoned to the teachers' room after class by Mr.Nomura.

"Did something happen between you and Kisaki? You two were unusually distant..." He expressed right off the bat when my foot took a step inside.

"Well, we broke up," I told him as bluntly and nonchalantly as possible.

"Already? What happened? It's been barely two weeks, I know usually middle school relationships don't last long, but that is too quick for the usual standard." The PE teacher that was eavesdropping on our conversation couldn't comprehend why Mr.Nomura would be so invested in this topic.

"Wait it's why you were missing on Friday?"

"Yes and no, I was indeed bedridden that day due to a high fever."

"Since you said yes, maybe the break up was too much to take in and that it made you sick... if things stand like this maybe there is still a chance you two may figure out your differences and get back together." At least someone was positive in this mess.

"Most unlikely... Mr. Nomura, I suggested investing your time in another couple or spending less time on gossip and more time on finding a partner for yourself, focusing more time on your romance life." I wasn't too sure if I overstepped the boundaries, but this somehow savage interaction made me feel so smug I had this shit-eating grin on my face. I was excused shortly after.

After I returned home although the day went by without a hitch, it felt like I needed to come up with some strategies to get thru the rest of the week, so I wouldn't break down in a middle of a class.

Because just laying on the bed wouldn't cut it, I decided to line up my plush animals on the bed creating an audience. Then I rolled out a whiteboard, and with a marker in my hand, I found myself writing Kisaki's name in the middle of it. Then I put a cap on my head, and put my hands behind my back while yelling out.

"Soldiers! We need a strategy to not be swayed by Kisaki's pretty eyes no longer, any suggestions?" Cupid who seemed to have paid attention to my speech jumped onto the bed, pushed off one of my plushies, and took its spot in the middle as he voiced his brilliant idea.

"No, I will not gauge them out! That's way too gruesome!" That's also when the door to my room got opened and I jumped up from the scare.

"Michi-" Keisuke's voice trailed off.

"What's happening here?" He soon asked, feeling my cheeks flush I was quick on choosing violence.

"I swear to god Keisuke, I will kill you someday for not knocking!"

"Oh right, sorry." He proceeded to walk out and then knock on the door as I grumbled irritated.

"What? Shouldn't you go visit your sweetheart called Kazutora instead?" That's when my older brother decided to slide in his head.

"I heard my name." They both glanced at my whiteboard.

"I think you should fall for me instead, then you won't need to give that guy any of your attention." I rolled my eyes at the suggestion as the two other individuals in the room decided to agree with this ridiculous take.

"As the admiral overlooking this mission, your suggestion is rejected." I even wrote it in big bold red letters to get my point across.

But then my phone went off, telling me I received a message, I would have ignored it if it wasn't for the fact the text message was from Draken that was asking me to meet him.

"Eh... and it looks like your gonna have to seek entertainment elsewhere... the vice-captain wants to see me." Using that as an excuse I managed to kick those two out of my room, but this also made me wonder, did the Egghead perceive my fancy gift as a threat somehow? His movements were indeed reeking of suspicion, so I had to go and investigate it myself.

Half an hour later, when I reached my destination I found out he was together with Mikey and before I could question his intention Draken was quick to inform me.

"Ignore him, he tagged along even if I purposely told him not to."

"I wanted to see what's up... after all he wanted to meet up with you..." Yes indeed was some drama incoming? But then I spotted the bean pole looking in a direction behind me, spinning on my heel quickly I took notice of Kisaki standing there, like a small kid waiting for his mom in a grocery store.

"And what is he doing here?" I wasn't angry, there was no malice in my words just astonishment. Were these two working together all of sudden? Like what was going on?

"Listen I have no idea why you two broke it off so quickly, but can you at least hear him out before you decide to move on?" What was there to say at this point? How can you recover from that fiasco unless you decide to beg on your knees for forgiveness?

"Why?" Mikey seemed to be as dumbfounded as I was.

"Isn't it better this way? Thanks for Kisaki screwing it up now Ran has a better chance at success." Was this kid for real? Rotting for his dad, but I had terrible news to deliver to him.

"Sorry to tell you sweetie, but dad went out to buy out milk." I don't think he got the reference, maybe the equivalent in this country was tofu or something.

"And when he will come back?"

"Maybe never... after all he wants nothing to do with me as things stand."

"No." Mikey gasped like a little heartbroken kid.

"What did you do?" I concluded, to tell the truth, in a little roundabout way.

"You see, I told Ran a story... in case there was ever an instance of the world forgetting about my existence he would be the sole person being able to keep me in his memory... waiting for twelve whole years for my return just so we could get together."

"Wait so what's the problem?" Draken asked confused.

"He got angry he didn't get any bitches for all those twelve years..." I explained.

"Haitani Ran got angry over a story?" He was even more bewildered.

"Pretty much yes." Although the story was true.

"I let you two process this information as I make some small talk with this guy." I decided to hear him out since I felt quite generous at the moment. We walked away from the group searching for some privacy, in case things got messy.

"So what is your deal, why is Draken helping you out, are you two friends all of a sudden?"

"You could say that... listen, I was wrong..." He started his voice already failing him by cracking most likely due to the nervousness he was feeling.

"Don't leave me..." He barely whispered which I still could hear pretty clearly, but I wasn't convinced.

"You tramped on the little trust I had left inside me, how can I be possibly convinced this isn't another grand plan of yours on getting Hinata to notice you... again?" My voice felt so clean and clear as if for the moment I put my emotions aside on a shelf to make room for logical judgment to prevent myself from getting hurt again.

"I know it's unlikely for you to trust me now, but I realized the feelings I been holding back for you... so give me another chance." I sure wasn't expecting this kind of conversation. But before I could ponder about the response to give him, a clear answer left my mouth without hesitation.

"No, that's not going to happen." I was taken aback by the tears streaming down his face when he heard my definite answer.

"Tetta..." his name trailed off my lips as I tried to dry away the tears from his face with my hand but stopped myself mid-action and I retreated it back.

"Sorry..." Was the only thing I could convey explicitly holding myself back to not hurt his feelings too much.

"Shouldn't you take responsibility? You made me catch feelings for you and recognize it is the case, and now you're abounding me when my focus shifted onto you instead?" I was stunned for a short minute, until I felt tears dripping down my face.

"I don't want to!"

"Why?" Being presented with this question I suddenly knew why exactly it was the case.

"I'm tired of being seen as the second-tier option from your side! That's why!" I wasn't even aware of the amount of jealousy I was feeling toward Hinata, were those feelings laying doormat until now?

"And maybe rather than fixating your gaze onto those stupid future goals of yours, you could start appropriating the things that are in front of you...another point... you obviously have no respect for yourself and your own time, by wasting it on some relationship you don't even care about, so how can I trust you with my own boundaries in such a case?... frankly I don't even know which actions were made to appease me or whatnot and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask." I wiped away my tears with my arm, watching his response to my words. He just stood there quietly, so I decided to wrap it up.

"Just let me treasure the memories we made... without loathing you even more." I couldn't believe I said everything I had been holding back. However, that's when the system decided to make things complicated.

'Would you rather say you will give him a chance later down the line or in another lifetime?' Maybe ten years was enough to forget about the grudge, but I didn't want him to hold any unreasonable expectations, so I cleared my throat not believing Venus had such stupid ideas.

"Maybe life will be more lenient on us in another lifetime." And I just made my escape.