
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
200 Chs

Date With Taiju~

It was the 16th of August and I couldn't believe I agreed to this stupid date idea, but before that, I had other stuff to do. When visiting Wakasa's gym to my surprise despite Takeomi declaring he wouldn't drop in here for a while, he was seated there like he was awaiting something.

"Please stop her!" Takeomi yelled right after our eyes met. I shifted my gaze to Senju that was holding two pictures in front of her brother's face. One was of a young girl, which was around my age, and a full-grown woman with massive boobs.

"Tell me honestly which one do you like more?" Senju questioned in a stern voice. Where was this interaction between those two siblings going?

"Neither I already told you, just leave me alone!" Senju proceeded to gasp.

"You're attracted to Michi, you're just afraid to admit it... I can't believe my brother is a pedo!" She proceeded to sob right after.

"Are you guys pulling a prank on me or what? I was pretty sure I told you Senju that what happened the other day was my fault." She then explained her standing.

"But which older bro would pin their sister's friend to the floor like that?" Wakasa chimed into this conversation.

"She does have a solid point." I wondered what I could say to make them stop.

"If you keep this up, I won't be able to keep pulling my pranks on him anymore, since he will panic every single time." Then I added.

"Besides I'm certain his type is women with big bonkers, he's just don't wanna be labeled as a pervert." Takeomi that previously looked quite touched by my actions, face suddenly became grim.

"Anyway let's start the training I have many things to do today." Wakasa was impressed by my determination today. But my only motivation today was to end this day as fast as I could. After training, I bought some take-away food and made my way to Izana's and Kakucho's apartment.

"Come in!" Izana welcomed me and had me walk inside.

"I bought you guys some food, is Kakucho here?" I inquired as he proceeded to pop his head out from the other room.

"I'm here." That was splendid.

"I hope you two have free time today." They were already going thru the food I purchased.

"You want to hang out?" Kakucho asked.

"More like, remember how I promised to buy you a phone?" Kakucho nodded as I smiled at him.

"It's time! While we are it, because I have the funds we can get Izana one as well." I kept wondering even if I knew when Izana's birthday was, I never asked him about it, and because I couldn't figure out how to bring it up in a normal conversation flow I just decided to go for the purchase so he wouldn't feel excluded. But my smile disappeared when I saw Kakucho shaking his head.

"No, isn't that too much." A remarkable yet stupid idea entered my mind.

"Let me be your sugar momma." Kakucho just mumbled some nonsense with a blushing face, I glanced at Izana in search of interpretations but he just shrugged his shoulders, right I just noticed how he finally got a haircut.

"Looking good, by the way." I gave him a thumbs-up, he was rocking the same haircut I had seen him have in the manga.

We ate the food and went on our search for phones, Kakucho tried his best to pick something more affordable.

"Rather than looking for something cheap, find something that will last, like in case you get into a fight and someone smacks it from your hand it won't break as easily." Kakucho looked amazed by my train of thoughts.

"Right if it breaks I would need to buy another one." Kakucho picked something quite basic, but Izana wanted something similar to my flip phone but in purple, even if his demands were highly specific we managed to find something to his liking. Then we went over to buy the phone cards and we charged them with a couple of bucks.

'Would you rather buy Izana and Kakucho lucky charms or add your number to their phones under some cheezy nickname?' The image of these tough guys carrying around charms I bought seemed so cute.

"Just gimme a moment." I ran to the nearest store and bought some cute charms, I picked a plant for Izana because of the houseplant joke and a bear for Kakucho.

"And now last addition." I handed them over into their palms. I wasn't expecting Izana to attach it right away, Kakucho glanced at his bro and soon followed suit.

"If there is ever a chance, I will try to repay you," Kakucho responded but I shoot right back.

"It's a gift Kakucho! The only payment I need is the smile on your face." Oh, right didn't I mention last time how I adored his smile? He couldn't look me in the eye after I communicated that. However, because we spent so much time on this I glanced at the clock.

"Sorry, guys I need to go now... I will run late if I don't leave right now." They nodded and off I went to change my clothes to the long dress I bought with the girls last time around. I tried to be on time, but I had to eat, and figure out what I needed to bring along, probably like a few cameras here and there and by the time I arrived it was already 5 minutes past the promised time.

"I thought I said to not be late." Taiju spawned from nowhere having this menacing aura.

"Well I did, what are you going to do about it? Cry about it?" He didn't say much afterward just grabbed my hand like it was in his second nature and started to head somewhere.

"I should have specified that I wanted you to wear a shorter dress.... but the boob opening is nice to look at." I totally ignored his second comment. But why did the length of the dress even matter? Dress is a dress, was he planning to enter a restaurant that had a certain outfit requirement? I doubted it tho since he was wearing a black t-shirt with some pants nothing too fancy. After a couple of more steps we stopped at an aquarium entrance, I wasn't really expecting this to be our date destination.

"Let's go in." He already had the entrance tickets ready, talk about efficiency, made me wonder if he really put some thought into preparing this, or if someone was helping him behind the curtains.

"Let's go see the sharks." Did he like sharks or what? We went to the section he wanted to see, even if I preferred to see creatures like jellyfish.

"Aren't sharks just glamorous?" He asked as I just nodded since I wasn't gonna judge his interest in a certain type of fish. But it made me wonder why he liked those, because of the sharp teeth? Because of how strong they were?

"Blub blub." I made a noise while seeing the bubbles float up to the surface, I didn't care too much if Taiju found me childish. I tapped on the glass scaring some fish away.

"Cute." I looked at Taiju, did I just hear what I think I heard?

"Pardon?" he looked away causing me to blink in confusion. We went to see jellyfish per my personal request. I had to mess with this muscle giant a tad.

"Jellyfish are so majestic, yet venomous just like me." I wiggled my eyebrows, only to see him standing there like I said the most controversial thing in the world. I busted out laughing, never thought I would break Taiju with just one comment.

Once Taiju recovered from the shock we continued, but the most bizarre thing occurred. I guess Taiju saw some guy staring way too intensely at me so he shouted.

"The heck you staring at my girl for?!" I couldn't believe him, who was he calling his girl once more? Like we weren't even dating. He released my hand and was ready to go start a fight, causing a commotion. I covered my face and simply walked away while saying.

"I don't know this guy, first time I have ever seen him." I walked so fast that I ended up arriving at the souvenir store. As soon I spotted the shark plushies on the shelf I received a quest.

"Would you rather buy a shark stuffed animal for Taiju Shiba or kiss him on the cheek?' Nope buying something was better than making some moves at the guy, probably making it seem like I was giving him a green light.

I picked one of them and then after the purchase was complete Taiju found me.

"Who told you-" Before he could finish his sentence I shoved the plush toy into his hands.

"For you." He was confused at this interaction but received it nonetheless.

After we were done with these fish sightings, Taiju seemed to want to continue this date.

"How about we do something you want?" I gave it some thought, watching movies sounded like a good idea.

"Movie?" It seemed like he had a master plan already cooking in his mind because his decisions were made way too quickly.

"How about we rent a movie and see it at my place." If he meant his house, I guess if something was about to happen Yuzuha and Hakkai would be there right?

"I suppose," I said uncertainly and we went to the store to pick out a movie, right off the bat I noticed one I recalled, Dirty Dancing. Before I could make a solid decision Taiju took it off the shelf and rented it on the spot.

"Since we are set let's go." I followed him, but it quickly turned out that we weren't heading to the Shiba residence, we arrived from what I could guess at the Black Dragon hideout? It was probably as fancy as the house his siblings were living in.

"Boss who is that?" Some of his subordinates asked as he just simply responded with.

"My girl." I couldn't with this guy, another delusional being, thankfully there was no Koko in sight I didn't feel like dealing with his antics, maybe it was actually time to dip.

'Would you rather watch the movie with Taiju Shiba or tell him how sexy he looked today while biting your lip?' My patience with the system now was null. But maybe it was wise to accept the punishment and hope I would be turned into a cat for a quick escape. But before I knew I was already sitting on some luxurious sofa, and Taiju was putting the DVD disk in the DVD player. He prepared some snacks, I was shocked by his throughout preparations. Besides at the aquarium with that one dude, he didn't show any violent behaviors. I watched intensely the dancing segments in the movie when a thought came to me.

"I wish that was me." It was just imagining having a partner which whom you could dance around in the living room whenever you wanted to.

"Do you want to try?" Despite his cocky smile, I nodded my head, that seemed like a bunch of fun, and at the moment I didn't really care if it was with this muscular giant. He rewind the movie a couple of minutes so we could hear the song once again. I was shocked to learn how good of a rhythm this dude had, but mid-dance he decided it was wise to throw me up in the air like a little child, causing me to scream.

He just laughed at my reaction, I was already contemplating my life choices.

"I had enough let's finish the movie." Once the movie was finished I decided it was time to head back home, but this guy decided that the time we spent together wasn't enough.

"Come take out your hands I want to give you something." Why would Taiju even want to give me anything? I mean this was a second date, was it because I gave him the shark plushie from before, or was this a deliberate trap? I outstretched one of my hands but he insisted on two. I sighed and followed his request, soon a silver necklace was sitting on top of my palms, with a cute butterfly charm.

"Thanks..." I said shocked at this whole out-of-space development.

"Let me put it on you." Did someone that watched a lot of romance movies or read a lot of romance manga's recommended this to him? I could tell by his facial expression he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Sure, whatever." I held my hair and he put the necklace onto my neck. But now he insisted he had another thing he wanted to give me, this time I just followed his request without questioning it much, but no this time it was an actual trap, or at least it felt like one when his huge hand was holding both of mine in place.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked as I spotted him smirking.

"Both times you knocked me out I realized you used one of your hands to blow something onto my face... hence if I restrict your movement you won't be able to do the same old trick." Was he putting on an act this whole time, to have me put my guard down around him?

"Let's finish off when we left last time." Hearing this I tried to use my leg to kick him in hopes he would loosen the grip just enough for me to be able to release my hand and use my Pixie Dust, but this weirdo caught my leg in the process with his second hand.

"If you insist." What was that supposed to mean? He actually did slide his hand under my dress like a pervert. I tried to think of another solution to free myself but heard myself scream right after.

"Did you just bite me? Did you just bite my inner thigh?" I couldn't believe this guy, when he spotted my angry face he just smirked. What was this audacity, I should seen this coming shouldn't I?

"I will-" before I could finish my next threat he smacked his lips against mine, to make matters worse he forced his tongue inside my mouth, and my mind went blank in that single moment. But once he was satisfied with this out-of-nowhere makeout session he released my hands.

"That will do," he said smugly, I didn't even bother stopping myself I went in for a full slap, but he captured my hand mid-air.

"Searching for a round two?" I could tell he was serious, I didn't want to find out what round two even meant. I just ran out not saying anything once I retreated my hand. When I was far enough I curled into a ball and sighed in defeat.

"Should I threaten Koko to give me some money as compensation?"